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Rated: 13+ · Other · Dark · #1486645
It has tense issues and is a VERY rough draft. About alternate personalities.
The gust from the fan comes from behind, lifting the young womans hair into her face and she makes no attempt to move it away. She is petite, her arms slender, her face narrow. Her normally bright eyes are empty and dark. You can see that she has a smiling face. But there in no smile anywhere on her face today. The look on her face holds no sign of any sort of joy.

Her eyes are intensely locked on the scene before her. Although what she sees is slowly blurring as tears fill her vision. Her mouth is closed, jaw tight. She looks ahead, a mixture of terror and disbelief on her delicate features. Then the tears poor over onto her cheeks and she closes her sobbing eyes. But she cannot remove from her sight the carnage that lays before her.

A small  voice in her head is pleading with her, begging her to move. To get away. To do anything but just stand there. But she just stands, her body wracked with shivers, her hairs standing on end. Fighting with herself, and trying to remeber.

"How could you do this?" Her voice comes out, not a wail, not a sob but a shreik. Violent and full of rage. But whoever she is screaming at does not answer. She gasps for breaths, wondering why she's still inhaling. The thick metalic scent of blood fills her nostrils and she gags.

"I didn't want to." The voice in her head is quiet but sturdy. "But I warned you. I told you this would happen. I had to protect the little one."

"Shut up! I don't care. It's.... You... There is no way you did this. There is no way we did this." She opens her eyes and again takes in the horrifying sight before her. She feels her hands ache at her sides. Gently she opens and flexes them. It is then that she feels the moisture on them. She glances down and sees the red stains across her skin. Her gown is torn and splattered with spots, blood is smeard up her arms, now dried and stiff. Her hair is mostly matted to her head, a few loose strands still wave in the gusts finding their way to her face.

Her entire body begins to take on the same ache. Every muscle locks up and then releases, causing her to convulse and then collapse. The floor emmits a loud thump as her knees meet hard lenoliem. A shooting pain rips through her abdomen and she moves her hand protectivly to her stomach. Where her child should still be awaiting it's first breath. But it's not right.

She gasps violently as the memories rush through her. Moisture running down her legs. Pain coming and going in sharp and increasingly intense spasms. Hands helping her to a place that she can safely do what needs to be done. THe joy of accomplishing her liefs goal. And then now. Wait no. One more thing. The feeling of terror, a specific kind of fear. The realisation of feeling her only enemy appearing behind her eye lids, taking over swiftly and leaving no room for a fight.

Her voice is nearly a whisper. Struggling to keep back the notes of horror.

"Where is my baby?" She takes a deep breath. In a deep hollow growl she asks the question again. "Where the fck is my child?!" Her eyes desperatly search the ground covered with puddles of blood and bodies. Looking for the infant she knows is hers. The voice in her head does not respond.

It is then that she begins to identify what were once considered humans. But now resemble wax figures, cold and with ashen skin. The young male doctor who was to deliver her baby. Two nurses, both who were probably beautiful only moments before. But now with their eyes open and gazing into space, they are only haunting.

Then she takes a quick breath, realising that her husband is not among them.

"Where is he? Where are they?" Once again her voice is loud and screaming. " I'm serious, where the hell are they? Answer me now! I'm not fcking around Zieey. What the fck have you done!?!"

A small whimper arises fom behind her. And then she understands what she has done. She slowly stands. Breathing as little as possiable, trying to keep out the rancid yet inviting scent of the blood. She closes her eyes again, trying to hide her mind from the atrocity before her, and turns away from it. When he opens her eyes again she is looking into his.

Wide, frantic eyes stare straight back. The man she loved can do nothing more than pull further from her, tightening his arms around the object in his hands.

Her heart skips a beat.

"My child." And she takes a slow unsteady step forward befor tripping.

"No. Stay there. I don't want you any closer." His voice is shaky but demands obedience. " I don't know who you are, or why that just happened, but I don't want you any nearer." A quiet cry comes from the inside of his arms. There lies a small pink blanket. The young child squirms in his hands.

"A daughter?" New tears follow the paths made only moments ago by others. "Please, Love. Let me see her. I swear I am alright now. She just wanted to protect her."

"No. A son. And if you take one step closer I swear I'll kill you."

A audiabe snarl reverberates around the room from somewhere deep in her chest, although she had no intention of making the sound, her back automatically haunchs into a protective stance. But she jerks out of it, causing her muscles to pull and release in rapid patters. Her body convulses again, but not as strongly as before. She remains on her feet.

"Where did you go?" He stares at her face, pain and anguish obvious and strong. " One moment you were fine. Everything went perfectly. The labor, the birth, smooth and simple. And then when the doctor took him-" The man cut himself off choking on a sob. " Your eyes went copper again, and you killed them all. All of them Summer. You killed them." He made no attempt to hide the fear or disgust in his vocie, both were thick and hit her like a thousand blades.

"But I didn't. She did. It was all her fault. She came so fast. I've never seen her do that before, so completly and all at once. Please believe me." She took a step foreward and he pulled a scalple from beneith the blanket. " If she wanted to hurt you, there would be nothing you could do to stop it." A stabbing ache shoots across her face hitting her temple and stays. She grips the bed next to her, white still somehow. "And I would never hurt either of you. You are the only ones I love." She took another step foreward, and the first glimpse of her child came into sight. Completly erasing an thought of pain. Slowly she reached out her hand, unable to look away from the magnificent child that lay in her lovers arms.

For a short moment though she peeled her gaze from her son to look into the eyes of his father. Where she found worry, and the desire to protect. It was the first time he had ever looked at her with the intention to protect something from her. It had always been the other way around. And that brought an entire new level of crushing painful weight onto her heart.

But as she returned her gaze to the child a bright warmth filled her very soul, reminding her that she was, on some level, a human. No sooner had she gently laid her hand upon the perfect face then her husband spoke again.

"I love you Summer. Always and forever. No matter what happens." She looked up into his eyes and saw the truth in his words. And then she saw the syringe of liquid headed for her neck. The next thing she saw was the back of her eye lids.

When she was finally able to force them open, after hours of the other girl in her head screaming to wake up, the first thng she notice was the wall. Thick and poofy. She stared at it curiously. She tried to extend her arm to reach out and feel it and suddenly discovered that she could not. She looked at her chest. There were her arms. Strapped tightly to her body, in rough looking white sleeves that completly wrapped around her body.

"Where have those bastards taken us?!" An angry scream rose, loud as ever. Then she realized it as because it was not just in her head this time. The noise had come from her throat. She looked around again and laughed. "What the fuck are you laughing at you stupid btch?! Where are we?"

And then the woman stopped her laughter. She simply smiled and said in a very calm manner.

"Somewhere that you will never escape." The memory of her childs perfect face and her husbands worried eyes came back into her mind. "I will make sure of that. You will never again hurt to protect." She looked down as a tear rolled from her cheek. "I love them too much for that." Then she closed her eyes, and began to remember how to take control.

© Copyright 2008 Goldy- <(-< (goldenfish at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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