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Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1426763
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The sun slowly began to rise as the small town of Brommelsick begins to awake. The sound of the town's people getting to a long days work echoed in the evanescent darkness. The figures of a small group of people begin to be visible on the horizon just north of the small town on the small dirt road. Then another, then another; the sound of men yelling suddenly reached the ears of the town-folk.
          "Oh, dear, w-what are we going to do?" asked a little old lady, as she began to run around the town square. In the east the figures of two persons could just begin to be visible in the morning sun. A man from the village, about the age of fifty-seven ran to met the unknown travelers.
          "Please sir!" the man proclaimed, as he looked he saw that the other had his hood pulled up over his face while the other did not. "Please sirs, you must help us!" the taller of the two unknown travelers looked to the man with a rather large over bearing grin on his face. As he opened his eyes the man noticed something odd about them.
          "What maybe the assistance that you are inquiring?" the taller of the two unknown travelers looked to the man, as he had a look of shock on his face.
          "Y-y-you are a demon!?" the man began to shout as he ran from them, as he continued to run he shouted and screamed at the top of his lunges. The group of men to the north stopped.
          "Mi'lord Shadow, shood we elp them?" the smaller of the two unknown travelers removed his blood read hood to reveal his face. He had angelic like features, long black hair that was divided into four different braids. His dark violet eyes skimmed the horizon. "Ther Mi'lord!" he pointed to the large group of well-armed warriors that had stopped just a few yards away.
          "But Marcus, they are humans, they deserve their fate." Shadow turned and began to continue down the dirt path that led the other way outside of town.
         "Mi'lord," Marcus' hand began to reach for Vidofnir; his hand reached the smooth bamboo hilt. He looked to Shadow as he drew his spear.
         "Marcus, don't even think about it!" As Marcus turned to Shadow all he could see was the flash of Shadow's hand come toward him. Marcus tried to block the rather large hand coming toward him.
         "Mi'lord!" with the final swift movement, Shadow had Marcus by the throat. Shadow was holding Marcus just a few inches off the ground.
"Marcus!" As Marcus looked upon Shadow he became every confused, he noticed his platinum hair changed styles, and his platinum eyes changed to a cool ice blue. "What did he tell you!?" Shadow's grips around Marcus' throat begin to constrict.

                "Mi'lord, mi'apollogies!" Marcus dropped his Guan Dao so that he could hold onto Shadow's wrist. As Shadow let go he turned to look at the group of men who where stayed just a few yards away from the gates of the town.
                "Well, Marcus, you do drive a hard bargain. I see that the humans that you are now describing are the ones that look to be a great test of skill for you." Shadow looked to Marcus as he kneeled gasping for air. Marcus looked up to see that shadow was smiling, but this smile seem rather different then most other smiles. It seems to be a happy smile but also seem to be mocking him. Shadow reached to the his side to unsheathe his beloved Frostmourn, the blade glowed a dim green as he stood their.
                Shadow looked to the villagers who where now running from the small village. He noticed that it seemed that everyone knew everyone else because they where watching everyone's back. Shadow turned to Marcus and with one slight wink, a pair of great jet-black angel wings begin to from Shadows armor. Shadow pushed from the ground, and then began to disappear in the clouds. Marcus looked around then with a great smile he picked up Vidofnir, and began to run in the same direction, toward the small town.
                As they approached the small town, Marcus, could see that everyone was terrified as they thought that the "demon" would be attacking their beloved homes. With one swift movement, Marcus jumped over the little old lady and landed on the roof of the near by shop. As Marcus stood there, he noticed that Shadow came walking out of the hotel just next to the shop.
                "Marcus, what are you doing up on the roof of that store? You could fall and hurt yourself." Shadow turned and began to walk the opposite way, and then he paused and looked to Marcus. "Well I almost had forgotten what I was going to do." Shadow begins to laugh as he jumped up and landed to Marcus. Marcus and Shadow began to jump from roof to roof. As they got closer to the group of men, they began to charge them. Shadow took off into the sky again as Marcus jumped from the roof of the smallest house in Brommelsick, Marcus landed just a few yards away from, who seemed like the leader. Marcus looked around to see if he could see Shadow anywhere, he could not, so he stood his ground and waited for the men to attack.
                Marcus' Guan Dao began to glow a dim fire red, he stayed calm and did not take his eyes off of the group's leader. As the leader began to charge, Marcus brought up his spear, the blade now glow a bright red. As the spear connected with the warrior's sword there was a bust of bright red flames. The other warriors look onto the fight with astonishment. Marcus grins at the ill taught rouges of this world, for magic is now a few hundred years away from this people. Marcus brought up his spear as the warrior took a few steps back.
                "What sort of trick is this!?" the warrior questioned his actions as he looked upon Marcus, "How could a person do such magic!?" the warrior took another step back as he was still dazed with what Marcus did. Marcus again smiled as the blade of his spear changed to a bright yellow, he brought down his spear as it hit the ground, and a great line of rock began to charge after the unknown warrior. It looked as if something was borrowing after his. The warrior turned and began run as he was surrounded a cage of rock and sand.
                  Marcus looked around to see if he could see who was laughing at him. He saw that Shadow was standing just a few feet away. He noticed that there was a small pile of bodies that lay just at his feet. Shadow looked to a charging warrior, he raised his hand as the warrior slowly began to levitate just a few feet off the ground. Shadows face gently shifted from frustration to joy, a dark aura begin to surround the unlucky warrior as he began to feel what Shadow was doing to him. The aura began to enter the warrior through his nostrils and his other orifices of his face. The warrior tried to cry out for but soon began to expand, just a few seconds later the area was covered in a light dusting of blood.
                  "That was fun!" Shadow looked to the last few remaining warriors. He took a step toward them as a young female jumps into his path.
                  "You will not harm them you foul demon!" she raised her hand and pushed the warriors back with her staff. Marcus looked up as his eyes met with that of a beautiful young cleric.
                  "Marisa! What are you doing! You mustn't be here!" Marcus began to take a step toward Marisa. Shadow raised his hand as to stop Marcus from getting any closer to her. Marcus listened as he new that attacking Shadow would not be a good idea on his part. So Marcus just stood up and looked at Shadow, with a look of confusion, he lowered his spear as he took another step toward Marisa.
                  Marisa took a step back as the large ruby on the end of her staff began to glow, her face narrowed from confusion to anger. "Marcus what are thee doing with a creature like him!" she looked to Marcus then to Shadow. "What do you think you are doing corrupting him like that!?" Marcus looked to shadow with the up-most disgrace on her face. She lifted her staff as the ruby began to grow even brighter. Marcus now wondering what she was going to do Shadow jumped in between them.
                "Marisa, yoo cannot kell him! Yoo must abandoned what yoor have started here! Or yoo will die by his hands!" Marcus was now holding Marisa by the shoulders to stop her from attacking Shadow.
Shadow looked to Marcus, "This bores me," Shadow opened his jet-black angel wings and took off into the sky. Marisa looked into Marcus' eyes as they turned to continue down the road back to the little town; the sounds of horses sound off in the evanescent light.
                "Marisa, are you ready to test your skills?" Marisa looked to Marcus confused that his speaking ability is now remarkable. "It was just a cover so that Shadow did not know that I was really as powerful as I really am!" Marcus looked to down the other end of the road as he began to laugh just like Shadow as he attacked the new battalion.
© Copyright 2008 Marcus Von Valentine (zual3701 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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