Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1384222-Down-in-the-desert
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1384222
The follow up to white russia.
Back in SAS Bristol John gave me and the others the new mission briefing:
-We have a major problem on our hands,a small Iraqi village has been overun with terorists and our job is to free the village.Any questions?
No one replyed so he continued with the briefing:
-We leave tommorow at six a.m sharp, that will be all.
That night I found it hard to sleep so I was thinking about the mission,and what would happen in the village if we failled this one,but that would not happen. when I stopped pondering it was already four a.m: time to get up.So I did.Then I got all my kit on and still had time to eat an apple,by then it was 5:45 so I made my way towards the helicopter John had chosen from the fleet when the door of the helicopter burst open and John said:
-Come on in we were just about to call you!
As I sat down on the hard seat we set off for Iraq.On the way we landed in Germany for a fuel stop then as we were flying over the north of iraq John said:
-Brase yourself incoming missile at six o`clock!!!
Then i felt it ,there was a very big bang and I felt the helicopter losing altitude and as sudden as it was we hit the ground in a big thump.As I got up I could see John and Soap our explosive expert running towards me and he said:Get your gun private and follow me as the others are dead yes dead we need to get out of here and fast I think the enemy has already sent out searchpartys so we need to meet up with some english troops nearby. it will take us about three hours to meet them near a small outpost so get your weapon and lets go soldier!

the next story will come soon
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