Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1322689-The-Replacement
by Terry
Rated: GC · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1322689
A changing of the guard, if you will, about the battle between good and evil.
I wanted to scream right at that particular moment. A long, loud and hysterical scream. To scream until I just couldn't scream anymore. Until my lungs ached and my heart threatened to explode from its confines. Until, until what? Who, if anyone, would hear or even pay attention to my ranting and raving about the voice, in this place?
The silence of this padded room, the quiet room as they had called it, was once again getting to me. Just as it had when the police had brought me here to this hospital. Weren't hospitals supposed to help people? Weren't they supposed to heal or cure people? Not lock them away in so called quiet rooms. The silence, the deafening and often nerve racking silence weighed down upon me like a ton of bricks. Depressing me beyond all imagination.
Am I on another self-destruction trip? Am I, at last, on the brink of sanity? Ready to tumble off the edge and go stark, raving mad or am I already mad?
Since they, and who the crap were they in their white jump suits anyway, had placed me in here, all trussed up like some branded calf, the voice had not bothered me. That strange voice which had come sneaking up through my most inner thoughts, just about two years ago.
Deep inside me somewhere, I knew that it was wrong to kill. KILL? Such a childish word to describe what I had done to all those innocent people! What I had done to them was like something out of a bad, B-grade, horror movie. I had murdered them all, in cold blood and for no apparent sane reason, and without a single thought or care in the world to what they were going through, as I totally ignored their screams for mercy, and for me to leave them alone.
Only God, if there really is such an all-powerful being, knows just how hard I've desperately tried to ignore the bodiless voice. I've told it, screamed at it with all my might to leave me alone. But it would only laugh, that booming and haunting laugh which made my head throb as though all the pain and fire in Hades had broken loose, there inside my brain...Slowly melting it from the inside out. With all my might, I have tried to fight back, but it always ended up the same way. I would lose control, then go into something of a rather deep trance like state and that was when I would destroy some poor, innocent person.
Once, I had a close friend come stay with me, so that I might finally get a decent nights sleep. But the next morning, just as the sun was slowly chasing away the nights chill, I awoke to find my friend dead. His chest had been savagely ripped open and his heart was nowhere to be found. As for myself, having no recollection of ever having left the security of my warm and comfortable bed, I was covered with blood. HIS BLOOD! Now, the faces of the dead, all those blank faces with their silent screams and cold, empty eyes starring at me. Accusing me, constantly tormenting me to no end.
"Ah Ha! Thought just because you're here, all bound up in that white coat, I couldn't find you, didn't you?" The voice suddenly chuckled through the uproar of thoughts and confusion which was inside my head.
"GO AWAY!" I demended hoarsely.
"Away? No, I really don't think that I will. This is my home now, so I think I'll just stay right here, forever."
"Yes, that's what I said. Forever."
"I'm going mad! You don't exist! You're nothing but a nightmare! That's it, you're only my imagination and all I've got to do is wake up, then you'll be gone!"
"Can your imagination do this?"
A terrible pain suddenly shot through my mind. Brilliant flashes of multicolored objects, which seemed to have no physical shapes, swam before my tired and bloodshot eyes, blotting out reality as I prayed that death would quickly take me. The scream which escaped my thick, parched lips seemed to go on forever. Dying several moments later into a hoarse whimper, as I desperately tried to curl up into a corner of the room.....The fetal position was comfortable.
Exactly just how long I had laid there, slipping in and out of reality, I couldn't rightly say. Vaguely, I remember hearing the keys turning in the massive steel door and it slowly opening with an angry groan, before the orderlies came in. There were two of them. Big, burly and silent men, who roughly took me beneath the arms and literally dragged me back to a cold, bare room, where they strapped me onto the hard iron bed which was securely bolted to the concrete floor.
For days, possibly even weeks or months, I laid there bound to that most uncomfortable bed in a fevered state. Seeing only the husky male nurse, who came into my dimly lit room every once in awhile, to bring me food or to help relieve my aching bladder. There were no windows in my room, just the door. So, I was virtually secluded, cut off from the rest of the sane and living world. Even though this hospital did feed me three meals a day, it was the usual, old and blah hospital food which really had absolutely no taste what-so-ever, and I continued to lose a lot of weight. What strength I once possessed was rapidly vanishing, and my once tanned skin now hung loosely upon my frame.
"Guten Tag!" The voice suddenly chuckled loudly.
"What do you want?" I rasped dryly.
"Want? Why, you of course."
"Me? Why?"
"Yes you. Everything that you are, I want."
"Why? Why do you want me? It was you who killed all those innocent people."
"AU CONTRAIRE, my host. Such as you, I also need nourishment in order to sustain my existence."
"EXISTENCE!" I shouted hoarsely at the pale white walls. "What existence? You're nothing but a voice inside my head! A dream, a bodiless dream voice."
"Am I? Is that what you really believe?"
"Aren't you?"
"Believe whatever you will or like."
"Then show me differently!" I bellowed angrily.
"You're scared too!"
"Scared?" It laughed loudly. "Scared of what? You? You have no powers to harm me."
"Then show yourself! If as you say, I have no powers to hurt you show me your true self!"
Almost instantly the voice was gone, back to wherever it hid. For the time being I was once again alone. For hours I dozed fitfully, possibly even for days, for all that I knew. When I had awoke my bindings were gone, and I was allowed to slowly wander about the dimly lit room of my own free will.
Once when I was standing next to the bed, starring blankly at the uneven concrete wall, the door slowly opened, allowing a male nurse to enter, carrying the plastic tray which contained what I presumed was my meal.
"How long have I been here?" I asked without moving or even glancing at him.
"About two years now, give or take, I reckon." He answered blandly.
"Do it! Go ahead. He deserves it. Don't be a wimp, DO IT!" The voice whispered roughly.
"NO!" I responded, more loudly than I really had intended.
"What? You dare to defy me?"
Automatically the pain returned, as I quickly dropped to my knees as the trance like state took control of me.
"Hey fellow, you all right?" The nurse asked, his voice full of concern while placing a hand upon my shoulder.
I was at him without warning. The struggle for his life was brief, for I crushed his throat, then savagely somehow ripped open his massive chest with my bare hands to reveal his still throbbing heart. For several long, silent moments I just stood above him, starring down into the cavity, watching that warm flexing muscle before ripping it from him and greedily devouring it without hesitation. Audibly the voice inside me sighed. It was then I saw that the door had been left ajar.
Slowly, ever so slowly I approached it, while wiping the blood from my pale skinny face onto the light-blue hospital smock. Pausing at the door, I cautiously glanced both ways down the hall outside. It was vacant and dimly lit. But which way should I go? Where was the exit to this so-called hospital, which kept people locked away in quiet rooms and bound to their beds? To my left, the hall went to a corner and dead ended to the right. Therefore, the choice of which way to go was evident: I went left, almost crawling and staying against the wall for support because it really had become somewhat painful and difficult to walk. So, I ventured forth into the hall, and the unknown. I could see that there were other doors leading off the hall. Possibly to other rooms such as mine, but after checking several of them, I found that they were all securely locked.
Reaching the corner, I dared to look. There halfway up the sick looking yellow wall to my left was a window. A WINDOW! Outside it was nighttime. I could see the glint of stars, as they twinkled towards the earth. Before I knew what was happening, I was running as hard and fast as I possibly could have, straight toward the window. With a tremendous crash, it gave away and I found myself falling through the cool and some what comforting night air. Downwards I fell, feeling as though all this was just a morbid nightmare, until the solid ground rushed up to greet me. To knock the wind from my frail body.
For some length of time, I laid there gasping for air as though I had been buried alive, while staring up at a full silvery moon that hung lifelessly in the black sky. Ever so slowly I rolled over and gently regained my footing. Surprisingly, I found that nothing seemed to be broken or out of place as bright lights suddenly filled the area and loud, clanging alarms shattered the once silent night.
"Hurry! Hurry!" The voice screamed, somehow drowning out the clamor.
Blindly I ran, while behind me I could hear dogs barking and men yelling for me to stop. A few yards away, there was a very tall chain link fence, topped with strands of razor wire, but quickly I went up and over it with no problem what-so-ever, then vanished into the darkness of the dense forest which lay beyond the fence. For hours upon end, I wandered aimlessly about the woods. Sometimes in complete circles, trying to figure out what to do or which way to go. I was now a fugitive, a fugitive from God only knew where. I was totally unaware that my every movement was being watched and followed by the huge black shape with the bright yellow eyes.
"I require nourishment." The voice spoke loudly, echoing strangely in the now quiet darkness of the woods.
"Now? Where would I find you something out here in God only knows where?" I asked bitterly.
"Just a little further, there's a cabin in a small clearing. The old man there has lived his life." The voice mocked my tone, while showing me the way by a foul-smelling wind that moved low tree branches from my path.
I was compelled, drawn along the ground by some unseen force. Forced unwillingly to go toward the clearing, in order to kill once again. To kill again for the satisfaction of the strange voice. Lashing my arms and legs about a twisted and rough old oak tree, I desperately tried to fight back, to stop myself from going any further. Blood poured freely from my nostrils and mouth, and ears. Large pockets of pus formed on my skin, then erupted like miniature atomic bombs. It felt as though my skin was being peeled, like one would slowly peel an orange, as my now watery eyes bugged out, threatening to jump from their sockets at any moment. The tree roots began to groan and crack, and snap loudly, as the tree hissed as though it was on fire, then it toppled over and I still hanging onto it, was being roughly dragged toward the clearing.
Stepping outside, onto the creaking wooden porch of the small cabin, the lanky and scruffy looking old man watched with amusement, as the tree with me still attached, came crashing through the underbrush and into the clearing. Suddenly, the tree stopped several feet from the cabin, just outside of where a roughly drawn circle encompassed the entire decaying place.
"YOU!" The voice screamed in shock and surprise at seeing the old man leaning against the porch's railing.
"Yes, Denatar. I've been waiting some time for you." The old man replied, slightly smiling wirily and showing a mouthful of broken and decaying yellow teeth.
"But, I destroyed you! I saw you die long ago!"
The massive black shape with the yellow eyes had come forward and grabbed onto the pants of my hospital garb. It was trying to drag me away, back into the dark woods.
"ENOUGH!" The old man screamed at the shape. "Leave him alone, and come face me now, Denatar! Come into the circle of truth and do battle til the end! Come face me, your sworn enemy, until truth reigns!"
The voice laughed loudly as it picked up my limp body, then flung it toward the cabin. I muttered a low but audible gasp as I hit the ground, but was unable to move. I knew that now, I was on the verge of death's doorway, yet I somehow knew that I was now safe, for a warm brilliant white light was shining down upon me. My soul was comforted and at peace, as I felt a hand touch my forehead, draining away all my pain, fear and hurt.
The one called Denatar charged the old man, who quietly stood his ground. The earth shook violently and extremely loud thunder rumbled across the sky as the two became locked in mortal combat. Large bolts of jagged lightening struck the earth, causing it to explode into great balls of fire. Grabbing an old rusty piece of long forgotten pipe, Denatar was about to deliver the finishing blow to the old man, when suddenly a blinding fire ball streaked earthwards from the sky. It crashed into the pair, instantly engulfing them both in a purifying white fire.
"NO! NO! I HAVE WON THIS BATTLE! I AM TO BE LORD AND MASTER HERE!" Denatar howled in great agony and despair.
"No Denatar, I cannot allow such. Return foul one! Return to the black regions of Hades, from which you came! Be gone from this humble place, and never again darken its surface, or you will feel my wrath!" An unseen voice full of majestic authority spoke commanded loudly.
Instantly the earth cracked open, revealing a very deep and black chasm, into which Denatar suddenly disappeared into. Then it quickly closed and with a brisk Northerly wind everything returned to normal as a gentle rain shower began falling.
"Poor guy, he made it this far then collapsed." The county Sheriff mumbled loudly, as he tossed the coroner's sheet back over my still and lifeless body.
No one said a word as the two paramedics slowly lifted my body onto the stretcher.
"HEY! This guy's still kicking!" One paramedic suddenly screamed, as I slowly opened my eyes and lifted an arm.
"Go guys, Go! Get him to the hospital!" The Sheriff yelled wildly, as they rushed me away with sirens wailing madly.
"No, no, no, not again." I mumbled to myself, while watching the old man slowly wave goodbye as people walked past him.
Apparently no one could see the old man, except for me. It was then at that instant I fully realized. I was the one chosen to continue what the old man had started long, long ago. I was the one who had been chosen by the almighty creator of the universe, to continue the battle in his name, against the likes of Denatar, wherever they would rear their vile heads.
It was at that moment I realized that, I was now an immortal soul in the never-ending crusade against the darkness and evil for the world. I fully understood that now the battle begins anew.

                                                ### END ###
© Copyright 2007 Terry (freewolf at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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