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Rated: XGC · Novel · Adult · #1428614
Talking over their past, they both learn about their connections to eachother and Marnus.
CHAPTER THREE:          

                   Angel in chains

         In a flash, he was racing up the stairs towards her.  Determined to use his unnatural intimidation against her.  Tired of being unsettled by a girl that he could snap like a twig.  Grabbing hold of her throat.  Slamming her down, against the hard island counter.  It almost surprised him when instead of flesh, he felt metal under his hands.  It didn't matter!  Barring his fangs, he let out a hiss.  His eyes glossy, dark.  Nostrils flaring. 

         She let out a little horrified gasp, seeing his face distort before her. 

         "Why was HE here?!” he yelled at her, “Who are you?!  What is it that you want?!” His strong arms keeping her locked in place.  Pressing his palms against her shoulders. 

         She studied his face.  She could see his apprehension. Knowing that it meant he didn't want to hurt her.  A beautifully confident look falling over her face. 

         “I’m the one who saved you.” She said in a matter of fact tone, “He’s the one who saved me.” 

         Jayce was confused by her words.

         Sliding her hand down into the top of her pants, she shouted, “And I want you to get off of me!" Suddenly, she pulled a crucifix out of her clothing, setting it on his arm.

         Out of pain alone Jayce recoiled from her, letting out a loud yell.  His skin burning, bubbling, scared by the holy brand.  The cross had left its image scorched into his hand.  Holding his hand, he shot a pointed glance back in her direction. 

         She sat up on the counter, holding the cross out in front of her.  Now a darkness swept across her eyes, her face emotionless.  Her hand shaking slightly as it held the warm, tarnished metal. 

         "I don't want to destroy you Jayce."  She spoke softly now.  A nervous tone shaking her voice.  She collected herself a moment.  Then in a demanding tone she said, "I want answers myself.  You're the only one that can give them to me.  So let's just sit down, and talk.  Kay?"

         Jayce relaxed a little, bringing back his human face.  "Fine!" he muttered, sinking slowly into the nearest chair.

         She took a deep breath and blew it out, "Okay then." 

         Walking calmly towards him, tucking the cross back inside her waistband.  Resting gently on the adjacent chair.  'She's so beautiful.'  Jayce caught him shelf thinking, mesmerized by her eyes again, ' Confident, genital, compassionate, secretive, and Dangerous!  My type of dame.'           

         "So I suppose you heard most of that?"  her voice faded in, disturbing his thoughts. 

         He nodded, with a stone cold face.

         "And I’m guessing you have questions?"  She inquired awkwardly, rubbing her throat as she spoke. 

         Quiet for a moment.  Jayce tapped his thin long fingers on the table.  "Why was Martin Wolfgon in your home?" 

         "He’s a friend of mine.  He is helping me with some health issues.  Also, remember I told you.  I give room and board to Hunters." Her voice softened, as well as the look in her eyes.

         Jayce looked around paranoid by the thought.  He was sitting in an empty lion’s den awaiting his predators to return.  His jaw tensed, and his eyes closed.

         "Relax."  she cooed, sliding her hand over his.  “No one's here.  It's winter so, it's pretty empty this time of year.  There's a blizzard out there, so no one should be coming by until morning.  So you're safe here.”

         Jayce looked down at her hand, feeling the warmth on his cold skin.  Hearing her voice ring through him, like the chime of a church bell at Midnight.  His body vibrated with its sound.  Opening his eyes to see her face, finding himself in deep thought.  Not about his safety.  About pulling her close, and kissing those full lips.  Feeling her hair in his hands.  Smelling her sweat, her fear, her arousal.  Taking her right here on the table.  He couldn't stop these thoughts flooding his mind. He looked back up at her.  See was still waiting for him to respond.

         Pulling his hand back, sliding it under the table, he straightened himself.  "Oh yeah, real safe."  he mocked harshly, “At any given moment a hunter can just walk right in here and End me. You consider that safe? “ 

         “Not here they can't.” she retorted, “This is neutral ground.  No one can attack unless they're being attacked.  So you keep your teeth to yourself and they can't 'end you'.  That's what makes it a safe place.”

         Sliding the ashtray over to herself from the center of the table, she lit up a cigarette. Inhaling deeply, soothing her nerves. Then she slid the pack over to Jayce.  As he lit his, he saw her hand trembling again. 

         "So,” he proceeded persuasively, “Tell me.  Why would a pretty girl like you, have a room especially made for vampires in her basement?  Hmm …”

         Adora exhaled slowly.  Smiling uneasily, averting her eyes from him, she confessed.  "Originally it was a bomb shelter.  Then it was a panic room.  But then Martin brought a vamp here for questioning.  And from then on, it's been for vampires." 

         Jayce thought about all the torturous ways a vampire could be question by a hunter.  ‘Then he shook it out of his head’  “Questioning?  Why would he bring a vampire here to question him, knowing this is a neutral place?”

         "I’m looking for a certain vampire.  So those of you that might have information I might need, are brought here to be questioned.  Sometimes harshly I must admit but, that's up to the vamp."  She sat back in her chair, taking another long drag from her cigarette.  The look in her eyes showing her remorse. “But the ends justified the means.  You're here because I overheard you talking to that other guy about Marnus.  He's the one I'm looking for.  When I heard you weren’t his biggest fan, I thought we could help each other.”

         Jayce's eyes widening for a moment, intrigued by her response. Then narrowing again as he spoke, "Now what would you, a smart human girl, want with a very old vampire like, Marnus?"

         Instead of answering him, she lifted her shirt, sliding the turtleneck off  her. Under it was a tank top that accented her breast beautifully, and a gold collar.  The collar ran the whole length of her slender throat.  It had some give to it, allowing her movement.  However, there were no creases or hinges to it. 

         Jayce stood up examining it closely.  He walked over to her, finding only a small key hole in the back of it.  He knew what this meant.  It could only be taken off by the one who held the key, and the only one who used this type of collar . . .

         After a few moments of thought, he said brusquely, “You belonged to him.  Enslaved by him.  But how did you escape?  Alive?" 

         Jayce let out a huff. Taking in the deep breath, he could smell her coconut shampoo and vanilla perfume.  But most of all he could smell her. Lilies. . .

         Her eyes met his suddenly, with a hurting innocence that twisted at his heart.  She looked so helpless.  She needed some tenderness, some compassion.  Angelic beauty chained with the weight of her secrets.  Arousal poured through his body, like a warm breath against his body. He looked away quickly, trying to regain his focus.

         "At first I guess I was his mistress.” She said clearing her throat, turning to finish her cigarette.  Jayce sat back down, looking back in to her eyes curiously, seeing despair flooding through them.  "We met on a boardwalk in California.  We had a few dates.  Then, it was a once or twice a month, whenever he was in town for an intimate rendezvous'.  He would bring me gifts. Called me all the time checking on me and what I was doing.” She put out her smoke then reached for another, quickly lighting it.

         After another exhale she continued, "Part of me thought he was amazing.  He was so attentive to me. The other part of me, the bigger part, told me to get rid of him.  Still I waited six months before I finally broke it off.  Marnus was irate when I told him.  He said horrible things. Made even worse threats." Her hands trembled uncontrollably. 

         She looked away from Jayce again, concentrating on the table. "So, after a short time, the phone calls started.  I changed my number, but that didn't stop him.  He sent things in the mail, and was everywhere I went.  Stalking me.  I called the police but, without proof, there was nothing I could do.  They tried to look him up on their computer but, no one named Marnus Peirce existed.  At least not to them.

         "I left the state.  Went to my brother's in Minnesota.  I didn't tell him about Marnus really.  If I had, he might still be. . .” Stopping herself she took another drag. 

         “You had no way of knowing that he was a vampire.” Jayce spoke softly to her, trying to give her courage as she told her story.

         She shook her head and exhaled, stammering on, "Anyways, while I was there, I met up with an old boyfriend from junior high. We started dating again.  His name was Sam.  For almost a year, we were happy and carefree.  My life was perfect.  I was in love.  I had a great job.  My brother Andy, who was the hunter, went on a two-month sabbatical to spend time with me for the Holidays.  My dad decided to come home for a while and I was planning my wedding. 

         "Then November 12th arrived.  I came home from work.  My brother and Father and I were celebrating my dad's 50th birthday.  Everything was going so well.  Then the door flew open and we were surrounded by vampires.  I was put in hand cuffs.  Forced to watch my family slaughtered. 

         "As I was being taken out of the house, Sam appeared in front of them.  Trying to save me, I guess.  I watched him die too.  Then I was shoved in to a car and Marnus drank from me till I passed out."  She was visibly shaken by her traumatic memories.

         Jayce stood up and helped her put her missing clothing back on.  Grabbing the mug in front of her, he strolled over to the coffee pot. 

         "Maybe you need a break."  he murmured. 

         "No!"  she blurted out, "I think we need something, stronger then coffee." 

         She approached a cupboard over the fridge, standing on tiptoe to reach inside it.  Pulling a whiskey bottle out from within it, then removed two shot glasses.  She nervously opened the bottle, poured it into the glasses as it spilt a bit on the counter.  Then grabbing the small glass, throwing the shot down her throat. 

         The warmth filling her throat as the liquid slid down it.  Her hands became steadier, her breathing slowed, her heart calmed.  She poured another shot, offering Jayce the other.  Jayce picked up the glass, touched it to hers and they both threw the shot back. 

         "I believe it's your turn to confess something."  She grabbed the bottle and glass, walking back to the table with them. 

         "Oh, is this how it works now?"  Jayce smiled.  "Well I suppose it's only fair." 

         "Yes it is.  So tell me.  How you know Marnus? "

         Sitting back down, he poured himself another shot and she did the same.  "Okay.  Marnus is like my..." he took a deep breath through his teeth, and then quickly said, "He's like my sire."  Throwing another shot down his throat.

         Adora's eyes widened.  "Wait a minute.  You’re telling me that you’re going after your own sire?  Can you do that?" 

         "Yeah, you can.  If, you live long enough to be released of their control.  But …” 

         "So how were you embraced then?" 

         "What does that have to do with turning on my sire?" Jayce asked.

         "Everything!"  She asserted, smiling again.

         Jayce was silent for a moment as she took another shot.  He never really discussed his story with anyone.  But she had just opened up to him, and it was only fair.

         "It was 1929 during the 'Great Depression'.  I was a detective for the NYPD.  I had a good job during that time.  I mean money was still tight, but at least I had a job.  I had a girl named Mary, we had been dating on and off since high school.  I planned to marry her as soon I was financially stable.  We had an apartment over my soon to be new office.  I had plans to quite the force to be a Private detective.  Her family was well to do so, we didn't suffer as bad as other's did.

         "Anyways.” he sighed, “One day I got a case.  My first case in my new office.  Some dame had been kidnapped by some suspected mobsters.  I, of course took the case, being the do-gooder that I was.  Wanting to save the world from the things that slither through shadows and roamed the night."  They both giggled at the irony.

         "So you believed in justice, righting wrongs and all that?"

         "Yes, yes I really did.  I guess I still do.  So, I found this molly, Veroca, in a basement of an abandoned warehouse.  She was near death when I found her.  You'll find that funny later."  he pointed out with a smirk, and then drank another shot. "She had been badly beaten, and raped. Or so it appeared. But I rescued her.  Returned her to her beloved bother, Marnus.  Obviously, they were thankful, or so I thought. 

         "They visited me at work a lot.  Especially Veroca.  They helped me get my office up and going.  They helped me with my wedding plans and new cliental.  I thought I had it made.  Until one night, when Veroca came to see me.  We were all alone at the office.  I guess she was just trying to show me her gratitude, or something, when she kissed me without warning. 

         "As you can imagine, I was caught off guard and reacted badly.  I turned her down by telling her to scram.  So she did, for a while.  Veroca was everywhere after that.  Talk about stalker material.  I mean, the broad was daffy.  A couple of times I found her waiting in the men's bathroom.  This broad was cra-zy! 

         "A couple months later I woke up to my office engulfed in flames.  I went to the kitchen to call for some help, but I the phone lines had been cut I guess.  And when I went back to the bedroom, I saw Mary.  She had her throat ripped open and was chocking on her own blood."          Another shot of whiskey went down his dry throat.  Adora matched him shot for shot.  Jayce cleared his throat, shaking off the memory.

         "Next thing I knew, I was waking up chained in the same basement I’d saved Veroca from.  After a while, I was finally embraced.  There's my confession.  I believe it's your turn now."  The bottle was almost empty now.  He could feel the effects around his eyes.  His unnatural tolerance for alcohol was beginning to lose its battle.  Meaning Adora had to be good and buzzed by now. 

         She took the last shot.  Standing up, she sauntered to the fridge and removed two beers from it.  "What do you wanna know?" she was asking as she slid the beer over to him. 

         "Tell me what happened when you finally woke up.” Both opening their brown glass bottles, and taking a good sized gulp.

         "Okay. . ." she started lighting another smoke, “Um … when I woke up, I was chained to a large bed with this stupid collar.  The room looked like an old tunnel, all brick.  There was this horrible musty smell.  So I knew I was underground.  But there was fabric flowing from the ceilings and walls, giving the appearance of some kind of, palace or something.”

         "Yep.  Sounds like Marnus to me.  Always trying to transform one thing into another."  Jayce agreed, raising his bottle to her before taking a swallow. 

         "You would know.  Anyways.  I was forced to drink his blood to sustain myself.  It was to keep me loyal, and able to endure all the beatings and rapes I’d received.  It made me heal faster, and gave me more stamina, so I wouldn't pass out during my punishments.” she stood up lifting her shirt and tank top to reveal old scars and faded bite marks all over her perfect little body.  Jayce wanted to kiss every one of them.  To give her better memories to go with them, but he resisted the temptation.

          "Just like the other girls there.  We were slaves he paraded around at parties.  Serving drinks and ourselves to the other vampires.  We belonged to Marnus. He made sure we'd never forget it by giving us this."  She unbuttoned her pants to show Marnus' family crest, branded on the skin of her back right hip.

         Tears glistened in her eyes, as she straightened herself, refusing to let a single drop fall.  She took another swig of beer, “Three years.  Three years, I waited for him to finally get tired of me.  Three years before he dropped his guard.  Three years before I could escape.”

         Jayce knew what had happened to her there. After all he did see it first hand with other innocent girls he'd helped seduce into slavery.  The brutality of their punishments.  Forced to drink from his veins.  The horror of Marnus’ insensible sexual tastes.  Branding them so others would know to whom she belonged, and to whom she would need to be returned to.  A golden collar fused with blood magic, to prevent anyone from taking a drink from that vital place, he called his own.  Marnus alone held the key.  Adora would never truly be free until the damned thing was removed.

         Jayce looked over to see that she was visibly shaken again.  She looked at him saying, "I’m sorry.  I guess I'm just still. . . "

         "Afraid." Jayce answered for her, hearing her heart thump against her chest.  "As well you should be.  He’s a monster.  Even our kind refers to him as such.  Well, at least in my city they do.  Which is why I'm here, actually.”


         Jayce went on to explain that Marnus and Lenard had been running a blood factory in the city.  They along with their minions were taking the homeless and runaways, with the exception of the pretty ones, even small children separated from their parents.  They were strapped to beds, their blood drained, to be bottled and sold to local blood drinkers.  It was a blatant violation of the vampire law.  They were supposed to protect their secret of what they were.  If they were found out, hunters and other fiends from the church would invade the city.  They would kill hundreds for the mistakes of a few.  So Jayce was sent by the vampire ruler of the East coast to break up the operation and bring the ones responsible to be judged by the elders.  He explained the chase that lead him to her very back yard.

         "So that's what brought you to me?”  she slurred a bit as she spoke.  Obviously, more inebriated then Jayce. 

         He gave a nod.  Her lips unfolding to reveal a smile, that crept from her mouth to his.  "So now that you have me drunk and vulnerable, what do you plan to do with me, doll?”  he teased, his eyes narrowing playfully. 

         A soft giggle rose from her.  "Both of us know you’re far from helpless, Mac.  ‘I’m the vulnerable one here.’

         "Not with that hidden crucifix you're not."  Jayce said with a laugh.  "Do you always  carry that trinket with you?" 

         Adora nodded lighting another cigarette.  As she exhaled a puff of smoke uttering, "It’s easier to hide and pull out then a stake, when somebody's trying to bite your neck." 

         "And how!  That is a pretty good idea though." he stood up, extending his hand to her.  "Makes me wonder.  What else you got stashed in there?” 

         "So," she looked at his hand, “you gonna frisk me now or something?" 

         Another laugh erupted from him,  “No, but you're obviously no longer comfortable in that chair.  Perhaps you should lie down for a bit.”

         Her green eyes locked on his, sending a jolt of warmth through his body.  An amused look falling over her face, "Maybe you're right.  Who knew vamps had manners?"  she mumbled playfully harassing him.

         Jayce pulled her to her feet, wrapping an arm around her waist. 

         "Ah, No.  We're just very observant.” He remarked kindly guiding her into the living room.

         Fire crackling and flickering in the white brick fire place, illuminating the living room, with a soft luminosity.  The radio played quietly in the background, from a stand near the fire.  Long white drapes hung across the windows closed tightly, their material glowing softly in the low light. 

         Swaying as they walked over to the white puffy couch, sitting in the middle of the room.  Easing her down on to the sofa, Jayce made her comfortable, and then covered her with a soft warm blanket that lay across the back cushions, wrapping it around her shoulders. 

         “Thank you.”  Adora uttered struggling to get situated.

         “You are quit welcome.  But I wonder, why you’re deliberately dropping you’re guard around me.  You’re no dumb Dora.  Surely you can’t be so trusting of my kind after what you’ve been through.” Jayce sat down on the coffee table across from her, awaiting her answer. 

         Looking to him with the most innocent of eyes, and the most matter-of-fact voice she answered, “Why shouldn’t I?  We both have the same enemy.  We’ve got our own stories and burdens to bear, because of the same fiend.  Besides, how can I convince you to help set me free of Marnus, if you have no reason to trust me?”

         “Ah but, are you sure you can really trust me?”  The corners of his mouth slowly slid in to a smug grin. 

         “I don’t know.” she leaded forward, “But this is a good time to find out now isn’t it?”

         The tension rose in the air, sparking an arousal, enveloping them.  Both still unsure of the other’s intensions.  Jayce could hear her heart beat harder, her breath becoming uneven.  Adora saw the lust burning brightly across his beautiful blue eyes.  Their lonely bodies drawing closer, trying to regain a connection, that was lost somewhere in time.  Being pulled together like two magnets attracted by desire.  The alcohol enhancing this feeling that crept through their beings. 

         Unable to tame his hunger for her, Jayce leaned in.  Placing his gentle lips against hers softly.  Her lips widened to welcome him, pressing hard against his.  Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her closer, deepening his kiss.  Pulling her from the couch, he draped her across his lap, cradling her head in the crook of his elbow.  Massaging her lip with his tongue, they parted eagerly excepting it with her own. 

         Abruptly, Jayce pulled away.  Arousal sinking back in to his core.  It was awakening the demon within.  Looking down at her angelic face, he watched as her body trembled in his arms, helpless against their passion. 

         Adora’s breathe still heavy and uneven.  Slowly he placed her back on the couch.  Jayce apologized, giving way to an awkward silence that lingered between them. Both unable to look at one another. 

         Jayce cleared his throat, forcing himself to gaze upon her again.  “How did you escape the palace?” 

         She stood up, walking back out to the kitchen.  Bringing back her cigarettes and an ashtray, she placed them on the coffee table and sat back down in front of him.  After lighting one, she said admitting, “Six years ago, he finally got bored with me, and had moved on to the newest member of his sick little harem.  I waited for Marnus’ next big party.  I played the role of good slave, watching him and his guests drain body after body, mostly homeless people.  The bodies were then brought into a small room where they were loaded into a large wagon.  Then I hid myself under the bodies.  I wasn’t sure where they were going or what would happen to me.  But I had to try.

         “So then I was loaded into the back of a van.  They picked up several other bodies from around town.  I guess they were the cleanup crew or something.  They drove to a rundown mortuary.  You know the old fashion one’s that had the crematoriums built inside?  Anyways, I buried myself deeper as the two men took the bodies one at a time into the building.  Finally I ran off into the night.” 

         Jayce was riveted.  Amazed by her cunning and the terror she had faced.  The smell of decaying bodies must have driven her in sane. Let alone being buried beneath them. He searching his memory, trying to recall Marnus’ parties that he had attended.  It had been a long time since he’d thought of them. 

         There the guests were encouraged to feast upon humans that were tied or chained around the large room.  When they no longer held substance for the company, they were thrown out.  She was right about the crematorium.  Marnus owned the property and used it to clean up the messes he and his friends made.

         Here this woman had snuck out of one of Marnus’ large parties.  Filled with mostly vampires and their supernatural senses.  With only candle light to navigate her way and giving her shadows to hide.  Loud gypsy music playing as it concealed her footsteps.  The people laughing and talking distracting them, as pure determination and fear motivated her, giving her strength to pile lifeless bodies atop her.  The stillness of her body, as she tried not to be discovered.  Or breathe for that matter. Three years without sunlight would have made her skin pale enough, and the vamp blood within her would’ve slowed her heart rate.  It would have been hard to detect her.  At just a glance anyone would have thought her dead. 

         Jayce was impressed. ‘Such a simple plan.  And smart too, not to mention perceptive.’ he thought.  Still something nagged at him.

         “How were you not caught?” His urged in a soothing voice.  She could feel him trying to comfort her, trying to coax the answer from her. 

         Clearing her throat, while tapping the ash from her cigarette, she answered, “Well, I probably would have been, if not for Martin.  By some higher power he and his crew showed up as I rounded the corner.  I ran right into his arms, sobbing and pleading to be let go.  Then I begged for help. He pulled me back and glanced at my attire. . .”

         ‘Ah yes. Thee attire.’ He thought.  ‘Marnus’ slave outfits.’  A golden collar and chain with a sheer lose red cloth that barely covered their breasts.  The material draped over them with another chain that held two large strips of fabric, giving the look of two slits that went all the way up to the hips.  He could picture her in it.  Blonde hair pulled on top of her head, adorned with a gold wrap, and braided down her back. He couldn’t help the little smile from appearing on his face, at the thought.

         Jayce focused back on her face, suddenly realizing that she had noticed his grin. Dropping his gaze down to the floor, he cleared his throat again, disturbing the uncomfortable silence.

         The stern look on her face showed the contempt she had for his reaction, smiling at her shame.  But then her face softened, releasing it from her mind as she continued,

         “Martin knew right away what had happened to me and handed me to his nephew Josh.  Martin and about five or six other men stormed the building.  They burned everything. The vamps, the van, the bodies, the whole damn building.

         “After that I was taken to a motel, got cleaned up.  Josh got me some clothes.  Martin told me I was safe with them.  And I was, but only with them.  I knew that I would have to continue running if I wanted to stay alive. 

         “So I convinced them to take me to my brother’s office so I could grab a few things.  Most of which included vampire books and hunter journals.” she rambled, “And I ran with them.  Martin taught me self-defense and Josh taught me how they hunted.  I got so good that Martin wanted me to join up with them.  But I’m not built for it.  I could never be that cold and impartial.”  Her eyes fell down to the ashtray as she extinguished her cigarette. 

         “Oh I don’t know about that.” He said giving a slight laugh. “You seem very good at repelling us.”

         Giving a little smile she gazed back at him.  “So tell me, how did you escape?”

         “Well it was pretty simple.  Marnus pissed off the wrong vampire and their little hiding place, was infiltrated.  I got left behind in all the confusion.  The vampire King of New York, Dunkin as I call him, spared me and umm ... well, he rehabilitated me I guess you could say.  You see every major city has a ruler.  They go by different names and various titles, but the main point is they’re in charge. They keep the peace and enforce the rules.  But some vamps still refuse to be in hiding.  Marnus was trying to lead a revolt on the King and have him over thrown.  So I was a good investment.  Dunkin and I are good friends now.  However, the retaliation still persists.  Marnus is still recruiting vampires to his side, and we’re trying to track them all down, or at least Marnus. 

         “So I learned a lot about our society and became Dunkin’s right hand man.  It’s that simple.” 

         “While I was on the run I learned a lot too.”  She spoke up, “I learned a lot about being prepared.  Read a lot of survival guilds and ‘do it yourself ‘home defense books.  I learned a lot about you bloodsuckers, and some other helpful skills.”

         “You’re a very smart girl.”

         “Woman!”  she corrected.

         “Sorry,” Pressing his lips into a straight awkward smile, acknowledging his mistake. “None the less.  Most girls would have hid out in fear in some dirty basement, or simply gone mad.  But you, you’re very strong.  That’s admirable.”

         “Yeah well it’s the survival instinct or something.  Anyways, I stayed with them for about a year, before I went on my own.  Five years later I finally decided to buy a house and stay put.  I figured Marnus was done looking for me now, so Martin bought this place for me.  He lives just down the road.  So I feel a little safer having him close.”

         Jayce’s mind stopped.  Focusing on the notion, that Marnus would never stop looking for her.  Even now he knew Marnus would still want her back.  He was notorious at biding his time, waiting for his prey to drop their guard.  He should have found her by now.  Six years was nothing for a vampire as old as he.  ‘Is that why he’s in town?  Had he found her?’  he thought.  Not sure if she’d be afraid, he decided not to tell her that now.  Not until he knew for sure. 

         “Well,” she said interrupting his dreadful thoughts.  “I’m going to retire for the night.  You’re welcome to stay for the day if you like, or you can leave, if you wish.  Just lock the door before you go.” She stood up, beginning to walk towards the hall. 

         “If it’s all the same to you,” Jayce rose up quickly, meeting her gaze, “I’d like to stay.  I have some business to attend in the city tomorrow night.  And well, dawn is approaching.”  His smile widening as she thought for a moment.  “I’ll be on my best behavior.”

         “I thought you didn’t know where you were?  How do you know you have business here?” she inquired apprehensively.

         Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his phone, dangling it out in front of her.  Suddenly her face went white with panic.  Walking away from him hastily, she went to the closet, removing two black leather suite cases from inside it.  “That means their coming here to get you.  Oh God!  They’re gonna come here and find me!”

         Jayce hurried to her side, placing his hands gently on her arms.  Staring into her eyes he spoke slow and calm, “No, they’re not.  You’re safe Adora.  No one is coming here.  They are meeting me in the city tomorrow.  I swear. They don’t know where here is or who you are.”  He felt her shoulders relax a little.  Reaching down, moving slowly, he placed the bags back in the closet. 

         “Okay, okay.”  She breathed, practically hyperventilating. “I need to lay down now.  You’re still welcome to stay, just stay out of my room.  Goodnight.”  She walked down the hall and into her room, closing the door and locking it tight.


         Jayce sat back down on the couch, allowing his head to fall on the back cushions. Closing him eyes, allocating himself a moment to think. The room was still.  Only the low murmur of the still playing radio gave life to the room.  Picking up a cigarette, and lighting it, Jayce exhaled its smoke abruptly, while running his free hand through his long dark hair.  Inhaling another quick drag, and letting it out just as quickly as the first.

         Jayce’s thoughts torn.  He had to attend to his business.  Find the safe house.  Find Marnus.  But if Adora was in danger, how could he just leave.  Here he had the element of surprise.  Sooner or later Marnus would find her, if he hadn’t already.  However, Dunkin’s men were already on their way to town, there was no time to stop them now.  Bringing her wasn’t an option, but he needed to meet with Dunkin‘s men.  Then there was the whole Martin thing.  Adora had promised that he wouldn’t be a problem but, at any point this could go bad.  If the hunter got involved it would make being sneaky a problem. Sure, he lived down the road and at anytime could just pop over unannounced.  He’d see Jayce at some point and . . . ‘Maybe she could stay with him while I go to the city.  Surely Marnus won’t be so brash as to walk into a hunter’s home.  But how could I convince her to go without alarming her? If she tries to run, Marnus could find her?  Make her a slave again.’

         His thoughts returned to Marnus’ underground palace.  During his younger years he had been a part of it all.  Lovely little slave girls all displayed beautifully throughout the place.  Little blood dolls that obeyed every command given them by their master, and his guests.  Watching their displays of submission, taking advantage as they pleased.  He couldn’t deny the arousal they’d made him feel.  He never was one for the punishments given to the young innocent women. Let alone the poor girls whom were abducted from their lives, forced into the unholy-est of servitude.  But his presence was demanded, and he did try to make the best of it.  Before the parties, he would be severely starved, then forced to drink from the girls. It still was a sin he’d never forgiven himself for.

         The women Marnus picked were so lovely.  All ages ranging from sixteen to thirty-five.  True treasures to behold.  They were all dressed alike, different color clothes told their age and years of servitude.  It was like giving them rank.  All held against their will.  Most from other parts of the country, a few from other parts of the world.  Very few were from the area in which they were held.  So even if they tried to escape, they’d have no idea where they were, how to get home, and there’d be nowhere to run to.  But Adora, She was the lucky one………

                   *                    *                    *                    *

         Adora stripped down to her bra and panties, fighting for a clear head.  Locking up her door she caught her reflection in the full-length mirror, mounted slightly crocked on her wall.  Releasing her hair from the bindings of her hair tie, letting it fall down around her. 

         To the common eye she was a true, natural beauty.  A Disney princess in the flesh, with natural rosy pink lips.  Even with the lip-gloss glistening across her lips in the dim light,  the color stood out perfectly.

         Her porcelain complexion glowed radiantly, outlining every luscious curve.  A wondrous hourglass figure, gave shape to the panties  clinging to her hips.  Her full breast comfortably pressed against her bra.  Plumping them and pressing them slightly against her chest.  A curvy, slender, blonde, Goddess.  Her gentle, bright, green eyes peered out from underneath the golden locks hanging to her elbows.  A true, living, breathing goddess to behold.

         But Adora only saw her hair and softly she said to herself, “I cut you and you grow back faster, no matter what I do.”

         Looking next to her eyes she said, “Oh god, my circles just keep getting darker.  I look so tired.”

         To her body she thought, ‘These scars will never go away.  I’ll have these forever as a constant reminder. God I can’t even look at myself.’  Taking one last glance she pulled her hair back into a low ponytail and walked away from the mirror. Pulling the covers back she settled in, and fell asleep quickly.

         The dream that soon followed took her back to a better time in her life.  Home in North Dakota, with her father Mark, and Andy her brother.  They were celebrating her dad’s birthday.  Everyone was smiling and laughing.  Music played cheerfully in the background.  Wrapping paper lay across the floor throughout the apartment.  People drinking and singing.  She was at peace.

         Darkness then slowly crept through her mind, the other people fading away.  Red covered the scene as the door burst open, and the large group of vampires entered from it. 

         The scene played slowly through her mind’s eye.  Her father and brother ran for their weapons, separating to opposite sides of the room, away from her.  Adora stood frozen in fear and disbelief. 

         Finally turning to run, she was shoved to the ground hard. Before she knew it she was pulled up to her knees.  Silence filled her ears.  Making her deaf, held by two bloodsuckers that hand cuffed her behind her back.  She could feel the cold metal against her wrists.  To her right she saw her father.  He was against the wall being swarmed; unable to fight them all off.  His eyes met hers as he was bitten again and again. 

         “Daddy!” she cried out in horror, struggling to free herself.  The light faded from his eyes as he disappeared into the swarm that consumed him.

         “Andy!” she yelled turning to her left.  Her brother had been subdued by several other vamps that lay on the floor, or were nothing more than piles of dust at his feet.  But more came.  Wave after wave, like insects they came, groups of five or 6 until they over powered him.  Grabbing at him, and throwing him to the ground. Holding him down.

         A hand was placed over her mouth as six men approached Andy.  They whispered to him and Andy cursed at them. Then men looked to the door and a surd female voice replied to them, “Kill him and bring the girl!”

         Adora screamed through her captor’s hand, still struggling for release.  Suddenly, Andy’s wrists and throat were cut open in front of her, the blood being collecting into small jars.  She was carried closer to him.  Tears poured down her face.  Managing to get free she flung herself against his chest.  His breath was slowing, gasping for air as he choked on the blood filling his mouth.  Then he spoke, “Have courage …, for you …, are no longer…. Alone.”  Then he went still, and cold.

         From deep within her soul a blood-curdling scream filled her throat, “Andy!”

         Her bedroom door flew open as she sat up in her bed still screaming. Jayce rushed to her side, cupping her face with his hands.

         “Adora, what is it??” his voice filled her ears causing her to go silent looking around. 

         “Who’s Andy?”  he asked frantically.

         Staring into his worried, compassionate blue eyes she whispered, “I’m fine.  It was just a nightmare.  Everything’s okay now.”

         Sighing a breath of relief, he slowly removed his hands from her cheeks.  “Thank god.  I thought . . . With morning approaching I wouldn’t have had time to save you.”  he winked.  She smiled back at his little joke.                     

         Jayce scanned the room then, giving a quiet laugh he murmured, “Sorry about the door.  I’ll fix it tonight.”

         Looking over to the door she found it split in half, the long pieces lying on the floor. Raising a thin eyebrow she sighed “Um  . . .  My hero?”

          A laugh escaped them both, as they looked to the door then back at each other.  Their eyes met again.  Both becoming silent again, allowing the erotic electricity to flow through them.  Jayce stood up reaching for her hand.  He kissed it softly with cool lips and walked out of the room.  Adora lay back on the bed in the quiet.  Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes again, slowly drifting back to peaceful sleep.

© Copyright 2008 Melinda Carr (sweet_melinda at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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