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Rated: 13+ · Other · Sci-fi · #1476060
The adventures of the crew of the U.N.S. Innovation continue. [U.N.S. series: 2]
It had been three weeks since the crew of the U.N.S. Innovation had abandoned ship due to an enemy attack. Captain Mosley was lost in thought. Things were bad. The ambient was quickly decaying, morale was at its minimum. "Three weeks roaming the space without control... Let's see if the reparations are completed". He got up from his chair, smoothed his uniform and walked to the engine room.

It was not a long journey. The shuttle was one hundred meters long,  just enough to evacuate half the crew. It had en engine room, crew quarters, captain's room, and a hall which worked as bridge, storage room, dining hall and meeting hall all at the same time. Mosley was crossing the crew quarters when he was stopped by Ensign Midday.

"Captain, when will the helm be repaired? I hate the idea of being adrift in space. You see, what will happen if an asteroid stands in our path, sir?", said the young officer. At these words, many of the people in the room turned their attention to the conversation, panicked. "Why don't you shut up, idiot? You are worrying the crew!". He looked at the crew there, his smile as false as forced, "At ease, men. Nothing will happen, continue your work".

Corporal Kaley looked at his comrades and decided to take action. "With all due respect, Captain, we haven't had anything to do for a long time. We are all tired and bored", then he added to himself, "and the supplies of bubble gum are running low".

Mosley gave up. "Very well, I am going to the engine room. When I am finished there we will have a meeting, all the crew, and I hope you then have something to do for all of us". He then resumed his way. Leaving chaos behind him... only to enter in the chaos of technicians in front of him. Commander Lewis looked like a sheep caged with a pack of wolves. All technicians were circling around him, waiting their opportunity to assault him, not to attack him, but to ask his authorization about every action speaking a most technical slang. Harassing Lewis had been fun the first week when he tried to understand every question he was asked, pouring over engine manuals until late at night, but now he only moved his head up and down not even listening. They intensified their attack till the point where Commander Lewis had to be rescued by Mosley himself. He dragged him from the pack of engineers by his arms. He was taking him to the crew quarters but seeing a dozen of expecting faces there, changed his mind, opened a cupboard and pushed the poor officer inside, closing the door behind. Just after that, twenty ears were pressed against the door. "Damn! Go look for entertainment somewhere else!", he thought. It couldn't be helped, though, even the smallest gossip was entertaining... for a while. He shook Lewis, "wake up, Commander! wake up, I say!". He slapped the official with all his might. An ouch! was heard outside.

Lewis jumped, hitting himself in the head, kicking the door and pushing Mosley outside. He was ready to fight for his life when he realized who had just woken him. His pale turned white, "I... am terribly sorry, Captain. I didn't mean... I just...".

"Shut up, idiot! And help me out of here!". There was a mess of arms, legs, broken doors on the floor. And the Captain was just in the middle. Gasps and moans echoed in the corridor. Lewis helped the Captain out of the mess and entered the crew quarters followed by Mosley. "Report Commander. Are the repairs completed?".

Lewis relaxed visibly. "Yes, sir. Engines are finally working and helm control has been restored. I ordered navigator Presley to set a course for the nearest inhabited planet". Mosley laughed, relieved by the first good news in weeks. "Very well done, Lewis", then he added maliciously, "please inform the crew to attend to the meeting hall".

Commander Lewis approached a console and pressed a button, "This is Commander Lewis, all crew is needed at the meeting hall immediately. Last person to arrive will not have dinner today". A tremor, like an earthquake, engulfed the ship. Before they could do anything all personnel passed by the officers. Commander Lewis reacted quickly, aimed a good kick to the ankle of Mosley and started running. "I forgot to mention it, sir. Communications systems were repaired yesterday".

Captain Mosley was last to arrive. Grumpy, he addressed Corporal Kaley. "Have you thought of anything, Corporal?". "Aye, sir. We were thinking of reviewing the old logs to pass the time. But... main computer is damaged so we can only access randomly to them".

"What a great idea! I always thought this crew had initiative, very smart, indeed. Shall we get started then?", he pressed the button. The log started to play.

"Captain's log, twenty-fourth of September of 2243. I have been assigned to the U.N.S. Innovation, the flagship of the Armada, as Admiral Wesley presented it to me. Stinky ship with a stinky crew. They are no more than savages, with no proper initiative. I think they are not even able to distinguish their right hand form their left. It would be better if I set a course for the nearest sun and incinerate us all..."

No one moved. Mosley was terrified, "Uhm... you wouldn't believed that, would you?", he said trying to sound as conciliatory as he could. "The main computer must have messed up with the recordings, giving, ah... a non accurate version". The crew took a step, the Captain made a run for it knowing that almost nothing could save him from their fury. Just when hands grabbed him to the floor a voice spoke through the communications systems. "Navigator Presley here. We have arrived to an uncharted planet. Captain is requested at the bridge". Hands pressed Mosley to a console where Presley where running some scans of the planet.

"Well?" asked the Captain. "Can we land or not?". Navigator Presley went rigid. "Eh, no Captain, I am afraid there has been a mistake. Radars shows this planet is uninhabited, this is a barren world. No plants or water live here".

Mosley smiled nicely, Presley stepped back, "tell me, Mr. Presley. What has happened?". Big drops of sweat wet Presley's face. "Sir, I... my calculator was broken... they were difficult calculations, I didn't have the time to check..."

"And why didn't you asked for another one?".

"I didn't think of it, sir".

"You didn't think of it, I see...". Then slowly he approached a wall, ignoring the crew, he looked through the window and started to cry.
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