Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1514517-The-Grapefruit-and-the-Orange
Rated: E · Other · Medical · #1514517
The story about the docotors visit, and a day in the life of me.
Well, I am sure that this will be very informal. However I feel that this message needs to get out to young women and also men. I encourage anyone who feels that they may be dealing with these same issues, to contact an OBGYN a.s.a.p!

My name is Rachel Leturgey. I am 21, vivacious and loud. I can not think of a time in my life, that I was ever a thin girl. I have always been the more "healthier" one in my classes. Growing up throughout school, I was picked on for my weight. My parents divorced when I was six and food has always been a comfort to me.

I am a second degree brown belt in Kung Fu San Soo, and I have always been turned on to the field of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice.

I "became a woman" at age 12, but I never have been on a regular cycle. Never really have thought much of it for the first couple years. But when your 19 and still have not become regular yet, there is a problem!

Within the past two years, I have been struggling with weight more than I ever have in my life. Litterally I can lose or gain five pounds in one day. Water weight gain soaks in, and you could mistake me for a bloated beached whale. There was a time, last year around February, when I had a cycle for three solid months. I was weak, pale, immune system was WAY down and all I could do is be within reach of my heating pad. I went to the local clinic, ended up on being on too many pills and there seemed like there was just no hope.

i was reffered to a specialist in Silver City, NM. He is the same OBGYN that proformed my mom's historectomy ( spelling ?). Needless to say, I was eager to get in and explain why I just felt like my insides were about to FALL OUT.

The doctor wanted to get an ultrasound done, because of where I was advising where the pain was located.

SURE ENOUGH! My ovaries were bogged down with these huge pockets that appreared EVERYWHERE. I thought that possibly we were on the road to freedom. My doctor advised to watch what I eat, start new meds and come back in six months.

I never made it six months, I was back in that office every other week.

Since then, I have had an updated ultrasound. This time, instead of having ovaries with huge cysts everywhere, it seems as though they have spread out into small clusters. However the ovaries themselves have more than trippled in size. A normal ovary is supposed to be the size of a quarter, or for a better visual imagine an almond. My left ovary is the size of a Grapefruit, and my right is the size of an Orange.

My husband and I have been talking about children. But at this point, we are wondering if that option is even possible.

I guess I felt that PCOS awareness is critical! Young women and also men need to have a general idea about this. Girls/women need to be educated and boys/men need to have a compassionate understanding. There are days when I just can't get out of bed, and all I wanna do is die! And then there are also days where I am just fine, and buzzin around as if nothing. I guess the worst part about everything that is going on, is the weight, The weight gain is enormous. And there really isn't anything that you can do to change it. Litterally you can not eat for like a week, and be the same. You can cut out soda's and candy and all the other forbidden desires. And you will remain at the exact same weight - FAT.

If anyone has any questions, please contact me. I will be more than happy to give advise and listen to how you are feeling.
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