Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1414321-Her-so-called-perfect-life
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1414321
story about 3 teens entwined in a sexual love triangle.
      Damien and I got to the church a little bit before eleven. We were there every Sunday even if we never went in. Damien lit up a cigarette and leaned back in his chair. The wind was cool but the sun warmed the day. Not long after we got there I saw Leo step out of George's car. George waved and drove away. Leo waked up to us without a word and sat down and lit a cigarette. I knew that he was still upset about yesterday, we all did. Luckily before anyone could say anything mean Tracy walked out of the church.
      "Hey blondie!" I yelled after her giggling.
A mischievous look washed over Leo's face. He grinned at Damien.
      "Why do blondes wear hoop earrings?" he asked.
      "Leo, no" I tried to fit in.
      Damien interrupted "They have to have somewhere to put their feet!" Both boys laughed.
      "Thanks guys." I said sarcastically, touching one of my hoop earrings.
      "What to turtles and blondes have in common?" continued Leo.
      Damien shrugged.
      "When they're on their backs they're screwed!"
      Damien laughed so hard that he swallowed every bit of smoke in his mouth and started to cough. I put my hand over my face and started to laugh. I got up and started to walk towards the road.
      "I'm going over to Food Lion." I said.
      "Hey, what about your friend Tracy or whatever her name is?" called Damien getting up and walking after me.
      "See ya Tracy." I called behind me. I waved my hand in the air without looking back. "What were you saying Damien?" I rolled my eyes.
      "She's blonde too...and she's black!"
      I whipped around and looked him straight in the eye. "SO?!" I snapped.
Leo caught up with us and cut in. "Hey don't be making fun of black people, we have one in our family tree...he's still hanging there!" He and Damien burst into laughter.
      I just turned around and kept walking.
      They never stop.
      "Shit" said Damien "I left my cigarettes on the table, hold on."
      Leo didn't stop to wait so I followed right behind him ignoring the annoying buzzing of his voice. Damien ran to the table then back to their side.
"I said wait." He said panting. Then he handed a pack of cigarettes to Leo. "You left yours too."
      We walked across the street and through the parking lot. When we reached the doors Damien lit up another cigarette and sat on the bench up against the brick wall. Leo and I walked inside without him.
      Damien came inside a few minutes later to find Leo and I making out against a row of canned beats. Leo turned and looked at Damien then continued to kiss me. I pushed Leo away and wiped my mouth. Leo walked across the aisle and picked up a box of rice then wrapped his arm around my waist.
      "Hey Damien" he said holding out the box of rice. "Rice, why don't you go make one of the pentagram things you Wicca freak." He laughed.
      Ignoring his laugher Damien replied "Blood works better, maybe I can use yours..." more to himself then Leo.
      "Really? I thought they all worked the same. Can't you also use sand?" I asked walking away from Leo.
      Damien nodded.
"I want to hear more."
      "I don't." said Leo as he walked down the aisle stuffing his pockets.
"Is there a spell that can keep you alive for an extended amount of time?"
      "Sure, there's a spell for almost anything, why?" answered Damien
      "No reason" I said looking at the ground.
      "Anyways" he continued "Most spells have to be done with four people but some can be done on your own. Be careful of greedy spells though, they come back three fold."
      I must've looked confused because he smiled and said "It means the spell with come back to you three times worse."
      I nodded.
      "Other spells..."
      Leo cut him off "Let's go, my pockets are full."
      Leo grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the store. Damien followed slowly glaring in Leo's direction. When Damien came outside Leo and I were already playing tonsil hockey. Damien got out his cell phone and called his mom.
      "Hey mom, we're over at Food Lion. Are you still at church...ok?"
      About twenty minutes passed before an old red van pulled up in front of the store. Damien called shotgun as Leo and I got in the back without any objections.
      "Hi Mrs. Davis" I said
      "Hi dear" she answered with a smile. "Where are you all going today?"
      "To the mall mom" said Leo. "We're meeting Landin there.
      As soon as the words were out Leo jumped towards me and started to kiss my neck. While Leo was occupied my gaze fell in front to the passenger's seat. Damien knew a gaze like from me could only mean one thing. He knew what I wanted; I could see it in his eyes. Damien had always bragged about his skills at the neck but I had never been lucky enough to experience it.
      After a twenty minute ride we pulled up outside of Guitar Center where Landin was already waiting.
"Bye Mrs. Davis." I said as I got out of the van. Leo, Damien, and Landin followed me up to the doors in front of Guitar Center. We all stood in a circle and I watched as everyone but I pulled out something to smoke. Damien and Landin got out packs of Marlboro menthols and Leo pulled out a cherry cigar.
      I want one so bad.
      I waited for Landin to take a cigarette from his pack before I grabbed it from him.
      "Since when do you smoke?" he asked me looking confused.
      "Since yesterday" I said as I put one cancer stick to my lips and another in my hoodie pocket.
      I raised my eyebrows and held out my hand waiting for a lighter. Landin just gave me a, you-shouldn't-be-smoking look, then lit his own cigarette and put his lighter back in his pocket. Damien lit my cigarette for me. I leaned back on the wall and blew out a puff of smoke toward Landin. The group was quiet as we all stood around in the toxic air, slowly killing ourselves; but no one seemed to care, not even myself. I looked over at Damien.
      Damn I want him.
      Then I looked at Leo.
      Leo would kill him if he knew what we did. All those times we've snuck around behind his back, it's amazing we haven't been caught yet. I mean for god's sake I gave him a hand job in the back seat of the car in clear view of his dad. I know he's old but he must be blind if he didn't see the look on Damien's face.
      I laughed to myself and took one last drag of my cigarette before flicking it into the bushes.
      "Could you guys smoke any slower?" I asked sarcastically. Landin grunted and put his cigarette out. Damien looked at me then turned away and kept on smoking. Leo put his cigar, grabbed my hand and we walked into the mall. Landin called after us "We'll catch up with you later." I looked at him before the door shut behind me and he already had another cigarette in his hand.
      Leo and I walked through the mall with no destination.
"Leo, where are we going?" I asked "Why are we even here? I hate this place."
"Follow me" he said grabbing my hand. He led me down the Wendy's hallway and outside of the doors at the end of the mall. I followed him past JCPenny's and across the parking lot, up a hill and into the woods. We stood looking at a clearing we had been so many times before. I smiled and watched the lust fill in Leo's eyes.
      The sky was getting dark and the air was surprisingly warm for a mid autumn day. Leo took off his long black trench coat and laid it over the dirt. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. I held him tight and kissed his neck up to his ear and whispered "Fuck me."
      He pulled my shirt off over my head and pinned my body onto his coat. I kicked off my shoes while he kissed my lips. His hands moved down to undo the buttons on my red-plaid skirt. He slid my skirt down my legs making sure his fingers caressed my skin all the way down. I quivered at the touch but lay silent in only my lacy black bra and panties. Leo climbed on top of me and nibbled at my ear. I took a deep breath.
      The mall was in clear view through the thin tree line but we were hidden in total darkness. The headlights from the cars passing by reflected off of my engagement ring. Leo's tongue found its way into my mouth where my tongue met his. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it towards me. His shirt fell over his head and the kissing resumed.
      Leo turned on his back and I rolled on top of his chest. I moved my mouth down to his index finger and began to suck. I moved my mouth back and forward. I ran my fingernails down across his stomach and watched his eyes roll back. My hands moved down and unbuttoned his pants. I crawled backwards until my mouth was level with his lower stomach. I kissed his stomach as I pulled his pants towards me. I kissed down below his waist and made the same motions with my mouth as I did with his finger. He took a deep breath in and clenched his fists.
      Leo had a fiery look in his eyes. He pushed me off of him and pinned me on the ground. My stomach did flip flops that made me want him so much more. I felt small pebbles and dirt under my back. He reached behind me and unsnapped my bra. I looked at him longingly as he slipped my bra down my arms. He kissed down my neck to the tip of my breasts where he began to suck. I closed my eyes and let my head fall back. The cool sensation of his tongue on my body made me shiver. I made a short moan and moved my hands from the ground to his back.
      His hand crossed my breasts and slower at my stomach then crept down between my legs. He moved his fingers in and out of my body. I began to moan and stretch my arms above my head. Following his fingers, his tongue found my skin once more. I spread my legs wider as he pushed his mouth to where his fingers were just seconds ago; my entire body went numb.
      I slowly moved my body back onto the coat and Leo followed. His tongue was still moving inside me but I was ready for something bigger. I propped myself up on my elbows and looked at Leo. "Now" I demanded seductively. Leo reached for his wallet but didn't quite get there. I grabbed his arm and shook my head. "I don't want that, I just want you." I said. He rushed to pull off his pants and boxers and then my panties.
      Oh baby, just do it already...please...
      He kissed my lips aggressively and pushed me against the ground. I grabbed his back and pulled him into my body. I could feel him inside me. He moved in and out of my body. Each time he moved forward my nails dug into his back. I could barely hear the traffic over my own moaning. The wind got cooler but I began to sweat. I felt skin under my nails from grabbing his back but he didn't stop, he kept riding harder and faster. I let out a long moan and I reached climax. He paused to catch his breath. I released my hands from his back and let them fall to the ground.
He started to move forward again and I grabbed the patches of dirt where my hands had landed. I moaned loudly and closed my eyes tight. This time he used his fingers too. He moved in and out of me and used his fingers to draw circles around my clit at the same time.
      It's my turn!
      I rolled Leo over onto his back. I sat up and ran my fingers across his chest. He grabbed my hands and our fingers laced together. I looked at him grinning with wild eyes and said "you did well, now lets see what I can do."

      Damien and Landin were standing outside of Lens crafters smoking again. 
      "It's getting late, where do you think they are?" asked Landin.
      "Up there." answered Damien pointing toward a hill across the parking lot. Landin shrugged and tossed his cigarette in the air then lit another one. Landin followed Damien across the parking and toward the hill.
      "What are they doing up there?" Landin asked. Damien gave him a look and said "I know you're not that stupid."
      "Awe man, they're having sex! Why are we going up there? I don't want to see Leo naked...but Isabelle on the other hand..."
      Damien watched at Landin floated away into dream land.
      It would be nice to see her beautiful body; it would be nicer to see it under my own. She's so amazing.
      Landin stopped suddenly and Damien nearly bumped into him. Landin had a huge smile on his face.
      "What?" asked Damien looking a little awkward.
      "Damn I can think!" he said.
      "I'd hope so" said Damien still a little unsure.
      "No, I mean I know I can think but man, I can think. I was just thinking about Isabelle underneath me and it was so real. It was like I could hear her moaning."
"Dumb-ass, that's because she is moaning." Damien nudged Landin and pointed into the trees. Landin, just realizing they were on the hill, took some time to notice that he was watching Isabelle and Leo having sex. Apparently Landin noticed that Damien was about to say something because he beat him to it.
      "Shhh...don't say anything to them yet ...I'm watching." He whispered.
Damien rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to speak. "Are we interrupting something?" he announced.
      Leo looked around me toward Damien. "Yeah, can't you see we're busy?" He said, pushing my body back and forward on his.
      "We should've heard you coming." I said as I got up and started to dress. "All those chains on you're pants should've given you away."
      Damien laughed and took a couple steps toward us. "Yeah right, you couldn't hear a freight train over that moaning." Landin laughed from behind him. Leo and I were both getting dressed.
      "Well it's not my fault you're brother knows how to satisfy my needs." I teased.
      "What time is it?" asked Leo.
      "Five-Thirty." answered Damien.
      "Then what the hell did you come up here for? The mall closes at nine or something."
      "No" said Damien "It's Sunday, they close at six."
      Leo raised his eyebrows in a shrug then continued to get dressed. When we were both fully dressed we started our walk to the mall. Leo went first followed by me, then Damien, then Landin. The sky was dark and the stars were peaking through the clouds overhead. Halfway down the hill Damien reached under my skirt and pressed up. I tried to stifle a small sound but it didn't quite work.
      "What?" asked Leo.
      "Nothing, I just stepped on something." I answered,
      I turned and squinted my eyes and pursed my lips at Damien, but my look turned into a smile when I saw Landin trying to hide his laughter. I turned back and continued walking.
      He thinks he can do that and get away with it? I think not.
      I stopped suddenly and placed my hand behind me. Damien walked right into my hand, just where I wanted him. Damien made a small noise but it was a stop-teasing-me-sound more than anything. This time Leo stopped and turned around.
      "What now?!"
      "Damn thorns!" Damien answered with a laugh.
      "We're in the parking lot." laughed Landin.
      "They're just being stupid." said Leo mostly to himself, and he turned to walk toward the mall. When we finally got back around to Guitar Center everyone pulled out more cigarettes and lighters. I took the cigarette out of my pocket from earlier and placed it to my lips. This time Landin was more than willing to lend me his lighter. I took a long drag on my cigarette trying to enjoy it but it didn't last long enough; before I knew it my cigarette was gone and everyone else was still smoking. Leo puffed his cigar one more time and passed it to me.
      "Here, after what just happened, you deserve it." He said. I smiled and thanked him before finishing his cigar. It tasted so good; an aroma of cherry smoke filled my nostrils at the last puff. When I finished it I walked over to Leo, wrapped my arms around his neck and looked up into his eyes. I rocked my body side to side making sure to give Damien and Landin a good show.
      "Baby, do you want to come over tonight?" I asked Leo.
      "I don't know." he said.
      "Please" I pouted.
      "Not tonight" he said, "Tomorrow though, ok?"
      I turned around and Mrs. Davis pulled up in front of us. Landin waved goodbye as the rest of us got into the van. On the way home Leo fell asleep on my shoulder and I nearly fell asleep on his. I would've too if it hadn't been for Damien making funny faces at me. Mrs. Davis pulled up in my driveway around twenty after six. I kissed Leo on the forehead and got out of the car.
"Thanks for the ride." I said "Good-night"
© Copyright 2008 Peaches (kbkat7 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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