Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1410298-Forbbiden-Love
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #1410298
Tragic story about how someone can easily be decieved.
Have you ever noticed that whenever a disagreement appears, the other person always seems wrong? Then you fine out that they were right all along? Well, that's the story of my life. Which lead to the argument that caused a major uproot in my life.

"Mom! You don't know anything I screamed, I was being torn apart inside. I loved Jacob and he loved me, we'd been dating for three months now, only I hadn't told my mother that. I was suprised that it took this long for her to find out, being in a small town in the country often cause that spread of wild weeds called rumors.

"I know well enough that you don't belong with them."

"You have no right to tell me who I can and cannot be with!" She didn't. she honestly didn't. I was seventeen, plenty old enough to make my own decisions.

"Angeline Raine! You are my daughter and you will listen to me. You are not to date Jacob, you understand? He's no good for you!" No good for me. Ha! He wasn't good for me beacause he's not a honors student like me, big deal. He's no good for me because he isn't taking care of his sick grandmother, big deal. He's no good for me because he isn't a male version of me. That just didn't fit right in my head.

"What do you know?!? You don't know him!"

"I've heard enough stories around town to know about his reputation!"

"You can't always judge a person by stories you hear mother!"

"While you are living under my house, under my roof you are not to date him."

"Mom! That's not- I- I hate you!" That was it. I was normally a patient person, but there are some things that I just can't handle. I was leaving, I was tired of having her build my life for me. I wanted to live my own life. Or was that not allowed? I was leaving, I was calling Jacob tonight.

"Angeline! Get back down here!" I looked back at the stairs breifly and shook my head. I fled into my bedroom and slammed the door behind me. I flew onto my bed and hugged my pillow to my chest. It wasn't fair, it just wasn't fair.

I didn't care if I wasn't supposed to love Jacob, that didn't stop me! I smiled pleasently to myself. I'd go away with him. I remembered him talking about leaving, going to Europe, or Mexico. I'd love that. I picked up my phone and quickly dialed the number.

My breath grew rapid as the phone rang in my ear. I was letting it all go, I was being me.

"Hello?" I gasped quietly when I heard the familier voice.

"Jacob? Stupid question, of course it was Jacob. Who else would it be?

"Ya, Angeline is that you?" I didn't know if my voice was escaping me or not, but I couldn't reply. I felt sobs arising in my throat and I tried to swallow them. "Angeline? Are you alright babe?" Inhaling deeply I nodded.

"Y-yes, I'm fine." I took a few more deep breaths and stables my voice.

"No, your not. What's on your mind?" I had to pause before I spoke, I couldn't handle the pressure.

"I want to leave Jake."

"What do you mean Ang? Last time you said you didn't want to move away." I smiled softly to myself. I remembered that, I'd wanted to make my mom happy when I had said that.

"I know Jacob, but circumstances have changed. I want to go now. I need to."

"Angeline, are you sure? I mean, after we leave we might not be able to turn back." Of course I hadn't thought of that, I'd miss everyone, my friends, my family. Well, most of my family. I had to get away though.

"I'm sure. Lets do this as soon as possible."

"Alright, start packing, pack little, we won't need much."

"Kay. Jacob? When?"

"Two days."

"That soon? How?"

"I know people who know people babe, don't worry. I'll take care of it." I smiled again, I loved how much he cared about me.

"I love you."

"I love you too, talk to you soon."

"Bye." I heard the line die in my ear and I quickly pulled out a duffel bag and began to throw clothing in. I was saying good-bye, and it was about time.

I spent the next day packing, deciding between what clothes I was bringing and if I wanted to keep mementos or leave them. After a while I decided to just take the neccessities, and make up. I wrote a fast letter to my mother so she wouldn't try to stop me. I wasn't able to handle the confrontation in person.

Dear Mom,

I'm leaving, I didn't come talk to you in person because I know you would've tried to stop me. I know you think I can't make my own decisions, but I'm old enough mom, I can handle it. I'm not telling you where I'm going because I don't want you following. I can handle myself mom. I love you.


Alright, so the last line wasn't completely true but whatever.

I met Jacob at the airport, my heart was racing, I was nervous, and there was no way around it.

"Jacob, I'm not so sure about this." He quickly came and met me by my side and embraced me in a hug.

"You can't back down now Ange. Please, I've waited so long for this." The urgancy in his voice almost scared me, but all in all, I went with him on the plane.

It was the worst mistake of my life.

We got off the plane in Mexico, I was so excited. Something just didn't seem right about Jacob though. He was cold, and not warm and bubbly like he normally was.

"Angeline, hand me your passport, that way I'll keep them both, and they won't get lost." Of course I gave it to him, but something felt so wrong. He grabbed my hand roughly and it made me jump.


"Just come." I felt a shiver run down my spine and I followed. I should've known something was wrong then, but I was so in love, and so stupid.

He lead me to a beaten down hut and threw me inside. I looked up at him as I fell onto the dirt floor. He wasn't the same. His face was hard, like he didn't care what happened to me. I backed away slowly, tears creeping to my eyes.

"J-Jacob... What's going on?" He looked at me, he was amused by it all. My horror, was his pleasure.

"Shut up." I gasped and backed farther away.

"Jacob! What's wrong? Did I do something? I-" I was cut off as his hand made it's way swiftly across my face. "Jacob! I thought you loved me!?! Why are you doing this?!?" I fought as he grabbed my hand. I was so helpless, he was so much stronger then me. He tossed me into a dark room like I was just a peice of garbage.

"You're owned bitch. Don't ever forget it." With that the door shut, and I was left alone, in the dark.

I spent weeks, probably months in that shack, in that dark room. Men paid to come down and have sex with a 'virgin'. Little did they know that they were scammed much like I was. At first I tried to fight, but then I realized I had nothing to fight for. The man I loved wasn't who I thought he was, and my mother wasn't coming to get me at anytime. I might as well be dead. If I could've I would've have killed myself, but Jacob was careful of that stuff, I was his number one profit.

This is where I am now. A sex slave in Mexico. I can't do anything about it. I'm locked in this room twenty-four- seven, and even if I do break out, he has my passport. I can't go anywhere.


"Esto es la policía. Salga con manos arriba." My head shot up as the door slammed open.

"This is the police. Come out with you hands up." Was this it? Was I getting out of here? I realized I was in a room to the side of the house that could easily be passed over.

"Help! Help! Please! Someone!" My voice was cracked, and all I could hope was that it was carried through the thin walls.

"Clear the house!"

"Yo man! What's up?!? There's nothing here! Get out of my house!"

"There's someone down here!" I looked up as I heard banging, cracking soon followed, then a bright light flooded the room. I cried out in pain as the light hit my eyes, I hadn't seen the light of day in so long. It hurt.

"Close your eyes. You're safe now." I wanted to close my eyes like I was told, but I wanted to see the look over horror as he realized he was busted. I kept my eyes open long enough to look him in the face as I was lead out.

"Babe, I love you." His whimpers were sickening. "Tell the men that you were here with me."

"Jacob, shove it up your ass." I glared at him and continued on the way out.

"Close your eyes, you may do serious damage if you don't. You're safe now." The police officer repeated the advice and I did so.

I'd get to see my mom. She was right all along. I didn't hate her, I really did love her.
You're safe now. Music to my ears. I was going home.
© Copyright 2008 Danni Ann (danniann at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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