Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1398262-A-hundred-strokes
Rated: E · Other · Emotional · #1398262
100 strokes...all that she needed was that..
Soft music drifted aimlessly in the room...it was not loud but still it seemed loud in the heavy silence that permeated the room. Ashton was sitting silently on the bed, careful not to make a single sound. He was a little concerned by the situation but knew that right now he needed to stay put. The magazine in front of him was open without reason...he never even glanced at it. It was just a show...nothing more.

In front of the bed, was Lillian; Ashton's sister. She was younger than him, three years younger. Lillian was seated in front of her vanity table. She had let her long dark hair loose and was brushing it continuously with a green hairbrush, the same Ashton had given her three years back. He had meant it to be a joke and Lillian had indeed sulked when she saw the gift that day...but as the days went by, she became more and more attached to it. Now, she needed her hairbrush with her. It was an essential part of her life just like a hundred strokes of the hairbrush in her hair was essential everyday. These strokes helped her to cope with the world, with her fears and with her life.

He smiled as he remembered the indignation of Lillian on receiving a hairbrush for her fourteenth birthday. Boy had she been mad! She had chucked the hairbrush at his head and had stormed out of the room. Instead of the necklace he had promised her she had received a stupid hairbrush. She had even refused the necklace Ashton gave her afterwards. He couldn't help the chuckle that escaped from his lips, on remembering her face that day. She had been rather hard to deal with at the beginning of her teenage years and their parents nearly lost their minds with her.

Yes, Lillian was a girl full of character, wit and was short tempered at times. She always had something to reply, a comment (usually sarcastic) to fling at those who annoyed her and kind words to those who needed to hear them. Lillian was one lively girl.

That is why her silence was worrying Ashton.

They had just returned from the hospital and the news had not been jolly. Far from that, they had been scary and terrifying.

Lillian paced in the hallway of the hospital, waiting for her turn. Ashton was sitting on the bench with their parents, amused by his sister’s behavior. Lillian always was uneasy, not to say fidgety, in hospitals.

“Lils, sit down. There will soon be a trench where you have been pacing!” Ashton said to his sister, jokingly.

Lillian glared at him and replied without humor, “ Yeah, well you are here to fill it up when I’m done.”

“Stop both of you.” Their mother interjected to avoid a major fight from starting.
Lillian turned her gaze away and resumed her pacing while Ashton shrugged and resumed watching the pacings of his sister.

Suddenly, the white door in front of them opened and a smiling urse poked her head out and said, “Lillian Parkson?”

Lillian looked up. “Yeah?”

It’s your turn. Please come in. The doctor is waiting for you,” the nurse replied, still smiling.

They all followed Lillian inside, their parents sitting next to Lillian on chairs while Ashton stood behind Lillian. Dr Jenkins greeted everyone and smiled at Lillian and took a file from the nurse. He browsed through the pages in it and then closed it without a word.

“Can you give us some time Sarah?” he asked the nurse. The nurse nodded and left the room.

He turned back to Lillian. “Well, we received your reports today and I have studied them. Some of my colleagues studied them too and we checked several times to make sure. I’m sorry Lillian. You have cancer….”
..............................................End Of Flashback........................................................

Lillian had just listened without a word to everything the doctor said, his reassurances, previous statistics about other cancer patients and stuffs like that. Ashton had refused to believe whatever the reports were saying and was insisting on doing the tests again. His father was of the same opinion, and his mother was crying all the while saying that there must be a mistake somewhere. Except Lillian, who said nothing at all. Some colleagues of Dr Jenkins stopped by to explain everything to them. In the end, they had all accepted the news and no more tests will be done. They had left the hospital, traveled back home and reached their house...no words from Lillian. She had just climbed up the stairs like an automaton and an hour later Ashton had found her in her room, brushing her long hair.  Another hour had passed by ever since Ashton found her and still no words.

In the end, as Lillian continued brushing her hair, Ashton decided to leave. As he was about to open the door, Lillian strode from the vanity table to the bed and sat on it. Her hundred strokes were done and now she was ready to face the truth. On seeing her, Ashton sat back on the bed. He sat close to her and put his arm around her shoulders. She stayed stock still for a few minutes before silently resting her head on his shoulder. Ashton said nothing and let her work it out herself. After a while, he felt a damp spot on his shirt. On glancing at his little sister, he saw tears coursing down her face. She was not making a sound but yet she was crying.

"I am scared Ash,"she said in a small voice.

Ashton signed in relief. His sister was back.

"I know poppy doll. I know. But we'll fight ok," Ash replied, hugging her closer to him.
"I am here as well as mom and dad. So don't worry, we are here with you and we'll fight back."

Lillian nodded silently as her tears continued to fall. Her brother was here with her and she knew she could face this hurdle as long as her family was there with her.

She will fight...fight on and on till she succeeds.

There in her brother's embrace, her hairbrush in hand; Lillian decided to fight and was determined to win.

~~~~ I  would like to end this by writing something a friend of mine said to me and which held a lot of meaning and encouragement. ' Every day above ground is a victory, every chance to be with people we love is precious, pain and fear is a function of the mind and we are all stronger than we think.'  He will recognize himself.~~~~

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