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Rated: · Other · Action/Adventure · #1429821
fictional, Rah A short story of a Gord's adventure to DarkGrowth.
In a land where the winters are hard and the trees are tall. Rah son of Esche King of "The Canopy". He young and full of adventure always wondered what DarkGrowth was like. (DarkGrowth is best known as the land below The Canopy). This place was to be dark and full of creatures Gords never seen before.

There are stories of Dragons, Elves, Jutes, and the fiercest creature of all the One Eyed Tazars. Stories told of how Tazars would hunt for their favorite things to eat "Gords". Tazars have great power in a horn loop made of silver. This piece was worn on the left arm of a Tazars. It was thought to be made by great wizards to empower Tazars to rule DarkGrowth with vengeance against Gords that found their way to their land. Tazars believed that Gords brought terrible winters with them to kill DarkGrowth.

Rah Son of Esche thought one day he would venture to DarkGrowth. Three weeks ago Rah had his chance to start gathering things he thought he would need. He knew he needs a map of DarkGrowth, but where was that to be found he pondered. There was one Gord known to ever come back to The Kingdom of The Canopy banished by Esche's father Zehr. The name of this Gord was Reher. Reher would be hard to find for he never lived in the same spot for more then a three Faze (moon rotations).He knew he would need a satchel to carry bezaire his favorite food in The Canopy. Knowing he needs the golden dagger with a dragon's eye that gives it mystical strength to the Gord that holds it. This piece would be found in Esche's private weapon collection. The Golden Dagger has been handed down with every king in The Canopy. It was forbidden to be handled by anyone except the King.
He thought about taking his bow and arrows being an archer for six years. He had a wooden shield that dons a small spike in the center of it.

Rah would start his adventure in searching for Reher at one faze. He was resting wondering just what Reher looked like. Esche only told of how Reher worn a black mask to hide scars from his battles with Tazars. Tazars have hair from head to toe, smelly from the sulfur rain in DarkGrowth. Reher escaped from DarkGrowth through the root system of a 95 foot tall Popper. A hollow tree that got its name from the sound it made a top the canopy when the wind swirled through the limbs of the tree causing them to pop.

Rah believes Reher to live close to the Popper. He decided he would ride Traz. Traz is a small creature with a face like a snake and a body of a long legged bird. Traz has a wing span of 12 ft. They are also eyeless creatures. Traz has Long talons on the foot of this creature. Traz use heat signatures to navigate. He saddled up his Traz (Whe) for his long travel.

As he was loading up and Esche called to Rah "asking where he was going".
He answered he was heading out on an adventure into The Canopy. (Knowing he can't say what he actually was up to.)
Esche said "Be safe my son. Remember don't go any where our kingdom don't rule."
Rah said Ok Father, I sure will.

Rah got all his items packed up on Whe. He set out a letter to be found so if something went wrong. Esche would know Rah went to DarkGrowth. In Rah's letter read as followed:

Father, I thought I would take an adventure. After hearing all the stories of DarkGrowth and how Reher was sent there and was able to escape. I wanted to know what was exactly down there. It was just my imagination of what evil was there. That made me wants to go and find out myself. I know you will be upset with me. Please understand I had to do this for me. Signed Rah Son Of Esche.
Rah placed this letter in his room.

Walking to Whe Rah was thinking really hard about this adventure. What a chance he has to make a name for himself. With Whe packed up Rah mounted and started off on his first journey leaving the safe harbor of the kingdom walls. He was thinking to get where he thinks Reher is it will be one moon faze ride. Rah packed enough bezaire for 5 moons fazes.

Rah was lucky that it wasn't in the winter moon faze. The winters in there at the Canopy are very harsh. Blizzards, Ice, Wind. If a gord was ever caught out in a storm they had very slim chance of making it. There was only to Fazes winter and summer.

Rah was traveling across the canopy's grass plains, with meadow running through them. There are two mountain ranges there one was named Zak and Dragon Mounts. Zak Mountain range was a mild rolling mountain very easy to navigate. Dragon Mounts range is very step mountains almost impossible to navigate. There is thought to be dragons that live there. When anyone tries to navigate through the mountains the dragons descend from the sky to attack. The first mountain range he came to was Zak. There was a couple ways through the mountains. He knew to make quick time he would go straight through. This was the first time Rah left The Canopy's Gates to explore on his own. He never went more then a half of a moon faze away. The trees he came upon stood tall and green at the edge of the plains. He dismounted Whe to take a rest before he entered the woods. He was getting hungry so he was going to eat and rest in the shade of a tree next to the meadow that runs through the forest to the west. There was a nice breeze as he sat beneath one of the tree unwrapping one of the Bezaire he packed. While he was enjoying his bezaire Whe was drinking from the meadow. Staring off to the east he had seen something coming out of the forest into the plains. Unknowing what it was he wrapped his bezaire up placing it in his satchel. He walked gently to where Whe was drinking eased him into the forest line. This creature didn't see them for he was a good distant away. This was a tall limber creature with long arms and a big head. It had spines sticking out of its back. Its arms where long and slender almost scrapping the ground. The creature's hands where out of proportion to its arms. This creature seemed to be working his way toward Rah. He didn't know what to do at this point realizing this. Unknowing if it was a ravage or gentle creature. He didn't want to take no chance. He mounted Whe and started to move deeper into the forest. As they entered into the forest he noticed it was quit dense. He dismounted Whe and sneaked back toward the tree line. When he reached the edge that creature was only a few yards from him. Rah realized it was to late to try and hide. The creature was just wondering along when the creature noticed he was standing there at the edge of the tree line looking at him. The creature stopped looking face to face with Rah. They was kind a dumb founded they really didn't know what to say or think. The creature started to move forward toward Rah. Rah stood tall and shouted halt. What are you and who are you. I'm Rah son of Esche , King of The Canopy. The creature returned back saying hello Rah son of Esche. I am Tat a slinker. I get the name because of my tall and limberness body. There aren't many of us anymore left in the forests in The Canopy. I have been wondering these trees looking for any Slinkers. What are you a son of the king of the canopy way out in nowhere? Rah replied I'm on an adventure to DarkGrowth. I'm right now in search of Reher the only gord that has come back from there. Tat said "well I think I talked with him a moon faze to the east of here, but what do I know I have been wondering for many moon fazes he laughed. Isn't it a dangerous for you to be traveling by yourself? I do have a Whe my traz. I moved him deep into the forest because I had no clue if you was a ravage or a gentle creature. Well what way are you headed we could travel together. Rah replied I'm heading I guess east. Tat said ok. I have been that way already but this DarkGrowth is a place I haven't traveled in search of Slinkers. Well there is only one way I know how to get there and Reher has the map to it. This will be good to have someone to travel with. Tat are you sure you want to back track? Yes this will be fun and very interesting to go to a place unknown to my kind I think laughing. Maybe some Slinkers could have found away down there. True Tat well let us go get Whe. Rah and Tat started off to where Whe was at. When reaching Whe it started to go crazy because it wasn't use to seeing something like Tat.
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