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Rated: · Other · Adult · #1464989
learn to make patients and listening an interactive process
The key terms patients and listening are two different entities that exist in everyone. Most all of us have listened at one time or another, but have you been patient when you don't care about the subject. Those who succeed have learned that both of these entities can be used as an interactive process. First, you must learn to listen and second, you must learn to be patient. You might say that you have to be patient to listen, but in fact and what happens most of the time is people don't care about what you're saying. Now, if you're in group let's say work group, church group you get the meaning, you are in to do a specific job. That might be building a new sub-division, to learning all the books in the bible. Now, listening is part of what you really need to do, and most of the time you're ok, but there comes a time when your mind just wants to blurt out an idea that just suddenly hit you. This is where patients must be learned and controlled. You must listen to what is being presented before you blurt out your suddenly newly discovered thought. For you see, the person doing the presentation might already have thought about that and will cover it later in the presentation. Now, you would look foolish, in blurting out your idea. Consider holding on to your thoughts and listening, open your mind to what is being presented, I would suggest jotting down your thoughts for later reference. Patients can and will give you the edge, when the presentation is done and you didn't hear your thought, now is the time to present your idea. It wasn't blurted out and now you have control over the presentation.
There are other good reasons in being patient and listening. First, being patient can give you the edge in realizing that you have what they need. Listening to what they are asking for is part of being patient. Now, you have both an interactive process that gives you the edge. Knowing what they want and knowing that you have what they want is just like play poker. You ask yourself, how do I want to play this hand, should I slow play it or hit them hard? Both of these strategies can win a hand but one will give a better pay off. In this case a slow play would be beneficial to all, first, the company will tell you what they want and how fast they want, second, since you already have what they want the question to ask would how fast they want it and how much more are they willing to pay. Here slow play and putting limitation on your knowledge would and probably benefit yourself. Because now you have the upper hand in knowing that you can deliver at any time. You think, how much more are they will to pay for a quick product, do I double the price or go somewhere in the middle. Now, patients give you the upper edge, knowing they want the job done right now, hit them with a 75% increase, now either they will say yes, or you can deal and still end up with over 50% increase. So, there ya have it, patients and listening as an interactive process, that will win.
Most parents have the same problem in dealing with there children. One, they don't listen and two the parents want to be in control and just don't have a clue as to how to turn the situation around. I know I am a parent who got the end result of my seventeen year old son. My ex-wife kicked my son out of the house and as a result I ended up dealing with him. I am a very patient man, and have learned to listen not only to what is being said but to what is not being said. It took about six to eight months for me to straighten my son out, only because I had to let him find out his own way of thinking wasn't working. I kept on every week addressing the issues he needed to work on, but not forcing the issue. For example, there were several times that my son kept telling me "I've heard this sobbing story", I would stop and realize he was paying attention to what I was saying. It just had not sunk in. My ex-wife would call and tell me that I needed to punish my son for actions. But I would not answer her because my ex-wife she had her way and now it was my time to deal with him. Sometimes punishment is not the answer. My son had gone through enough battles with my ex-wife that it was time for me to be patient and listen to what he was saying and not saying. One day he was sort of depressed because he could do nothing with his friends because he had no money. I told him money makes this world go round. It may not make you happy but it can help you find what you need. As we talked, he mentioned that I was right in telling what I kept on preaching him. I finally realized that he had learned his lesson. Within a few day he got a job and he is very happy because he works with his best friend. As I mentioned to him, now that you're working you must make other goals to benefit you first, and if you choose what you really like then the rest will fall in place.
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