Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1528213-Youre-A-What
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1528213
Toni has had some bad luck, but just because its BAD luck doesn't mean it's not fun.
My day started just like any other day. I was late for work, and my boss was in a really bad mood. So he fired me, again, and with him in such a nice mood he decided that I could work the rest of the day. Finding my replacement.

“So, Miss” I looked down at the sheet of paper on my desk. “Clements, what experience do you have at being a sectary?”

“Well, none really.” The young blond said from across my desk. “But I used to take messages for my mom.” She started to twirl her hair in one hand.

“Really? Do you know how to type?” I sat back and smiled to my self. Mr. Boss-man would ‘love’ her.

“Umm. Kind of” She smiled and bated her eyes at me. “I can work my email and stuff.”

“Alright. Thank you, Miss” I looked down at my paperwork again, “Clements. I’ll give you a call later to let you know.”

“You’re like, totally, going to call me back right? Cause I’ve had like, five interviews this week and no one has called me back.” She stopped playing with her hair and stood up.

“Well then let me just make sure that I have the right information.” I recited the info on my paper work. Once she confirmed that it was indeed the right information. I sent her on her way.

With a big smile on my face, I went to my boss’s office.

“Sir,” I knocked on his door.

“Come in,” he was sitting behind him deck, working on him computer.

“I think I have found the perfect person to replace me.”

“Good, bring her in and show her around. Also leave your number so that way if she has any questions she can call you, and not bother me with them.” He didn’t even look up from his computer.

“Yes, sir.” I turned to leave his office. I really hated this man.

“And Mandy dear, make sure she can make coffee.”

I really hated it when he called me by my real name. I made me feel like a child.

“Yes sir,” I bit out.

Later that day I called Miss Clements back, and had her come in the office. I showed her around, how to work the coffee maker. She had no clue that someone could make coffee other then Starbucks. I even stayed late with her. Mainly just to show her how to check her email.

“Oh, Mr. Boss-man is in for it tomorrow,” I whispered to myself as I left with Britney. How perfect Miss Clements’s first name was Britney. I gave her my number, not thinking she knew how to use the phone.

I laughed my way to the bar by my house. I had promised my sister that I would meet her there for a drink. I showed up late, so that meant I had to pay.

I found a parking place and went inside. The hostess, who most likely was still in high school, led me to the back of the small bar.

“You’re late,” Ash said as she lit a cigarette.

“I know, but I have a great story to tell you,” I said as I sat down across from her. “Dude, I got fired.” I lit a cigarette, and gave the waitress my order, a rum and coke.

“Again?” Ash got another beer.


“You think he is going to hire you back?”

“I don’t know. I hope not. He was a nasty old man.”

“Yeah, but it was a job, and it paid damn well.” Ash took her hat off. I could tell her hair was finally growing out. She had it cut real short about six months back. She told me it was an undercover story that she just couldn’t miss. I never understood how a photographer could go undercover.

She rubbed her short hair, “Anyways, so what’s this great story you just have to tell me?”

Over the next hour and a half I told her all about Miss Britney Clements. Right about the time we were going to leave I noticed a really gorgeous man was watching us.

“Do you see that guy looking at us?” I asked.

“Yeah, he’s been watching us for about an hour.”

“And you didn’t say anything?”

“No, why should I?”

“He’s staring and he’s cute.”

“Yeah, he is. Oh, I’m going China for a few days.”

“When?” I turned back to her.

“Next week.”

“Ok, do I need to take you to the airport?”

“Yeah,” Ash looked up at something behind me.

“What’s …” I didn’t get to finish my sentence, because I turned around and saw Mr. Gorgeous standing behind me. I sat stunned. He was over six foot, with a faded tan as if hadn’t had the time to go outside in a few months. He had long black hair, and a face of a Greek god.

“Can we help you?” Ash said over her beer. Put her in a room full of hot naked men and she can still sound pissy at them. I don’t know how she does it.

“I apologize for interrupting.”

“Then don’t.” She drained her beer and set it down a little too hard.

“Yes, well.” He was taken back by her rudeness. Well, it was rude to everyone that knew her. To me, it was her way of say that she thought you were hot. “I couldn’t help but over hear your conversion.”

“We are loud.” I stupidly pointed out.

“Yes,” He smiled down at me.

‘Ohh that’s a smile that could get you in to trouble! Or more like get you were wherever you wish with me.’ I thought to my self. And right on queue, Ash kicked my leg. I gave her a dirty look.

“I over heard that you had lost your job. And from what I heard, you were a personal assistant.”

“Yes,” I sat up, my phone went off. I opened it to see that Ash had text messaged me. I looked up at her and she just smiled at me. I looked back to my phone and read the message.

U R Drooling!

I flicked her off and tried to listen to Mr. Gorgeous.

“Well, I just so happen to need one. My last one had to quit; her husband is in the military.”

“Umm, I don’t know what to say really.” I looked at Ash for help. She just lit a cigarette, and began to play with it. Which meant I was alone in this.

“Why don’t you think about it? Here’s my card. Just call me if you have any questions. And if you aren’t interested don’t worry about it.”

I took his card. The name on the card said Drake Lupus, Computer Consulate. I handed the card to Ash; she looked at it and raised an eyebrow.

“Well thank you, Mr. Lupus. I will think things over and give you a call.”

“Of course, but one more thing. What is your name? So I know it is you that is calling?”

“Oh right, Toni.” I gave him my nickname; I really hate my real name.

“Well Miss Toni, I look forward to your call. Good evening ladies.” He bowed at us and left the bar.

“Are you going to call him?” Ash handed me his card, and the check.

“I don’t know.” I looked at the check to see how much I owed. “You’re expensive.” I left the appropriate bills on the table, plus a tip.

Ash and I said our good byes out in the parking lot. She left in an old Mustang. I got in to my Nissan and went home.

After a week of no luck finding employment, Ash was over for the night, since I had to take her to the airport in the morning.

“So, have you called that guy yet?” Ash yelled from the living room.

“No,” I yelled back from cleaning up after dinner. Ash never cooks. She knows how, she just doesn’t bother. So I play ‘mommy’ and cook for her as much as I can afford to. “I think there was something just not right about him.”

“Yeah, I got that impression too, but he might have a good paying job for you.”

“True,” I finished with the dishes and went to the living room. Ash was lounged on the couch with her laptop on her lap, busy typing.

“More man sex?” I asked sitting on her cold feet. She always as cold feet, so she has me sit on them when ever I can.

“Ugh, warn me next time.” She wiggled her toes, “and of course.”

“Ah, stop!” I popped her leg and turned the TV on.

“You should call him.”

“Yeah, but…” I let a cigarette and grabbed the ash tray off the end table. “ There’s just something wrong about him.”

“Still, you need the money.”


“Call him right now.”

“It might be too late.”

“Just do it and get it over with.” She wiggled her toes again.

“Aright! Just stop doing that.” I handed her the ash tray and got up to get his card from my laptop case. I also got my cell phone from the table by my front door. It’s a cute little table that holds all my keys and Changge.

I walked back to the couch and dialed the number on his card. Once I got a ring I put it on speaker so Ash could listen. I sat on the floor in front of her and waited. By the fourth right, I stated to worry that it was indeed too late to call.

“Maybe it is too late.” And right as she was about to say something a male picked up the phone.

“Hello, the Lupus home?”

“Umm, He my name is Toni. I am calling for Drake.”

“Oh yes, miss Toni. Mr. Lupus has been waiting for your call.”

“I hope its not to late.”

“Oh no miss. Mr. Lupus prefers to do all his business at night. If you could hold for one moment I will fetch him for you.”

“umm, ok.” I looked at Ash, who just smiled. In the back ground I could hear a female voice asking who was on the phone and instantly felt jealous.

‘Ok weird, don’t even know the guy and I am jealous over a female being there. It could be his daughter or sister, or his cleaning lady.’ I thought to my self.

I could hear the phone Changge hands and then Drake’s deep voice answered.

“Hello Miss Toni. How are you tonight?”

‘Feeling like a slut, because your voice just woke up my girly parts.’ I wanted to say but instead said, “I am doing well and you’re self?”

“Good, good. Just in need of an ascendant.”

“Yes, about that.” I paused because I didn’t know what to say. He didn’t have any of my paper work, résumé, reverences, nothing. “Would you like me to fax or email you my resume?”

“How about you just tell me a little about yourself and you can send me your resume a little later.”

“Umm, Ok.” I stopped to push my dog Max out of my lap. “I used to work for Sanyo Computers, a fruition 500 company. I was the sectary for the present. I worked for him about five years. Before that I used to do special effects makeup, for Indie films. Throw High school, I worked odd jobs doing sectariler work for medical supply companies.”

“Ok, now home about a little about your self.”

“Umm. Like what?” I looked back at Ash. She shurggered her shoulders at me.

“Are you married, any kids? That kind of thing.”

“Oh, I am a widow, no kids, unless you include my dog, Max.” At his name his ears perked up.

“I am sorry about your husband. How did he die, if you don’t mind me asking.”

“he was in the milatry. He was playing foot ball on the deck of the courser and fell over board trying to get the ball. He hit his head on something, I don’t remember what the Navy called it, he died before he hit the water.”

“I am sorry for your lose.”

“It’s ok, we were married less then six months.”

“Oh, well to get back on topic. Have you any experience in being a personal assancet?”

“With my last job. I was call a sectary but I was more or less his nanny. Made sure he went home on time, had his dry cleaning, got his wife a birthday gift, got his lunch, and so on.”

“Yes, that sounds about right.”

“Yeah, well.”

“Ok, Miss Toni. If I do hire you some of your jobs will include, picking up my dry cleaning, oraganizing events, such as parties, balls. At times, I well need you to ship things out. Pick up delivers, and so on. Does that sound ok with you?”

“Umm, Yeah, sounds like my old job.”

“Ok. Good.” I could hear him typing on a computer. “Hang on one seconds Miss Toni.”

“Holy shit!” I mouthed to Ash. She giggled and just shuck her head.

“Are you there?” Drake’s sexy voice came back.

“Yes, umm just one more thing.”

“Money and benefits.”

“Yes,” I got neavers. Most likely he is not going to be able match my pay.

“Now I don’t know for sure how much you got paid before, but I can only image it was not enough for all that you did for that company. So I am going to offer you, 12,500 every month. That includes full benefits, retirement and 401k.”

I dropped the phone, I was so shocked.

“Miss Toni, are you ok?”

“Yes, sorry my dog tripped me.” I looked at Ash, my dog was lying by her feet, and her eyes were as big as dinner plates.

“I hope you are ok.”

“Yes, yes I’m fine.”

“Ok, good. Now does that sound like a good deal?”

“Umm, what are my hours?”

“When ever I need you.”

‘So that’s why it’s so much!’ My brain clicked on.

“Ok. When do you need my resume?”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Ok, when would you like me to start?”

“Truthfully I would like to go over everything in more detail with you first.”

“Ok, that’s understandable. When?”

“How about right now?”

“I don’t know”

“You and your dog can some over, and I can show you around.”

“I have a guest over, so not tonight.”

“Oh,” I heard a hint of disappointment in his voice.

I wanted so badly to see him again too, to see if he was truly that handsome. But found it odd that he would be working so late at night.

In the corner of my eye I could see Ash making wild gestures at me.

“Hang on second please.” I didn’t wait for an answer; I just covered the mouth piece. “What?” I whispered loudly.

“Dude, go over there!” She put her laptop down and walked over to me. “Don’t be an idiot. You are going to be working for a sexy guy and he wanted you to some over.” She popped me on my arm. “Do it!”

“Alright,” I waved her off of me. “Ok, well it is just my sister.”

“Then the both of you can come over. I do not mind. And that way noting bad will happen to you.”

“ok, where are you at?”

After I got the discretions and hung up, Ash and I climbed in my car and headed to Drake’s. Come to find out he worked out of his home, which was in the Southern most part of town. A good 30 minutes from my house. Ash and I made small talk all the way there. Well till I pulled in to him drive way, at that time all talking ended.

His house was huge, at lest 3 stories, and a grand entrée way. It was a white brick house that had spot lights that lite up the front of the house. The mansion, for a lack of a better world, was set on at least 10 acres that I could see.

I pulled up to the front, and killed the car. Ash and I just looked up at the house.

“Wow,” was the only thing Ash said.

“Yeah,” I got out, Ash fallowed. “Well let’s get this over with.” We walked to the front door.

I had time to hit the door once before it was opened for me.

“Ah, Miss Toni,” An older gentlemen greeted us. “And you are miss?”


“Yes, right this way please. Master Drake is in his study.” The old man opened the door wider for us to get in. With his back to us I looked at Ash.

“Master!” I mouthed to her.

“I don’t know,” she mouthed back.

I turned back to the old man, and saw the entree way. If I thought the house was beautiful from the outside, the inside is breath taking.

The floors were done in a grey granite with a rude red sparkles, the walls were painted an ivory color with ivy along the ceiling. To the left was a grand stair case, done in the same granite. To the far left was a set of double doors, and to the right was a hallway that lea to the back of the house. To the right of the hallway was another set of double doors.

“My name is Alec; if you need anything please feel free to ask.” Alec close the door behind us, and gestured us to fallow him down the hallway.

The floors were the same in the entrance, and the walls were painted the same color. On one wall was a giant picture of a castle on a cliff, with the ocean at the bottom. The artist had done a great job; it was as if you could hear the waves breaking on the cliff side.

We fallowed Alec in to the study. It was huge, just like the rest of the house. In here there was carpet, in a rich brown. The walls were just a light brown then the carpet. There were bookshelves all along the walls, except the far wall, that was nothing but windows. And in front of the windows was a giant dark wood desk, which Drake was sitting behind.

‘Yep, just as sexy as before.’ I thought looking at him. From what I could see, he was wearing a deep red button up shirt. He stood when we entered the room.

“Thank you Alec. Miss Toni, so nice to see you again, and Miss?”

“Ash, just Ash.”

“Ok, well Ash, good to see you again too.” He walked around his desk and motioned for us to sit in the chairs in front of it. “I hope you found the house ok.”

“Yes, I grow up out here.” I sat down in the chair that was closets to Drake. I had this urge to touch him.

“Good,” he sat down on the corner of the desk. “so let me tell you a little bit about what I do.

“I have a bussince that I run from home, as you can see, it’s based in Japan. So I keep very odd hours, hence the need for a personal ascendant. My company specializes in computer software. It mainly deals with online sites. We do all of the major coding. We have our hands in a lot of the major players. I well get more in to that later. But for now, what you well be doing Miss Toni.”

“Toni, please.”

“Of course,” he got up from his perch and sat behind his desk once more. “Because of the hours, I must keep; I am in need of someone that can take care of things during the day here.”

“I don’t want this to sound bad, but I don’t clean.”

“Oh, no. no, I am not asking for that. I all ready have a maid, and someone that cooks. No, I need someone to do more personal things.”

My eyebrows shot up at that. Yes, my mind is a dirty place.

He laughed a little at my response. “No, not that either. I just need someone to run errands and the like. What we talked about on the phone.”

“Ok, when do you need me to start?”

“First thing in the morning.”

“I have to take my sister the airport for 8am. So after that, maybe?”

“Oh that is wonderful. I need you to pick someone up from the airport for 8:30am.”

“Ok. I guess that works then.”

“Yes, it does. Now on a normal day I would ask you to be here for 5am. So I can tell you everything that I need done for the day. You well have Saturday and Sundays off. When I don’t work you don’t. Now when I travel, so well you. You are going to be my eyes and ears during the day. If you have any problems with anything please just let me know.”

He got up once again.

“If you could fallow me,” we went back out to the way we came. He pointed the double doors on the left, “that is my ball room, you well get more familiar with it later, and throw these doors is the kitchen.”

He opened the doors, and walked in. The kitchen was done in shades of white. The floors were Italian marble, in off white. The walls were painted white, and the counter tops were made out of what looked like onyx. All of the appliances were made out of stainless steal.

The room was big; it had an island in the middle of the room. A kitchen table set to one side, and in the back of the room sat another smaller table with a TV on it.

“Now, when you come in, in the mornings, you can have whatever is in here. The cook is usually only here at night. But Alec is very handy in the kitchen.”

Alec was sitting at the smaller table, watching TV. He waved at us and turned back to the TV.

“Now if you fallow me up the starts.”

He showed us three bedrooms, another study and where his room was. All the bedrooms had a bathroom and a walk in closet.

“Toni, I don’t expect you to really start you day at 5am. I just ask you to be here that way I know I well be awake. Please feel free to take one on the room as your own. I do ask to take the one across the hall from mine. That way I can’t put any other guests in there.” He gave me a wink. “Ok, do you have any questions?” He asked once we were all back in his study.

“No, I think I have everything.”

“Ok, well then I will see you tomorrow.” He walked us back out to my car.

“This is my cell phone number; give me a call if anything happens.” He opened my car door for me. He looked over the car to Ash, “and have a safe flight, Good night Lady’s.”

We waved our good byes and drove out of the drive way. I watched him go in side from my rear view mirror.

“Well that was interesting.” I got us on to the main road.

“Yeah, he’s loaded. I wonder if he has a brother.” We laughed and joked all the way back to the house.

In the morning I got Ash up at 6am to get her moving. I sat on the couch and drank my Mt Dew, and smoked my cigarettes well she ran around the house. First she forgot her cloths in the car. Then she couldn’t find her shampoo. Then she lost her shoes, come to find out Max had took one in his crate. By time we left the house it was seven. Which is why I got her up so early.

We got to the airport around 7:30, early still because of the security since 9/11. I couldn’t walk her to her gate so we said our good byes at the food court.

“Have fun and bring me something cool bad.” I gave her her bag.

“I’ll try.” We hugged eachother. “oh, so who are you to pick up today?”

“Some guy from China.” I looked at the name I wrote down this morning. Drake had called at 5 am to tell me the flight details. “Umm Chang, I think.”

“Yeah, Chang.” She said taking the paper from me.

“Yeah, I was told to wait at the food court and the guy would find me.”

“Be careful.” We heard over the speakers for flight getting called. “Call me if you have any trouble.” She yelled, running to the gate.

“Well do!” I waved at her till she was out of sight. I hate it when she goes on trips, exactly to the other side of the world. She is all I have left now, so I don’t push her about it.

I headed to a store and got my self a soda and a newspaper. I sat down where Drake told me to and waited.

About 30 minutes after I sat down, a short white guy came up to me.

“Hello I’m Chang.” He said in a very American accent.

“Hello, can I help you?” ‘Drake didn’t say anything about the guy being white’ I thought to my self.

“Umm, I hope so. I am to meet a Miss Toni.” He took a piece of paper out of his pocket. “Yes, a Miss Toni, are you her?”

“Umm, my name is Toni, but I don’t think I’m the person you are looking for.” I pulled my call phone out and dialed Drake’s number. He answered on the fourth ring.

“Yes, Toni.” He sounded half asleep.

“Umm, I have lost the paper that I wrote the guys name on, can you please tell me the name again.”

“Toni, I do not think you lost the paper.”

“Yes, your right. Forgetful me.” I smiled at the guy.

“His name is Chang, anything else you might have forgotten?”

“Yes, maybe, where did you say his flight was coming from?” I hope he got what I was meaning because I sucked at being discreet.

“Toni, I am confused. Are you in trouble?” He sounded a little worried now.

“Yes, that’s right how silly of me to forget that.” I looked back at the guy and smiled again.

‘So Drake was getting my point now! Took him long enough!’ I yelled in my head.

“Chang is very much Chinese. He most likely will not be able to speak to you. I am not sure how well he knows English.”

“Oh, great.” The fake Chang pulled out a knife, and was motioning for me to get up. I wasn’t going to argue. I stood up and looked Fake Chang in the eyes. “Well, then I am in some deep shit, this guys white.”

Fake Chang grabbed my cell phone and hung up on Drake.

“That’s not nice.”

“Shut up and start walking towards the exit.” He put his cell phone in his back pocket. “Move.” He pushed me forward. We got about ten feet when my cell phone started to go off.

“Umm, do you mind if I answer that. It might be work.”

He looked at the number and saw that it wasn’t Drake and handed me the phone.

“If you say anything about me, I well kill you.”

“Drama Queen.” I looked at my phone and saw it was indeed work calling. ‘Stupid Brinttey.’ I tought.

She has called every morning since she was hired. All about the same thing, the coffee maker.

“Hello” I looked behind me. He was still there, well where was he going to go, the bathroom?

“Toni? I am confused.” ‘that’s not hard!’

“What about Brintty?”

“The Coffee maker! It’s not working, and I put everything in to like you told me to.” She sounded as if she was in tears.

“Is it plugged in?”

“Umm,” It got quite on the other line. “No, does it need to be?”

“Yes, that’s how it works.”

“Ok, now what?”

“turn it on. Remember the green button.”

“Oh, right.” She was quite again, I could see her in my minds eye. Staring at the coffee maker watching the water heat up and pour out. “Wow Toni, you did it. You have to have super powers are something.” The line went dead.

‘I wish,’ I thought to myself looking back at fake Chang.

The only person I could talk to ad she was dumber then a box of nails, great my day was looking up.

I held on to my cell phone and started to walk again.

“Go to your car.” Fake Chang said once we got out side. Unlucky for me I parked in the parking garage.

I put my head down and went to my Nissan Sinatra. I had gotten it three years before, as a Christmas gift to myself. It was fully paid off; of course it needed a little work done on the paint and body. Ash likes to hit my car, something about it being smaller then hers so she can’t see it. She has backed in to two times now. The first time I can understand, my car is black and it was night. The second time she hit it, it was noon.

Once we got to my car he held his hand out, and like the smart ass that I am, I slapped it. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

“Keys, or I break your hand.” And he wasn’t joking, I thought I had heard my hand pop.

“Here!” I all but screamed at him. He let go of my hand and opened my trunk. Thank god I had cleaned it for Ashes suit case and stuff.

“Get in,” he held the trunk open.

“What? Dude that is so cliché!” I grumbled climbing in. and again I found my self thanking god. I am five foot even and 135 pounds. So I am about the size of an average 15 year old boy. I had plenty of room in my trunk even with my 12’ subs.

‘oh, I hope he doesn’t turn the music on load.’ I thought as the trunk was shut. “Damn it why am I in my own trunk! Right Drake.” I listened in the dark to Fake Chang get in my car.

I heard a lot of causing as he fixed the seat. He had to be a good eight inches taller then me.

“Maybe he doesn’t know how to drive stick?” I hoped as my engine roared to life. “or he does, damn.”

We backed out of the parking space, and headed out of the garage. He soon learned were the radio was and turned it up load, or it was to me. It felt like sitting right nest to the speakers at an Enimen concert. Enimen Because that was the cd we were last listening to. I sang along as best as I could to Enimen, 50 Cent, Nickleback, and to a few other songs I didn’t remember who they were by. Then I remembered I had my cell phone still. So I called Drake, he should get me out of this since he was the one that got me in to it. He picked up right away, like he should.

“Now I know why you are paying me so much, ass-hat.” I screamed at him over the bass.

“Where are you at?” he Screamed back

“My trunk.” I rolled over and started to play with the Dayno mat, I had installed to seal my trunk. ”And you know I’m not really liking this.”

“I can understand. So what does this guy look like?”

“Right, down to business. Don’t ask how I am or nothing. AHH!” I screamed as we hit a pot hole and my head hit something hard. “Be careful ass hat.” I pounded on the trunk lid. “he has black short hair, brownish eyes, really tan. About 5’8” and very American. Really built, and kind of good looking. So how are you going to get me out of here?”

“I thought it was him.”

“Who?” I ripped a piece of the mat off and got hit with a fresh wave of air.

“His name is Eric. He doesn’t really like me. Do you have away to get air in there?”

“Yeah, my trunk is off set so it doesn’t seal very well.”

“Good, now can you tell me anything about the road you’re on?”

“uh, no! I can’t see anything. Kind of stuck in my trunk.” I heard him say a few bad words, well they might be. I did know that they were not in English. “Umm, are you causing at me?”

“No, have you gone over railroad tracks, or anything of the like?”

“No, what langue was that?”

“Gallic.” I heard him sigh.

I ripped more Dayno mat off and made a pillow out of it. “You know this wouldn’t be so bad if I had a sane person driving me car.”

“O.K. got it, call the police and say your car is stolen.”

“Ok, bye bye.” I hung up before he could say anything.

Right as I was about to hit send, I heard sirens. Then the car pulled over.

‘Yeah, dickweed is getting pulled over!’ I waited till the music was turned off. I could hear the officer ask for dickweed’s lince. That’s when I started to kick and scream, my ass off. I closed my eyes so wouldn’t get falling dayno mat in my eyes. Then I felt the sun on my face and opened them. I smiled at the officer, and sat up.

“Thanks, can you help me out?” I held my arms out like a little kid.

The officer stood there stunned for a second, then pulled his gun out and armed it at the front of my car.

“NO HOLES!” I screamed, climbing out of my trunk. Fake Chang, um Eric had vanished, not as in ran away really fast, but as in he was there one second then not the next. I looked around trying to find him, but he had truly gone poof.

The officer called for back up, then called for the EMT’s. I sat in the back of an ambulance for an hour. Then I was driven to the police station, and sat there for another three hours.

I told the same story ten times to just as about the same number of officers. Right when I was going to ask for a cigarette break I was told I could leave.

“Here’s my card, if you remember anymore please feel free to call.” Dective Johnson said leading me out of the police station.

“What about my car?” I stopped walking in the entree way.

“You can pick up later this week; we are going to need it for evinced.”

“Great how am I going get home?”

“We can have an office take you if you would like or you can us the phone to call someone.”

“Thanks, I’ll call someone.” I pulled out my cell phone and dialed Drake’s number. I figured that since he got me in to this mess he can get me out. Or at lest pick me up from the police station.

“Drake come and get me.” I said as soon as he picked up the phone.

“Where are you at?” He sounded so clam, when I was on the verge of breaking down and crying like a little baby.

“The police station.” So help me god I was not going to cry when I was on the phone with Drake.

“I’m on the way.” He hang up, ‘Ass-hat’.

I sat down on the benches out front, and let a cigarette. Trying not to cry. Dective Johnson came running out of the station.

“Good, I didn’t miss you.” He stopped in front of me. “We are going to need your prints, you know to rule you out of all the ones in the car.”

“Ok,” I put out my cigarette and fallowed him back inside.

About ten minutes later, and about a ton of baby wipes later, I met Alec in the lobby of the police station. When I saw him I ran and cried like a baby on his shoulder. He held me and patted my back.

“It’s ok Miss Toni, we are here now.” He handed me a tissue when the water works had stopped, more like slowed down enough for me to see. “Feel batter?” He asked smoothing back a piece of my hair.

I shook my head and mopped up my eyes.

“Yes crying seems to do that.” He handed me another tissue. “Drake’s waiting in the car.”

I looked at him and tried to clean my face up. ‘Why do I care?’ I thought blowing my nose, and making sure I didn’t get any snot on Alec.

“There, there. Lets got on out way.” I fallowed Alec outside to a black limo with really dark tinted windows. He opened the door for me and once I got in closed it. When I fist sat down on the black leather seats I thought I was alone, till Drake moved. He was sitting in the far back concern in the shadows. One leg was crossed over the other, and his hands sitting on his knee. He was wearing a deep green button down shirt and black dress slacks. The green made his eyes sparkle, from what I could see.

© Copyright 2009 Toni Kopeland (kopeland at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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