Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1515311-The-Moon-is-in-Your-Reach-CH1-Part-One
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1515311
Chapter One Part 1 - Finding my way
"Where am I," asked Jin as he awoke in a hay bed,"All I can remember is me jumping in the hole.....Where's Nadia?"
Jin had gotten out of the bed and noticed his clothing was tattered. He figure it must have been the result of him jumping into that hole after Nadia. He took a look around and recognized nothing. When he actually got a good look around he could have made a good assumption that he wasn't in Shinzuku any more. More like Shinzuku 1,000 years ago.
"Ah...I see you have awaken," said a older looking man in rag like clothing, "You've been out for nearly a week since I found you. I'm Rytar. I own this here farm."
"Nice to meet you," Jin started off, "I'm Jin....May I ask a question?"
"Sure young man."
"Where am I and how did I get here?"
"Well as far as the how you got here part, I can't explain. I found you in the corn fields. You looked to be in a fight or something. Your actually location is Sinnana village."
"Sinnana village?"
"Yes.....The northern most village east of the Hoko river."
"Hoko river.....I've never heard of that place. In fact I could say this place is pretty primitive."
"Primitive! Sinnana village implies some of the most ingenious technology known to this world."
".........This world.....That hole.....None of this makes sense," Jin said as he held his hand to his head as if he was in pain trying to understand everything, "Sir you would not believe me if I told you this.....but in my world...I think...This big hole appeared and sucked every piece of matter into...but me. One of my closest friends got sucked into it so I jumped in to save her....And I think this was the end result."
"That would explain those strange clothing," Rytar said scratching his beard, "If you had of told that story to someone else that would have thought you were crazy....But I....I know what you are talking about."
"...What do you mean?"
"They took your dimension."
"My dimension?"
"That's what I said.....I didn't understand till I met another refugee. Other dimension exists apparently and for some reasons some of them have been sucked into a hole. What has happen to them I wish I knew."
"...What happens to the dimensions after they get sucked up?!"
".....I just said I wish I knew....Damn you hard of hearing? I've been living here for over three years...and....You were saying you weren't pulled in by the hole.....Why did you jump in?"
"Hmph it seems you hard of hearing....I said to save one of my friends....She was the only person who mattered to me. I can't let her just disappear out of my life. No one ever respected me except her......Sir is there any way I can find her?"
"....You only have one chance. There's been rumors of this samurai who seems to have the powers to jump dimensions. When he appears refugees come to ask him to return them to their own dimensions.....All he says is there is no dimensions for you to go to....He speaks to no one and he is hard to track down as it can never be determined when he is in a dimension or not. I wouldn't advise it, but I heard rumors of him being spotted in the forest west of the village."
"Then it seems the only way out of this is to find this samurai huh?"
".....I guess but it's all just rumors and if it is true, based on the rumors, he isn't gonna help you."
"So....I'll make him help me. I will stop at nothing to save Nadia. If that means beating him down so be it.....I don't care if I die or not....As long as I know Nadia is safe."
"This girl must be real special to you...."
"...Yeah...She is....." Jin said as he was interrupted by a loud roar followed by a bunch of screams, "What was that?!"
"Something is going on outside," Rytar said as he and Jin basically flew out the door to see what was up.
When Jin got outside he saw a bunch of village people being crowded by what would look like wolfs. The wolfs were covered in shadow colored fur and with every little move they made they gave off shadow like smoke to correspond with their movement. They had dark demon like eyes and teeth that would scare even the strongest solider. Once Jin came outside they all set their eyes on Jin. Jin was not afraid. He had a deep feeling they were there for him, but he would never go down without a good clean fight.
"It looks like these wolfs are after me......I have a feeling they aren't from this dimension," Jin said as he got in a fight stance, "Rytar...Get everyone and go inside...I'll keep'em back as long as possible."
"Are you sure you can take them all single-handed?" Rytar asked wondering where this blind courage was coming from.
"Don't worry about that......Just....just GO!!!," Jin said as he rushed in the pack of wolfs.

-To Be Continued-
© Copyright 2009 Jin Trigger (jintrigger at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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