Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1415606-BloodStone
by DTJ3
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1415606
Ruin raiders in search of the ultimate treasure,
Created and written By:
Don Jackson III

It was suppose to be a simple theft. Kidnap the kings daughter and

make her lead me and my comrades to his treasure hold, that's the way it

was suppose to go. That night everything changed and the loss was to

great for any mere treasure...

"You were a treasure hunter Serista?" A egger child spoke. "How come

your not rich?" The child tugged on a her tattered cloak and looked at her

with puzzled eyes. Serista opened her eyes realizing that she was telling a

story to the towns children. "Where are your comrades? Another child out

spoke. "Did they take all of your treasure?" Serista stared distantly into the

children letting out a big exhale. The children quickly silenced them selves

hoping Serista would continue. "It happened ten years ago today and we

had all ready kidnapped Princess Aubrianna..." Serista pauses to make

sure the children are paying attention, slowly looking around the circle of

children. Then started up once more. "The dirt was wet and sloppy fly off

the horses hooves with each out stretched step. An uneasy wind began to

howl through the tree's stirring up dead leaves that have dropped for the

approaching fall. My four friends and fellow thieves follow behind a couple

feet away making sure to keep decent pace, so they don't lose there meal

ticket. The Forest seemed exhaustable running for miles with no signs of

nearing are destination. "How much further is it?!" I yelled to the Princess.

"You had better lead us in the right direction." The tied up princess raised

her head trying to look at Serista. "Keep on this path." The princess said

with a s train in her voice. "You will reach the hold before dawn begins."
Calbon my most trusted galloped to my side with unease. "Serista are we

going in the right direction?" Calbon asked. "Men have entered this forest

and were never seen again." "I know of the legend Calbon, but you should

not worry yourself." Serista said and quickened her speed. Clouds begin

toblanket the sky, swallowing the moon. The forest became pitch black

making it very hard to navigate are torches barely lit the way. "All right

lets stop here for the night." I said to my comrades as I stopped my horse.

"Its to dangerous to go any further in these conditions." My comrades

gathered around me with empatients and discord. "Why do we stop?"

Geran the youngest of my band said. "It can not be to much further from

here." "Easy young one!" Teshawn the wisest and oldest said. "Never

question Seristas motives. She looks out for your well being and you

should do well to obey her authority." "yes dad." Geran smirked and

responded, jumping down from his mount. "Give it a rest you two." Dinah

said. The only other female and who I call the bitch of the group. "We need

to get the tents up before the storm approaches. Now hurry up!" I laugh at

her sometimes always after my position undermining my orders, but she

always follows them in some form.

My comrades began to raise there tents, but time was not on

are side. With a bright crack of lightening rain began to fall heavy and hard

among us forcing a quickly made campsite. The princess shared the tent

with me, arms tied she fell asleep with ease. I was not so lucky every sound

kept me on edge fearing are sleeping would lead to are capture."

Serista poured a cup of water from a pitcher on a side table sitting next

to her. " Were you captured Serista?" another kid spoke. "What happened

next?" Taking a sip of water she looked back down at the kids with a smile.

"It seems I have gained your attention." She grined. "But be warned for

what will happen next will not be for the weak." "Were brave Serista." a

pudgy boy yelled out. "I'm not afraid." The kids started to become restless,

moving around anciously for her continuation of her story. "Brave you say."

Serista smirked. "We'll see about that." Leaning back into her chair she to

another sip of water and stared back at the jittery children. "Where was I?"

Serista pondered. "oh yes...Birds began to chirp and flutter around with the

rising sun's beams of light shine threw the tent opening making it very

hard to stay asleep unless you're a rock. I could hear movement outside and

crackling of a well built fire. The princess started to wake up. "Sleep well." I

smirked. The princess just stared right through me I know she wanted to kill

me that moment. "Don't worry princess aubrianna, you will be let go once we

get what we want from you." Still unasured the princess sat up and turned

her back to me it was only fitting I took her from her family. "Come now." I

said. " Lets get some grub, I'm famished and I know you are too." Opening

the burlap flaps of the tent. A flavoring scent of a roasting animal on the fire

filled my nostrils increasing the craving. The princess stood up as the rope

she was tied started to pull and followed me to the camp fire. There was a

fallen tree six feet away with three medium sized rocks placed around the

fire. Teshawn started to cut up the well cooked animal handing me a leg. My

Hunger consumed my patients and I tore into the meat like a ravenous wolf.

I Look around at all of comrades gorging there face like unmannered pigs,

until my eyes rested on Princess Aubrianna who was not fed any meat.

Pulling my knife, I cut the binds to her hands and reached over to the last

piece of meat left on the carcass. My men watched in disgust as I gave it to

the hungry princess, who swiped the meat from my hands. I watched her as

she tore into the meat and began feeling sorry for the way I have treated her.

"She is a prisoner! you do not feed prisoners" Geran bellowed. "she is not

worthy of our food." Geran young and foolhardy always speaks with out

thinking of his actions. "You fool!" I shouted back at him. "she was not at

war with us. We stole her from her family to make are lives richer. We are not

barbarians!" "Your weak Serista!" Geran replied. "Your not fit to lead us any

more." Geran stood up and placed his hand on the hilt of his sword prepared

to take action. Calbon stood up in front of Geran and pulled his sword out of

its sheath. " You want Serista dead." Calbon shouted. "you go through me. If

you have the guts!" "And me!" Teshawn said as he stood. The others stood

blocking Geran from going any further. "If I am not fit Geran." I said

smirking. "Then why do the numbers out way you?" Geran huffed and turned

his back walking away from the group. "Youth..." Teshawn said. "why every

thing be so difficult with them." Teshawn walk past serista placing his hand

her shoulder. "watch yourself Serista." Teshawn said with worry in his eyes.

"He is very confused, at his age nothing makes sense anymore. So watch

your back." I lowered my head in grief thinking of my past and Geran's

actions. "I Know Teshawn." I replied. "He might be a problem. Remember

when I was that young?" Teshawn started to smile and place his hand on his

forehead. "Aye you were a troublesome one." Teshawn laughed. "Always

head strong and arrogant and adapted leadership abilities that has

surpassed even me...." "I would not be the person I am today if it were not

for your guidance." I interrupted him. "You were a father to me when no one

else would." "No one else wanted to deal with a devilish brat." Teshawn

laughed. "But I was proud to have raised you, but I would like to see you

escape this way of life. You need better than this." I looked up at the sky and

breathed in the mornings fresh air. To gather my thoughts of Teshawns

words I decided to take a swim in a near by spring that was enclosed by rock

formations and trees. I took off my close and dove of the highest stone I

could find. With every stroke my brain kept thinking about Teshawn, am I

doing that right thing? The further out I swam I noticed Calbon was watching

me, he had crush on me longer than I could remember. I decided to give him

a eye full. I got out of the water and stood on a near by rock so Calbon could

see every thing I had to offer making sure I didn't give it away that I knew. I

grab my towel and started drying off and getting dressed. Calbon is a nice

guy I just could not persue a relationship with him because of are way of

life. When I finished dressing I went to the Princess to get some more


"How much further to the ruins?" I asked the Princess. "Will we reach it

before night fall?" Princess Aubrianna looked at the rising sun getting her

barings. "Not far now." She said. "Just over those hill tops." I turned to my

crew to see if they are ready to embark further. "Every one mount up!" I

shouted. "We do not have much further to go." "With out Question everyone

climbed up on there horses and were ready to go. I gave the princess a horse

this time and once again we were on our way to fortune and a better way of

life or so we thought. Following the trail up the adjacent hills we climbed to

the top. To my dismay it was a wonderful site nothing laid in are way for a

full mile only a sea of tall grass. Stone pillars and ruin protrude from the

grass letting us know a castle once stood . We continued further down the

hill signs were placed on the path telling travelers to leave this area. One

sign read "No travelers ye enter" and a second sign read " This land be

cursed do not enter or death will follow". This raised an uneasiness with my

comrades as they feared what might be a head of them. "These signs don't

fill me with a lot of confidence in this operation." Teshawn mumbled. "It feels

like it might be a trap." "Everything seems like a trap to you Old man."

Calbon Sarcasticly said. "Well most of the time it is a trap." Teshawn

chuckled. "Just watch and see Calbon." The closer we get to the ruins more

The group reach the entrance of the ruined castle stone gargoyles

mysteriously still perch on there ledges unweathered or destroyed still in

perfect shape. Dismounting from are horses we stood in the entrance way

leary of entering the darkness of the ruins. "Well what the hell are you

waiting for?" I shouted in excitement. "Your not afraid of the dark are you?"

I grabbed an lantern from the side of my horse, setting it on the dirt. Sparks

started to fly as she started to bash a rock against a flint stick. With in

moments the lanterns wick caught fire and started to flicker. The rest of the

group prepared to enter the depth of the old ruins. "This better be worth all

this trouble." Calbon said. "I don't want to go back to prison." "Prison?"

Dinah said. "You were only in prison for a day Calbon, until broke you out."

Calbon was quiet and started to enter the ruin. I couldn't hide the grin on my

face, Calbons always trying to be the tough guy until put down by a woman.

More and more gargoyles emerge from the darkness creating dread

as they were designed to do. An uneasy feeling of being watched crept over

us with each gargoyle we passed. The tunnels seemed to go on for miles and

miles with no sign of an end. "This is ridiculous!" Geran huffed. "We have

been walking for almost an hour. Where is the treasure!" I stopped to look at

scripture on a wall blocking out anything Geran blurted out. The scripture

very foreign in language, the characters were scribbles to me. "What does

this say Princess?" I asked. "This is nothing I have ever seen." The Princess

walked up behind me staring at the wall of scripture. "Its my fathers royal

language." She said. "It says: Go no further or your travels will end in vane."

Every one was silent for a moment. "This is really beginning to creep me

out." Calbon said. "Why all the warnings? What does he have in store for

us?" I took a second glance at the scripture trying to find are next route.

There was an arrow like design marking direction south-east and another

arrow marking to the south west. "Two paths?" I yelled. "If we take the

wrong one it will surly cost us time and maybe even are lives." The group

looked at the fork in the road with open minds deciding the next route we

should take. "I say we go east." Teshawn opinionated. "A slight breeze flows

from that direction." Geran walked up to the double entrances to make his

observation. "I think we should go west." Geran battled. "The path looks

safer and profitable." Geran continued to stare down the darkened tunnel

catching a glimpse of shining objects mounted on the sides of the walls.

"More Profitable you say." Calbon examined. " Ok I'm sold more profitable,

but safer that is to be determined." "Ok we have two who want to go west."

I said. "Lets see a show of hands who want to go west." Every one except

the Princess Aubrianna rose there hands. "West it is." I yelled. "Every one

move out! There is no telling what we will run into, so let's make good time

and get in and out." I pulled a dried out torch from a cobweb covered wall,

the cobwebs roped around the torch not releasing its sticky grip. Putting the

cloth end first into the opening of the lantern. The dried up wrappings of the

torch engulfed into a fiery blaze, illuminating a good distance down the

tunnel. We all traveled single file with are swords pulled in habit expecting

unexpected surprises. The tunnels became more illuminated as the fiery

light started to reflected of jewels embedded in the walls marking there

direction down the tunnel. "Were almost there." I said hesitantly. "The

source of riches are getting more noticeable." Geran stopped in front of a

wall marked with three jewels, red yellow and blue in color. "Hey!" Geran

shouted. "I think I found something. It might be a door?" I doubled back

passed the others to see what he was shouting about. Geran started to

examine the jewels seeing if they would be easy to steal. "Don't touch

anything Geran!" I shouted as I approached him. "It could be one of the

kings traps." Geran continued to fidget with the jewels despite my warnings.

"You don't really believe in that do you?" Geran smirked. "These ruins have

been around for years I doubt the traps still work any more." With in a

second the oval jewels turned lining up with each other in unison. The wall

started to vibrate, ancient dust began to fall from it's as the wall started to

slowly rise. "Behold a secret passage way." Geran uttered. "and it doesn't

looks like trap to me." The wall completely raised its self to the top revealing

a huge room. "Ok we take are chances and enter the secret room." I said.

"Or we continue onward down the passageway. What shall it be?" The group

stood at the entrance staring in to the open room. "Well secret rooms have

been known to house treasures." Calbon said. "Lets do it. what do we have?

to lose. Besides we can always backtrack and return to the passage."

Teshawn walked up to Calbon and then looked into the darkened room. "Well

treasure that's to be seen." Teshawn responded. "This could just be and

enticing trap in disguise." "Lets just go in and find out." Dinah abruptly

said. "It's just a room after all." "Well ok then into the dark room we go." I

said. "I have a really bad feeling about this." We all entered the secret room

single file and torches lit. As the last one entered a rumbling sound echoed

the room. With a loud crash the stone door came crashing down blocking are

only path to return. A violent gust of wind mysteriously blew out all of our

torches, pitch black darkness engulfed the room. The sounds of crumbling

stone hitting the floor filled are ears. "What is that noise? Serista." Princess

Aubrianna spoke. "Serista do you hear that?" I ignored the princess to

recognizing familiar sounds that crept in the darkness. "Every one pull your

swords and put your backs to each other! This is not going to be good." I

yelled fearing what will be coming upon us. Five pairs of two beady red

glowing eyes gazed at us, piercing the darkness like fire. "What are they

serista?" Calbon said with a lowered tone. Loud growling and hissing

started to echo through the room as the creatures started to gain

consciousness. "They are gargoyles Calbon, protectors of the wealth." I

replied back to calbon. " We are in a lot of trouble my friend." "It had to be

gargoyles." Teshawn blurted. "The worst creatures every created by magic."

We strengthened are position pointing are swords outward, piercing the

blanket of darkness that surrounds us. The Gargoyles remained still to our

movements, there blood red eyes staring at us, taunting us. "Gargoyles were

just made up in story tales to scare little kids." Geran out shouted. "They

aren't real!" The red pairs of eyes started to circle around us not losing sight,

releasing grumbles and grows with each passing. "Tell that to them Geran." I

spoke watching the creatures every move. "Tell that to them."

Before long the creatures were silent. Not even the fluttering of there wings

echoed through the room. "What is that it?" Calbon carefully spoke. "Are

they gone?" "Quiet you fool!" Teshawn yelled in a whispery voice. " They are

indeed still out there." With out warning a stone clad beast vaulted out of

the darkness towards Serista. Its claws on both its hands and feet were

raised forward for its attack, wings folded behind it for feral swiftness. I

quickly slashed my sword in defence, hitting the gargoyle dead on. As the

blade hit the gargoyle the sound of scraping metal rang through my ears.

With out warning a second gargoyle caught Dinah by surprise caring her of

into the darkness. "Dinah!" Calbon shouted and prepared to run after her.

"Calbon stay your hand!" I shouted back to him to keep him from getting

Killed. " She is already dead. Once a gargoyle hoist you into the air you are

as good as dead." A second gargoyle swooped down towards Calbon

Ravenously. He prepared his sword, ready to swing at the vile beast. With

out hesitation the gargoyle was fragmented onto pieces with only one

powerful slash of his sword. Just as things were looking good for us,

another gargoyle tackled teshawn to the ground. "Get off me stone breath!!"

Teshawn shouted as he tried to get from under the gargoyle. Calbon turned

to Teshawn, pulling out a massive battle axe and with one violent though

hurled the axe towards the gargoyle. Teshawn managed to move in a slit

second before the axe impacted with the gargoyle. Cutting through its wings

and splintering its head, the axe embedded its self in the wall behind him.

Calbon rushed over to Teshawn who was buried under the gargoyle debris.

"Teshawn!" He yelled. "Are you alright?!" Calbon pulled the biggest part of

the gargoyle off the mound revealing Teshawn staring back at him.

Before I could react the same my shoulder was slashed by

tail of a passing gargoyle. I almost lost the grip of my sword as my muscles

weakened. A Gargoyle above me dove straight down for me making use of

my dropped guarded. I managed to raise my sword in time, catching the

gargoyle of guard. My blade pierced through its stone chest and slid half way

through it. The Gargoyle's claws started to rip and tear at my flesh, trying to

escape from the swords grip. I mustered the strength to raise my sword and

with all my strength I made a violent swing. Thowing the gargoyle off my

blade, unable to regain control it demolished itself into a wall fractureing into

a million pieces. As I turned to my Comrades who has already dispersed

the other gargoyles, just stare at me and my wounds. I most be losing my

edge. I never took that long fighting mere gargoyles. I thought to my self.

Torches all around us began to light and a cleverly hidden door opened in

front of us to are amazement. "Well this has to be the treasure room." Geran

eagerly said. "Why else would such a room be hidden from us." I look

around at all the walls and the door that shut behind us. "There is no other

way to go except forward." I said. "Lets get this done with." I was first to

enter and the other hesitate at first followed. We kept walking which seamed

for a mile until a bright light at the end begain to shimmer. "That's either the

way out." I said. "Or it's the way to our treasure." Teshawn began to slow

down and stagger a bit. "are you alright Teshawn?" Calbon Questioned

placing his hand on his shoulder. "You don't look so good old man."

Teshawn began to clutch his heart and looked up to him. "Just help me into

the treasure room my friend." Teshawn sickly said. "I just want to see it."

Calbon put his arm around him and help him walk in to the lighted room

catching up to the rest who were standing dumbfounded as they gazed upon

all the riches that lay before them. I turned to Calbon dragging Teshawn into

the room. "What happened?!" I shouted. "Sit him down over there." Calbon

Complied and sat him down on a pile of gold coins. "Farewell old man."

Calbon said hold his hand and leaving to bag up treasure with Geran. Who

had already filled up two bags. I stood by Teshawn's side till his final breath.

"It was my greatest pleasure to join you on your great journeys but don't let

this be your life..." Teshawn said as life left him. I moved his arms to his side

and left him in peace on a bed of coins, his treasure. "Rest in peace my old

friend." I said watching the others grab their treasure. I looked at the

Princess ashamed of myself. "You are free to go Princess Aubrianna." I said.

"I thank you and apologize for all you have endored. The princess stared

vacantly at me with no reaction, probly felt bad for a washed up thief.

I looked over at calbon who was climbing a massive stone statue that

looked a lot like one of the gargoyles we already fought. Calbon pulled a red

jewl from the statues chest and started to climb down. When he reached

bottom he quickly ran towards me with excitement. He held the jewl infront

of me motioning me to take it. "This is yours." Calbon smiled. "For the

greatest thief in the world. And may we have more plunders yet to come." I

took the jewl from him and placed it in my pocket. "Thank you Calbon." I

said. "we better get going. Its going to be a rough journey home." Calbon

picked up one bag and followed Serista to the exit. "Are you coming Geran?"

Calbon motioned him to follow. "Grab only what you can carry." Geran tried

to stumble with three fully filled up bags. "Go on with out me." Geran

shouted. "Leave me, I will catch up to you." Calbon caught up to me and the

Princess panting and out of breath. "Wheres Geran?" I question. Calbon

tried to catch his breath. "The greedy bastard doesn't know when to quit."

calbon huffed. "He's trying to tote more than he can handle." "well hope he

can find his way back." I said not caring at all. After a hour of walking the

exit appeared in the distance. "Finally!" I shouted. "Were finally out of this

blasted dungen". A sudden screechy roar echoed threw the tunnels scaring

all of us. "what the hell was that?" Calbon startledly said. "we need to get

out of hear." Meanwhile Geran was still lugging the three bags, pulling and

struggling his muscle. Stopping to rest awhile Geran looked at all of his gold.

"Right take only what you can carry." Geran smirked "I can carry it all."

From above liquid started to trickle from above landing on his shoulder.

As he looked up a giant gargoyle bit him in two. All three of us made it out of

the tomb pausing for a rest break. "I think it is best we separate from each

other." I hesitantly said. " Our odds will be greater that way." Calbon look at

at me with concern. And we all went our own separate ways.

Well kids that is all the story I have to tell you. "Go to your parents now"

Serista said. "Its late and I am sure they are looking for you." One of the

pudgier kids came up to me, wiping his nose with his sleeve.

"What happened to Calbon Serista?" the paunchy kid said. "Did he

die?" Serista turned and looked out her window, a single tear ran down her

flushed cheek. " You better go now, your parents are waiting for you." she

said holding back her sadness. Looking out into the night sky, the moon

brighter than ever before. Illuminating everything it touches to a dark bluish

tint. "Are you still alive Calbon? Or did the beast we awoke get to you too?"

Serista thought to herself. More tears ran down her cheeks in a constant


Outside up in the trees
© Copyright 2008 DTJ3 (adrigon76 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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