Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1499672-My-story
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1499672
its how it starts
Chapter 1

Long Days

Our tale begins in a time of mystic wonders and times of good fortune and prosperity, Are hero couldn’t even comprehend what was about to happen it would change his life forever and not only his but everyone’s  in the worlds.

Our young hero Ryan was in class daydreaming of being a great and powerful warrior fighting in the name of his king, when all of a sudden he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head and he heard a familiar voice “daydreaming again” the voice echoed in Ryan’s ears.

When Ryan snapped back to reality he found that he was in school and the voice was the voice of his school teacher and trainer Fergal rubbing the back of his head Ryan replied “yes sorry sir” the whole class started to laugh, with one swift smack of his stick of the table Fergal had regained control of the class then he announced with authority “go outside and get some fresh air except for you Ryan”.

With that everyone ran for the door in excitement except Ryan who was dropped his head down onto the table. The class had all departed from the room then Fergal who had moved up to the door as everyone was leaving went back to Ryan. Now Ryan was a fairly ordinary teen or that was at least what most people thought, he was slightly taller than other people his age and he had been training for awhile now so his physical appearance was more of a man in his twenties but he was only sixteen.

Now Fergal on the other hand was tall but not as tall as Ryan but he was in top physical condition and very wise he didn’t have many facial features that stood out except for he had a scar on his right eye many people had asked him how he had gotten the scar but he would only reply “I had an accident when I was younger” and generally the subject would be dropped.

Fergal walked slowly down towards Ryan when he was beside him Ryan raised his head up off the table and Fergal spoke “you have been daydreaming a lot lately have u been getting enough sleep”.

With his head lifted of the table you could see Ryan’s facial features a lot better he had bushy brown hair his eyes were quiet strange they had a green rim then as you moved in towards the iris they turned brown. Other than that there was nothing that would really stick out when Ryan replayed he did so in a low tone “no not really sir I have been putting in extra training lately”.

“Why have you been doing that if you don’t mind me asking “inquired Fergal

“I’m thinking of trying to join the king’s army”,

” so what have your daydreams been of” Fergal wondered

“Well not much sir I daydream of what I want to be”

“And what would that be” quizzed Fergal

“In my dreams I am a great warrior unstoppable on the battlefield”,

At this Fergal let out a great chuckle and bellowed “is that so then we better have extra training today to make that happen I’ll let you tell the others now go on, go out and get some fresh air” with that dismissal Ryan jumped out of his seat and ran out the door as fast as he could.

When Ryan got out side he felt a warm spring breeze on his face the sun was shining brightly in his face he had to put his hand on his forehead and squint to try and find his friends, he managed to make out the shape of his friend Stephen.

Now Stephen wasn’t the ideal description of a warrior but what he lacked in size and strength he made up for in his knowledge of alchemy and the understanding of many langue’s, he was about the right height for his age he had shoulder length brown hair and no facial feathers to grab your attention and was generally good natured.

As Ryan moved closer to Stephen he noticed he was standing beside someone. When Ryan took a better look he found out who it was, not to his surprise it was Levi, the thing about Levi was that he looked like a normal teenager he had short black hair that grew up the way and was starting to grow a beard and was just under average build but the special thing about him though was that he could use the fabled magic.

Not much was known about magic or about the magic users Levi didn’t know much either as he was an orphan, he was found by his foster family when he was a small baby but from the early years people knew he was special he could do things that most people only dreamed of.

Ryan quickened his pace to get to his friends when he was almost beside them he noticed someone else it was Teejay.

Teejay was tall just a bit shorter than Ryan he had short brown hair and a tattoo under his eye of an arrow no one knew why most thought it was because he was the best with a bow or a crossbow in the land,

No one could beat him he had entered countless competitions and usually always won, he was average built but always tried to make himself look smaller and stealthier,

When Ryan finally got to his friends he noticed what they were doing, it was the same thing they usually did Stephen was looking around at the varies herbs and plants, Levi was playing around with his magic doing little tricks to amuse himself and Teejay was practising his aim by firing little twigs at birds that flew by.

When they noticed Ryan Stephen wondered “what’s with the sad look did Fergal give off a lot to you”

“kind of but that’s not why I have a sad look, I have one cause I kind of got us all extra training today”

“You did what Teejay” blurted out,

“I’m sorry guys”,

“Its ok” said Stephen,

“Might even be fun” added Levi,

But all Teej did was get in a huff “I wonder what time he wants us to start at” pondered Levi

“You know I never asked, I would say early with the disappearances at night” Ryan told them.

Just as Teej was about to make a remark Fergal appeared in the doorway of the school and shouted out “ok ok you’ve had your fun now back inside we have some work to do“,

Everyone rushed back to class, the work they did in class bored Ryan easily but he paid attention as not to get in anymore trouble.

When class had ended Ryan was packing his things into his bag when Fergal approached him “yes sir” inquired Ryan

“I want you and the others to go get some water from the river on the other side of the forest, it should give me time to set up your individual training courses” announced Fergal,

With a look of surprise on his face Ryan said “ok sir”,

With that Fergal went outside the back door and into the field.

Ryan quickly packed up his things and ran over to his companions and informed them of what Fergal had said to him,

“Individual courses” said Levi in a puzzled tone

“It’s strange Fergal usually makes us all train together”, added Stephen,

Teejay just shrugged at this, Ryan interrupted the conversation

“Well I guess we better go now if we want to get back in time for training”,

And with that our adventures set off into the forest.

© Copyright 2008 Dserpant (lofty at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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