Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1506986-The-List
by Bee
Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1506986
A high school love story and the list that brought them closer together.
The List

         The first time Caroline and Noah met was at Casey’s homecoming after party. Caroline Archuleta was a lonely nerd at school. She had a subtle beauty to her with her long, auburn locks and slender, petite figure. Tonight however she was dressed in a beautiful sliver dress and her hair looked amazing in curls. Normally guy’s head didn’t turn when she walked by, but right now heads were turning and jaws were dropping.
         The party was just like any other party; loud, crowded, and crazy. Most teenagers would be wildly dancing or mingling with other people, not Caroline though. Caroline was away from everyone, sitting on a lounge chair outside gazing at the stars. Casey, Caroline’s best friend, came running up with Noah Hamilton. Noah was popular and a star basketball player. He had chocolate brown hair and stunning, bright blue eyes. Caroline was curious why her best friend was bringing Noah to her. Casey dropped off Noah and quickly ran off.

    Noah laughed and said, “Hey, I’m Noah. And I believe you're Caroline.”
    “Yes I am.” Caroline replied.

    Noah sat down and looked up at the stars.
    “The stars look amazing tonight, they’ve never looked brighter,” Noah stated with a content look.

          Caroline was surprised by Noah, she thought he was a jock with a big ego and only lived to impress his friends. Somehow he seemed different now. Noah told her that she looked beautiful tonight and that he was really glad to meet her.

    Heart racing, Caroline shyly told him, "Thank you."
    Noah stated, "Casey was telling me about a list that you made?
    Caroline laughed, “Oh, that list. I don’t know if I should tell you, maybe some other time.”
    Noah said, “I’ll be waiting.”
          Since that night Noah and Caroline were becoming inseparable. They never went a day without talking. Noah and Caroline often hung out after school. Caroline learned that Noah was actually a great guy. Noah, since the party, began to really like Caroline and admired her for always knowing who she is. Noah thought it was alright now to ask her again about the list. When Noah asked, Caroline thought it would be okay to tell him because she trusted him. She took a deep breath, “Number five, I want to be in two places at once. Number four, I want to find true love. Number three, Dance in the middle of the street like in The Notebook. Number two, order tons of food and watch movies all night. Number one, get in my car and just start driving.”  Noah just smiled.
A few weeks later Noah and Caroline were a couple. They sometimes fought, but one thing was certain; they were crazy about each other. That week Caroline’s parents told her that they were moving to Indiana because her dad got a job there. Caroline was devastated. She would have to leave, Noah, Casey, and the town she’s been living in forever. As soon as she was told she called Noah. Noah was upset about it, but knew he couldn’t stop them from moving. Caroline only had a week left in Ohio.
         Noah called Caroline and told her that he was going to pick her up. They were in the car and Caroline was getting impatient. They drove for three hours. Noah pulled over to the side of the road. Noah got out of the car and stood in the middle of the street. He told Caroline to come over. She stood in front of him wondering what they were doing. Noah smiled and said, “Your straddling the state line, you’re in two places at once.” He then grabbed her by the waist and took her one hand, and they began dancing in the street. Caroline was so happy. Noah said, “Two down, three to go.”
         The next day Caroline came home from school to find food all over her kitchen table. It smelled great! There was pizza, wings, Chinese food, pasta, fries, hamburgers, tacos, ice cream, and salad. Together they made a huge plate of food and sat down to watch movies. Noah said with a satisfied grin, “Three down.”
         The week soon ended and Caroline was leaving. Noah and Casey came to say goodbye. Casey and Caroline hugged for a long time and Noah gave Caroline a kiss. Before she left, Noah whispered in her ear, “Sorry I only fulfilled three things on your list.” Caroline, crying and smiling, replied, “No you fulfilled four. I love you and you’ve truly made a difference in my life.”
© Copyright 2008 Bee (luve2laughh at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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