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Somewhat inspired by Shakespeare's Ophelia. |
I am broken beautiful i saw my face in the mirror i knew that i was something special ain’t no one else who’s broken beautiful ain’t no one else got that skin these eyes that mouth those lips this hair all my mistakes all my beauty all mine staring in the mirror today ain’t no one else got these scars in there out here, up here, down there this smile is all my smile the way my lips curve up more to the left ain’t no one else!got these eyes that sparkle and cry those tears that streak my cheeks can only wink on the left ain’t no one else got that purty mouth chapped and bruised red and painted laughing and drooping giving me words ain’t no one else who knows what’s behind this face behind the eyes the thoughts the dreams that hurt and save all mine i am broken beautiful i am bro - ken beauti-ful i am someone special all broken and beautiful I am I am littleredhouselittlebluebarnwhiteporchblackfencewhocantfindthetearsintheseeyessaveme booksplayedopenonwhitestonecourtyardpagesflippinginthebreezedirtonthepaperedges littlesaplingtreebendingundertheweightoffrozenwaterbeadingonmybranchesnowspring flowerthatwillnotbloomaperptualbudinthesummerthatfacesthesunbuttremblesinthewind littleacornburiedinthedirtnottoseethesunagaincoldanddarkandverylonelybeneaththeoak capturethatfeatherfloatinginthewindyouhavetofindmebecauseiwillflyawaywithoutyou catchmeifyoucanicannotbecaughtimustbecaughtanddugupandrepaintedsoimayliveyes dustmeoffandseemypagesblackinkinsymbolsthathavemeaningdefinemeanddestroyme I am I am The Seventh Day. Are you the First? I am the Second Day? Are you my Fourth? Can you see...Yes! The Seventh and the Eighth—No Eighth are You the Fourth—the Fourth comes before the Fifth—the Fourth brings light didyoubringthelight Seventh Day I am Sabbath and I am Life—andyouaren’tthefourth Are you? God rested on my Day. Did he work on Yours? Haven’t you met the Third? I am the Rib and the Hand and the Breast that lies Beneath. I am the fall but you are the One who Broke—the Truth came on what day? Haven’t you heard about the Sixth! The sixth was what? Grow legs and walk and walk and see what you shall see for I am the Seventh and with me shall you rest. Earth above and heavens below days come and go and sunrise and sunset and Seventh Day I am I am The fall and the beauty, the autumn and the spring, of mud and rain and death and birth From my womb comes new life, from my mouth comes cries of death—I have mourned Of the bone that build me and the flesh that bore me and the society that buried me I am the fall and the beauty, the coveted flower and the serpent beneath the foot of all I gave life to those who will destroy me, I took life from those who would save me I capture the essence of humanity, in my blood runs yours and that of thousands of years I am the fall and the beauty, the destroyer who creates and centers the universe as the Universal scapegoat!notmyfaultnotmyblamewasitsogoodthatyoucannotbelievethisisit I am I am The one you hate, the one you despise, the type of woman you shake your finger at And shield your daughter’s eyes. The one who believes in herself and where she’s going Because she knows where she has been. The one who shakes her hips and bares her breasts because she can and she will and she’s earned the right to be proud of what she’s got. The one you see on T.V. who is sharp and cunning and proud. The one that is too proud. The one that could have been someone different. The one that chose her own path. The one who cursed the night and sought the day, who saw the promise of the future and forsook the past. The one who stood at the podium and raised her chin. The one who I am I am Love affection beauty chaos order destruction creation midnight noontime sunrise sunset moonrise moonset high tide low tide inhale exhale song poem prose words smiles laughs tears sobs arms legs heart soul head eyes mouth breasts womb toes fingers precious strong weak desired coveted coy flirtatious animate sleep sex art dance music followed led bells silver gold bronze electric soft sensual smart silly sly shy careful bold brave I am |