Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1397793-Conflict-in-the-Office
Rated: E · Short Story · Writing · #1397793
A short extract from a story I am writing. Tension in the office to a new high. Updated.

The room fell silent. The nervous buzz that had encompassed the room before dissipated to a startled quiet. Nobody able to draw their eyes from those of the foreboding figure filling the doorway.
‘Who was this giant of a man who dared to disrupt her meeting? And so rudely too! Slamming the door open as if he owned the place!' Gabrielle fumed at his audacity; meeting his eyes with an accusing glare. ‘Well he could just go and---'

"I assume", the man intoned in a silken cadence, ‘The devil even had the audacity to interrupt her thoughts! Boor.'
"That as not one of you has managed to retrieve the figures required or even enquire about them, that your jobs"-he paused there and smirked- "which I'm sure you work so hard in, are not important to you". Damien swept his hard gaze contemptuously throughout the boardroom as he leant comfortably against the doorframe.
A distressed and fearful hum had begun to surface amongst the pitiful insects as each registered exactly what he was implying. Well, he'd make it much clearer before he left!

"Therefore, as of now, you are now all relieved of your oh-so-tiresome duties until further notice. All of you. We will contact you as needed." With that he straightened and turned nonchalantly, preparing to exit. A voice stopped him.
"Bu-but, who are you to suspend us all? We...we have contracts."
He glanced at the mouse of a woman stood unobtrusively near a storeroom, pinpointing the request and pinning her with a stare.
"Who am I indeed," he answered softly before addressing the room. "Well, my name is Damien Hale but I'm sure you'll know me better as Dante-the silent partner. Good day."

As if awakening from a nightmare, the room seemed to radiate worry and shock. All but one, Gabrielle rose from her chair slowly and called for order. Though even when silence fell, it was nothing like the awed hush heralding Dante's entrance-actually, she was thankful for that.
"Please stay calm" ‘yeah, sure Gabrielle, because you aren't furious', "everybody take the rest of the day off, I will discuss this with Dante." She scowled internally at this pseudonym. "It will all be resolved as soon as possible and I will personally ensure he understands about those figures. Have a nice day everyone. Well done today." She smiled reassuringly at the crowd of workers as they filed slowly from the room, not entirely sure about what had just happened.

Waiting until the shy new girl from PR left, Gabrielle flew from the room, allowing all her outrage to show clearly on her usually impassive face as she made her way towards the lift and the Executive Offices-he'd be there. Lording it no doubt.
"You'll regret the day you caused these people grief Damien Hale, I swear it." She promised passionately as the floor indicator counted down-like a bomb timer.

‘How ironic' she chuckled to herself darkly as she stepped purposely from the lift.


An entrance reminiscent of his was required for best effect...

Gabrielle stormed into the room to confront Dante who sat surrounded by glass and chrome furniture. It would be little protection against her ire- so fierce, she was sure it could be felt across the office.

Hale just sat there nonchalantly. "Yes?" He enquired imperiously.
Her control snapped. The fire burst in her eyes, a scorching contempt lighting her features.
"How dare you! How dare you waltz into an office and presume in your 'great' wisdom, to demand things of us as if we're your slaves? How dare---"

"Finished?" He asked, seemingly unconcerned, "no?" He gestured to the seat opposite.
She paid no heed.
"Well, 'Sir High-and-Mighty', I won't cower before your renown. You can't suspend an entire room of dedicated workers because you didn't get what you wanted. We don't even know what you wanted!"

Damien sat still, stunned to silence by the virago in front of him. She sneered. "What happened? Did you miss your limo? Poor baby."
Having realised what she had said, he stiffened and spoke in a deadly half-whisper; "out."

"Oh don't worry, I'll go but you'll regret this. I promise you Hale, Sir." Dropping into a mocking curtsey, she whirled around and stalked haughtily out of the door, steam pouring from her ears.


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