Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1460875-Book-One
by Chris
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1460875
Demons and Books? What is going on?
The Demons and the Underworld have been fighting to be free and roam the earth, but they realized that if they gather the Books, then they can release their chaos and rule the world, the problem is they can only have a few Demons to collect these books, but what they don’t realize is they are fighting against time and children for these books. But they aren’t sure where these books are or how to gather them, but these children are from another world, raised in this one world, but they don’t realize that they will meet and work together.
These books are important to the races who live on the world and to the Demons in Hell. Who will win? Who will Die? Will there ever be peace? That all depends on who gets to them first.

Chapter One

Raven sat on her cot for the last time and stared at her brother. She knew she had to go and no one else knew this. She was sixteen and knew all she could learn about this strange world. Her eyes were filled with a bit of sorrow, she had grown attached to this family as they had done with her. But everyone knew she wasn’t from this town, or place. For unlike the Humans in the town, she had powers. Powers beyond one’s thoughts, but she needed them for the journey she was to embark on.
The sun was just beginning to rise, turning the sky a beautiful orange -red. The air was filled with animal chirps and sounds. The breeze entered Raven’s window and roused her senses back to the task at hand. She stood up and dressed into her leather pants, boots, and black corset tunic. She looked odd in this outfit, but only because the women in the town wore dresses all the time. She went to one side of the small room and pulled her large katana and placed it and it’s sheath on her back. It was longer than her and heavier than most swords. Many people from her world called it a Broad Blade, but the towns people here called it a Magical Katana, no matter how many times she told them it was a Broad Blade.
Raven then placed her Dragon Daggers on her hips along with her leather pouch of gold and silver, the money. She pulled her long silver white hair into a pony tail with a ribbon to hold it in place. Her grey-blue eyes looked about the room for the last time and she sighed. She really loved this family and didn’t want to break their hearts, but she had to do it. She had to protect them. Only chaos would come if she and the others didn’t find and destroy the books. Her expression changed to its normal coldness and she walked into the open town.
No one would be up for another couple of hours, which would make the leave easier for her and them. She whistled and a black wolf came to her side and they both trotted into the woods. Star, her black wolf, had been her guardian. Star, like the other guardians, kept Raven updated on the others. Raven was the oldest and the wisest. She had to lead the group once they had found the books and went to the temple to destroy them. The only problem was, they didn’t know how to destroy. At least not yet.
The woods around them was noisy with animal chit-chat and the rustling of leaves. The underbrush made a crunching noise as they slowed to a walk. Raven looked around her, watching for signs of Demons or creatures who hunted her kind. Star seemed preoccupied with the surroundings as well. Raven knew that Star was the best for her. Both were always on red alert. Nothing got past them. But Star seemed to always fight her way through things. Raven liked that about Star. They had been silent as they walked, and were even quieter in their thoughts, trying to keep the other out of them.
The noises stopped and the smell of blood filled the air. Predators were near by and they had a fresh kill. Raven placed her hands on her dagger hilts, but continued to walk. Star walked too, but both of them seemed to stare off into space as they walked. No one understood this about Raven, but it was her way of knowing where her enemy was. If they were close she would know. Her senses went out around her, searching for whatever had made a kill. If it was an animal, she had no worries, but a Hell Hound would cause too much trouble. Not only were the hounds huge, but they had fire breath, causing them to burn their prey if need be. It didn’t smell like Hell Hounds though.
They froze seeing a pack of wolves around a dead deer. Star sighed in relief. Raven smiled weakly. Star was the happy one of the two. Raven was serious and always prepared. The combination helped them get out of trouble so many times. It was always a good thing too.
“Miss Raven, I suggest we keep moving,” Star said.
“I know,” Raven nodded as they turned and walked east, towards Blood River.
Blood River got it’s name from a bloody battle that happened there. The battle was said to be Angel’s against the Demons. That was how the Books were created and the Demons banished. But Raven knew better. For every book, a Demon was out on the prowl to find it and bring it the Gate. Once the books are gathered, Demons would roam once more. Raven began to think about all this. Star must have known for she had ran off. Star always left Raven alone with her thoughts.
Raven sighed a bit as she walked. Her thoughts always troubled her and left her to wonder about many of the things about the strange planet. Her eyes scanned the area as she walked, although her thoughts were no where near what was around her. Her eyes began to glow a bit and she felt herself float and then fly a bit. Her body moved through the air with ease. She had no worries as she floated towards a tree. The sun had finally rose and proved it was day. It felt good against her pale face. She closed her eyes and landed on the ground and stood completely still. She didn’t feel right floating. Slowly she continued to walk. Star’s voice came softly amongst the air.
“Miss Raven, focus on you task,” Star sounded serious.
Raven nodded with a new source of energy.
© Copyright 2008 Chris (creativechris at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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