Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1505698-Dragon-Missioner-saga
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1505698
Book one, chapter one, Timothy
Chapter one

Timothy secret leader

In a world that grew alongside magic a dragon is growing at a destiny he has known since he first saw two cats fighting. Long before his time fairies created the world that, he lived in. A Christian belief in this world was a matter of courage. What is ones wish alongside his purpose? Who said any differently that one could kill two birds with one stone? No one has herd of destiny in the baffled mind that we called earth. The fairy pastor who watches over sees the path that he gives all of the creatures as well as where they all are.

Turning fifteen was a new section of his life that he will never forget. He inters into a completely new system of learning where there is less restriction. He has a dream that he has known ever since he was six-years old. He saw such a wondrous science in nature. It all started on a day like Monday.

---- ---- ---

Timothy was still sleeping as ruffles occurred above his room. Not easily woken by the noise the internal clack however knows when. Time passes by when his mother is awake preparing for the day. She prepared coffee with the fire in the hearth that was in the living room. A hook hung low placed there by a clever smith who had no other way to repay his father. His father was very thankful because he did many other things to add to the touch of home. He had a way with metal and stone and it was worth it but his father missed the life back in the village but he was not too far out. His mother loved the farm and that was indeed the best place to train for there were too many other creatures in the village.

Timothy was half-awake as his dreams filled with the smell of coffee. His mother hardly left the hearth reading her version of the fairy father’s book put together long is for she ever lived. There were many religions put together over time. As some say, everyone is worshiping something. Most of the religions are influenced by magic then there was two others Christianity and the occult. Christianity was the belief that there is one god and he defeated sin by giving himself up to the dark magic users who failed to curse him and his followers. They did not expect one thing and many argue what it was exactly but many believe that it was faith. The occult is completely the opposite rebelling against the Christians often rubbing in their faces the reasons why they were better. They would put up racial comments that stereotyped all the creatures of the land.

The sun comes to its point where it shined into his room by the cracks throughout the cavern. Waking him the process, he gets up and shakes off all the water from the spring that kept him warm during the night. Shivering him subsequently moved up into the living room up the rocks that piled along the hole in the rock face that went up into the room above him. In a hill like way piled with rock where you can easily see were a river flowed. He head toward the fire as he shivered. Warming his scales near the fire, he then blew a puff of smoke that made a dozen flies drop dead from the intoxication. A bit of humor bit at the end of it as he giggled a bit. Even though he was too little to breathe fire, he still had fun with the uses of the smoke he often spewed. His friends are often getting him to do so to throw off his competitors’ examination.

His group is heading out in the forest today and he just needed to wait for the coffee to be done and then eat the meal his father brings back. They often had many herbs and other things to make meals taste better and digest easily. He often uses an herb that causes the digestion process to be worm enough to let him venture out into the cold and wares off by the afternoon. The afternoon was often hot and moist causing fungus to grow in puddles that he found festinating.

After an hour of thinking about the times, he and his cousin Mathew practiced fighting and statistical maneuvers. Scuffing he herd and instead of seeing his mother he saw his father with two rabbits. After dressing and preparing the meat, they put it in bowl that was made by a rock that separated the fire and the oven that was below the fire pit, easily accessible by the gap that separated the fire and the opening to the oven. They did not cook it too long for they only wanted it to mix with the herbs and leaving the vile to add to the fresh kill. Nothing better than the taste of blood mixed with garlic, parsley, and brown sugar. That was traded with hides of the kills. They keep what’s left for later in the coldest part of the cavern.

After eating he had coffee that had other herbs that increased the heat in digestion. That was interestingly discovered by an elf who was trying out a new herb. Unfortunately for him it made him overheat because his skin could not use the heat as dragons could. He was lucky to have had a good medic that assisted him. Ever since then they found more and more uses for the herb. He read about this and many other discoveries in the book that he traded with collections of herbs that he collected in his free time.

Heading out into the forest he eased himself into the wind as his scales adjusted to the cold that pressed on him as his body warmed him up by the meal he ate. He had no trouble at all finding his way around for he ventured from village to village quit often. Traveling through the forest gives him a chance to get away from home. The hectic life of being in a realm such as this makes war seem like hope. Peace does not come easy to being in a home that has a crying hatchling in the background. No one pays him attention anymore since his brother is graduating from path education.

--- --- ---

He had just entered and has a clear vision of what he wanted to do. Leaving behind the swordsmanship he use to do with his cousin is going to be relieving but he never will forget how much fun they had. No one had any idea of what they did in the forest. Come home with broken scales was nothing compared to the stuff he learned. No one could out flank him except his cousin. Being battered on the ground was comforting when his cousin sent them tossing in the under growth. Watching the grass go above them as they fell under the deep roots that created holes in the ground did not matter. They would come to a hard thump and then they would just starrer.

“You think our parents figured out what we do out here” Mathew his cousin asked.

“No but I think they see all our broken scales on the hearth” timothy said as he stared into his friends eyes. No one can separate their love for each other. They were like brothers under the sun. They had nothing better to do but scrabble over the meaningless things like the kills they make out in the wild. Nothing was better than a rabbit carcass that he ate that he proven to have enough skill to provide for him. If only his mother knew only then will she understand him then.

“You think that you will come into the army with me timothy” Mathew asked lying on top of his cousin in the under growth. A beetle was climbing into his main as he tried to answer.

“I am sorry I have my duty to keep, my village needs to be safe from the threats of nature. Science can explain the unruly of the poisonous. I hear that they are running out of creatures like me. And I think who’d be better than an enthusiastic dragon who would scare off the lions” he said clearing his hair from the dirt and the stink bug that got stuck.

“With what your urine that you put at the village boundaries to mark the territory” he said as timothy began to curl his lip for he knew he was going to bring that up. He always has every time he mentioned the science of nature.

“We don’t use that method anymore for a very keen eye on their behavior around some herbs in this forest” he said wondering if they were going to lie there all day or if they’re going to actually do some more play fighting.

Irritation getting into his wings as he started to lose feeling in the wing tips “are you just going to star at me like you do your girl friend or are we going to do a mission of the ancient arts that the Greeks once did” he said thinking he might have gone too far.

Pushing him through the weeds appalled that he would say something like that. He then got to himself up and off timothy allowing him to pick himself off the ground. Circulation beginning to flow again he then tackled Mathew back under the under growth, Crumpling his wings as he pushed him into the ground, but got up as the same as if it never happened.

--- --- ---

Realizing where he was he then said “hello, are you the group who are going to be doing the first lesion in field research of the forest” he said to the various creatures standing on a rock on the side of a river.

“Sure we are and are you Timothy” the tall dwarf who was directing the group said turning toward him.

On a higher rock above the group he answered “yes I am you must be the great professor who my family has been hearing about. I am honored to be in your group this year” he said waving his paw as he bowed in an over pleasing gesture.

“I am also glad that you have joined us. I have only heard about your enthusiasm. This field needs more creatures like you in this world of mystery” she responded cocking her head just noticing the two humps that was covered by a scar on his back. A dragon with no wings was only herd of but no one knew that it was him. He is in a good place but his desire to be more lingered in his destiny. He has no idea what he is in for. What mystery will he unearth in this training? He did not know neither did he allow himself to think about it.

“I have not seen one such as you before. How do you know that I am your leader?” She said dismayed that one such as he would come. Nature has troubled this sole and she is not sure that his enthusiasm is good for him.

“Oh yah I have this letter from the main council of elders. You’re the one who has been given this task. Don’t mind the sweat it has made it stink just a little” he said handing her the fowl paper.

“Icky, this is the proof I see. Even though it is filthy it is good enough since it came from them” handing it back to Timothy. Timothy put it back underneath his armpit cradling it perfectly.

“I guess that is that. Now everyone fallows me to the south point rock where the first lesson shall be held” as she said it no sooner has she turned to head into the woods. Timothy remembered the time that his friend and he found the snake pit by accident. Its real name found by the actual explorers is for their time had called it the south point rock on an accounting that it was due south of the western outpost.

They found it on mistake on a hot humid day when they were looking for a watering hole to swim in. Getting mixed up with north and south he found the snake pit. Luckily his mother fallowed him and caught him in mid fall by the scruff. Mathew has let him live it up but they were friends and he let him off when it got too far. From that point on he will never again misinterpret the sun.

After fallowing them at the boring slow pace that his cousin would have lost him hours are for it started. His day dreamed but not out of the unusual going between nature’s habits and his love of tactics. His desire however brought him to suspect that it was the boring professor who got him thinking more about battle tactics than science. However it was nothing new for he has fallen onto the subject be for and was unable to go back to science until his mind had let it go.

He was one of the best at relating anything to its common opposite and was his fun to relate to whatever they were talking about to the tactics he learned when Mathew enlisted in the militia. Practicing with him got him to study by hand rather than memorizing by each position. It is a misunderstood gift that they had shared ever since they were little.

Stopping one moment is for going any further she said “behind these bushes is a pit that is empty at this time but has the things that are left behind from different creates of our forest. That come here during the hottest times of the week” she stopped talking for a moment as if the dwarf professor herself was in a trance. Looking at timothy she began to talk again “I’m sorry I have forgotten to introduce you to the group. I am Zaria, the elf’s name is Tailor, and don’t worry he gives every new guy an odd look as if to scar you off. The dragon that is purple standing here beside me is named Sara, she is easily inspired and has not been convinced by any one that nature has had a role in her feelings that often gives her an unpredictable attitude but she loves. The three dwarfs other than me” she pointed and then gone from right to left “Kyle, Jules, and Vern who is really a good writer” she stopped and then went on about the trees around her.

Something kept hitting him in the side. He looked around to find that it was Tailor the one who was the elf that he saw when he first got in the group. As if he had nothing better to do but pester the living daylights out of him. Seeing that Sara was on the other side of him she has not seemed to notice just yet.

Coming back to reality when they stopped at a ridge that was rocky he then realized that was the spot he fell off. Standing in front of everyone the professor kept them from walking off the edge. It seemed so symbolic that it had some sort of meaning to timothy but he could not find why.

Putting his feelings aside he listened determined that he would learn regardless of the fact that Tailor kept elbowing him. Finally Sara made him notice her by grabbing his other elbow and said “Are you done bothering this dragon or are you just going to pester him like you did to me when I first came into the group” ignoring her he kept elbowing him trying to get Timothy’s attention from what the professor was saying. “Hey stupid snake with legs would you take your attention off the boring dwarf and listen to me a bit. I think I got an idea for you.”

Squeezing his elbow even further unsheathing her claws in the process. The claws now tarring their way around the elf’s arm. “I think you need to worry about me and not the new guy who seems to be the one who the professor seems to notice. You hear me now stop this nonsense” she said gripping his elbow now pulling it toward her. The elf now noticing the irritation in his skin that is beginning surface blood that she hardly noticed for barley any came out. “Hey purple floral scale who cause herself the one and only. You’re none of my interest so stop trying. You have nothing of that is of interest for your stupid so called nature has no meaning hear except for the name that they have for the super natural that has no interest in you either. So let go of my arm pussy cat” as he said he got up in her face with his chin right above her beak. Not taking her stare off him she spewed smoke in his face making him even angrier.

“You pitiful hatchling you can’t find any meaning in the super natural even if you had your hand turned into a hook” she said spewing even more smoke in his face.

“Dragon that is where you are wrong for I will soon have my hand in magic to control mother nature and there would be no need for war I could just beet the demons at their own mind game” he said taping he cheek.

“You meaningless creep” she said noticing that the dwarf gone through the bushes and out onto the rock. The elf noticed that she left but forgot to keep his eyes off Sara and gave her the advantage.

Tossing him over her she was on top of him putting her claws into a fist and began to hit him repeatedly until the dwarf came back. All the dwarf saw was Tailor on the ground facing downward and Sara sitting by Timothy giving him an awkward look as if she knew that he has noticed her courage but he had noticed her beauty that he admired her purple scales and the fact that she was not so prissy like the other girl dragons he has seen in the village.

“To tell you the truth I am glad that another dragon has interred this group for I am aggravated by the poor observations these creatures make” she said giving him an awkward smile.

Seeing where she was going he did not want another enemy but this dragon seemed to appreciate him and even watched over him to keep him from being bullied. May be she knew what he was going through but it did not answer his main question.

“Why are you interested in someone like me I am new? You don’t know me. I am a dragon but what is it that you see in me. I am not so sure that I am the one that you would want to talk to for I would just bore you. I don’t want to offend you either for I saw what you did to that elf I would not want to end up like him” he said and then saw her close her eyes as she then laughed at him. What seemed to be a girly laugh had more resemblance to an echo in a large clay pot. He never knew a girl like this before.

Not as much as a crush he had for her but a fascination of who she was. He wanted to know more where she came from and what was it that drove her in the same obsession as he had. Was it really possible to please this dragon with his words?

“You can’t bore me for I have heard all that is to know about all couture that existed and you would not know had existed from my grandfather. You have such an interesting fascination with what the dwarf had to say. How about you be my partner for the next group project then we can find out more about each other. You know I have not been denied anything except for that creep to leave me alone. It was not until you came into this group that he had other plans” as she finished it seemed that Tailor found his bearings in the dirt he fell on.

“Are you two going to stare at each other all day or are you going to ketch up with the professor to find the next assignment” he said not knowing that Sara had unsheathed her claws now looking for something more than putting bruises on this elf.

As he saw the smoke slowly coming out of her nostrils she gave him an angered look. He jumped over the rock behind him like a cat that had been scared and landed on top of some ones head only he had hid behind a rock like a coward.

“That’s what I thought fool” Turning her head back to face Timothy “I think he may be right however we do need to ketch up with the others. Show we” she asked gesturing him to go forward.

“I think it would be proper for you to go first” he said turning his head to the side.

“I am not just any kind of girl am I” she whispered into his ear.

“I guess not” he said and then heading in front of her and coming up behind the three dwarfs and she came to sit beside him on all fours.

--- --- ---

As he continued to think he was inevitably reminded about the old times of his old girl friends a tear came to eye that hardly any saw but he then grasped himself. It has been so long since he last had talked that way toward a girl. Would it matter if he rejected her and gone on with his life.

No he must not think of such things and it was worth the try. She seemed decent enough but he remembers Lindsey the girl who it seemed like they both have failed. She failed to realize his awkward position with Kitty the dragon who he knew from his other class.

It was the only class that he did not have with Lindsey. He and Kitty had not been angry at each other and he could see what she has been through. As if she had thought about it a thousand times over in her own head. Only an inch away from his face when she asked him out he could not refuse. A dictomy of love between two girls.

Lindsey who dumped him for cheating and supported by her three friends broke his heart he knew he failed but had no penance in his heart. If it was not for his drive for his morals he would have accepted this loss. He wanted to be trusted with the heart of another so bad but had let it be for another day to cry and morn over something that had occurred before.

Months past and none changed except his love for Kitty. One that reminded him of his cat companions if he was stupid he would have taken her for a cat and not a dragon that had the same movements as a kitten moving in a lovable way. He was only ten when she started kissing him. He had accepted it for he had enjoyed it after the third. The days brewed as they had found different ways to enjoy each other’s company.

A day came when Kitty wanted more. He wondered if it came too far already. Many straws have been dropped on the dirty ground. She came close to him. Nothing new but she began touching him where no girl had dared before.

“No, I can’t… we can’t, you must understand I have my morals. We have only gone out for six months” he said as he removed her talon form his private area and then backed away.

“You can’t keep denying me like the way we first kissed you would not stop flinching until I gave it my all. Only then you allowed my tongue into your mouth” she said starting to cry.

Rapping her in his arms he hugged her close making sure she does not try to pull anything on him for he wanted her attention. “Is this all we have for that is surely not love we are one and we don’t need to go any further until we find each other’s true emotions that allow us to promise with true words.

“How can I if I can’t enjoy what we have. We have not even enjoyed each other’s worm bodies as one would expect to have as one. Minds entranced by the feeling of nothing but rhythm. I will dump you if you won’t accept me” she said starting to close her eyes as tears rolled down her cheek.

“I can’t put my morals aside for this would be beyond reason” he said wiping the tears out of her eyes.

“Then let me feel you hear where I want. Tell me yes or no do you accept me for doing this” she said giving him an angry look and pushing him away for the very first time.

“I can’t accept you for this and you know that now stop it” as he finished she snaked her tail behind his legs. He began to kiss her but be for contact she pulled the only thing he did not notice. Throwing him into the dirt the last straw was dropped and neither of them had accepted.

“Nooo” he said as she slowly walked away as he scrambled to his feet for he has lost both of his love and of hope for he had stayed true to the only thing that would not fail him. The world has dropped him for the things he stood by and no one could change who he was.

--- --- ---

Opening his eyes he noticed that everyone was staring at him. Coming out of his trance he noticed that Sara was looking at him with a concerned look and wondered if the elf done something to him in secret but giving her a comforting look he said “I am sorry it has been too long since I have last looked back and I pray to the Fairy father above that I shall never dwell on the past again.

“If that is all that you were thinking about than surly you can tell me for the dwarf had told everyone what they need to do. I have put you in a two creature group with me and we shale share tongues to find out more about each other” she said putting her paw on his shoulder.

“Shire we can talk but I have told too many the old stories and I have grieved too many times. So let us talk about something other than our sorrowful pasts” he said taking the pail from her talon.

He began again hoping that he was not interrupting her but it was unknown to his mind of what state he himself was in. he has been in the science of nature too long and admired too many to go and do the will of his own. He needed something with more purpose. He knew not much about the world but he knew everything that was in it. What was it that drove everything? He was a Christian that knew not of the maker’s purpose of his own life. I can do all things through him he remembered from the fairy father’s book. What exactly are these things?

“Timothy we are going to need to pay attention to the things around us including the sun to be sure those things don’t get out of control. But I think we can talk at the same time as paying attention to our surroundings” Sara said with a smile. Obviously she wanted him to talk but for what reason he knew not.

“What is it that you have learned about nature? What is it exactly is it that influences you is” he asked hoping that he done what she wanted.

“It is an interesting concept you brought up but what else is there to talk about you did say that you wanted to talk about something other than your past or my past if you wish. Very well, I am mostly influenced by the fact that nature decides how things go for only then do we find what it wants us to know. For that we must pay vary close attention” she said answering his question.

“So you believe everything happens for a reason” he said urging her to go on for he did not think that he had anything interesting to say.

“Not exactly, I believe if nature has a message for us for the next passing events we should listen. I will say that I wish my scales were pink so that people will stop taking me as if I was a guy for it irritates me so. Nature answered that question a long time ago that I have some sort of purpose to show the world what it wants it to know for the world and nature are two different things while there is something you probably know of as the fairy father the creator of both. Three things that’s all that’s necessary for the toy to live on” she said after drawing a picture in the dirt resembling a circle that had a star in the middle.

“So nature wants you to be purple so that they won’t think of you as a pink and prissy girl” he asked gingerly.

“That is a bright way to look at it but you don’t think I am prissy do you” she asked in a deep desperation as if she thought of herself that way.

“No, I don’t. After seeing your posture and the way you look at others the last thing I think of is prissy. You have the most interesting way of expressing yourself. It is pretty much one of you charms” he said hoping that he did not go too far. As if he was flirting unintentionally.

She saw him blush and said “If you’re worried about flirting with me than you need to give that up because I can’t take you seriously with that attitude no offence. You are so cute when you get nervous you know that” she said trying to get him to flirt with her.

“If you want me to flirt with you than just say it so I don’t have to wonder all day” he said a little offended even after her asking him not to. They were alone in an area away from the other groups but that did not mean she had the right to make him feel uncomfortable.

“I’m sorry I just think you are taking things too literally. I just want a good friend. I am not asking you out or anything. I just need an ally everyone here is looking down upon us. I feel as if that my family does not belong here. I am sorry if I put you in an uncomfortable position. Let me do this proper, will you be my friend” she said looking at the ground.

“Yes it would be fine. The dwarf was not lying about your emotions being unpredictable was she” as he said the last word she shook her head in agreement. Then he continued as he lifted her chin “Then let us has a mutual promise. I will put my past behind me and you can ignore the world around you” as he did his proposal he let his paw come back to the ground as her head stayed in its place letting him know that she agreed in the most simplest way.

“One day you are going to have to deal with your past and I will have to deal with my emotions. What good would this promise do us if we were running away from our problems” she asked looking into his silver eyes dazzle in the moon light.

“What good does it do us to dwell on these things? If all they bring us is pain what good did it do me” he asked urging her to stop saying these things for they did not make since to him. It frightened him to see the star in the circle for he seen it out of the circle. He did not know why but it was an eerie feeling that he got every time he looked at it.

“This is how I feel nature is the feelings I have. I must fallow my heart. My parents tell me I have something special that no dragon has had be for. I can’t ignore their advice. You must understand my parents have expectation.”

“What religion does your family have? It may be the thing that is to be dealt with” he said wanting to know more about this star and circle.

“We believe in wight magic and spirits. Oh god how I love the way flames of candles dance in the dark. Its no wonder that evil gets scared of the flame” she said almost about to cry. She stammered as she shivered and then pushed her words “sometimes I feel like my parents are hiding something from me. Please tell me I am not crazy. I have seen how the spirits dance in the forest and how nature guides those who are lost back home. Timothy you must believe me that I am not crazy for feeling this way for many have hit me on the cheek for this. The worst part is loosing control and landing in the dirt. That’s why I am here to find a new. It is almost like there is something much more than this world alone” she finally dropped her head again back to the ground.

© Copyright 2008 Dragon Taboo (dragontaboo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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