Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1512060-The-Black-Core-Short-Story-1
Rated: E · Short Story · Drama · #1512060
2 months after the team's battle, they regroup to discuss future missions.
                      Chapter 1........ Lolcat Book

    It was summer vacation, and Ben, and Sabrina came over to visit Joe and I.

    "Hey guys!" Sabrina said, "How ya' doin'?" Her voice was so pleasant to hear.

    "Eh... Nothin'. It's been boring since school ended. We need an adventure." I proposed, "Any ideas?.... Joe?"

    "What? What happened? Is it time for dinner?" Joe babbled.

    "Dude, you got to pay attention during our visits." Ben said.

    "Meetings aren't my style..."Joe informed Ben. At times I just wanted to hit him, but I somehow resisted.

    "Alex, do you want to take a walk with me in the forest? I want to talk to you." Sabrina asked.

    "Why can't we do it here?"

    She sighed. "Privately!"

    "But..." That was all I could say. Her face was stern. She wasn't going to lose this quarrel. "Fine..." At that, we walked around the area of the forest that is unfamiliar to me.

    "Now that we're alone, there's something I need to show you." Sabrina whispered. She led me to a brightly lit area with an alter in the middle.

    "What are we doing here?" I asked.

    "Well... you asked for an adventure didn't you?" She reminded me, "I was exploring and I found this weird book under that alter, and I need you to look at that." I nodded and cautiously approached the alter. Sure enough, there was a book. I grabbed it and opened it. It was dusty and crusty, like an old piece of paper. Strange lettering was sprawled on each page.

    I examined it and spoke. "Well, I can read part of this..." I informed her, "Let's see... 'Thou who shall read this book aloud, shall be awarded with uncontrollable power. This is a test of strength. Read on to obtain this power.'" I read.

    "So? Are you going to read it?" Sabrina asked.

                    Chapter 2........ Unbearable

    I began to think. 'Should I read it? It could be an asset to missions.' I decided that I was going to read it.

    "Sabrina, I want you to hide behind that tree, just in case anything happens." She nodded and hid like she was told. "Alright, here I go...' Tzek albre poy alla sherban!' " I read and exclaimed. We waited minutes, but nothing happened. We waited longer, but nothing happened.

    "Alex, do you feel any different?" Sabrina asked.

    "I'm not feeling very good..." I nearly fainted. I managed to stay up. "Get me to the house..." She nodded and dragged me to the house. As that was happening, I fainted.

      I felt groggy, and tired. I didn't want to get up. I heard voices in the hall, so I struggled to get up and trudged over there.

      "Sabrina, are you sure you don't know what happened?" Joe asked.

      "If you do, please tell us now!" Ben demanded.

      I managed to squeak a sound. "Guys...not...her... fault..."

      "Alex, tell us what happened." Joe demanded.

      "Well there was a book, and I read it then this..." I explained. "I did it out of my own will..." Then everyone looked at me weirdly.

      "Uh.... Alex... you are.. err..." Sabrina sputtered.

      "What?" I said, but began to realize my voice was changing.

      "Dude! Your hair and voice are changing!" Ben said and handed me a mirror. I took it and realized that half my hair was going blonde, my right eye were turning blue, and my voice was higher pitch than usual.

      "Gah! What the hell is happening to me?!" I screached.

      "I think half of you is turning into me!" Sabrina guessed. Her guess was good, after all my changes are the same as her features.

      "I guess that's what the book is talking about! I'm turninig into the first human I touched! That's the curse!" I exclamed terrified and awe stricken at the same time. I ran into my room and locked the door to figure out what was happening. "Well, I'm turning into my girlfriend slowly. What could I gain from this..." I began to think as a casually drifted into sleep.

      When I woke up, I wasn't myself. two thirds of my body had her traits. The hair, the eyes, higher voice, and becoming more thin. I walked out of my room with a pain in my left arm. "I must've hit it during my sleep." I thought. I got downstairs with Sabrina there only.

      "Hm... Not quite like me, but almost there!" she joked, but stopped laughing when she saw how stern my face was. "Eh. I guess it's not funny."

      "No, it isn't. Besides, it's probably temporary." I began, "What are you doing here anyway?"

      "I'm here to take you shopping!" She said with a smile. I hoped she was joking. "You can't be seen in those clothes!" I looked at my clothes. They were baggy, blood-stained, and torn.

      "Ugh... Fine. But I need a hoodie. Ya' got one?" I asked. She tossed a hoodie and I caught it faster than I normally can. "Hm. Better reflexes... Better..."

      "Huh... Are we going to go now?" Sabrina asked abruptly.

      "Alright. Let's go." We were on our way.

                          Chapter 3............ Beast Out Sideffect

      Sabrina and I walked toward the store slowly talking to each other, noticing I was changing more rapidly.

      "So, Sabrina... Ah... Never mind.." I began, but stopped.

      "What?" She asked. We stopped walking.

      "Well it's just that..." I paused, thinking on how to explaining it with sounding stupid.

      "Spit it out!" She demanded.

      "Umm..." I began to speak, but was interrupted by two men.

      "Well what are two lovey ladies doin' out here?" The larger one asked.

      "Ugh! If they had any idea..." I thought.

      "Back off, jerks." I yelled at him, but that only made them angry.

      "Grr... I just wanted to go on a date with you, but if that is what you want..." He began approaching us. We backed into a dark alley. "We'll rough you up a bit!"

      "Sabrina! Run!" I ordered her, but she stayed.

      "I'm in this too, ya' know!"

      "Now's not the time!"

      "Hey! Are you two done?! Be quite and this won't hurt as much..." The other man said.

      I tried to signal Sabrina to hand me her taser. (Every girl has one in their purse, right?) She understood and handed me it.

      "Back off!" I yelled again. The growled and charged at us. I whipped out the stun gun and zapped the bigger one. He went down without struggle. The other one was furious now, and whipped out a pistol.

      "Argh! Sabrina run!" This time she listened and I zapped the pistol, sending a small static shock through it. He yelped and dropped it. I ran after Sabrina so I could Beast Out.

      "Sabrina, stay." I told her. She nodded, and I began to charge up power. Wolf energy flowed through my veins weakly, the change was screwing up my powers. I finally did it, but I had no claws and no fangs. I decided to just run. I grabbed her and sprinted out of there.

      "Hey! Why are we running? You could have taken them easily!' Sabrina demanded. She wants to know everything in my life. We stopped at a covered roof top and powered down.

      "It's not that easy," I began. "I had no fangs or claws. I couldn't take him." I looked up to Sabrina and she was just staring at me. "What?"

      "You're back to normal!" She said delighted. I looked around. My hair was normal, my eyes (I think) were normal, and everything else was normal. "Except, your left eye isn't changing back. Looks like you'll have a blue eye now."

      "Yeah. Now, I need to teach a man a lesson." I Beasted Out at full power and jumped down.

      I scanned the area and couldn't find them. I sniffed and found them. They were around the corner waiting to ambush us.

      "How pathetic are they?" I thought to myself. I walked out and they looked at me angrily.

      "You're girlfriend tazed me, bro! Now, since she isn't coming out, we'll hurt you instead!' He informed me and threw a punch at me. He was moving in slow-motion to me. I grabbed his arm and broke the bone. Probably a few years to rapair that. He screamed and ran a way yelling there was a monster in the alley. I decided to get out of there. I went up, and took Sabrina home.

                      Chapter 4.............Imperfections

      Sabrina and I were back at the house safe and sound. We began discussing what happened.

      "So the effects of Beasting Out negate the effects of the spell..." It was all coming together.

      "How do you return the effects of the curse then? I could be useful." Sabrina questioned.

      "I dunno. But my left arm hurts like mad..." I began to roll up my sleeve when Joe and Ben came in.

      "Are Sabrina and Alex home?" Ban asked.

      "Naw... They're out spending some girl time together!" They laughed at that, but became stern when they saw Sabrina.

      "Shopping time over?" Ben asked.

      "We had to cancel, some stuck-up jerks held us up." Sabrina answered slyly.

      "So where is she?" Joe joked yet again. I decided that was enough.

      "Over here." I called from the shadow of the stairs.

      "Did ya' hear all of that?" Joe asked regretfully.

      "Yeah, but I can't blame you. My form is... horrific."

      "C'mon. It can't be that bad." Ben stated. I was having fun now.

      "Oh really? Then come see me then. If you're so brave." I called. Mocking Joe's strength always got him peeved, but I wan't sure about Ben.

      "Well, fine! We'll come." Joe said with a hint of anger in his voice. They started up the stairs cautiously. When they got to the top I pounced on them, knocking them off the stairs. They deserved that.

      "Afraid now?" I joked  while they struggled to their feet. "You should've seen the look on your faces! Classic!" I was laughing hystarically. I almost forgot to breathe. I didn't evn stop laughing when Ben turned into a miniture dragon.

      "Are you afraid now?" Ben said in the craggy dragon voice.

      "Ah, Cut the crap. You haven't even breathed fire yet!" I was still laughing, but I couldn't control it. "Haha...Help! Hahaha!!!" They thought I was joking at first, but then realized I was in trouble when I started choking.

      "Uh oh! Get him to the hospital!" Joe began barking orders. "Sabrina, get some water from the creak!" They did as they were told, and I slowly drifted into uncosiousness, for some reason, probably laughing.

      I woke up, yet again, in a hospital bed. I scanned the room and Joe was at my bed squeezing my left arm off.

      "Aghh! That hurts, added to my injury." I told him.

      "Other injury?" Joe asked and rolled up my sleeve. "Oh my god."

      "What?" I asked concerned.

      "There's a huge mark that looks like... like...Well I don't know!"

      "Let me see." I looked over my shoulder to see the figure that was on the cover of the book there. "Gah! What the hell is that?" Unfortunatly, the excitment levels sent a group of nurses in, luckily Joe covered up the mark.

        "Levels of excitment have elvated at an alarming rate. Get him some insolin! STAT!" One nurse ordered. Another nurse got a syrenge and loaded it up.

        "You ain't sticking that in me are you?" Unfortunatly, it did. "AGGGHHHH!! You all are wondering why my excitment levels are rising! Oh god, that hurts!"

        "C'mon man. You can survive this!"

        "Huff, huff..." I began to slip into unconscousness, but I actually died for ten minutes. When I woke up, Joe, Ben, and Sabrina were gathered around my bed mourning over thier loss.

        "What happened?" I whispered. Everyone stopped and looked at me. They began to rush towards me.

        "Alex! I can't believe you're alive!" Sabrina cried. She hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

        "Dude, that was hardcore. Coming from the dead. You're going to be a living legend!" Ben said happily.

        "Heh heh... I knew you wouldn't let that kill you. You'd want to die in a better way, like saving the world." Joe said.

        "Whoa whoa whoa... What happened?" I asked.

        "You died, man." Ben said. "For like...ten minutes." Joe glanced at me, and I happened to glance at him, and his eye grew wide. Just like the time I was becoming Sabrina.

        "What happened, Joe? Is it happening again?" I asked.

        "Well... Sorta, but instead of Sabrina, you're turning into me!"

                  Chapter 5............Realization

        I looked at the mirror by my bed and realized my hair was going black, my right eye this time was turning jade green, and my inner strength heightened. I was surprised by this change. I wanted to know what triggered the change. This very well could be an asset to battles, but I had to concentrate at the task at hand. They discharged me from the hospital because my health was better, but they gave me some drug to take everyday until I need a refill. We got home and I sat down, refreshed and pumped.

        "So...If I'm becoming Joe, will I be a Vampire?" I thought out-loud.

        "Humph..." Joe snarled. He stormed up the rickety old stairs. I was appaled by this. He never acted like that before. I guess he was peeved for some reason.

        "What's his problem? I mean, his best friend just came back from the dead, and you'd think he'd be happy." Ben said. "Still, I can't believe you're alive."

        "I was worried I would never see you again. I would have to find another boyfriend, and you know how hard that is." Sabrina said.

        "Uh... Actually, I don't." I corrected her. I think she was hinting about my first change. "Hey! That's still not funny."

      "Hehe... Of course it isn't... Anyways," Sabrina began, "
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