Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1499565-Hatesgiving
by Catan
Rated: E · Other · Experience · #1499565
A list of things I hate.
I hate it when I run out of clean socks. I hate it when my alarm goes off and I hate it when it doesn’t. I hate waiting forever for the shower to warm up and I hate sitting on cold toilets. Speaking of toilets, I hate public ones. I hate traffic. I hate being late. I hate being late because of traffic. Red lights can die, and so can drivers who stay five below the limit. I hate moldy bread and grocery shopping. I hate deadlines that come too soon. I hate twenty-four seven news channels and how they’re permanently stuck on repeat. I hate infomercials and I hate how good they are at pulling me in. ‘Why yes! I do want to cleanse my body of deadly toxins via a pad I place on the bottom my foot”!

I hate when people use words like ‘ignorant’ and ‘close-minded’ to describe other people. I hate when people think they’re better than others. I hate it when people can’t be wrong. I hate how when they are wrong and know it, they act like you just committed a heinous crime by pointing it out. I hate raking leaves. I hate splinters. I hate paper cuts even more. I hate coming so close to winning, only to lose during the last round. I hate thinking my day is over, only to remember I still have to work. I hate how paper looks when it gets wet. I hate how addicted I am to the internet. I hate all the warning lights that come with cars these days. I hate telling the truth when it hurts. I hate telling jokes and getting no laughs. I hate having to get out of the pool to pee. I hate it when I forget to put deodorant on and don’t have time to go home.

I hate sticky keyboards. I hate it how genuinely good shows like Pushing Daisies can’t even finish its second season without getting canceled. I hate logging onto Facebook to check my notifications, only to find out that John Doe just beat his own high score on Scrabble. I hate when people judge others. I hate when people think they have you figured out. I hate when people critique your opinions, especially on issues as trivial as music and movies. I hate how much politics interests me. I hate knowing exactly how I would invest but not having the money to do it. I hate when people read over my back. I hate when people cheat through life and are more successful because of it. I hate when crimes are left unsolved and when innocent victims a left unavenged. I hate how fast my life is going by and how I’m always looking forward to something in the distance. I hate how people constantly spout ‘FOX is so conservative’ but won’t admit CNN is liberal.

I hate The Happening and how it skewed my image of Shyamalan. I hate when people forget their blinker is on. I hate when there aren’t barriers between urinals. I hate cauliflower and raw broccoli. I hate how coffee smells so good but tastes so bad. I hate the idea of space. I hate cats and their litter boxes. I hate how my favorite author, Michael Crichton, is dead and how his last few books weren’t even that good. I hate that I’ve never seen a panda in real life. I hate when I disappoint people.

Above all, I hate when people aren’t thankful, myself included. We’ve all said ‘I hate my life,’ and it’s pretty ridiculous. ‘I hate America’ is another popular phrase amongst the college crowd; it drives me insane. People don’t always realize how lucky they have it or how much worse it could be. The list I made was long and meaningless. Almost everything mentioned has a minor impact on my life in the scheme of things. Hating something does nothing except waste time so I suggest we all lighten up a bit.
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