Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1391242-Demons-Rise-Beginning-of-the-Shrube-War
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1391242
A story of humans verse demons. Chapter 1
NOTE-- I am just seeing what this website is like… this is a story I originally wrote 7-8 years ago, and just recently began to rewrite it. Uhh if anyone likes it or so please let me know and I will put up the other chapters upon completion of them. Thanks. DB---

Demons’ Rise
Beginning of the Shrube War

Chapter 1 - How it Began

It was said that in the beginning, the Earth was made by mystical stones. There were known to be four stones to create it, as well as three to control it. The four stones that created Earth are known to be Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. Very little is known about all the stones, and even less about the controlling three. Legend says that those three consist of time, heaven, and hell. The four known stones are known as Creators while the very mysterious other three are know as Controllers. The four Creators are known to be hidden on Earth and protected by a society very few know of. This society has been known to protect these stones since the beginning of time. They were known as the Stone Protectors. This society knew the locations of all four Creators on Earth. They named the mystical stones Shrubes.
Each Creator Shrube were placed very far apart from each other on Earth. The Shrube of Air was kept in a secret cave on Mount Everest. This Shrube was protected by men for centuries and was the first stone to be found outside of the society and it was then that the legend of the mystical stones began.
Mount Everest was conquered by two men in 2000 BC. These men, near death stumbled across a cave atop the mountain and went inside for shelter. It was when they entered the cave they felt alive and able to breathe again. After a night of rest, they began to look deeper into the cave. And upon their disbelief they came to what looked to be a temple in the heart of the mountain. They ventured on into the temple and it was there when they came across a stone of such beauty, they dropped to their knees and starred at it in awe. The stone was nearly the same size of human hand and had what looked to be a flowing current of air moving inside of it. It gave off a glow that neither man could explain. It sat within a hole inside the wall of the temple. When one of the men went to reach for the stone, a sudden burst of wind blew both men off their knees and to the ground far back of the stone.
Then, four protectors came out of the shadows and surrounded the two climbers and pointed spears at them as they lay on the ground. One said to them that what they just discovered was source of all air on the world. That it held powers no man can control. Powers that could destroy all life in minutes upon being handled wrong. The man said that this was the Shrube of Air. He explained to the two men what it was. The two men still could not believe what was happening. He told them that he and the others were Protectors of this particular stone and there were other stones of the same beauty elsewhere on the Earth.
The Protectors then told the two confused men that they must leave the temple immediately and never return. The entire time not one of the climbers said a word. The beautiful stone still had them in disbelief. Finally, one climber said “I will teach what you have taught me to the world.” The Protectors agreed. So the climbers left the temple and began their descent down the mountain.
Sadly, one of the men died during the descent and only the one who said he would teach of the stone survived. When he returned to his village he told stories of the stone.
Very few believed him. Those close to him thought the atmosphere atop the mountain and the death of his friend drove him insane. But over the years, the story he told began folklore, and folklore became legends, and the legends spread on through the years and into the modern times.
It wasn’t until the early 1300s that this legend was first recorded. It had reached Europe and the people there were fascinated by its story. At that time the known Shrubes were Air, Earth, Fire, Water, and Time. The Shrubes of Heaven and Hell were not known of. The protectors of the Shrube of Air never told the climbers. They knew that these two Shrubes, if ever discovered, would destroy the world. They were too powerful for anything to control.
In the year 1670, a protector of the Shrube of Air, was near death and was time to find another man to take his place. One Protector would set out to find someone worthy of this responsibility. During his search, he was captured by savages that lived within the forest around the mountain. He was taken many miles away from the mountain and held as a prisoner because he would not state why he was in the savages land. Eventually, the protector had barely escaped the savages, and was dying. He wrote of all seven Shrubes, and left the script with him until he died days after he wrote it.
His body was discovered by explorers from Europe months after his death. They found the script on his body and could not make out what it said. They took the script and buried the body. When they returned to Europe, they gave the script to scientists to try to understand what it said. The scientists studied it for years until, finally, the discovered that it was a sacred writing of the Shrubes, and with it said of the Shrubes of Heaven and Hell. The word spread quickly and within a year the entire world know of the seven Shrubes.
The Shrubes outside of Air, were never found by people outside of the Stone Protectors. People searched everywhere for these mystical, powerful stones but never found them. Even after the two climbers first discovered the Shrube of Air, all climbers since have never came close to finding its hiding place.
What is not know to man, is that these Protectors have been fighting a war since the beginning of time with demons. The demons had their own world that shared some of the same traits as Earth. This world was dark, unbearably cold in some spots and hot in others. Instead of humans, it was ran by demons. It was known as Hell itself. When, somehow a portal was opened between the worlds, the demons came through and soon learned of the Shrubes. These demons, wanted the Shrubes for their dark world. They discovered all four Creators and tried for years to get the Shrubes, but the protectors have been able to hold them off because of the great power of the Shrubes themselves. The demons wanted the Shrubes for themselves and for their decaying world.
Soon enough, the portal was closed, and the demons left on Earth were known to be slain and the demon world would remain dark and unknown forever. But when their was an earthquake in Egypt, another portal was open, this time in the modern day. The portal was only open for a short period of time. One demon had found it in it’s world and had come through to Earth. That demon had always wanted power and a better world. But not only did it want its world in order, but Earth as well.
When the earthquake happened, the protectors in the temple were the Shrube of Earth was hidden found out that a portal opened when they seen the image of it inside the Shrube of Earth. And in that image a demon of great size.
Believing that all the demons were destroyed years ago, the protectors over time lost power and their abilities to control the Shrubes. They never thought that a portal could open again, and with the modern ages it wouldn’t happen. But they were wrong, and their worst fear had now been realized. When news found itself to the temple where the Shrube of Fire was kept, one man knew what must be done.
He was the only protector of Fire, that knew its powers. He was a master of many fighting arts. He was a well built man, six feet tall, blonde hair, broad shoulders, and strong legs. He trained for years alone to become who he is now. He studied the Shrube of Fire before even touching it, fearing something awful would happen. Soon enough, he could control the Shrube, and created a sword that could hold the Shrube at the base, and bear the powers of Fire. This man had learned the power of Fire and could use the Shrube to make fire from his sword. He could shoot flames from the blade in any direction he chose. He was known by the other Protectors as the man who could fly because he could create such a burst of fire from the sword it would shoot him into the air. This power he had learned earned him the name Firebird.
The Protectors, including Firebird, all came to a conclusion that Firebird himself would set forth for the temple of Water, and seek help there. They believed that Firebird was the only one that could slay this demon and end this threat. The Earth and Air Protectors had no man who could control their Shrubes. Neither Earth, Air, or Fire Protectors heard from the Water Protectors in years. Firebird knew where the temple was so he set out to seek if there was someone there who could bear that Shrubes power and help him defeat the demon that entered Earth.
But, the Protectors were concerned. No Shrube has ever left its temple. They were always safely protected for millions of years. Firebird had convinced them that if he has the Shrube he cannot be defeated because he is too strong with it. So, eventually, the let him take the Shrube with him on his adventure to the Water temple.
The Fire temple was hidden under a volcano on Hawaii. Firebird had never left he island before. The Water temple was hidden on the continent of Antartica. He knew it would be a hard journey, but it might be the only hope for mankind, for the demons were known to be ruthless. Firebird and the others feared this demon knew the location of at least one of the four Creator temples, so he must get help before this demon causes chaos on Earth.
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