Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1519176-Late-Night-Christmas
Rated: GC · Other · LGBTQ+ · #1519176
Smuuut. Yaoi - homosexual, incest. You've been warned.
Christmas had always been Jason's favorite holiday. It wasn't the bright, eye catching decorations he saw at every turn that always made him want to heave or the supposed holiday cheer that had eventually turned him into a winter hermit or even the commercial part of the holiday. No, what he really loved about Christmas was when he heard his door open in the middle of the night.

Every Christmas at 9:30 pm his older brother Ryan would come into the room and stay with him. At first, the older male only held him and Jason would find himself being lulled to sleep by the sound of Ryan's even breathing and steady heartbeat. As the years rolled by and as Christmas night took his doubts and worries from him, Jason had felt Ryan's soft lips against his, his hand grasping him and pumping him while his own hand returned the favor and even things he would feel more than embarrassed to repeat if he ever were to tell someone about what happened on Christmas night. (Not that he ever would.)

On Jason's seventeenth Christmas he laid patiently in his bed, eyes closed against the darkness as he awaited his older brother. It wasn't long before he heard his door open then close quietly a few moments later followed by a board creaking and advancing foot falls.

"Ryan?" Jason asked the darkness of his bedroom as he did every other time, if only to amuse some subconscious part this strange routine.

"Yeah, it's me," the silhouette answered and Jason smiled a bit, glad his brother wasn't able to see it. Squinting a bit in the dark he looked at the blond hair and small, green plastic glow where his left eyebrow would be that only further proved that yes, the yearly visitor was indeed Ryan despite the voiced confirmation.

"What are you doing...?" Jason asked simply out of that strange routine they had going for ten years.

"I'm here to give you your Christmas present."

"O-oh." Ryan moved towards the bed again and Jason pressed himself against the wall behind him to give the blond more room.

"Don't scoot away this time, Jason. Lay in the middle, I don't mind," Ryan whispered and now Jason could see a small hint of of his brother's teeth as his lips pulled back into a familiar smirk.

The younger of the two nodded silently to his brother and moved back to where he was previously and laid on his back, watching what he could see of his visitor carefully.

"You're such a good little brother," Ryan cooed as Jason felt weight being added to the bed and then felt his waist being straddled along with a flush to his cheeks at the words.

Well this was certainly new.

"Ryan...?" The smaller brunette questioned again, gazing up at the shining blue eyes above him, by now simply glowing in the moonlight that seeped in through the window. His breath caught at the sight.

This time the older male didn't bother with a response. He placed both hands on the bed beside Jason's head and leaned over him, his breath ghosting over his brother's lips. Jason could only swallow in anticipation at that point and resist the sudden urge to tangle a hand in Ryan's blond hair, push himself up just an inch and press their lips together.

Ryan only looked into his younger brother's blue eyes oh so similar to his own with what seemed to Jason like some form of hesitation before finally leaning down that last inch and pressed their mouths together almost experimentally with that hint of hunger Jason had expected.

The brunette let out a soft, pleased sigh into the 'kiss' and pressed back, bringing up a hand to rest at the base of the other's neck. With that, Ryan slanted his own mouth a bit and flicked his tongue out to both seek entrance to Jason's mouth and simply to taste him after a year and Jason complied, allowing Ryan's tongue to slide against his own, the little metal nub on the blond's tongue drawing out another soft sound.

They stayed like that for a while, tongues battling for dominance and hands roaming until the blond broke away from the battle he had won anyway to catch his breath before planting quick, heated kisses along the smaller boy's jaw line, moving towards his throat.

"Ah...! Ryan!" Jason gasped when he felt the other bite at the soft flesh at the nape of his neck and bucked his hips a bit for the contact his brother's position was denying him. The older male smirked slightly against his brother's skin and began placing kisses along his collarbone now and descending to kiss Jason's bare chest, flicking his tongue out now and then to elicit a small sound from the boy under him. Continuing his descent, he only paused briefly to dip his tongue into the teen's navel before continuing and stopped altogether once he reached wisps of hair leading further into the sweatpants Jason had worn to bed and looked up at the half lidded eyes gazing back at him past the smaller male's heaving chest.

"Don't stop there," Jason pleaded, squirming a bit under the blond's stilled fingers. He only prayed that he wouldn't stop there at the waist of his pants and leave him to wait until his visit from whatever the hell he did next Christmas.

Ryan chuckled again and drifted to Jason's hip, just above his pants line and bit the flesh there just hard enough to leave a small mark, drawing a soft, surprised gasp from the younger male while his thumbs hooked into the band of both the other's sweat pants and boxers, slowly pulling them away and leaving biting kisses along his hips and thighs as he did.

"R-ryan," Jason tried, his brother's teasing becoming a bit too much. He gasped again when said brother nipped at the inside of his thigh, oh so close to where he wanted his mouth to be instead. The brunette arched his back again at what contact Ryan was supplying, silently begging for more. Ryan only made a questioning sound in his throat, those blue eyes lifting to meet Jason's and again his breath caught in his throat, forcing him to swallow before attempting to speak again. "P-please.. your mouth..."

The blond let out another soft chuckle at the breathless plea and drifted over his brother's member. "Pervert," he smirked, letting his breath fall over the flesh under his mouth before pressing his lips to it, eliciting another gasp from the younger male. Slowly, Ryan took the head of the boy's cock into his mouth and began sucking softly, running his tongue over the slit as he did, lapping up any liquid that was there.

Clutching the blue sheets below him Jason let out a low, pleased moan, again arching his back into the warm contact. "Ah, fuck..!" Jason growled as Ryan proceeded to take more of him into his mouth, his tongue moving along the under-side of his member. With another moan the younger of the two subconsciously tried to thrust into his brother's mouth but strong hands held his hips in place, fingers biting into the flesh there and the mouth around him letting out a low, disapproving sound that sent vibrations through him, making him shudder and moan again.

Biting his lip to keep himself from making even more nose Jason just listened to the sounds Ryan's  mouth was making while one of the hands on his hips moved to his mouth and the brunette allowed three of the digits into his mouth, sucking on them. It didn't take very long before the fingers were drawn away again, only to find them prodding at his entrance.

"R-ryan what are you-?!" Before Jason could finish his sentence one of the fingers had slid inside, making him squirm a bit. He certainly hadn't been touched like -that- before. ((lolololol epic failz.))

"Relax, Jason. It'll only hurt more if you're tense." Ryan said softly after Jason felt that nice warm, wet mouth leave him, blue eyes staring into his own again.

"Nnh... it feels so weird...!" Jason cried, trying hard to keep his voice down as the finger inside him bent. "S-stop.."

"Do you really want me to stop?" Ryan asked with that tiny smirk of his, his tongue once again running along the under-side of his by now throbbing member before drawing away again to speak. "Don't worry... You just need to get used to it. Soon it'll feel really good, I promise." With a small shiver the brunette tried to relax into his mattress again as his brother's slender finger moved around to stretch him.

As Ryan went right back to what he was doing before, taking Jason's entire length into his mouth again the brunette finally did relax, one hand moving to bury into his older brother's hair. Soon enough the younger of the two even began pushing back against the finger, slowly welcoming the sensation before the one finger became two. While the two fingers moved in a scissor motion, stretching him further one of the digits hit something inside of Jason that made waves of pleasure crash through his body. Quickly moving his free hand up to his mouth he cried out, hoping out no one but he and Ryan and heard it.

Smirking around the flesh in his mouth at the out-cry Ryan prodded at that spot again and pulled his mouth away once more when his brother let out another muffled cry. "Do you like that, Jason?"

"Y-yes... please.. more," the smaller male begged, the hand that had been in Ryan's hair sliding down to clutch his shoulder as yet another wave of pleasure shook his body and another moan escaped his throat. He felt so close now.

"Will you come for me tonight, little brother?" The blond cooed,  pulling away all together despite the other's protests to tear away his own clothing in a few hurried movements until he was as naked as the only other occupant of the room.

"Damnit, Ryan..! Don't stop!" Jason cried, one hand once again gripping the sheets while the other moved to wrap around himself only to have Ryan stop his movements again, his lips ghosting over the brunette's.


"Y-yes! Just... please, Ryan..!" The smaller male begged, writhing against his brother's now soft touches. "Please. I can't take this anymore!"

"Very well then." With that the blond moved away again to pour the contents of a bottle Jason hadn't noticed before into his hand and then stroke himself and pause for a moment. "On your hands and knees," he said, his amusement and mocking tone gone and now replaced by pure and simple lust.

Jason merely did as he was told, flipping onto his stomach before rising to his hands and knees, staring unseeingly at the headboard of his bed in front of him in anticipation of the line the two were about to over-step. Placing one hand on his brother's hip Ryan used the other to guide his own member to the other's entrance. Even he was fully aware of the rather large boundary the two were about to over-stop but he found it difficult to really care at the moment. All Ryan cared about at the moment was the obvious need in his hand, the fact that he wanted Jason, and that Jason wanted him in return. So without much more thought than that the blond slowly pushed forward until he was completely inside and stopped, letting Jason get used to the feeling of his brother inside him while Ryan tried to shove away the urge to simply fuck his brother mercilessly.

"Move..," the brunette said finally after a few moments and Ryan happily complied, pulling out almost all the way before thrusting right back in, aiming for that little bundle of nerves that made his little brother moan deliciously. And he did moan, but lifted a hand to muffle it.

"Don't worry," Ryan said as the brunette fell onto his elbows, continuing to moan into his hand while the blond kept thrusting in and out, hitting that sweet spot dead on each time. "Everyone's... too drunk... to notice," he said in between thrusts, picking up his pace. "I want... to hear."

"God, Ryan," Jason panted," please... more... harder," Jason begged, pushing back against the older male and meeting his thrusts.

Moaning softly himself at the plea Ryan picked up his pace again, hitting the smaller male's prostate harder while Jason continued to cry out and moan in pleasure. As the blond felt his climax rising faster he reached around the smaller male and wrapped a hand around his member, pumping him in time with his thrusts to help him reach climax before Ryan did.

Soon after the smaller boy clenched around Ryan's cock and spasmed, his name falling from Jason's lips in one final cry as he came all over the blond's hand and the blue sheets below the two. With a few more especially quick and rough thrusts the older male followed his brother in orgasm, pushing himself in deeply as he filled the brunette.

Pulling out again Ryan rolled over to lay next to the smaller boy as he collapsed onto his stomach with a small, rather satisfied sigh. "Wow," Jason said softly in awe as he enjoyed the after glow of his orgasm, shifting a bit to look at his just as satisfied brother, smiling faintly in the now still darkness of the room as sleep began to tug at him.

Turning onto his side Ryan watched as Jason closed his eyes, sleep pulling the boy further and further into it's embrace.

"I love you, Ryan."

"Go to sleep, kid," the blond whispered, draping an arm over the brunette's waist as sleep now beckoned him as well.

"Okay," Jason murmured just before they were both lost to a blissful sleep.
© Copyright 2009 Benevolent Malice (benevolence at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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