Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1367159-Chapter-one-of-my-story-
Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #1367159
the first part of my story begins here......

    Ranetta flicked her hand up, down, up, and back down. Her solemn gray eyes never left her hand, concentrating only on getting the spell to work. Silver and blue sparks showered gently down her slender fingers, falling with a soft hiss on the ground. She gazed up at the midnight-blue sky. It was cool outside, with a light breeze ruffling her dark hair.
She slid off the stone wall on which she was sitting, and started trudging back, when something caught her eye… a glowing, silver-and-purple swirled object. She picked it up, examining it carefully, going over its soft surface gently. It was an oblong spherical… thing, smooth and warm to the touch. “But that can’t be possible”, she thought, “It’s freezing out here.” She was right; she could barely feel her own face and hands. “I can’t just leave it out here in the cold, something might happen to it…And maybe,” she went on, “It might be really rare and expensive thing, and it has to be worth a ton of gold” her voice was full of excitement of her discovery. She took her dark blue sash and wrapped the object in her robes. Ranetta crept silently towards the back door. She knew that her parents were used to her going out at night, so they wouldn’t cause much trouble for her. When she got inside, she took a longer route than a normal person would to get to the stairs. She turned at the main room door, pausing now and then to pick up a few items along the way. She looped back to the stairs and climbed it slowly, with her extra burden, as to not wake anybody up. At the end of the short hall was her room, an attic-like space, yet cozy and inviting. She dragged her laundry basket underneath her bed and placed her items in it. First, she put down a layer of folded linen sheets, then the orb-like thing, then another layer of sheets. She took her length of rope and secured the sheet on top of the basket. “Just incase someone is trying to steal you,” Ranetta whispered to herself. “You’ll be safe here…”She finally drifted off to sleep
    ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~* ~  * ~ * ~ * ~
         The next morning, she woke up to a bright, sunny, clear day, perfect for splashing her toes in the lake. She went downstairs, said a brief “Good morning” and started eating her breakfast which consisted of wheat pancakes, berry juice, and a bowl of barley porridge. She dumped several spoonfuls of molasses to sweeten all her food. After downing all her juice, she belched considerably loud, and giggled, “Excuse me!!”
When her laughter subsided, under the stern glare of her mother, Ranetta suddenly remembered the strange item in her room. “Uh……mother… I have some…erm…. work to do, it’s… it’s a magical project,” she lied, “And I um...have to go work on it…” She pointed feebly in the direction of her room.
Her mother sighed, and then said irritably, “Fine. But you should have done it before the weekend” Ranetta feigned her grimace, nodded in affirmative, and walked serenely up the stairs. “I hope she doesn’t follow me, I don’t want to attract attention to myself.” She thought desperately.
When she got up to her room, out of sight, she banged open the door, and threw her covers off her bed, reached under it and pulled the laundry basket towards her. The orb was gone! Ranetta swept her room with her eyes, searching frantically underneath the bed to see if it had possibly rolled out of the basket. She groaned and sat back on her knees. “Looking for this?” a voice said behind her. Ranetta whipped around and her mouth dropped open. Leaning against the doorpost was a tall and thin man. His features were gaunt and pale, as if he had not slept or ate for days. He was dressed in a black traveling cloak and grinning, holding the orb.
“ It’s safe with me. Don’t have to worry.” He strode over and stuck his hand out. “My name doesn’t matter right now, but nice to meet you Ranetta.”
Ranetta was speechless. Here was a man she had never seen in her life. And yet he knows her name…
“Well of course. You wouldn’t know what this might, be would you?” he continued, unperturbed. Ranetta shook her head slightly.
“This is a very, very  rare and special item... But that’s not important right now. What is important is the fact that we have been looking for this and the— I …mean something else” he added hastily. “What I meant to say was that this object in my hand could be the final piece to a puzzle that my colleagues and I have been trying to put together for ages. If my judgment is right, this is the first Phoenix egg.”
Ranetta was utterly perplexed. What was this puzzle he was referring to? How did it concern her? And, what does a phoenix egg have to do with anything? Her expression said all, and confirmed a rather lengthy explanation.
The wizard smiled knowingly, and said “Don’t worry, you’ll understand in time. But as for me, I am in quite a hurry to an incredibly essential meeting. I hope that in my absence, say about a week, your mother will explain everything. So with that, I will gather my belongings and be out from under your roof in less than a minute.” He gave a quick inclination of his head towards Ranetta, and tossed the egg at her. Ranetta fumbled with the clumsy object, but managed to catch it.  He turned and strode out the door. Ranetta trailed a short distance from him, and pressing herself against the doorframe, she watched the scene.
The man glanced around as if to check if anybody was watching them. Her mother stood, anxiously clasping and unclasping her hands. “ So? What did she say?” She asked.
“____(name)______, I told her. Everything they would allow me to say.” The man began “She still hasn’t accepted, nor has she declined. You must understand. What she’ll be accomplishing… no other has even attempted it. I told her that you would explain everything to her in my absence. Try to persuade her.”
Her mother looked incredulously at him. “How will I possibly explain everything to her? She won’t accept, I’m sure—“
“Listen to me,” He cut her off sharply “She must be the one to do it. How else would you explain the egg? The magical strains in her? No other human being in the universe has that power! Don’t you understand? She was destined for this…”
Her mother sighed softly and the wizard laid his hand gently on her shoulder. “When its all over…” he began. A gust of wind blew, creaking the wooden boards. He turned and took his cloak and staff and swept out. Her mother gazed quietly after him for a moment, something in her eyes. Then she began walking towards Ranetta. She quickly scrambled as silently as she could.
“Ranetta?” her mother called from the foot of the stairs. Ranetta froze on the stairs. Something told her that she wasn’t supposed to hear what she had heard… She faced her mother slowly, and said “Yes mother?”
“I need to talk to you. Right now.” She said steadily.
“You know the wizard visited this morning. What did he say to you?”
“Um… all he said was something about the egg, and some puzzle…I..”
Her mother cut her off. “ Do you know the importance of this? This quest? You don’t do you?”
“Not really…”
___(name)__ sighed and said, almost with regret, “I know this is very awkward to say, but after all… you - you’ll be the one to take back the land. And I can’t tell you everything, but I must give this to you soon.” She reached behind her neck where she unhooked a chain. A fine golden thread lay in her hand as she took a tiny object into her hand. She opened Ranetta’s hand and slowly placed a shining jewel necklace into it. She gaped for a second, touching the blue star-shaped stone. The outer rim of the star was inlaid with gold that was finely engraved with intricate designs. It smoothly connected itself with the braided gold chain.
© Copyright 2007 Lunatella (lunatella at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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