Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1372843-Little-brother-big-problem-Part-2
by Doomz
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1372843
This is some of my better stuff. Read the first part, or you won't understand the story
Matt woke up sleepily, he remembered last night and rubbed his belly.

"Oh man, what was I thinking? I don't want to gain weight! I guess I was trying to make Amanda happy, well I'll have to tell her I don't want to gain anymore"

Matt got out of bed and put on his T-shirt with some difficulty. He waddled downstairs where Amanda was already up.

"Hey little brother! Ready for breakfast?" Amanda greeted happily

"Um, listen, I don't really want to gain more, you understand don't you?" Matt said uncomfortably as he sat down.

"What are you talking about? If you don't want to do something, I won't force you!" Amanda replied innocently

Matt sighed in relief, he was still best friends with Amanda

"Look, to make it up to you, I made you your favorite breakfast, bacon, scrambled eggs, sausage, milk, cereal and toast with a dash of cinnomon." Amanda said as she brought out a whole smorgasboard of food.

"Thanks sis, you're the best!" Matt agreed as he dugged in.

Amanda smiled warmly and went to start breakfast for everyone else. In her mind, a plan was hatching. She anticipated Matt not wanting to gain anymore, so she got to work immediately. She knew she could tease Matt with all his favorite foods, she knew he couldn't resist. She wasn't a lazy girl, but she almost always woke up last, even after Matt woke up. But she would sacrifice that for her brother, and wake up every day an hour earlier and make all his favorite foods.

Matt finished his eggs and belched loudly, he wiped his mouth with his sleeve and started on the bacon and sausage.

Amanda finished the breakfast for everyone else and plopped onto the couch. She had never been more exhausted in her life. She placed her head on the armrest and closed her eyes.

"I'll just close my eyes for a second and then go eat breakfast" Amanda said to herself.

"Amanda, Amanda sweety. Wake up, wake up honey. Aw, she's exhausted after making all that food. Amanda, wake up Amanda!"

Amanda battered her eyes and moved her long, silky, brown hair out of her face. Her mother was standing in front of her.

"What's going on?" Amanda asked as she rubbed her eyes

"Aw, I think it's so cute that you made breakfast for everyone, I wanted to wake you earlier but I thought I should let you sleep after getting up so early."

"What? What time is it?"

"It's almost lunchtime" Her mother replied as she helped her up.

Amanda put one hand on her growling stomach, she had never skipped a meal in her life, and she could hear the growls and complaints from her empty stomach.

"Your father and I were so grateful you made breakfast that we decided to make you your favorite foods"

Amanda's eyes lit up at the thought, her favorite foods were so fattening so her mother never lets her eat them.

"Maybe I should make breakfast more often" Amanda smirked

"Well if we made your favorite foods every time you make breakfast, then you will be a fat little piggy won't you?" Her mother joked

"Well, either way, I think I'll be waking up earlier and making breakfast every day starting today"

"Well don't overexert yourself sweetie, you're only 11."

"Uh, no, it's a New Year's Resolution" Amanda lied

"It's July"

"I've been so busy I forgot" Amanda replied

"Well I think it's great your being so helpful, but anytime you don't feel like waking up so early, you don't have to. Now let's go eat!"

Amanda rushed into the dining room where everything was already set up, and in her place, was all her favorite foods! Extra greasy fried chicken, double double Bacon cheeseburger with fries, Choco Oreo milkshakes and to top it all off, a double decker cup cake covered with frosting.

"Kids! Lunch! I made meat loaf!" Mom called out

Alexis happily hopped down the stairs but frowned when she saw Amanda cramming her face with delicious treats

"How come Amanda gets to eat all that good stuff?"

"Daddy and I decided that she deserved a treat for making that delicious breakfast" Mom answered

Alexis frowned and sat next to Amanda. Amanda saw how sad she was and cut part of her giant cupcake and gave it to her

"For me?" Alexis gasped graciously

"Yep, but on one condition, when Matt comes down, give him some of my food and tell him it's from me" Amanda whispered as she handed Alexis the fattening cake

Alexis grabbed the cake and stuffed it in her cheeks and gave Amanda a smile and a thumbs up

Amanda smiled, her plan was going perfectly, and she was getting rewarded for it!

Just then, Dad, Devon, and Matt comes down.

"Hey sweetie" dad said

"Where have you boys been? I called for lunch 10 minutes ago!" Mom snapped

"Sorry honey, we were upstairs finishing cleaning the boys' rooms"

"Yeah, I'm sure" Mom said sarcastically with a smile "Well comon, lunch is getting cold"

"Hey mom, sorry we're late" Devon said as he gave his mom a kiss and started playing his DS.

"Devon, no DS's at the Lunch table" Mom reminded

Devon rolled his eyes and turned it off

"Hi mommy" Matt said as he gave his mom a kiss too.

"Hi sweetie, did you have a good Saturday so far?" Mom asked

"Yep, we played GameCube and Devon won again"

"What can I say? I rule at Game Cube" Devon boasted

Amanda took two of the greasiest drumsticks and gave them to Alexis discreetly

Alexis winked and passed it on to Matt

"These are from Amanda" Alexis whispered

Matt looked up at Amanda who gave him a wink, he smiled happily and stuffed both drumsticks into his mouth quickly so Mom and Dad don't see.

Amanda smiled and cut a slice of cake with the most icing and gave that to Alexis, who gave that to Matt. Matt looked up again and stuffed it in his mouth. Amanda smiled and took another bite out of her burger.

After the meal, Devon went outside to go ice skating with his friends, Alexis went to a birthday party and Mom and Dad went to a romantic movie. Leaving Amanda and Matt home alone.

Amanda rubbed her bloated stomach, she had a big and fattening meal and she was really stuffed. She looked over at Matt who was rubbing his belly too.

"So Matt, did you enjoy your meal?" Amanda smirked

"Yeah, thanks for the cake and chicken, they were really good! You've been so nice to me" Matt said as he rubbed his big belly "Can you help me run a bath? I figure if I take a bath now, mom won't make me take a bath tonight"

"You're old enough to run your own bath" Amanda replied

"I know, but my stomach is really full, I don't think I have the strength to." Matt exaggerated.

"Alright, but only because I'm such a nice sister" amanda smirked and waddled upstairs

"Thanks" Matt said as he rubbed his belly

Amanda ran a warm bath and reached a finger into the water to feel how warm it is


"Is it ready?" Matt said as he waddled upstairs and took off all his clothes except his underwear. Amanda couldn't believe how much Matt progressed, his belly was soft and plump now and jiggled when he waddled. His waist is much wider and his butt sticks out. His thighs are almost touching now and he has a faint double chin.

Amanda bit her tongue not to shout with glee on how much her brother has grown.
Matt realises Amanda is staring at him and asks her

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

Amanda realised that she was staring

"Oh sorry, it's just that I was surprised by how hot the water is." Amanda replied. She was about to leave when she thought of something, why not see her brother's gain up close?

"Say Matt, um, since I'm being such a nice sister, why don't I do one more nice task? Why don't I give you a sponge bath since you don't even have enough strength to run a bath?"

"Sure, I always wanted a sponge bath! Let me just get my swimsuit so it's still PG13."


"Nothing, I'll be right back" Matt replied as he waddled out of the bathroom and shows up in a tight swimsuit

"That's funny, this swimsuit is a lot tighter than before, it must've shrunk in the wash" Matt said to himself as he got in the tub

Amanda took a spongs and started rubbing Matt's belly

"Wow, that feels really good" Matt moaned

"I bet it does" Amanda said as she starts rubbing Matt's back

"Ohhhh, you are the best sister ever" Matt moaned

Amanda smirked and squeezes the sponge on Matt's head,

"Ok, now your arm" Amanda ordered

Matt lifts up his arm and amanda grabs it, she could feel a small layer of fat covering it now, she smiles and rubs both arms. She lifts up Matt's legs and starts rubbing that, her mind strays off as she starts rubbing close to Matt's thigh.

"Hey, stop that, it tickles!" Matt giggled

Amanda realises what she was doing and rubs the othger leg.

"Ok, spick and span, now I'll leave you to get dry and put on your clothes, don't forget to pull the plug after you get out!" Amanda said as she walks out of the bathroom and closes the door.

Her plan was going perfectly. She couldn't wait until dinner...

© Copyright 2008 Doomz (iamsoawsome at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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