Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1470188-Planetside
by Enzage
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #1470188
Krystal goes to pick up a specimen from a planet but gets a whole lot more.
With a pull of a lever the white and blue Arwing dropped out of hyperspace in front of its newest assignment. Tapping a few keys on the dashboard, Krystal opened a com link to the mother ship Great Fox “this is Krystal reporting in, I have arrived at our mystery planet. Scans show that it is inhabitable, I’m going in for a closer look.”

The metallic voice of the ship’s navigator ROB 64 crackled over the link “acknowledged Krystal, proceed with caution, we do not know what to expect from this planet or its inhabitants.”

Sighing as ROB told her the same thing she has heard countless times before from Fox, she took another look at the data on the creature she was supposed to capture. ‘Exact height unknown but assumed to be around 5’, body is mainly covered in yellow fur with white fur going from the neck and shoulders down the front of the body as well as from the knees down, wrists down and the tip of both the tail and ears. The creature is bipedal, has a main of white fur that extends down from the neck to mid chest, has three spikes of fur extending from the shoulders and wears purple gloves that start from just below the shoulders and cover the top of the creature’s three fingered hands. Be warned that this creature is not to be taken lightly, it is very dangerous if not handled carefully: death may occur from mishandling this creature.’

Realizing how much of a ‘needle in a haystack’ this job was she asked “do we at least have a location to search?”

“Affirmative, uploading coordinates now.” The screen Krystal had been looking at a moment before cleared and turned into a 3D map of an area on the planet “the creature we are searching for is within this several mile radius, good luck. ROB out.”

As the link closed she punched in the coordinates and said in a sarcastic voice “thanks for giving me such an easy mission.” The ship lurched towards the planet and after a few moments of violent rocking as the ship descended through the planet’s atmosphere, there was clear flying. Finding an open space within the targeted area she started the landing sequence, feeling another jerk as the ship slowed down to land she held the throttle tightly before the ship landed with a heavy ‘thump!’ on the soft earth.

Not wasting any time as the ship powered down, she hit the release button on the center of her chest and the straps that had been there a moment before retracted into the seat. Pulling a lever to the side of the cockpit, the canopy unlocked and opened with a hiss of equalizing pressure, finally letting her fill her nostrils with air that did not come from her ship’s oxygen containers. Turning in her seat and reaching behind it she lifted a leaver that pulled her seat forward, revealing the decently spaced compartment behind her. Scraping her hands around for the tranquilizer gun given to her for the mission, she came out a moment later with the gun in her hand.

Clipping it to her belt she leaned out the side of the ship, her feet momentarily hanging in the air before finding the step on the side of the ship. She swiftly clambered down the ship as the canopy closed and hopped off at the last step, landing gracefully in the grass beneath her. Pausing to stretch after having been stuck in the confines of the ship for a few hours, she moans quietly as her tight suit rubs against every inch of her body, bringing a small shiver of pleasure from her. But now was not the time to be experimenting with different ways of bringing an orgasm. Ducking under the ship she checked the containment pod that the specimen would be put into, *good, at least it survived the landing. Now for the hard part of actually finding the thing.*

It had been an hour since Krystal had left her ship and for all she knew she was on a wild goose chase. The only thing she had seen were brief glances of small critters that ran into hiding the instant they saw her. Currently she was on top of a wooded hill with a pair of binoculars overlooking her ship as well as the entire area she was supposed to be searching. After scanning the same stretch of land for the twentieth time she was about to start heading back to her ship and ask if there might have been a mistake about the location when she heard something step on a stick behind her. Within a split second she had dropped the binoculars, pulled the gun from her hip and turned to point it at whatever was there but only saw trees. Figuring that the boredom must have been getting at her she holstered her gun and was about to turn back to her ship when her vision was filled with a yellow and white flash that knocked her to the ground.

Her natural reaction was to fight back but whatever was attacking her was too quick, it had thrown her gun away and was holding her by the neck while it pinned her arms at her side. Her vision started to blur as she was choked to death, gasping out “Get… off… of me.” To her surprise the creature did, allowing her to turn over and take gasping breaths in between a fit of coughing.

While she regained her breath the creature spoke to her “I let you go now that you know you cannot defeat me. Tell me why you have come and I might let you live.”

Turning to look at her attacker, Krystal saw that this thing was what she had been searching for. She guessed her attacker was female from the bulge hidden by the chest fur and took a moment to piece together what she had read in the report, using her hacking as a cover while she thought of something to say. Everything mentioned in the report matched her description but there were a few things left out, for one the eyes on this creature had no white in them, only black with a blue iris. Aside from that there was a purple line under each eye on the triangular head; a yin-yang symbol on top of her gloves over her fists; a pair of purple circles on the upper half of her legs and a perfect hourglass figure.

Shaking her head slightly at that last point *woah, did I just check her out?* she looked directly at her and said “I came looking for you.”

Of all the things Renamon had expected to hear from some blue fox in a similarly colored tight-fitting spacesuit, the fact that she was looking for her in particular took her by surprise. After a moment of awkward silence she watch as Krystal got back on her feet and said “others have come here before you, explain what makes your cause so worthy that I should come with you, but first tell me you name. Mine is Renamon.”

“My name is Krystal and I came to get you because…” before Krystal could give her reason there was an even louder crashing sound as the trees behind Renamon were torn aside by an enormous green t-rex that reminded her of General Scales. As Renamon turned to face this opponent Krystal could see that she would never dodge it in time as the monstrous lizard’s fist was milliseconds from connecting. Not thinking about the consequences of her action, Krystal dived forward and pushed Renamon out of the way just in time for the blow to fly over her, only to connect instead with the second blue target.

Krystal felt herself flip end over end, her world spinning as the force from the blow sent her nearly eight feet. Or would have had she not connected with a tree that was three feet away from her. The last thought to pass through her mind as she blacked out with the taste of blood in her mouth and the sound of the roaring monster filling her ears was *Is this the end?*. Had Krystal been able to look up before blacking out she would have seen Renamon tearing the monster apart.

Renamon did not know why Krystal had pushed her out of the way and taken the blow for her, let alone why she mattered enough to fight for, but there seemed to be a sincerity about this female that attracted her and made her want to fight. As for the lizard before her, she had fought its kind many times before and was getting tired of their repeated attempts at killing her.

It had taken her a second to get back on her feet after Krystal had pushed her out of the way, just in time too as the second fist was heading directly for her and nothing was there to prevent this blow from hitting. But the fist slammed into the ground with nothing beneath it, Renamon had jumped up onto the extended arm and ran up it, gaining speed as she drew closer to the vulnerable neck. The lizard was too slow to dodge this incoming attack and could only watch in horror as Renamon extended her clawed hand to pierce his neck, letting out a roar in pain as his blood spewed out one side of his neck in the spot she had been a moment before.

Moving faster than the lizard’s eyes could track, Renamon had leaped on the other side of his neck to slash through the soft flesh. With one final leap she landed gracefully before the unconscious Krystal, the beast swaying on its feet for a moment before falling heavily to the ground mere inches from them.

Bending down onto her knees in front of Krystal, Renamon did a quick scan of her body to see if there were any external flesh wounds which, to her immense relief, there were none. Seeing a small stream of blood was coming from her mouth, she moved up close until she was mere inches from her white furred mouth. Carefully separating her lips to get a better look she saw that Krystal had a split lip, *nothing serious, thank goodness.*

Before she could stop herself, Renamon licked the bloodied side of Krystal’s mouth, her tongue just barely entering before she pulled back *what was that!? Am I really attracted to this slender female?* Shaking her head to rid herself of the thoughts, she looked down at the ship below them and thought *there has to be a medical kit inside that ship somewhere and maybe something to make her more comfortable.*

Picking Krystal up as if she weighed no more than a feather, she took a moment to stare at this blue furred, blue suited fox in her arms. Her eyes trailed down to stare at the Krystal’s c-cup breasts hidden just beneath the suit before trailing down to in between her legs. *Gah! Snap out of it!* blushing slightly at what she had just done she turned her head to focus at the path ahead *ok, no more distractions, you need to get her to that ship and make sure she is alright.* With a running leap she all but flew through the forest as if it was an open field, stopping only once she reached the ship and not daring to look at Krystal again lest she lose even more control and actually grope her.

Laying Krystal gently onto the ground, Renamon turned to look at the ship for a few moments while trying to figure out how to open the ship. Climbing up to the canopy she dug her claws into the side of the canopy and tried her best to open it without causing any damage to the actual ship. After a few minutes her claws successfully dug their way into a crack and the top opened.

Hopping inside the unfamiliar ship, she looked around for anything that might look like a med kit. Lifting a lever on the floorboard in front of the chair, she found a rolled up blanket which she promptly pulled out and dropped out the side of the ship. After a few more minutes of searching she gave up and went back to Krystal who was still unconscious but was no longer bleeding. Wanting to make sure that there were no broken bones and to get a better look, *what is with me today?* Renamon unzipped the suit Krystal was wearing and pulled it off, revealing her blue and white furred body.

Gingerly she pressed various parts on Krystal’s body, first starting at the arms, then the legs where she paused as her eyes rolled over the puffy white lips that Renamon could see her tongue lapping at until Krystal’s sweet cum flowed from her. Blushing furiously yet continuing her checkout, she checked Krystal’s ribs but saw that none were broken. What drew her attention next were Krystal’s soft breasts whose dark blue tits had hardened once exposed to the air. She was unconscious and would not know if Renamon took one tit in her mouth while her other hand squeezed the other or would trail down to press into that moist pussy.

Before she could act upon these thoughts she pulled herself away, moving to the blanket she had left at the side of the ship. Bringing the rolled bundle closer to Krystal, she untied the knot that kept the blanket rolled up and unrolled it. Only, to her surprise, when she rolled out half the blanket she found a foot long double ended dildo roll out as well. She felt herself get wet as she picked up the dildo, imagining how it would feel to have it pressed deep inside her. As her hands strayed towards her pussy she stopped, first she needed to make Krystal comfortable before she could move to herself.

Finishing rolling out the blanket and laying Krystal onto it, she took a seat at one end of the blanket with the dildo in hand. Bringing the toy up to her nose she sniffed it, smelling Krystal’s dried pussy juice covering it *must get pretty lonely on that ship.* She felt her pussy throb as she remembered that she has not had anything inside of herself for a year when he heat last came about, and it was about that time when her heat should return with full force.

Sitting so she was not directly facing Krystal yet still able to see her out of the corner in her eye, she spread her legs before pressing the dildo inside of herself, arching her back as she let out a quiet moan. Grabbing one end of the toy she pushed as much as she could into herself before slowly pulling it out, savoring the feeling of finally having something inside her most sensitive of areas. As her thrusts pick up pace her mind filled with the thought of an eager fox having found her after catching her scent on the wind, chasing her down and without hesitation, burying his long cock in her.

Moving one hand up to fondle her now exposed c-cup breasts usually hidden by her chest fur, her clawed fingers rubbing her hard pink tits, she felt them moisten as she began lactating from their touch. Spreading her milk around her breasts to make them more visible, she gave one of her breasts a hard squeeze, bringing a squirt of milk to fall on her imaginary lover. As her orgasm built, so did the force of her thrusts and the loudness of her moans as she lost more sense of the world around her. Just as she came she pushed as much of the false dick into her pussy as she could, holding it in place while her juices washed over the toy, imagining her lover burying his length inside her as he came, his thick cum mixing with her own and filling her to the brim.

Krystal had woken up at Renamon’s first moan to see her sitting before her masturbating with her toy. At first she thought of getting up but that would draw too much attention and might cause Renamon to stop. She could only watch as her dildo was pressed deeper and deeper into Renamon’s slick pussy, her own pussy starting to burn with greater need the longer she watched. Biting her lower lip she tried to remain in the position that Renamon had set her in but each moan from Renamon’s lips made her want to finger herself even more and each gust of wind playing over her body drove her mad with lust as it played across her hard tits and puffy cunt.

Slowly she moved both of her hands down the side of her body to reach and satisfy her burning pussy. The moment her hand brushed against her soft lips she gasped at how sensitive she had become, just touching her pussy nearly made her cum. Hearing Renamon start moaning louder, she lost her last traces of self control and shoved half of one hand into her climaxing pussy while her other hand rubbed her exposed clit. Matching Renamon’s moans in pitch, Krystal watched as Renamon squeezed her tits and arched her back as she came, covering the toy and the ground beneath her in a pool of cum. The sight alone was enough to make her cum, covering her thrusting hand in her juices.

Moving from her seated position with the toy still deep inside her, Renamon got on her knees and leant forward like the mate she is supposed to be, giving the dominant male better access to her hot pussy. Using both hands to give the thrusts of the toy greater force, she angled it so every inward and outward thrust would rub against her clit, bringing an even louder cry from her lips as more and more cum pooled from her pussy onto the toy and into her fur.

Having cum twice and already nearing her third, Krystal stopped to watch Renamon as she changed positions to one that would have had any male within sight running to mount her. Before any doubts could enter her mind, she stood up and went to sit in front of the moaning Renamon who had started matching thrusts with the toy, grinding her breasts into the grass in her lust for a mate. Sitting in front of Renamon’s face and spreading her legs, Krystal asked “mind if I join?” half causing Renamon to snap out of her fantasy.

Through half lidded, lustful eyes Renamon saw Krystal’s dripping white furred pussy before her and with one arm pulled her closer until the sweetly smelling cunt was almost penetrated by her angled muzzle. Using one arm to hold Krystal in place while the other continued furiously thrusting the dildo/ fox mate into her aching pussy, she licked up what juices were on the outside of Krystal’s pussy. She felt Krystal grab her head and push her in even closer so her nose rubbed against her swollen clit while her tongue pushed itself as far as it could into the slick folds of Krystal’s pussy, bringing a cry of ecstasy from her lips as she arched into the licks.

Holding onto Renamon’s head, Krystal began grinding her clit against the pointed nose, each grind alternating between having the nose lightly touching and pressing hard against her clit. As for Renamon’s tongue, each time Krystal pulled back slightly the tongue would pull out just enough to lick the outer rim of her pussy only to stab deep inside when she bucked forward, drawing as much of Krystal’s taste as it could before sliding up one of the sides to end at the clit which would be trapped between the tongue’s soft caresses and the rough nose press.

As Krystal’s orgasm neared, so too did Renamon’s, who was using one hand to continue thrusting with the toy while her other rubbed her clit. Her senses were consumed by two things, the hard cock that continued to thrust into her and the sweet smell and taste of this blue vixen who moaned to her every flick of the tongue. She began lapping at the dripping vixen’s pussy as hard as she could, pausing at the top to encircle the clit before pulling down to push her tongue back inside.

Krystal let out a loud cry as she came, gripping Renamon’s head and burying her muzzle into her climaxing pussy, each following thrust driving Renamon deeper inside. Instead of trying to pull out, Renamon opened her mouth as much as she could so she could swallow, suck, and lick up each wave of cum. Trying to hold her breath as long as she could while eating out Krystal’s pussy, she felt her orgasm come crashing onto her and before she could stop it, a groan escaped her lips, stretching Krystal’s pussy wide as it filled with air.

When Renamon had opened her mouth and stretched her pussy, Krystal didn’t think it could have gotten any better, but the moan filling her climaxing pussy threw her over the edge. Letting go of Renamon’s head she fell onto the back with a long howl of ecstasy as an even more powerful orgasm ripped through her body. Each slight movement from Renamon brought a wave of cum with it until her lower body and Renamon’s face were covered in her juices. She lay panting as Renamon pulled out of her gaping pussy, letting all of the cum still trapped inside gush from her to cover the ground.

Panting as the after effects of her orgasm washed over her, she arched her head up slightly as she felt Renamon lick, nip, and kiss her way up until she reached her breasts where she took one of the erect blue tits in her mouth and began lightly suckling. Releasing her grip on the dildo, Renamon moved both of her hands up to grip Krystal’s breasts while she continued to suckle, hearing the blue vixen give small yips and arch into her caresses. She tasted some of Krystal’s sweet milk drip into her mouth, the few drops causing her pussy to gently throb with even greater desire and grip the dildo even tighter.

Bolstered by the small taste, Renamon moved both of her hands to the breast she was suckling to squeeze it while she began sucking as hard as she could, filling her mouth with Krystal’s aphrodisiac laced milk which she swallowed greedily. Each swallow spiraling her lust to greater levels than she thought possible, her pussy becoming sore from not feeling the dildo slide in and out of her tight folds. Letting the nipple fall from her mouth she gave it one last squeeze, feeling a small stream of milk flow onto her hands as she moved further up.

Krystal arched her head forward slightly again to watch as Renamon placed both of her hands on her breasts to squeeze her blue tits while Renamon’s own white furred breasts swayed slightly as she moved into position. Renamon placed her knees on either side of her hips with one end of the dildo just barely touching Krystals’ white furred pussy. As Renamon pressed the dildo inside her and began thrusting with animal ferocity, Krystal let out a cry as she arched into Renamon’s rough thrusts, each thrust had the length of the dildo slide along her clit to end with their hips touching where their clits would grind against one another’s.

Krystal had never felt so dominated before, the sheer force of Renamon’s lust being expressed in each of her thrusts was enough to bring one orgasm after the other, forming an endless high of ecstasy. Throughout it all Krystal took each rough thrust and fondle, letting out small yips and moans of pleasure as the toy sated their lust.

After what felt like an hour, Renamon’s thrusts slowed and began losing force as her heat was temporarily pacified. The moment she released her grip on Krystal’s breasts to shift so all her weight was on her knees, Krystal struck. Using the opening she sat up, causing Renamon to lose balance and wrap her legs around her waist for support as she fell into Krystal’s lap with their faces stopping inches from one another. Pulling Renamon into a fierce kiss, Krystal brought one hand up to fondle Renamon’s breasts while the other moved to the toy locked in between their meshed hips.

Taking a moment to brush her hand over their clits, Krystal felt for the switch spot on the toy, pushing her fingers into Renamon’s pussy and feeling it quiver around the new intruder. Feeling the small nub in the toy she squeezed it, bringing a gasp of surprise and a tighter leg grip from Renamon as the toy started vibrating. Just as she pulled her hand out of Renamon’s pussy, Krystal felt it get soaked as Renamon came.

Using her free hand, Krystal pushed up both her and Renamon’s breasts until they were just below their mouths and broke the kiss to bring their entwined tongues down to their nipples where they alternated between suckling, licking and kissing.

Renamon had felt pleasure before from previous matings and from her own fingers, but everything she had experienced before was nothing in comparison to the vibrator deep inside her pussy. Unlike a regular cock which would just rub whatever part of her pussy it touched on the inward and outward thrusts, the vibrator not only filled her but its vibrating touched every fold of her pussy, making her cum again and again. But the vibrator was only the beginning as the female before her knew just where to lick and touch to make each following orgasm greater than the last. At long last Renamon had found the perfect mate.

Unlike previous mates who would tire out, this female before her had endless energy, it did not matter how many times she came since each orgasm drove her to grind harder, lick faster, squeeze and kiss harder. Taking both of their left tits in her mouth, Renamon watched as Krystal did the same to their right as they sucked in unison, tasting their mixed milk and feeling their hips grind against one another even more than before. Each movement of their hips brought out the juices trapped in their pussies to mix and enter into the others’ pussy or to run down their hips to pool on the ground below.

When the sun began to set they finally untangled from one another, thoroughly soaked in sweat and each other’s juices. Both of tem leaning back with their pussies still meshed, Krystal moved her hand in between their legs to turn off the toy, watching Renamon quiver as the vibrating stopped. Pulling back to let the toy slide from her pussy, she watched as Renamon pulled the toy out of her flowing cunt to bring it up to her mouth and begin sucking on the end that had been inside herself before moving to the other end that had been inside Krystal’s own pussy.

As Krystal rolled up the blanket with her suit, she didn’t even have to ask Renamon to come with her, she would have gone anywhere with her new mate. Clambering up into the cockpit, Krystal dropped her bundle at the foot of the seat before pulling the lever that folded the chair down, revealing the compartment at the back of the ship. Beckoning for Renamon to come inside, Krystal laid the blanket on the floor of the compartment so they would have someplace comfortable to sit for the duration of the flight. As Renamon got into the back, Krystal closed the canopy and leaned over the folded chair so she could punch in the keys for the auto pilot to do its job.

Just as she was about to hit the ignition button, she felt Renamon’s tongue slide across her lips, bringing a gasp of surprise and pleasure as Renamon gripped her butt to pull her deeper into the licking. Biting her lip to keep from crying out she opened a com link to the Great Fox and said in between gasps “this is Krystal… I’ve found the specimen and, ah! I’m bringing her back.” As the link closed she let out a loud moan as Renamon slipped the dildo into her pussy and activated its vibration, licking her clit as the toy was rhythmically thrusted in and out of her.

Arching into the toy she hit the ignition button, feeling the ship rumble underneath her and take off, the force of the liftoff pushing her even deeper into the toy. Rubbing her breasts into the cold metal chair as Renamon picked up the pace of the thrusts, Krystal felt another orgasm build and arched as much of her body as she could into Renamon’s tongue which pushed into her pussy to rub the underside of her clit. Renamon’s tongue acted as a conductor for the vibrating toy, turning her tongue into a swirling vibrator that completely enveloped her clit. Just when she was about to cum, Renamon pulled the toy out to place her mouth over the gaping pussy and sucked.

The sudden change in stimulation brought such a powerful orgasm that Krystal’s entire body rippled with its effect as a wave of cum spilled from her pussy into Renamon’s sucking mouth. Swallowing the first mouthful, Renamon let the rest of Krystal’s cum flow out the sides of her mouth as she continued licking, savoring the sweet taste as her orgasm ran its course. She kept up her licking while Krystal turned to face her, slowly pulling back to lie on her back with her tongue never leaving the blue vixen’s pussy. Setting the toy down beside her, she waited for Krystal to get into a 69 position with her before moving her hand up to lightly pinch her clit, the gasp coming from Krystal’s lips bringing a deeper licking in response.

Finally having Renamon’s pussy within tongue’s reach, Krystal wasted no time in pushing her tongue into the waiting folds, the taste of her own cum still fresh within Renamon’s pussy. Wanting to taste even more of their sweet mixture, she pressed her tongue as far in as it could, drawing up the last traces of her cum from Renamon’s depths. Feeling Renamon press into her tongue and lightly rub up against her nose, she remembered how good it had felt to have all of Renamon’s muzzle in her pussy. Taking a deep breath she pushed her entire muzzle into Renamon’s pussy, feeling her wrap her legs around her and a hard upward thrust with a groan of pleasure from her.

Opening her mouth as much as she could and pushing her tongue in, Krystal felt Renamon’s cum fill her mouth, washing over her tongue which she pressed in even further to lick the soft walls. While Renamon humped her muzzle, Krystal brought up one of her hands to rub the clit that was just below her chin, bringing a further groan and stronger licks from Renamon. Trying her best to hold in the moan that threatened to escape her lips as Renamon turned all her attention to lick, nibble and pinch her clit, she finally gave in as her orgasm hit. As her moan filled Renamon’s pussy, she pushed her muzzle as far in as she could, trapping all of Renamon’s cum as males knot would. Feeling the hot fluid swirl in and around her mouth, Krystal waited for Renamon’s pussy to become so filled that the cum was forced out to flow down the sides of her face before quickly pulling out. Keeping her mouth over the overflowing pussy, she let the wave of cum flow over her open mouth, waiting for it to finish splashing over her face before licking up and swallowing what she could.

Hours later

Having finally worn each other out to the point of passing out, Krystal awoke to the sound of the ship’s automated voice saying they had arrived at the Great Fox. Giving Renamon a soft kiss on the lips she untangled herself from their tight embrace, feeling the dildo slide out of their meshed pussies and drawing a quiet groan from Renamon’s lips as she woke to watch her mate suit up again and get the ship ready to dock. Yawning slightly, Renamon asked “so where are we now love?”

Punching in a few keys, Krystal turned to look at Renamon while the ship docked “we are at the mothership the Great Fox. My home. When we dock you will be able to meet the rest of the crew.” Smiling slightly as she thought of what would happen she said, “I’m sure they will give you quite the welcome.”
© Copyright 2008 Enzage (enzage at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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