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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #1448517
They meet again and an emergency interrupts the sweet reunion
Chapter 2

Chris dropped Blake off at this fancy building in Hollywood. He had a meeting with his producers about his new album. Chris was supposed to come along but he had other things to do. Blake knew his friend was pissed at him and he didn’t blame him. If he were in Chris’ shoes he’d be more than pissed off too. He knew he had to get his life together again. And break this horrible habit of going out, drinking too much, picking some random girl and taking her back to his place. He was 35 years old already. He didn’t want to live his life like that. The past few years were a blur in his mind. All he remembered was flashes of drinking and partying too much.

It had started after he had broken up with Josie. He’d go out with his friends to drink and try not to think about her. Then he started picking up girls, not being with them for more than a few weeks at a time. When it started to get serious, he would dump them. And with that he fell in this vicious circle until now, almost seven years later.

It had taken a while but he finally understood why he was doing this. He was scared to death of falling in love again. Josie left him broken. Every time he thought he was starting to feel something real for a girl, he would back away. He knew he had to get over it and he tried as hard as he could. But something would always pull him back.

He had talked to Chris about it and his friend had listened and tried to help but Blake knew Chris wouldn’t take more of his shit for much longer. He didn’t want to lose his best friend too. His life was bad enough as it was even though his career was going amazing. He had released four albums and was starting to work on the fifth with his producers. His music was what kept him sane, kept him going. Without that he would have already broken down completely. The world thought he had the perfect life but he was miserable inside.

He wanted to change. He really did. Chris barely hung out with him anymore. He missed him. He missed his old friends. So that day, after the meeting, Blake walked down the street lazily. Some fans stopped him to ask for an autograph and a picture. He obliged happily. He loved doing that. It was one aspect of his life that hadn’t changed and he hoped it would stay like that.

He had agreed to meet Chris for lunch at this restaurant that Chris had gone once and said it was really good. So as he made his way there he spotted three women entering the restaurant. He thought they looked familiar but he couldn’t recognize them at a distance because he didn’t have his glasses with him.

Opening the door distractedly, he spotted Chris at the far end of the restaurant and to Blake’s surprise, he was talking to the women he had seen walking in.

“Oh, my God, Chris! I can’t believe it’s been so long!”

Blake stopped dead on his tracks. He would’ve recognized that voice anywhere.

Melissa Foreman.

She was hugging Chris tightly.

“How’ve you been, honey?” she asked.

“I’m great. How about you guys?” Chris said and Blake could tell he was a little nervous. He couldn’t blame him. Blake himself was fighting the urge to run for the door.

“We’re all great. I can’t believe you’re here! I thought you were living in New York.” Gillian said excited, pulling him in for a hug.

The third woman was strangely quiet but Blake didn’t need to hear her voice to know who she was. He’d recognize her anywhere, even if her back was turned to him. Chris turned to her and Blake knew he was happy to see her again. They had been best friends and Chris missed her, even though he never brought it up.

“What? I’m not gonna get a hug?” he said, smiling with his arms open.

Josie seemed to think for a second before hugging him tightly. Blake couldn’t hear what they said to each other but it was obvious they were happy to see each other again.

“So what are you doing here, Chris?” Gillian asked after they all sat down.

“Oh, I’m waiting for Blake. He’s in a meeting.” Chris said taking a sip of his beer.

“Oh.” Josie said emotionless. Chris sighed and looked at her.

“Look, Jo, I know it’s awkward but it’s been years, right?” he said. Josie shrugged and tried to act like she didn’t care.

“Right. Of course.” She said.

Blake chose this time to make an appearance.

“Get outta here! What are you ladies doing here?” he said cheerfully. He went over to Gillian and hugged her, then Melissa and lastly Josie. They hugged awkwardly and didn’t say much to each other.

“Mr. Blake James!” Gillian said grinning. “I hear you’re doing great.” Blake shrugged.

“Yeah, things are alright. We’re starting to work on the new album.” He said excited. His music always got him talking. He turned to Chris. “Which reminds me, we have to be in studio next Monday.” Chris nodded.

“Great. How’d the meeting go?” he asked.

“Awesome. They loved your songs.” Chris grinned.

“Oh, yeah, I heard you’re doing great too Mr. songwriter slash singer slash performer.” Melissa said and Chris laughed. “I got your last album. It’s really good, Chris.”

“Thanks, Mel. I can sign it for you if you want.” He said with a wink.

“I knew the fame would get to your head one day, Chris.” Gina said shaking her head at him making them all laugh.

“So tell me, what have you girls been doing?” Blake asked.

“Well, Gillian here is working on her new album. I’m on hiatus for a few months.” Melissa said.

“Right, I heard your tour in Europe was amazing, Mel.” Blake said. She nodded happily.

“It was. I just got back a couple of weeks ago.”

“How about you, Jo?” Chris asked.

“I’m on hiatus too for a few months. My tour ended last week so I’m just enjoying the free time.” She said with a smile.

“And she’s also getting married!” Gillian said excited. Josie shot her a look.

“Really? Congratulations, Jo! When’s the big day?” Chris asked happy for his friend.

“December 4th.” She said with a small smile.

“Who’s the lucky guy?” Blake asked cheerfully but his voice sounded hollow even to his own ears.

She was getting married.

“Oh, he’s a producer…” She started but stopped mid-sentence when her phone vibrated in her purse. “Just a second.” She told them. “Hello? Yes, this is Josie Sparks.” She paused. Blake watched her closely. “What?!” she said surprised and worried. “How? Is he ok?” Another pause. Blake figured it was probably something with her fiancĂ©. Josie nodded to whoever it was on the other end of the line. Blake couldn’t help but smile at that. He used to tease her all the time because of that. “Ok. How is he now? Is he alone?” Another pause. “Ok, tell him I’ll be right there. Thanks so much for letting me know. Ok, bye.” She said and hung up. She took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

“What is it, what happened?” Gillian asked concerned. Melissa looked at her anxiously.

“It’s Tyler. He’s in the Emergency Room at Cedars-Sinai. He broke his arm and they took him there.” She said nervously. “I have to go get him. I’m sorry, guys.” She said turning to Blake and Chris.

“The car is kind of far from here, Jo.” Melissa said. Josie nodded.

“I know, I know. I’ll take a cab or something.” She said running her hand through her hair.

“We can take you there, Josie.” Blake offered. “Chris’ car is right across the street.” He said and she looked at him nervous and afraid. Their eyes met and for a second there, it felt like they were back to normal.

Josie looked away first.

“No, that’s ok. I don’t wanna bother you guys.” She shook her head. Blake grabbed her arm gently.

“It’s not gonna bother us. Come on.”

He asked for the check, paid and they all left. Josie, Melissa and Gillian looked at each other worried.

Once inside the car, Josie kept twisting her hands on her lap nervously.

“Calm down, honey. The doctor said he’s ok, right? Just a broken arm.” Melissa said soothingly.

“I know, Mel. I just don’t want him to be alone.” She said.

Blake thought that was a bit strange. The dude couldn’t be alone in the hospital for a few minutes? What a baby.

“Hang in there, Jo. We’re almost there.” Chris said from the front seat.

When they got to the hospital, Josie ran to the front doors with Mel and Gillian while Blake stayed behind with Chris to park the car. After that was taken care of, they made their way to the reception and asked about Josie’s whereabouts. A nurse told them to go to the second floor and turn right and they would find her.

They made their way there and soon recognized Gillian’s voice.

“Hey, you got a cool cast there, Ty.” She said cheerfully.

Blake looked around. What the hell were they doing in the pediatric ward?

“Are you ok, Ty?” They heard Mel ask.

“Yeah.” A voice that sounded much like a kid said. “Mom, I can’t breathe.” He said making Gillian and Melissa laugh.

Blake and Chris looked at each other confused. Mom?

Now they could see the girls. Josie was hugging a little boy. She kissed the top of his head.

“What happened, baby?” she asked him.

“I was climbing the monkey bars but I didn’t do it right and I fell on my arm. It hurt a lot, mama.” He said looking up at Josie.

“I know, honey. But you were really brave, weren’t you? The nurse said you behaved real good.” She said running her hand through his dirty blond curls. “You just have to be more careful next time, alright?” he nodded and she kissed his forehead.

“Can we go home?” Tyler asked.

“Hey.” Chris said, making their presence known. Josie looked up nervously. “So this is Tyler.”

“Yeah. Ty, these are two old friends of mine.” Jordin said trying to calm down. Her heart was beating so fast it actually hurt. “This is Chris Black and this is Blake James.” She said pointing at them.

He smiled and Blake noticed he was changing his baby teeth. His top front teeth were missing.

“Hi, nice to meet you.” Tyler said. “I broke my arm.” He said pointing at his cast. Blake and Chris smiled at him.

“And this is Tyler.” Josie continued. “My son.” Blake had already figured it out but actually hearing her say the words felt like a punch to the stomach and he wasn’t sure why.

“What’s up, Ty?” Chris said with a wink. Blake took a deep breath, trying to calm his heart.

“What’s up, little man?” Blake said. “What’d you do to get this cool cast?”

“I fell off the monkey bars at school during recess.” He explained.

“You should be more careful next time. You scared your mom.” He said.

“I’m sorry, mama. I didn’t mean to.” he looked up at Josie.

“I’m just glad you’re ok, Ty.” She said with a smile. Tyler looked at Blake again.

“Hey, I saw you on TV the other day.” He said slowly.

“Really? Where?” Blake asked with a smile.

“I don’t know. I think it was a music video. Like the ones my mom does.”

“Did you like it?” Blake asked, strangely curious to know his opinion.

“Yeah, it was cool.” He said smiling. “I liked that part that you do all those cool noises with your mouth. My friend said it’s called beat… beat…”

“Beatboxing.” Blake helped.

“Yeah, that.” Tyler said nodding.

“I can beatbox too, you know.” Chris said teasingly.

“Really?” Tyler asked excited.

“He’s not better than me, though.” Blake said nudging Chris jokingly.

“Yes, I am.” Chris said back.

“No, you’re not.”

“Yes, I am.

“No, you’re not.”

“Ok, children, you’re both good at beatboxing.” Melissa interrupted.

“Can you teach me?” Tyler asked excited. Blake smiled big.


And as Tyler tried to beatbox, Blake watched him closely. He had Josie’s smile. And her nose. But there was something about this little boy that looked so familiar to him. He just couldn’t pinpoint what it was exactly.


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