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One of the beginning Chapters of Zehra's Saga |
ZEHRA Zehra Dar rises from her beautifully rune carved desk and walks towards her window. She stands there , starring out at the people making camp, on the castle grounds and beyond. From up here it looks like a giant quilt laid out for a Titan's picnic. Never has a calll like this, ever made, or the reply equaled. " You are the only one that can startle me that way. Must I put a bell on you? " I turned swifly as Earthskin arrives with a scroll. As I walk back to my desk and sit, I am asking myself, " How the hell, did this all start and how did I get here to this time, to this place , to this war? Damn. Of course I know, Damn still. I open the scroll and traces the coded information with my fingers. It was like reading Braille, with a tad of magical electricity. All is confirmed. I am concerned for 'The Otherworld. It is not like the Christian heaven, even though it is a place of feasting, music, and laughter, in which some await rebirth. It is a land in which gods stilll rule and where heroes can become dieties; however, some that dwell here have never lived as mortals or ever will. Though The Otherworld, might be accessed through a hill or sea, it is regarded as present within and not seperate from tne world, but it has different time frames from mortal time and a similarity to fairyland. I moves in both worlds. It is my destiny. Many serious problems are arisng on Gaia that cannot be ignored, which can bring problems into this world. Mortals have been here before bringing their Iron and almost killing us all. I live on Gaia, been on a quest , for some time now, as I await the birth of two children. twins, who are very special and an intricate part of The otherworld and humankind. I live under the mask and spellls of illusions in the human world as one of them, in order to achieve success on my mission. my plan , I must say, is brilliant and working. I also have no doubt that the problems occurring on Gaia will seep into The Otherworld, the place where no tears, aging, or death exist. The thought that it could in any way , this wonderous world could be corrupted makes me sick inside, forseeing the horror of such a thing happening. I have missed my home and my people, but the reason for being home was not for pleasure. I was surprised , no , in shock. I thought' They ' must have made a horrible mistake. No.' They', made no mistakes. I have just been appointed , Guardian of the ' Tapestry of Life'. It was a long ceremony , but it was magnificent, beyond any words or magic I could conjur up. Unbelieveable! Guardian and officially,( and do not laugh ) a knight, Lady Dar. Well. that is done. Now I can continue to be the mysterious, adventuress, fighter and wizadress. " The Leaf". I love what I do! My role in this drama though, was no wheres near completion. I detroyed the scroll. " Earthskin, my bags and weapons are ready, can you fetch then for me?" I took another look at my study, I am prepared to leave. The massive computer system behind me ceased humming. Earthskin returned in a flash with my gear. " Can you please hand me that black bag , yes , where did I put it. I fumbled in the bag for a minute, Ah! here it is. I brought it back from the land of mortals twenty-first century, and a few tings more. "Is there anythig else?" Earthskin asked. "The time has come..." my heart grew heavy. " You too have an important part to do in this mission. Carry it out to the letter, and to the best of your abilities. Remeber this . This trinket, this mortal toy ring is of no value to anybody , not even a child. No one will want to take it from you. This toy ring willl bring us together when the time comes. We will then confront our deadliest , evilest foe, we have ever encountered in our very long lives. There will be hard times and terrible things will be happening. Remember the rendezvous place and time, do not be late, bring the others safe, stay alive. May the Power that Be, be with you." " And with you M'Lady. Til we meet again, and we will with certainty." he slwly bowed and was gone. His muission is not an easy one either, but I have faith in him. " Let it be so." Here I stand before the Master Weavers'.'Tapestry of Life' with Its' countless energy lights blinking in multitudes of colors , moving, changing , breathing ,. I touch the location I am to go to and instantly merge into It ,as it fades into nothing in the air. I arrived at Tir Na Mban. Land of Women. I am scouting for a temporary place to house the Tapestry safely where it could not be found by anyone. This Tapestry could not fall into the hands of any being mortal or supernatural. This Isle is perhaps the most mystical Isle of the Blest, the realm ruled over by beautiful fairy women,( yes I said fairy), and their Queen originally the goddess Arianrhod. Here, time stands still, the only problem is that, the women delight travelers who reached the island by chance or on a quest, with love , feasting, and poetic or musical aspirations. In return the Fairy Women are impregnated.Mortal men have the option of remaining with their consorts and gain immortality or at least sevral hundred years of erotic bliss. However, most sail home to become great bards and poets. My problem is just that. Mortal men remaining on the island . It is to dangerous. The Tapestry would not remain safe for very long. I have to move on.It did not take. I have found an uninhabited island, won't be discovered for years, perfect. "I have always wanted an island to myself", I said laughing aloud.Yes, here is where I am setting up the 'Tapestry of Life'.. I conjured up an extradimensional dwelling that has a single entrance. I am the only one who can designate who may enter. It is a magnificent mansion with numerous chambers. the atmosphere is clean, fresh , and warm. For a moment, I feel so light-hearted and I can remember how magic used to be so much fun. The mansion is fully furnished, food. with a staff of near transparent servants, liveried and obedient. Outside conditions do not affect the mansion, nor do the conditions inside it, pass to the plane beyond. It is safe! I will not be missed, time is different here than on the mortal side and home. This is good. "The fighting has been hard in this campaign. I have to one conclusion, that when alll has ended, the exodus of my people, along with my Companions, the finest warriors of ant time or place, willl be the best solution. Things willl never be the same. Ti doesn't take a mage to understand that the Otherworld, a world within the other will be compromised. Gaia has seen some dark says and many glorious days of enlightment. Wondrous things were made, but , along with man's dark side, so did weapons of horrendous destruction.Cures becoming biological killer viruses, which brings me here today. These are the darkest times seen by man. The new " Dark Ages". I must go now to the time and place I have to be in to resume my mission. Depending on the time that it takes , I will have to remain transmuted runnig the risk of remaining in this shape. Human. Spring Cleaning It is a glorious morning, the children are running through the house, restless, dying to go outside and play. So. decided to let them go and play when the phone rang. " Hello." " Hi Teresa! Listen I am taking the brats to the park want to come along?" It is Pat. " hey, I would love to, but, I am 'Spring Cleaning', but you can do me a great favor, can you take my two with you?" "Sure, no problem. I"ll be there in about fifteen minutes. O.K. Bye." " Thanks, Bye," we hung up. The kids are excited. Pat lives two blocks away, she arrived with her three kids and whisked mine away. The park in only a couple of blocks away across the large vacant lot we call 'Green Holly'. I watched from the kitchen window as they wave good-bye, leaping, laughing their way across the lot. I gave a sigh of contentment, but, you know that funny feeling that says " something is in the air", and you just can't tell if it is bad or good, hit me for a moment. I am not worried about the kids or Pat and hers. Forget it. I tossed the feeling aside, put on some music, and began cleaning. I finally reached the final room . I empitied out the closets, and decided to remove the old carpeting on its' floor. To my surprise, there is a trap door. I was just about to open it, when my mind raced with alll kuinds of possibilities. Let me rephrase that, alll sorts of 'insane ' possibilities crodded it. O.K. I could use a break just about now. I am pondering on what to do, and really this talking to myself is getting serious. I chuckled. So, what I have here is a trap door, which can lead to an underground passage, or it could be a few feet deep and hold some trinkets, a safety box, or jewelry. Then again it can just be a hole with a bunch og bugs! Oh, hell no," I said aloud, and I went to the kitchen to gear up.Let's see, gloves, dust mask, lighter torch, and RAID! Wait there could be money , treasure, important papers, then an insane little voice in the back of my mind said, " or it could some gruesome thing, a body, skeletons, STOP!!! I just swung the damn door open, and to my surprise, nothing flew at me . Not even a fly. There are steps leading down into the earth, about twenty to twenty-five steps and then a landing. I listen, nothing. I left alll the crazy gear behind, I just grabbed a knife and began to decend slowly ; the clean rich smell of earth hit my nostrils. With each step I am taking , I am feeling a strange current running through me, I cannot turn back. I feel as if am beginning to move either very slow or very fast, I am reaching the landing, my head is spinning. I cannot help stagger . I am holding on to the banister for dear life. There is a force that will not let me turn back. I cannot go back. I feel a change within me. I reach the ground and I stagger some more.I caught the sight of a light emanating from a room, I tried walking towards it, and,,, Teresa fainted, Ow! My head . What, where as I tried to sit up my whole world spun. I sat up slowly this time. This place looks familiar and then not. How did I get here? My vision was clearing I was in some womans room. At the far corner was a very old antique vanity , I slowly made my way towards it listening intently for any sound, any sign of anything, anyone. I stopped " hmm. thought I heard something." I made it to the vanity and sat down as I looked into the mirror... I jumped up with lightening speed and turned around. Where is she? No one here but me. I sat down again and cleaned of the mirror. Oh my, By the Powers that be! Then I heard a rustling noise behind me, again I moved like lightening this time from next to the vanity I had picked up a sword, from behind a hidden door stepped out ... "Whoa! M'Lady!" " Who are you? Come out into the light." " Tis I, have been waiting for some time. You are a bit late." The voice struck a cord. " Cappen? Cappen! Oh... How long? Tis good to see you! Tell me. " " Here take this. It is the potion you left with instructions to give to you immediately upon your arrival. It will alll come back to you." I drank it happily,if only to feel better.no more dreams , no more illusions. I sat down again. This is my place , my things. he was silent for a bit . " Better?" " Yes. thank you. and cut it out with the M'Lady, we go to far for that!" " Welcone back Zehra!" |