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Rated: · Other · Other · #1357709
This is Reyes' first battle and he also meets someone new.
After a long sleep throught the day Reyes begins to stir about waiting until he can go out on a hunt.Stepping through the door he feels the cool wind and the smell of smoke emanating from the camp fires of the other people as they lay asleep in their homes. Looking around Reyes notices a small boy walking around by himself, not wanting any conflict with his neighbors Reyes leaves to go hunt.

As Reyes walks through the woods he finds small animals to feed on to keep him from killing his neighbors , although the thought had crossed his mind on occasion, suddenly he feels as if he is being followed only to turn and notice the boy again. Knowing immediately that something is wrong he attempts to ivade the child but the boy is unusually fast. Unknown to Reyes the boy is chasing him to a specific location in the woods, as they reach a small clearing, Reyes realizes that the boy is no where around and senses that someone or something else is here.

Wondering what is going on he begins to look around for some sort of explanation. As Reyes sticks his head around the rocks he notices a small pack of sleeping orcs there are no orc woman or children,knowing this to be an orc raiding party headed for the small camp that he calls home temporaily, he takes action suprising the orcs. Reyes flips open his large tome and mutters a quick incantation.

The earth begins to rumble and split,almost before Reyes is done with his spell several undead minions appear from the depths of Hell itself. Brandishing swords and spears they begin to head for the small band of orcs. As his newly summoned minions prepare to slaughter the orcs he flips to another page in his book he points his staff and speaks very quietly the words, Reyes' hands begin to heat up the staff in his hand. With the staff pointed toward the encampment of orcs he sends a massive fire bolt past his undead warriors and into the camp engulfing it in flames.

Orcs run around the camp startled by the sudden attack that is now upon them. As the orcs run out of their beds some flaming others armed and ready to fight the necromancer's warriors begin slashing and hacking spilling blood all over the ground.

After all the orcs have either escaped or been slaughtered the necromancer begins to look around for clues as to what brought him here to find these orcs,the small boy was no where to be found in the region. Guessing that the boy had ran home at the sight of the onslaught that had taken place Reyes didn't give the matter another thought.

Walking through the woods on his way to his home with the moonlight sending silvery light through the leaves of the summer trees. While walking he got the distinct feeling that he was being watched by someone. Not knowing what was happening on this very suspicious night.All of a sudden a woman steps out from behind a tree,her skin a dark ebony color,her eyes burned a fire red,her hair white and cascading down her back in a silvery stream. Having studied about most of the races Reyes noticed that this must be a drow,wondering what a lonely drow woman was doing out of the Underdark,he spoke his first words.

"What are you doing here drow?"said Reyes in a tone more stern than he had intended.

"I have come to give you a warning necromancer." said the Drow woman.

Reyes cocks an eyebrow wondering what threat could be so important that a drow needed to come all the way from the Underdark to warn him about he asked,"Warn me about what?"

"A great many people view you as a threat,I suggest you go some place and live alone." said the drow woman.

Reyes grips his staff in what could have been a subconcious alert to send a fire bolt at this woman's head but he didn't. Instead he asked "Who is viewing me as a threat and why."

"A prophocey that a single necromancer could become powerful enough to destroy all government and take control over the lands,but the Necromancer would have the decision to make the world a living hell or keep it the way it is now."

"What does this have to do with me?" asked Reyes.

"They believe that you are the person that the procephy speaks of which puts your life in grave danger where ever you go." said the drow woman

"What do you propose I do?"

"Come to the Underdark and let us help you learn the dark arts."

"Lead the way my lady."

© Copyright 2007 Reyes Le Doux (reyes at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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