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by Lustly
Rated: · Chapter · Relationship · #1418134
Story of Izz and Jason, the love, the loss, the pain.. suprise ending
I first met Jason when I was 18, he was held in the ripe age of 20. I was on my way out of a local bar, and try as I might to catch a cab, not too many people stop for a girl who is 4'9'', with long dark brown hair wearing heals; needless to say, I'm carded a lot. Out of no where a 6'4'', pale skinned, black haired angel appears and stops a cab. "Would you like a ride as well?" he asked. "Um, Duh" I replied. You wouldn't believe how happy I was, not because I had finally gotten a cab, but because I was going to share the ride home with this heart throb. But besides his amazing looks there was something else about him, something mysterious. Something that to this day, still makes me stop breathing.
"I'm Izzy by the way."
"Is that so? What is your address?"
񓑼 Dover, right off of Kip."
"Take the lady home first" he told the driver.
"I'm sorry I think I forgot your name."
"no, you did not forget" he wasn't even looking at me, what kind of person doesn't look at the other when speaking?
"Well mine is Izzabella, but you can call me Izzy."
"That is quite a lovely name" still not even a glance. There was something clearly wrong with this guy, he was either gay, married, or a jerk, I just hadn't figured out which. I sat there pondering this. I defiantly showered today, I brushed my teeth, I shaved, I couldn't be repulsing him. I couldn't put my finger on it yet. The taxi came rolling to a stop, and there I was still thinking. I opened the door, I had been defeated, or maybe not. "You never told me your name." I said, hoping for one acknowledgement. "Jason" he said shutting the door. Then the taxi sped away, as if it had never even been there.
That happened for several months. Us sharing cabs, but he still never looked at me, and I never found out more than his name, Jason. Until one time, around September, it was either courage or the alcohol speaking, but I finally worked up to asking him inside.
"so my mysterious Jason, how about you come inside and I can cook you something to eat." Finally, he looked at me; his eyes, so foreboding and dark brown, but yes still beautiful, and tempting, I couldn't look away. He smiled, his teeth, perfectly white. At this moment, I had stopped breathing. And then, he spoke. "I do not really think that is a good idea." I wasn't going to let him get away that easily. "Nonsense, you've been paying my way home for the last month, the least I can do is thaw out a pizza." He laughed, "What happened to 'cooking'?" "Well, about that," I responded, "I can only cook pizza, and even that becomes a disaster at times."
On that note he was out of the cab. "Just so you know, I am only agreeing to come in, so that I can be sure that you do not burn down your house. After all, I can not have my taxi cab companion being killed in a house fire." The walk to my house was a little awkward. I felt like I had known him for a lifetime, I was so comfortable, like our souls had already been in love for centuries, and our bodies were just now catching up.
After about five minutes of me fidgeting with my keys, we were in the house. It was a small, two bedrooms, and one story. It wasn't extremely clean, but not trashed. There were white and red pillows on the floor that belonged on the black couch and my kitchen needed to have the dishes put away. "Whelp, don't mind the mess, sit anywhere, I'll be right back." and I whisked off to clean myself up. I was obviously drunk, or just plain out of my mind, and I had to look my best for my taxi cab soul mate.

Several minutes later, I returned to the living room. My hair was brushed, make-up re-applied, and my teeth had been brushed and rinsed several times. And there I found him still standing there. "Don't be a stranger, sit down; it isn't like I am going to stake you." I laughed because honestly, I don't know why I said that.
"Actually that is just the problem, I AM a stranger to you. I do not think it is wise for you to be so comfortable with someone... someone like me in your house after only a few taxi cab rides." he seemed upset at the fact he came in.
"If you didn't want to come, you didn't have to." I said, getting a little upset, I hid that, well at least I tried, at that point, I don't think I was very capable of controlling much.
"Something about you, I don't know," He mumbled staring off as If her were in deep thought.
"Well, if you are uncomfortable being the same room as me, then I will just go cook. You can sit in here if you want, or you can come to the kitchen to keep me company." I so hoped he would come with me. My response went un-answered, so there I sat, putting a pizza in the oven, with him still standing in the other room. I sat down to wait for the pizza and started reading today's paper, at least I thought It was today's, I later found out, that it was from last week.
I guess I must have passed out from all the alcohol, (I can never tell when I've had enough), because when I woke up, I was in my bed, and Jason was nowhere to be found. It is times like these when I wish I had his number, or knew more than just his first name. For now I would just have to wait until the next time we shared a cab.
I called The Hookup, a local tattoo parlor, also my work. Actually the only reason I still have a job there is because I was Amy's first customer, not to mention the fact that she practically raised me since I was 13. I call into work so much that if anyone else ran the place, I'd be fired by now. "Hey Amy, I can't come in today." I knew what was coming.
"You know, you are lucky that you even have a job." her tone was sickening.
"I know, I'm sorry I just.."
"I swear, I am going to have to start looking for someone else, you can't keep doing this."
"Today is the last day, I promise, cross my heart and hope to die."
"All right, you better be here tomorrow, we have some big names coming in, and we need you."
"Mkay, love ya."
"You to."
YES! I thought to myself. I didn't have to go to work, there was no sense in ruining everyone else's day. So the first thing I had to do was get rid of my hangover; I didn't get them often, but when I did, they were bad. I grabbed some Tylenol, and made some coffee, and closed my eyes to relax. I could hear this song in my head, "lips of an angel" and then I realized, it was my cell. I picked it up, "Hello?" I answered. "Hey Izz, what are you doing today?" I could tell right away who it was, it was Demy.
"Oh not much, just the usual, I called off work,"
"Again? You are going to lose you job, you know that right?"
"You know Amy would never fire me, she loves me to much, she's like a parent to me, well what parent I have ever had."
"Ok, well just be careful, anyways, do you want to come down to the peer?"
"Who all is going?"
"The usual, with the exception of Stephan, because, well you know what happened last time." then she laughed. The last time I went to the peer, Stephan grabbed me and I beat him with my skate board, one hospital trip and one lawyer bill later, he still won't talk to me.
"Ok, let me get ready and I'll be there shortly." I told her, half-heartedly. As much as I loved Demy, I wasn't really in the mood for a skate. I wasn't really in the mood to do anything.
I got myself together enough to at lest make an appearance.
I walked the three blocks to the peer, everyone was already there. And just like Demy said, No Stephan. Demy didn't notice me at first, she never really does, she is always busy with her posse; but Damian did.
"Izz! It's about time you get here!" Damian said, jumping off his board to run up to me.
"Well, you know me, always late" I smirked.
Then Demy came strolling over, her blonde hair blowing in the always-refreshing sea breeze. Her long legs so perfect in her mini skirt, and of course her top, showing enough skin to have all the guys drooling; she always looked stunning. As usual, Amanda and Heather were right at her heals.
Demy is my best friend, but I can't stand how she never seemed to out grow high school. She graduated a whole year before me, and she still runs around like a queen bee. As for Heather and Amanda, well they are still in high school, so you can imagine the attitude they give.
"Hey Demy! So, what is on today's agenda?" I questioned, she always changes the plans.
"Oh, not much, James has some," She was instantly cut off by Amanda.
"Jeez, Izzabella, don't you think it is time you do some shopping?" Amanda said, pleased with herself.
"Yeah, I mean the same style everyday, jeans, skate shoes, and a ratty old band-t. I guess you haven't changed much since spring." Heather added, in attempt to 'fit' in.
"Well, here's what I will do for you. I will dress like you for the rest of the day, and you can dress like me." I took off my Hollywood Undead shirt, revealing my black and red polka-dot bra that was laced up the sides.
"Is this better?" I said putting my shirt in my bag. Heather was silent.
"Izz, I think you should" I cut Damian off.
"You're right; I have too many items on." I took off my HU belt, and then my pants. All that was left was my matching underwear.
"There Heather, am I slutty enough now?"
I hadn't noticed the fact that I had drawn a crowed, and the fact that all the guys, (who I am pretty sure never considered me a 'girl') were gawking at me.
Then Heather and Amanda walked off, gone to abuse someone who will put up with their crap. I put my clothes back on, and eventually all the guys stopped gawking.
Then Demy started talking like nothing had happened she was used to my sudden out bursts. "Like I said, James has some eh, cd's, if we want to 'listen' to them" Demy reminded me.
"Ok, let's chill here for awhile, and then we can run over there and 'visit' James"
Demy and I walked down to the edge of the peer. "So, why did you leave so early last night?" Demy asked, giving me her best 'sad' eyes.
"I had way too much to drink, and plus I had to work today. But you will never guess what happened last night." I hoped she bought it, any bozo that knew anything about me, knows, I never know when to stop, and I always call in the next day. Because the truth was, I didn't really know why I left so early, but I was glad I did. She did buy it.
"What happened, or should I say who?" her eyes twinkled like a dog about to get a big treat.
"I shared a cab with Jason again, only this time he came inside."
"Ok, tell me everything, I mean every last detail, what did you talk about? SIT DOWN AND TELL ME!!" she demanded. I sat at the edge of the peer with Demy. "It really isn't what you think." I told her.
"Oh, Izz, you always under-estimate things, stop staling and spill it!"
"Ok, ok, I invited him in and I cleaned myself up. I came back to the living room and he was still standing there."
"Seriously?" she asked, almost not believing it herself.
"Yes, and then he started mumbling about how I shouldn't invite strangers into my house." I rolled my eyes.
"Well, if he was going to act like that, he shouldn't have some in to begin with. That's rude." she pointed out.
"Yeah, that's not all. I went to make him a pizza, and I ended up passing out." I said.
"Oh, Izz, that is not a good impression!" she said, half embarrassed for me.
"Yes, well when I woke up, the oven was off, I was in my bed, the side I never lay on, and Jason wasn't there."
"Did you go to the hospital right away? You need tested."
"NO, Demy, I would know if something like that happened. What I think happened is he turned off the oven put me in bed, and left."
"Well, you still need to go."
"No, I don't think so, you don't know him." She cut me off.
"And neither do you!! He is still a stranger."
"Demy, don't you think he would have tried something a long time ago?"
" You're right." she said, still worried.
"Let's go see James."
We walked back to the street. Damian came skating up. His Curly hair barely poking out of his beanie. "Hey guys, where you going?" he asked.
"James's do you want to come?" I asked, halfway meaning it.
"Sure, Let me tell the guys." he replied. He turned around and headed toward the guys. "HHEEEEEYYYY!!" He screamed. I started laughing, and the rest of the walk to the ramp was silent.
We got to James's, and walked in. We never knocked, it just wasn't our way. "Jaaaames!!?" I yelled as a warning, just incase he had another mystery woman over. Demy instantly went to the couch, sat down, crossed her legs, and flipped on the tube; and Damian half walked, half ran to James's room. I took off my shoes, and went to the kitchen. James had a 3rd story flat. He had the most money out of all of us. His house was professionally decorated, by our good friend Miranda, She moved away last year, when she hit it big.
James and Damian came out of the room, James still putting on his clothes.
"Hey Jay, where is it?" I asked, rummaging through his porcelain.
"Where is what Izz?" he asked leaning against the wall looking at me with his big blue eyes. "Come on Jay, the cd?" I said still rummaging.
"Why would a cd be in my cabinet?" he asked walking up to me. I stopped searching, realizing that I actually had no idea what he was talking about, or why I felt the need to use code. I gave James a hug. James was my first love. We were strictly friends now, but some people still think we are dating. I kissed his cheek, and then noticed a strange girl walking out of his room.
"Oh, and you had company?" I asked. He still hadn't moved his hands from around my waist.
"HEY! What's your name?" I said to her.
"Emily," she said, half embarrassed. She walked to the door, and put on her shoes.
"Well Emily, what's the big rush, we're all friends here. Stay awhile" I told her. She hesitated, and then glanced at James.
"Are you two dating?" she asked, her face turning redder by the minute. And Jay's hands instantly fell.
"NO!!" we said simultaneously. I fidgeted with my hair. And Emily left. As soon as the door closed Damian let out a scream!
"Whoooo-eeee. James, James, James." he said as if to say ‘why didn't you let me join in'.
"The funny thing is, I never knew her name was Emily." James said laughing. Then he walked to the fridge, and pulled out a bottle of Vodka, and a small bag of weed.
"JAMES!!! I love you!!!!" I said! Demy came walking into the kitchen, pulling down her skirt, and Damian followed laughing.
"James! YES!" Demy said. James smiled; he was quite pleased with himself. I crab some shot glasses, and Damian walked to the bathroom and grabbed the bong.
"So what was going on with you and Damian?" I asked Demy.
"Oh nothing. Just a little game of tag." She said giggling. I raised my eyebrow, "Oh yeah, sure."
We sat there for what had to be hours, shot after shot, and toak after toak, finally it was around 10, maybe 11 I'm not too sure and I went to leave. "Well you guys, this has been fun, and I hate to party and leave, but I have to work tomorrow, I promised Amy." I said. I sat up from James' lap. Gave him a hug, and then said bye to Demy and Damian. I grabbed my bag, and my shoes, and half stumbled half walked down the hall to the elevator.
Once outside I reached in my bag pulled out a box of Newport 100's and took one out. I walked down toward the road, when I noticed someone was behind me. I started rummaging through my purse to find my knife, but I couldn't find it, so I kept walking, but I hurried up my speed. Then something touched my shoulder, I jumped, my heart was pounding, I whipped around and immediately felt comforted, even though I could barely make out who it was at first. He pulled me close to his body, I dropped my cigarette, he was holding my tight, and he whispered in my ear. "Run, go right home, and do not look back, lock your doors, and I will be there soon." It was Jason.
It's amazing how fast I actually got home. Although the five blocks between James' and my house isn't far, it still takes me about 15 minutes. I walked in and locked the door and waited, I decided that I could go to sleep and convinced myself that the sound of Jason knocking on my door would wake me.
* * *
I woke up to a strange smell, it wasn't bad, actually it had to be one of the best smell i had ever been in contact with, but it was still unusual. Before I opened my eyes, I thought about where I was. I must have fallen asleep at James' I thought. I sat myself up, eyes still shut, and fumbled with my hair, pulling every last long lock into a messy bun.
"JAMES!! Why didn't you wake me?? You know I have to go to work today!!" I said rubbing my eyes. But my call went unanswered. He must have left. I thought. I finally opened my eyes and I was in my bed. It was still pitch black, the only shadows being cast from the dull red glow of my alarm clock that read "2:15 a.m." Someone was in my bed with me. "Oh god James, not again! You can't keep doing this." I said, and curled up next to him, resting my head on his chest.
"Set the alarm please, and I hope you put the pillows in the right spot for once. And I'm cold, so pull..." and I was out.
* * *
"If you feel, so empty, so ripped off, so useless.... Let's start a RIOT!" my alarm rang. I rolled over, slapped around a couple places and it finally shut off. I sat up, stretched and scratched my head. I opened my eyes to see a toned, black haired, god walking out of my bathroom, wrapped in a towel. "How did you get in here?" I asked, half asleep.
"I borrowed a key from you." he replied gathering his clothes.
"Do you always walk in to strangers' houses? Or am I special?"
"I am sorry, but I needed to be able to get in and know you were safe, I truly hope you do not mind. Here you can even have it back." he handed me the key.
"And why did you leave so suddenly last night? And how did I wind up in my bed, and the oven.." he cut me off.
"You passed out. I could not just leave you there. I put you in your bed. I built the covers around you so that you would not roll off the bed. I took the pizza out of the oven; it was delicious by the way. Then I slipped out the front." he said walking back into the bathroom. I smiled to myself. I went to the second drawer of my dresser and pulled out my skirt. Then to the bottom drawer and got my tank top. I changed and then went to the closet. At this time Jason had emerged from the Bathroom, His hair slicked back, and dripping onto his black band-t over a white button down shirt. I grabbed a pair of black ballerina heels, and slipped them on.
"Why was it so important that I go home right away, without a cab?" I asked watching him walk so perfectly over to the bed and sit.
"Izzabella, I am not a safe person. I have been in a lot of trouble, and it is still catching up to me."
"So last night? That what was that?" I asked, already knowing the answer.
"I did not want them to know you were associated with me, otherwise you could have become seriously hurt."
"And why did you walk in my house?"
"I already explained.." I interrupted him.
More importantly, why did you sleep in my bed, and shower here?"
"I was making up for the other night, I furred you would be just as happy."
"We didn't do anything stupid did we?" I asked hoping for both answers.
"No, No, NO, Izzabella, no." he said. "On a better note," he added, "What would you like to do today?"
"I have to be at work in about an hour." I said, rather disappointed.
"But it is a Saturday. Where is it that you work?"
"I work at the Hookup. It's open everyday. I've been skipping out on it, so I have a lot to make up if I want to keep my job."
"I have never heard of it. What do you do there."?
"I'm the receptionist. I consult with clients about who they want to do their tattoos or piercings. And fetch water, and other supplies. Not the best job, but it pays the bills. Plus I love the people there."
"I would think that someone like you would have a more important role."
"Trust me, it's important, the shop falls apart without me."
"So, calling off is out of the question. What are you doing after work?"
"Most of the time I hang out with my friends."
"Are we friends?"
"Than do you think it is possible for you and I to do something later on?"
"I think I can pencil you in."
"How are you getting to work?"
"I am walking."
"May I join you?"
"DUH!!" We walked to the door. We walked the six blocks to The Hookup.
"Thanks for walking with me!" I said.
"You are very welcome!" he replied.
"Ok, so you should give me your number and I will call you as soon as I get home."
"Trust me Izzabella; you are not going to have a chance to call me." He said hinting at something that I couldn't pick up on.

© Copyright 2008 Lustly (angel-of-lust at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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