Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1449736-A-Brief-Look-at-the-Death-of-a-Planet
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1449736
I used wordpad for this so there will be MANY spelling errors.
A Brief Look at the Death of a Planet

Christopher had just gotten back from the factory when his phone rang.  All he rememberd was when he came home, he was so tired he fell asleep the second he hit the coutch.  He reached over his head searching for the phone until he finally felt the reciver in his hand.
"Hello, hello.  Chris, are you there." the voice was familiar.
"Yeah, who's this?"
"It's Nick, from work.  Hey look, some of the guys and me decided to go down to the bar, are you in?" he asked.
"Nah, I can't.  I just got home and I have a double shift tomorrow." he said tiredly.
"Oh, come on.  Just a few drinks and you can go home.  We're all here waiting, you know where it is don't you?" Nick asked.
Over the line Chris heard voices and glasses clinking.
"FIne, I'll be over in a few minutes."
He hung up the phone and sat up on the coutch.  His head hurt and he still felt tired but he figured a few drinks couldn't hurt so he got up and put his boots on.  When he locked the door and left he felt the cold air of the night on his neck.  He got into the truck and sat there for a minute debaiting wether to go or not.  Finally he reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys but when he put them into the ignition he had a strange feeling, like this would be his last look at his house.  Quickly shaking it off he started the truck and left for the bar.

He pulled up into the parking lot of Smitty's Bar and saw that the other mens cars were parked out front.  He walked in and saw the guys sitting at a table talking.  He walked over and they saw him.  He wasn't a very large man, only a little over 150 pounds and just about six foot but his short black hair that he always spiked made him stand out from the other twenty-four year olds at the factory.  He sat down and a waitress came over to take his order.
"Can I get you anything sir?" she asked in a friendly voice.
"Uh... whatever they have thanks." he said.
"No problem" she said and walked away behind the bar to get his drink.
"So I was just telling everyone about the time I met the sweetest girl out in New Mexico." Nick started.  "So there I was, I had come down to see a friend and low and behold, he was in jail.  So having nowhere to go I find myself in a bar not unlike this late one night.  There I met the most beautiful girl ever.  She was working behind the bar, serving drinks and whatever people who work in bars do, and I sat down and orderd.  Well right away I could see that she couldn't take her eyes off of me and so..."
"Yeah Nick I remember hearing about this" the woman said as she set Chris's beer down.  "It was my sister and what she told me was that you were blind drunk and started trying to hit on her but you were so sloshed that all you could do was slur.  She also said that you ended up with some man and went back to his house."
Everyone at the table cracked up and Chris almost spiled his drink.  He looked over to Nick to see that he was stammering and red in the face.
"Well, noone asked you did they Missy, I don't bother you do I?"he managed to spit out.
"No because you know Smitty over there will knock your ass right out the door." she shot back.
This made everyone laugh harder and a few drinks fell to the floor.  The night went on with everyone telling a few stories and everyone had a few laughs.  Finally at about ten everyone got up, paid their bill, and went out into the parking lot.  The air was still crisp and the smell of the river near by drifted in the air.
"Hey Chris.  I'm drunk." Nick was sluring his words. "I was woundering if you could give me a ride to my house."
Chris thought about it for a moment and said "Yeah sure, it's on my way anyway."
In all honesty, Nicks house wasn't even close to Chrises but they were good friends and he didn't want Nick to crash or anything like that and he knew that he would do the same for him if their roles were switched.  They hopped into his truck and started off down the road.  When the two got to the house, Nick was asleep in the passanger seat of the truck.  Chris woke him and told him that they were at his house.  Nick stumbled out of the truck and into his house.  When Chris saw the lights turn on he pulled out of the driveway and twoards his own house.  He was getting tired and he was a little drunk and so to keep from falling asleep he turned the radio on.  He hoped that it wasn't countrey or rap or anything like that and he was relived when he heard a local rock band playing.  He had heard these guys live at a club before.  Chris had taken his girlfriend there for a date, that is when they were still dating.  The two year relationship had ended when he found out that she had been cheating on him with a diffrent girl.  The news hit him hard and for a while he didn't belive it, for obvious reasons, but one day he saw them walking down the street.  He called her the next day and told her what he saw.  She didn't appologise and neither did he.  He became distant for a while, almost lost his job, but he got over it.  Everyone told him to "seek spiritual or religious help" but he wasn't religious and he had always been a person who wants to fix his own problems and dosn't want any help.  But he didn't want to dwell on that thought too much, he had gotton over it and it didn't matter anymore.  He was getting more tired and the road was becoming blury, he felt like he was losing controle of the vehical, then he felt the impact.  Everything slowed down but had all gone dark.  He felt the airbag and the wiplash from when he was jerked back, then, nothing.  He had passed out.

He was dizzy and his entire body hurt.  He didn't have the strenght to open his eyes but he could feel something in his arm.  His heart was pounding, he broke into a sweat and his body went into panic mode.
"Calm down" he thought to himself "I'm sure your'e fine.  That thing in your arm is probably just an IV.  Don't panic, your'e probably in an ambulance and theyr'e just taking you to the hospital.  You were in a crash so that's logical."
He took a few deep breaths and calmed himself.  His heart stopped pounding and he could listen.  He was moving and he was in somesort of vehical but he couldn't tell what.  He heard a low hum of some sort of engine but it was too quiet to be a car or ambulance.  He had heard that kind of engine before but he couldn't tell from where.  After concentrating for a few minutes, trying to hear something else to give away where he was but he heard nothing besides the low, quiet hum of the engine.
A SHIP!  He had heard that kind of engine on a battleship.  His ninth grade field trip was to a naval base and they had gotton to go in the boat and look at all the things and that was where he had heard the sound before.  But why would he be on a boat?  Mustering up all the energy he had, he fought to open his eyes.  After a few seconds, his eyelids cracked open, it was blury, too blury to see.  He opend them the rest of the way and gave them time to adjust.  When they did he took a look around.  He was sitting on a sort of table in the middle of a white room.  Near his head there was a bag of blue liquid suspended by an arm at the end of the table.  The liquid ran down a tube and into the needle that was sticking in his arm.  The door across the room slid open and in walked a figure.  It was about seven feet tall and slender, the skin was a blueish gray.  The head was hairless but the figure wore a ring of gold around it.  The eyes were large and black, seeming as if they saw more than his.  Chris didn't know wether to be frightend or not, he was a rather rashional person, the figure seemed to pose no threat but how could he be sure.  It dawned on him that he didn't have the strenght to defend himself so he had nothing to do but trust in the figure.
"So I see that you are up." it said in a female voice.  "You were asleep for some time.  We almost gave up hope that you would wake up."  she chuckled.
"Where am I?" Chris asked in a tired voice.
"On the ship Endavar.  You are in good hands, our people are renound for their medical skill." she said as she took the bag off the hanger.  "You wont be needing this anymore"
"If you don't mind me asking, what are you?" Chris tried to choose his words carefully, he was in the mersy of these folk.
"Not at all, we are the Vus Tang and my name is Metshell, you don't need to tell me, we know who you are." she answerd.  There were a few minutes of silence and then she countinued "We were really expecting you to be more... agressive when you woke."
"Well, I didn't really like my life back at home so I figured if I wasn't killed that maybe I could start a new life." he said honestly.
"You need not worry, we have no intent to harm you.  Actually you are expected in the meeting chanber in a short while." she said in a calming voice.
A thought finally dawned on Chris.  "How do you know english?" he asked.
"We have been monitoring your race for some time and the most advanced of us have learned your language and it has become second nature.  Oh, before I forget take this." she said as she handed him a small, worm-like thing.
"What am I supposed to..."
"Oh, sorry.  You put it in your ear, yes it sounds silly but it will translate all the auditory signals into an understandable language.  It works marvously well but it will sting for a moment".
He cautiously placed it near his ear, he didn't know if she was being truthful or if it was something that was going to kill him.  She had an hosest look on her face and he really didn't have anything to lose so he placed the worm in his ear.  It went to work the second it touched his skin, working its' way into his ear.  He felt his ear pop and it did sting but only for a moment, like she had promessed.
"There you go, now you will be able to comunicate with the counsoulers." she said as they walked out the door of the room.
The ship was enormous, it took them almost fifteen minutes to get to the chanber.  Along the way Chirstopher saw more Vus Tang, some working on the ship, some running about, and some just going about their buisness.  Chris noticed that when he walked by, everyone had taken a moment to look at him, almost in disbelife.  He started feeling a little awkward, he felt as if he was being put under a microscope and examaned.  When they reached the door to the counsil chamber, Metshell said  "This is as far as I am allowed to go, the counsilers will be waiting for you there.  Do not be nervouse, all they want to do is ask you a few simple questions." and with that, they parted.

When he walked into the room he felt like he was being examaned by everyone in the room.  There were long tables going up a slope into the wall with a single desk in the front.  The desks were silver in color and angular.  The room itself was tall, maybe thirty feet Chris figured, with the walls colored a light blue.  The figure motioned to the seat in the front of the room, it was a silver, egg shapped chair that hovered off the ground.  When he sat down, the chair dipped for a moment and Chris felt like he was going to fall off but it bounced back up and leveled itself off.
"I trust that our nurse has given you the Gangoran ear worm?" the figure in the front said.  He had on a tall red head piece with a white stripe running down the middle.
"Uh, yes... she did." Chris answerd nervously.  Their eyes seemed to be cutting right through him, to his soul where they could see anything about him that they wanted.
"Good.  So to start, I am counsilar Musfor and the ones behind me are my fellow counsoulers.  Have you been told of why we have brought you here?" it asked.
"No, noone has told me that." he said.  He just couldn't get used to the way everyone looked at him.
"Well, you have been summoned here for no ordinary reason.  For years our seers have predicted the coming of a great warrior who will lead us to battle aginst the opressive Yackvar race.  You are that warrior.  The Yackvar are a race of opression and pain.  They have taken our planet and its' people and made them nearly slaves.  Secretly we have amassed an army but never had we the leader to weild it."
The news struck Chris hard, for the first time here, he was utterly speechless.

He couldn't get to sleep that night.  Maybe it was the fact that he was on an alien ship, maybe it was that the fact he wouldn't see Earth again, maybe it was that he had to lead an alien army into a war to liberate their homes.  Maybe it was all of that mixed together in his head, swirling and ebbing while trying to make sence of it all.    He tossed and turned but couldn't find a comfertable position.  He got up and went for the door.
"Maybe if I take a walk around the ship it might settle my mind."  he thought.
He left the room he was given and went down the hallway to a door at the end.  It had the language of the Vus Tang on it but he couldn't read it.  He paused for a moment, debating if he should open it, when the door slid open with a hiss.  Just another hallway, same as the one he had just came from.  He walked down the newly discoverd passage when Musfor came out of a doorway.  Chris stopped and Musfor looked at him, finally smiling and walking over to him.
"You are just the person that I was hopeing to find.  Please, come this way."  Musfor said, motioning down the hall.
Chris followed closly behind Musfor until they reached yet another door.  It slid open and they walked into the room.  It had, in the center, a ring of stones almost two meters tall, with a stream flowing out of the opposite wall and into the ring.  They walked over to the ring and stopped.
"Lovely, is it not?" asked Musfor.
"Yes, rather beautiful." Chris said, feeling more and more relaxed as he countinued to look at the structure.
"We use places like this to meditate and focus our energy.  That is how we are able to heal others, by using our own energy." Musfar continued.
"I have a question." said Chris.  "When I crashed my car, did I die?"
Musfor took a long sigh and said "No, you did not die but you would have if our nurses had not gotten to you when they did.  It would have been a sad day indeed.  But enough talk, it is time to teach you how to channel your energy."
They sat down beside the stone ring and Musfor gave Chris the instructions.
"First, start by getting your body and mind relaxed, it should not be hard since it is your first time here and the fountian has had only its' first affect."
Chris calmed himself and focused on his breathing.
"Good." Musfor said.  "Now invision the energy inside of you and a golden ball, collect your power to form it.  Good, now I want you to try to move it to your arm."
Chris concentrated harder, willing with all his might to move the golden ball down to his arm.  Slowly but surely he felt it move, just a little at first but it moved.  He kept his focus and it started to move faster, down to his elbow and then his wrist.  He felt it flow through his hand and come to rest in his fingertips.
"Open your eyes" Musfor said "and see what you have accomplished."
When Chris looked he was that his hand was glowing a golden color and his fingertips were bright red.  But the glow dulled quickly and vanished.
"Wait, what happend.  I thought I had controle of it." Chris stammerd.
Musfor laughed and said "No, you still do not have the level of contol that you speek of, although in time you will.  Go, back to your room to sleep, you will be taught more by better teachers than I, when we reach the planet."
So Chris went back to his room, all the way thinking about what just happend.  When he layed down, he fell asleep almost instantly.

Chris was pulled out of his sleep by the ship lurching suddently.  Almost instantly Musfor was at his door saying that they had arrived at the planet.  As he walked out of the landing bay onto the landing pad, he was struck by the beauty of the planet.  Thery stood on a landing pad in the middle of a metropolis.  The city was made up of tall, sprialing towers and suspended platforms all in a silver or purple color.  The sky was a beautiful red-orange with the sun just rising over the sands that made up the horizon.
"Yes, before we made these cities we lived in the deserts below." Musfor said calmly "Alas, when the rivers had dried up we were forced to take what technology we had and build into the sky.  The first attempts were failures, the buildings fell into the sands like soaken moths and the massive platforms gave way, killing many.  But the ones who were appointed to design the structures took the information from the fast folly and worked out a new system of walkways and buildings that held strong and still remain to this day.  Although the first city way magnificent, our population grew and we were again forced to build higher.  Where we stand is the fifth level of the city, four more below us, just as busy as this one.  Come, we are in no hurry.  Let us get a drinkl"
They walked through the crowd and across the street to a small, round building in the middle of the platform.  Once inside they chose a table and sat down, the entire time Chris felt all the peoples eyes fixed on him.  Musfor touched the screen of a small pad inseted into the table and in a matter of seconds, someone was over with their order.  The drink that was handed to Chris was a frothy, purple drink served in a silver cup shapped like a wine glass.
"Drink, I would not have gotten you something if I did not think that your body would be able to handle it." Musfor said.
Chris brought the cup to his nose smelled it.  It had a pungent oder that stung his nose but he trusted Musfor enough to take a cautious sip from the vessel.  The taste consumed his mouth, his tastebuds bursting with the new flavor.  It tasted like a combonation of vodka and blueberrys, and Chris liked it.  He drank the entire cup in one gulp even though it burned his throat.
Musfor laughed and said "I see you enjoy it.  Please, allow me to order you another one."
When the drink came and the waiter left, they started a conversation.
"I noticed that there are no vehicals in the city.  Why is that?" Chris started.
"The cities are constructed in such a way that there is no reason for them.  All people are able to walk to where they need to go to." Musfor answerd.
"But do the other cities have cars?" Chris continued.
"Some, yes.  Although most citizens have no need for them they are still used for deliveries between towns and cities."
"What about the people? You said that you were enslaved to the Yackvar."
"Well yes, but not every one of our people are forced into labor.  The Yackvar took many to work at the mines located in the Great Ocean.  The Yackvar force us to work but take all the profit." Musfor said sadly.
"Great Ocean?" Chris asked.
"Yes, this planet was once coverd in vast oceans, three to be exact, but after millenia of use they all dried out.  Now moisture generators are used to collect water which is then distriputed across the city."
They talked about many things; history, technology, and society.  After about an hour, Musfor paid the tab and they headed out to the base, a mear mile away.  When they got there, Chris was showed his quarters, the messhall, showers, and was wisked off to training.

Chris spent a week learning how to use the alien weapons and drive the vehicles that he would use to liberate the planet.  He was woken up on the eight day by an officer who escorted him to the comanders office.  The air was crisp and the cloudless sky was orange from the twin sunrise in the east.  There was an unnatural calm in the air.
"Just your nerves." Chris thought to himself "Today is the day when you are taught how to controle that energy after all."
When Chris enterd the building, he found the officer collecting papers and shutting off lights.
The man looked up at Chris and said "We must hurry.  You are needed now and it is a long ride to the temple."
"We're taking a car?" asked Chris amazed.
"Yes, since it is such a long distance away and we need to get there with speed I'm imploying what you would know better as a jeep."
They left and started off down the highway on the outside of the city.
"Is it me or does it seem like something is gonna happen?" Chris asked.
"It does seem as if a storm is approaching from the north does it not?" asked the comander
"Not a storm, more like something is going to happen.  Something... big."
"Yes, my men have seemed to have been nervous these past few days."
They drove in silence for a while longer when a great cloud came over the desert.  It loomed and seemed to be fortelling some awsome event, then it happend.  From the north came the ships.  They flew through space but were large enough to be seen from the planet.  Grey and metallic, with red lights and guns, monsterous guns on the bottom of the ships.  The comander pushed the jeep, trying to outrun the inevitable attack.
"If we can get to the temple we can use the bomb shelter." the comander said.
"It dosn't look like a bomb shelter can help us now"
"You have no faith.  We have used the shelters for years now and they have never... oh gods!"
That was the last thing the comander ever said because at that moment the ships opend fire on the planet.  The enormous guns on the bottom of the ship glowed with a redish green light and dropped enormous balls of energy onto the planet with an exploshion that dug great creaters in the sands of the desert and produced a shock wave that knocked the jeep off the road and into the air where they hung suspended for what seemed like forever.  The jeep landed upside down and rolled throwing Chris out.  When he looked up he saw that they weren't far off from the temple, maybe one hundred yards.  He looked over to the jeep and cried for the comander but looked over to seehis neck broken and blood coming out of his ears.
"Just a few more seconds and you would have made it, you would have lived." Chris said under his breath.  He vowed to say a prayer for the fallen solider when he found the time, for now he had to run.  When he reached the temple doors he yanked at the handles but the heavy, wooden doors wouldn't budge.  He screamed and hammered on the doors, hoping that someone inside would hear but nothng.  Chris ran over to the tall windows made of beautiful glass in greens and reds and oranges and blues.  He wanted to break one to get inside but they were too high off the ground.  Panting and sweating Chris bent over his knees swearing madly.  All hope was lost, he was going to die out here, on a strange planet.  He rememberd when he told Metshell on the ship that he was excited to be coming because he wanted to start a new life but here he was, swearing his head off outside a temple where he was going to be anihlated.  Another bomb shook the ground, they were getting closer and Chris was knocked off his feet and slid on the hard dirt until he slammed into something metal.  When he looked up he saw a ship large enough to hold but one person.  It was a silver blue that shined in the setting sun and he pulled open the pod and jumped in.  After a few seconds of looking at the controles he had come to the conclushion that he had little to no idea how to opperate the shuttle.
"Of course the one thing that can get men the hell out of here is something I have no idea how to use" Chris screamed, slaming his fists on the displays.  But when he did that they lit up and the ship started to hum.
"Well I'll be damned." Chris said under his breath.  He pressed on a pedal near his foot and pulled back on the controlles in front of him and was off like a shooting star racing back to orbit.  But before he left he took one last look behind him at the planet being bombarded and wounderd if anyone else survived, if there was anyone else on the planet still alive, if the bomb shelters had held up, about Musfor, and about the comander.  As he broke out of the atmosphere, Chris took a few moments to pray for the the comander and all the dead, innocent bodies left on the planet.

It was a cold, dark trip to the bomber that was laying waste to the planet below.  It seemed like an eternity untill Chris found what seemed to be some sort of landing bay on the side of the enormous, black ship.  Chris flew in and amaturly landed the ship in the middle of  the empty room.  When he stepped out of the ship he felt the emptyness of the area mixed with the pain he felt knowing that the planet below was being decimated.  It made the room feel huge, the walls seemed to be miles away in a diffrent place.  He slowly made his way to the door at one end of the hanger.
"Why haven't they sent someone down here yet.  They must be coming, anytime now someone is going to burst through that door and... well, what will they do to me."  Chris said outloud. "I haven't given that much thought.  Kill me?  Maybe, it makes sence after all what would I do?  They always could capture me I suppose, find out the way my powers work.  I don't even know how to use them let alone how they work!"
But he never found out what they would do because he made it to the door, noone came through with guns or a cage, noone was killed or captured.  Chris waited a moment, maybe someone will come through right now... nothing.  He sighed and touched the door causing it to slide open revealing a hallway that went on for nearly two-hundred yards and turned left and went on even farther.  When he finally reached to end of the hall Chris encounterd a second door with a strange red symbol on it.  Chris gawked at it a moment half trying to figure out what it could mean half waiting for someone to come out and kill him.  Finally he gingerly touched the door and it slid open.  The room was dark and it took a moment for his eyes to adjust.  Chris walked in and took in his surroundings.  There was a green glow about everything because of the computer screens under the windows that encompased the room that was a semi-circle.  At the other end of the room stood a large, red, capped figure hunched over, tapping away on one of the screens.  It stood nearly seven feet tall and seemed to be made of muscle when it turned around.
"So, I see you have found you way into my hands." the figure said in a deep voice that seemed to carry years of war with it.
"What do you mean by into your hands?" Chris questioned.
The figure laughed and said "If you truly think you have anywhere to go then you are truly hopeless.  Even if you do best me there is nowhere for you to go, this ship is going back to the home planet where you will surly be assimilated by our army."
"Best you?"
"Yes, do you think I would let you have lived this long if I didn't want to have some fun."
"That's why there were no guards!"
"Yes," the figure said as it took the cape off "I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Ian Bester, leader of the dreaded Yackvar glasser fleet."
The figure threw Chris a staff with a bladed end and the fight broke out.  Ian charged him, blade raised over his head, but Chris was too quick or too lucky because he ducked out of the way and slammed the blunt end of the staff into Ian's back.  Ian let out a yell and swept at Chris' legs but he jumped over the blade.  While in the air, Chris was punched in the stomach and launched across the room into a computer.  Ian came charging again but Chris rolled off the desk as the blade was impaled into the screen.  Chris went to stab the ankles of his foe when Ian stepped on the staff, breaking it in two.  Chris looked up to avoid the boot to the face that caught him in the chin anyway.  Chris was sent sprawling across the floor and into another computer.  The ship lurched and Ian almost lost his balance.
"Damned fool, you broke the controles for the engines.  Now we'll die crashing onto the planet!" Ian bellowed.  He picked up his staff and came charging but Chirs grabbed it under the blade and twisted it out of Ian's hands.  Chris gave Ian a kick in the stomach that caused them both to fall over.  Ian had gotten up to late because as he was on his knees Chris ran over and cut his head off.  It rolled across the floor leaving blood in it's path untill lifelessly bumping into the wall.
Chris ran over the the front of the room and looked out the window.  The planet was getting bigger, finally taking over the view from the comand room.  They were picking up speed and the planets surface was coming closer.
"Well, looks like I'm going to crash into a planet." Chris said, then he dropped to the floor and awaited the planets surface to engulf him and this ship in a frenzy of fire and debrise.

He felt lighter than air, free falling through the sky like a comet at night, plummiting to the ground while blood rushed to his head.  The room was spinning and Chris was trying to figure out if it was just his head or if he was spinning in mid-air.  It was a long wait, seeming as if he quit falling and was hanging between space and the surface of the planet below by a thread that would snap at even the slightest movement.  Chris was left with a delima; what do you do while you wait to hit a planets surface while in a fifty mega-ton spaceship?  As this thought passed through his head it suddently didn't matter because the ship had landed with its' nose into the middle of a desert.

"Is this what it feels like to be dead?  All I feel it hot."  Chris thought to himself " And this piece of metal is really starting to hurt my side.  Piece of metal!"  He sat up and proceded to slam his head off of a red hot piece of metal, causing sparks to fly about.
"Okay, let's try this again."
He sat up more slowly this time, minding the metal he had just colided with, and opend his eyes.  The sight was amazing; encased in a room of red-hot metal.  He held his hands to his eyes to see if he was burnt but nothing, not even a scrach for the rather unneccacary landing, but what he saw was a blue glow that seemed to be shielding him from the fire and heat.  Quickly he tried to find an escape before the protection wore off.  There was a hole in one of the sheets that was almost too small for him to get through but with a little wiggeling Chirs made his way out of the ship.  Chris then spent almost ten minutes climbing the creator created by the ship.
"Funny this all started with me getting a little drunk." Chris said as he cleared the lip of the hole.
The first thing he saw when he stood up on the desert plains was the vast army of the Yackvar that streached across the horizon and into the distance.  The Yackvar must have been awe-struck when they saw the messiha that stood before them.  This being that was supposed to destroy them had its' torn and tatterd shirt covered in dust, dirt, blood, and grime.  He had just climed out of a crash that would have killed anything else but none-the-less he was in such dis-array and with such a scrawny body, how was he going to kill them all.  It must have been hilarious.
A feeling of dread came over Chris and it felt like the bottom of his stomach had fallen out.  He looked down at his shoes and spat, debaiting what to do.  What was there to do, he wasn't getting off of this rock anytime soon and where could he run?  He was going to have to fight, even with no hope he had no choice but to defend himself.  Hell, maybe he would even take a few of them with him.  The glow that had covered his body had moved to his hands and was glowing more brightly than ever and after staring at it for a few moments he understood.  Understood how to use it and in what ways it could and could not be manipulated.  He spat again and looked onto the ocean of foes that stood before him.  "If I'm gonna make a speech, this would probably be the time." he thought.
"Yackvar," he started "I have come to defeat you and free the Vus Tang!"
The ocean erupted in cries of laughter.
"Not a good start eh?  I'll try this.  You have held the Vus Tang in your claws of war for too long.  You have made slaves of a race who never raised a fist to you."
The oceans waves of laughter ceased and a errie quiet spread across the desert.
"This is the final day of your reign, it ends today, here.  It is time you pay for your crimes, you have gone unchecked across the galaxy for too long." Chris raised his glowing hand in the air.  "IT ENDS NOW!"
As these words wore echoed across the desert a million stars fell from the sky and landed on the planets surface.  From these metal stars came twenty Vus Tang warriors each.  Someone near Chris told him that they had survived by going into the bomb shelters and that only and eighth of their race was destroyed.  They quickly converged and made a mirror ocean across from the streach of land between the two.  Chris stood at the front of the army and surveyed the armys.  They were nearly equal in number and all seemed to be carrying guns of some kind.
"We wait for your command sir." a Vus Tang said.
"Well yes, you are the leader of the military after all."
"Oh, well then.  Sorry, I didn't get your name."
"Habtest sir."
"Well, how's it going Habtes?"
"Habtest sir, and fine, why do you ask?"
"Oh, just woundering.  Well I guess we should start then."
"Your choice sir."
"All on me." the ocean shifted and readyed itself for the two waves to collide and start a hurricane that would dwarf any before it.  "Ready, CHARGE!"
The rush of water filled his ears as the oceans  came together.  Chris punched a Yackvar in the chest with his glowing hand causing it to double over and die.  One tried to charge him from behind but Chris gave him a round-house kick to the head that snapped its neck.  One tried to fire one of the weapons at him but Chris put his hands up to shield himself and reflected the shot into the nearest enemys skull causing blood to fly out of its' forehead.  Next was the one that tried to shoot him.  Chris charged at the Yackvar warrior who tried despratly to fill Chris with holes but to no success as Chris expertlly dodged every one of the shots.  When he reached the enemy he grabbed the gun out of its' hands and put it under the foes chin.
"Not the best day for you, was it?" Chris asked jokeingly.
"Not really." the soldier hissed.  Then Chris pulled the trigger and sent brain-matter flying.
Chris spun around and fired on three other Yackvar that intended to pummel him, putting a hole in the chest of each.  Suddently Chris felt a sharp pain in the back of his head and he fell to the ground.  When he looked up to see a Yackvar warrior dressed in silver armor that reflected the desert sun with an enormous club in his hands.  It grunted and slammed the crude weapon at Chris who  rolled out of the way just in time.  He got to his feet and had to jump over the massive weapon that was swung at his legs.  The foe spun around, keeping the momentum, and tried again but when Chris jumped this time the club caught his feet and sent him spinning into the dirt.  The beast was about to give the finnishing blow when a Vus Tang slammed an ax-like weapon through the armor and into the stomach of the beast.  When the Vus Tang pulled the ax out, Chris was showered in blood that came spitting out of the creature.  Before Chris could thank his fellow soldier, he had dissappeared into the fray.  Chris rolled back onto his feet and kicked a Yackvar in the back, causing its' spine to break into several pieces.  Chris then took the time to survey the battlefield; they were winning, but only by a hair, and it didn't seem like the Yackvar were going to retreat on this one.  The yelling and clashing of weapons, the sounds of the alian weapons being fired, it all filled his ears and he nearly had his head taken off by a flying piece of Vus Tang.  Chris looked the direction from where the body had came from to see that a Yackvar was charging him, brandishing a sword in each hand.  When the beast went to chop down on its' victim, time slowed down for Chris.  He was able of focus on things like the sweat coming off of the face of the raging foe or the way the swords shone in the light.  Chris took this time to study his enemy, trying to find a weakness in its' attack.  Chris jumped up and kicked one of the swords out of the attackers hands.  Chris bent down under his foe and sprung up to slam a fist into the beasts chest.  It sprung up into the air and landed on its' feet with blood pouring out of its' mouth and ears.  This took a meer two seconds.
When he finally caught his breath, Chris took the time to look around, the battle was over, just a few Yackvar left near the edges of the fray.  A Vus Tang dressed in red battle gear came up to Chris and taked to him about the battle.
"Very few casulties." the soldier said.
"Are they going to keep fighting... till there are none left?" Chris asked somberly.
"Yes... it is... their way."
"I have a feeling like I'm supposed to say some deep, profound, and lifting words to you, to the men.  The problem is that I've never been too good with words and standing here in the middle of an ocean of blood, I feel nothing but sadness.  I do have one question though, is this the end?"
"No, not even close sir.  I feel that there is much more for you on a distant horizon."
"You know," Chris said "this would make a pretty intresting book if you ask me."
"Indeed sir, this would be rather intresting."

The End
© Copyright 2008 Susan Smith (smitty009 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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