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Rated: E · Short Story · Family · #1347494
people who inspire faith, when we least expect it.
“Wait,” the old woman cried hoarsely, waving her arms wildly, but the bus just rolled on down the street. Holding her bag Mary Anne sat down on the bus stop bench to wait for the next number nine, which was going to take about another forty-five minutes. She had just come from seeing her doctor, who told her that she had cancer and only three months to live. Many people would be weeping their sorrows, worried about their next breathe but Mary Anne had a good life. Times had been a little hard, but who didn’t have a ruff patch every now and then. She smiled thinking about her grandchildren coming for a visit tomorrow for Thanksgiving; the Lord had blessed her mightily.

A man suddenly approached the bus stop, dressed in a wrinkled suit that looked like it had seen better days. Mary Ann silently observed him; he had a tan that could have been called nice except underneath, he was very pale. Edges of worry could be seen in the contours of his face. He dropped into the seat next to her.

“Hello,” she replied “It’s a nice day today, don’t you think?”

Greg looked up in a daze at the coffee toned woman, wearing a kind smile. Taken back at how someone could look so happy, when his world was falling apart before his very eyes. Today was not a good day, his son lying in a hospital sick. He was about to lose his job, bills were piling up and everything was going down hill fast. He took a deep breath; the last thing that he wanted to do was come off rude.

“Hi,” he said

“So, does it look beautiful today or what?” Mary Ann could see that he was down on his luck. He didn’t smile or look very happy, which was not good because he had the most beautiful eyes of green with a hint of blue. She quickly, made up her mind to cheer him up before the next bus; she hoped she could make him feel better.

“No, look I am really not in the talking mood, okay” Suddenly feeling guilty he apologized. “I am sorry, but I am going through something and I really don’t feel like talking”

“Well, son maybe if you talk about it’ll help ease some of your stress. Did you ever think of that?”

He stared at the old lady’s winkled face. Looking at him with kindly brown eyes, she patiently waited for his answer. Feeling slightly trapped he shrugged his shoulders, not really wanting to talk, but he never wanted to talk about anything or so his wife says, maybe they were both right.

“About six months ago, my son Nick whose six started getting sick. You know running a fever, then it progressed to pneumonia. We, my wife Sarah and I took him to doctor after doctor, till finally that told us that he had leukemia. And if he doesn’t get a bone marrow transplant then he is going to die. So we got tested but we weren’t a match. Then we continued to explore other options experimental meds and stuff like that, but it didn’t work. Then we heard of the new technique that requires that stem cells of matched sibling. At this point we were willing to do anything; we went to the right doctors so Sarah could be artificially inseminated. We got pregnant first shoot, then we lose the baby. Doctor said extreme stress put her over the edge, causing her to miscarry. By now money is starting to get tight and my job requirements are going out the window, I really don’t know what to do anymore. Today my son asked me was he going to be an angel, and go to heaven to see his Nana. I cried holding his hand as he went to sleep. I don’t know what to do, I feel so helpless.” Letting out a breath that he doesn’t know that he was holding, he rested his head in his hands.

“Well, you must be really having a difficult time, but you have to have a little more faith” she replied

“And where or how far exactly would that get me?” he said angrily “For six months my little boy has suffered, my wife has as well not to mention we may be homeless if I loss my job”

“Be happy for what you got, just be thankful for the time that you have with your family. Cherish the little things, show someone that you care, love a little” Mary Anne rested her hand on his resting on his knee. Wishing she could lend him her strength, hope and love that she felt in this lifetime of ups and downs, happiness and sorrow. “Well, you let me pray for you child?” she asked cautiously

“I don’t see that harm” he voiced reluctantly.

She grabs his smooth youthful hands in her own, old knobby ones. “Lord we asked that you send your angels, big or small to his young man. Brighten his life with your love, watch over his child, and give him his miracle, something that you can give, we give thanks, Amen”

“Thank you, ma’ma”

“Your, welcome” Happy that she could a least pray for the young man and his family.

“What brought you to the hospital?” suddenly curious about this old lady, who was really going out of her way on his behalf. It was obvious that she came from the hospital, which was right across the street.

“I had an appointment for test results”

“Oh, what for that is if you don’t mind me asking?” he quickly added the last thing he wanted to do was offend her.

“My lungs, the doctor said that I had cancer” she said unaffected by the news that she was giving.

Now he was really feeling like crap, here he was talking about his problems and the old lady was dying. “I am sorry” was all he could say at the moment.

“Its fine, I am okay. Beside I have already lived my life; my kids are grown up, got six grandchildren and seeing them is enough to last a lifetime and I got help you” she smiled looking at him.

He smiled at her, slowly began to see what she was saying; it’s not the quantity of life, but the quality of life. Nothing was more important then living life to the fullest, so he really needed to be thankful. Suddenly he heard his name being called, looking up to see his wife Sarah in the family car the only car they had, pull to a stop in front of the bus stop. Waves of golden hair spilled out around her, as she jumped out of the car.
“Greg, guess what?” She said a little breathless. Her face flushed with excitement, smiling.

“What?” he said with a puzzled look on his face.

“I am two months pregnant!” she shouted happily, hugging him close. He looked down at his wife, realizing that he had an angel. Sarah. Beaming at him bathe in sunlight. Tears begin to fall down his cheeks.

His eyes caught that of the old woman’s; she smiled knowing because miracles do happen. Most importantly, cherish the time that you have with you’re loved ones be thankful. Live Now Not Later.

© Copyright 2007 DreamWriter85 (cheala18 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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