Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1498086-Cyborg-Cops
by Boss D
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1498086
A Sci-Fi story about the elite 9 US Marshall in 2049.


Chapter 1: The Cyborg Team

          9 mm Guns firing then and there at every direction of the building, the team leader shouted, cease fire! The Surrounding silent. 25 Pakistani soldiers were down. They are inside of the library of the Islamia Higher Secondary School in Pakistan.

          A member of the team rapped towards the team leader. Galileo the team leader asked Mercury about the news.Mercury answered More enemies are coming, that they were armed and dangerous.

           Venus asked him. how many and he replied, Approximately they were hundreds.

          8 seconds silence. Galileo told them they already knew what to do in such situations and he ordered Venus to delay the enemies.

          The cops in loud voice exclaimed "Yes Sir, Yes Sir!" and moved as what they were trained of.

          Venus went to the building entrance and poured water to herself to appear like she just took a bath. The enemy soldiers were surprised of what they see as they entered the building. They were expecting a battle but what they see is a bar with tables and chairs inviting them to seat down and order some food and wine for their hungry stomach. But what they see is just optical illusion. The waiters that they see preparing to serve foods and wine are actually preparing bombs around them. This enemy soldiers were under the power of Venus who herself appears dancing erotically for them, but unknowingly that Venus is armed with biochemicals and hypnotic words, controlling their mind, to think what she wants them to see.

          Mercury and Pluto on the other hand are outside the building. Armed with Sniper Rifles, they shoot one by one the enemy soldiers behind the lines while rushing to enter the building, trying to rescue their fellow soldiers who had just signaled a distress call an hour ago.

          Mars, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus were setting the bombs. They themselves are amazed of the power of Venus who, instead of being fired by their enemies who enters in the building by twos every second, is being cheered and admired.

          Saturn and Jupiter appear to be taking their ordered menu but actually checking the number of enemies and making sure every body are inside before they lit the sizzling orders. And as everybody of the hypnotized soldiers had entered inside the building, the waiters including the dancer had served the meals and drinks. The Cyborg Cops detonated the bombs like a suicide bomber, the explosion did not just blown the soldiers but crushed the building as well.

          The bomb explosion badly injured their body but they are still standing. They left the building and went through the Exit Gate of the School, in there waiting is their team leader Galileo and their teammates Mercury and Pluto. Pluto took care of there injuries and wounds, their flesh regrew and healed.

          Galileo congratulated them for a job well done. They passed their Final Test Mission, which is to get the book "Islam and the Modern World" written by Osama bin Laden which is in the custody of the librarian of the Islamia Higher Secondary School.

          Two Huey Helicopters came and picked them up and brought them to the nearby US Military Camp.

Chapter 2: Osama bin Laden's Death and Last Will

          On their arrival at the Camp, the 9 Cyborgs was ordered to form in line. They were handed their US Marshall Badge and welcomed to the peace keeping force. They were designated at the U.S. Marshal Service Office of the Southern District of New York.

          The book that they acquired through their accomplished mission is the book that have hidden inscriptions of the Last Will of Osama bin Laden. He wrote this book to see to it that if there come a time that Allah already wanted him to the Heaven, his plan of action still continues.

          It is now six years since the death of bin Laden but the US Government and the United Nations still suffer Terrorism Attacks from the jihadist organization Al-Qaeda. The Pentagon have analyzed this attacks to have been preplanned before the death of the al-Qaeda founder.

          It is Adam B. Galileo who was tasked to cease the terrorist doings of Osama bin Laden. Galileo had graduated Summa Cum Laude both in Engineering Biology and Computer Science at Oakland University and four years later had graduated Cum Laude in Robotics Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). He's been serving as paramilitary in the Special Activities Division of the US Central Intelligence Agency when he graduated the Robotics Engineering (RE) and Masters Degree in Biology & Biotechnology both at WPI.

          Using all means of the CIA, they learned that bin Laden is spending his retirement age at Lash-e Joveyn, Mardan City, Pakistan, a tourist spot city with die hard Islamic Village and just a few miles away from Afghanistan. Though the US military have located the position of the al-Qaeda founder, they cannot get near him because he is well protected by the Villagers around him. And though the US have bilateral agreement with Pakistan Government regarding anti-terrorism, they cannot touch the Villagers as the agreement states that Pakistani people's safety should be addressed first and is above all priority.

          Adam B. Galileo, being a paramilitary personnel of the CIA had become a resource person in every anti-Terrorism Council meeting of the Pentagon. Having Masters Degree in Biology, the Council bought his idea on how will the US military capture or destroy Osama bin Laden once and for all even if fanatic Pakistani civilians shields him.

          1.  Protect the Civilians, let themselves vacate the area in their own will,

          2.  Drop 10 Scud Missiles to Osama bin Laden, and

          3.  Send Pakistani Rescue Team to Bag Remains of the al-Qaeda founder.

          The Rear Admiral of the Council told Galileo that the three steps of his idea is great, especially the second and third, but he questioned the validity of the first to come to the following steps.

          Galileo explained his idea. He explained that the first step is according to the Agreement signed between the US and Pakistan. But it didn't mean that they will be waiting forever for the die-hard fanatics of bin Laden to leave the area. He had seen that bin Laden's hide-out is nearby a spring that provides potable water to the villagers. He's thinking that if that water source will be diverted to a distant place, the villagers will suffer scarcity of water. He also thought of the food supply not reaching the place, wherefore the villagers will be forced to leave the place to look for food and water. The Chairman of the Council asked Galileo if he meant Embargo of the Foods going to the City and nearby towns. Galileo answered that it is his point.

          The Chairman and the Staff talked to each other in soft voice, and after a couple of minutes, the chairman asked Galileo if he could facilitate executing his plans. Galileo answered confidently, he believe he can.

          It is your lucky day! We still have the stock of unused scud missiles in Iran. You can use ten of them but limit its use to five only. You can go now. This meeting is dismissed.

          Galileo and his assistant flied to Iran to fix the use of the missiles. After leaving instructions to the scientists of the US Camp, he and his assistant flied to Pakistan to make an arrangement with the minister of defense for his mission against Osama bin Laden.

          A Construction Company was contracted to extract the water in the spring of Lash-e Joveyn to Mardan Water System supplying the city with additional water. A Food Terminal was constructed right at the entry point of the road to Lash-e Joveyn which aims to buy the Food Supplies and sell it to places so far from the town. Thirty days later one by one family are moving to the city of Mardan and after another forty days, after verifying that no member of families are left to guard Osama bin Laden, the missiles was fired, crushing the hide-out cave of bin Laden to dust.

          A rescue team, composed mainly of engineering battalion armed with rescue equipments and heavy equipments to carry large debris was sent to find the remains of bin Laden. Two days later one army battalion was deployed to protect the rescue team because an intelligence report was received informing the Pakistani Government that furious followers of Osama bin Laden are coming to get bin Laden by easy or hard way. The media noticed the deployment of the military and after the couple of hours they released the news that there is a possibility of finally ending the battle against bin Laden. The media men thought of the explosions as only tests of missiles but then they finally knew that the bombs were meant to target bin Laden.

          Later that night, Mardan City was attacked by groups of heavily armed men. If not of the Check Points installed by the Pakistani Army, attacks could have reached the city proper, thanks to the preparation of the Armed Forces, the citizens and officials were unharmed. But then heavy battles near the check points happened, destroying buildings, civilian houses and properties.

          After a long week of searching, bin Laden's remains, slowly deteriorating, was finally found. The city was in constant battle with armed militants and rebels in and out of the city during that long week of search. Finding of the cadaver was welcomed by the follower of bin Laden with bomb explosions throughout the city and the country as a whole. Half of the world rejoice while the other half weep for mercy as public buildings and institutions explodes, destroying buildings and killing lives. Hundreds of people die everyday.

          The world's leaders, Muslims and Christian nations was alarmed of the situation. No country or state are exempted from suicide bombings and suicidal gang attacks. These suspects shouts, "the Heavens Gates are widely open as the great prophet Osama bin Laden is being welcomed, let us all join him as overflowing rewards are waiting for him!"

          The Pentagon Anti-Terrorism Council gathered because of the situation. The Council Vice-Chairman presided the meeting. He informed the body that two-days before their meeting, the Chairman himself was victimized by the bombing attacks while on his way home, his car along with other vehicles exploded on a traffic jam. A remote controlled bomb was planted in his car and detonated on the traffic, killing 2 government officials and 36 innocent civilians. They congratulated Galileo for accomplishing his mission. The Vice Chairman commended Galileo but he informed him that his job is not done yet.

Chapter 3: Genesis

          The Vice Chairman admitted that killing bin Laden should have not been one of the options of stopping the terrorism of the al-Qaeda. The Marine Chief seconded it and told the Council that the Council should have used his suggestion of getting bin Laden alive by sending one squad of navy seals.

to be continued ....

© Copyright 2008 Boss D (viceadams at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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