Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1413715-the-gifted-part-1-the-initiation
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1413715
my story begins. please review and let me know if you like it
It was an ordinary afternoon in the land of Erif, the land of fire. the sun was shining the birds were chirping, the fire squirrels were jumping around playfully in the fields,but not everyone was happy, a single teenage boy exactly 16 this day was quietly watching all this from a hilltop. he was thinking deep thoughts. the boys name was simply Sen, and although hye did not yet know it, his destiny was about to unfold.

as Sen stared at the lush green fields, his best friend, Vego, ran up to him "there you are Sen! where've you been! everyone has been looking for you!" said Vego "I've been here "said Sen calmly
"well its time for you to go back to the village"said Vego
"it's time for your initiation! you're so lucky, I'm not getting initiated for another month!"
"I'm not sure that I want to get initiated" said Sen "that's why I came here to our secret spot"
"why wouldn't you want to get initiated?"asked Vego "you get an element! imagine how cool that is!"
"Yeah" said Sen "but what if I don't? I would get cast out of the village and my family would get disgraced!"
"come on Sen!" laughed Vego"how many times has that happened in the last hundred years? twice? three times?"
"yeah you're right, let's go!" said Sen.then they both ran off down the hill towards the village.

The village that Sen and Vego lived in was the village of Hokana the largest village in the land of Erif, and home to the supreme fire lord, ruler over the entire land of Erif. the village also had in it the finest elemental school in the land. the village was circular in shape , with the supreme fire lord's palace in the center.

as Sen and Vegoraced towards the palace courtyards where Sen's initiation would take place, a shdowy figure watched them from the top of the very hiltop that they had just left."I expect great things from this one"he said seemingly to himself "as do I" said a second voice which seemed to come from nowhere.

Sen and Vego reached the courtyards a few minutes later he ran over to his parents who were standing on a podium set up for his initiation."I'm here!" he yelled as he ran through the crowd and up to the podium "you are late!" said the village sage. he then turned to the people and declared in a loud voice "today! we initiate Sen of the family Zulon!" the crowd cheered. the sage turned back to Sen and said "take into your hands the sacred stone " he said gesturing to the table behind him. on the table was a stone, with a sacred symbol on it. Sen took the stone. "now take the sacred stone and place it in this cauldron" he said, gesturing to a large stone pot filled with water.Sen did. as soon as the stone touched the water, it turned an icy blue than flaming red than the deep blue of the ocean then completely clear then lightning yellow,an inky black a heavenly white and fianally, as the swirling colors came together to form a moonlight silver color. the sage's mouth was practicly on the floor
"n-n-now t-t-t-the b-b-b- boy must drink f-f-from this s-s-s-sacred water" he sttutered Sen scratched his head wondering why all those watching ,including his parents, had become ghostly silent.
he took the flask that was on the table, dipped it into the silver liquid and drank. "tastes like......moonlight" he said a little bamboozled. he had never tasted moonlight before, how did he know what it tasted like! a second later, a huge dark cloud appeared right above him and out of the cloud shot out a rainbow of lights red, yellow green,light and dark blue, white, black, brown and gray all engulfed Sen.a symbol then began to appear on his chest. the symbol was nine circles each at the end of a point of a nine pointed star. he immediatly thought OH MY G-D! whats going on! then he realized the beams were'nt hurting him they were giving him power! a few minutes later the beams stopped and the cloud dissapated the sage turned to him and saw the bewildered look on Sen's face. "My friends! today we have witnessed the initiation that few have ever seen! Behold" said the sage " the newest cosmian!" the crowed cheered "as you probably know" the sage continued, "the ancient ones bestow upon a worthy person every hundred years or so, the power to have not merely one, but ALL the elemental powers! the ancient one usually send us a cosmian whenever there is a need, so if we have one it only means that dire peril is sure to follow. It is both a blessing and a curse."

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