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Rated: E · Other · Personal · #1528680
This article is for people who have been abused and neglected in the past or present.
Have you ever been neglected or have dealt with any kind of traumatic abuse growing up? I have and if you have gone through one or more of these experiences, just remember you are not the only one going through this recovery journey alone. If someone is hurting you leave them, but to someone who's been through a lot of abuse they can handle a whole lot before letting go - so let go and move on.

Take good care of yourself. Never do anything "unholy" to your body. Don't sell your body or abuse it in any way. Don’t let people abuse you physically or mentally. Love it, eat healthy, and exercise, be around positive people who will be there to encourage you. Put a revised way of thinking into your mind and put a positive twist on anything negative that comes your way, therefore you will become resistant to depression. You will also not short hand yourself, or suffer the consequences of bad health in the future. Whatever you do to yourself now, you will have to deal with the after math.

Make good friends. The one's you can call in the middle of the night and are not bothered. The friends who help in good or bad times, someone who helps instead of smother you to the ground with their unhelpful words. It’s the ones who tell you the truth, even though it hurts, but try to comfort you at the same time. They are loyal and will not reject you. Finding friends are hard to find and it takes time. They are like fine rare jewels, in a dark cave.

Read the bible. If you grew up on your own without any parents to teach you anything, like I did. The bible is a great teaching manual on how to live this life to see happy days and better times. From the bible, I learned to have perfect judgment. Therefore, your decision making will improve. The better decision you make early in life the less negative consequence come your way. The books of Philipines is about forgetting about your past and focusing on the goal. The Books of King Solomn, Proverbs and Psalms, is based on finding wisdom and insight into a good character. There’s also a lot of teaching in about faith, hope and love. I encourage you to read the bible and get the most out of it.

Pray a whole lot. "Ask God for what you need not with a selfish heart and he will give it to you, if you were to ask your father for bread, would he give you a stone instead?" New Testament. When you pray repent everything you've done wrong against yourself and other people. By doing this you are willing to take a step forward into becoming a better person. Also pray to God that you will keep running towards the goal of forgetting about your past and help you to move on. Tell him who you want to become, make dreams for yourself. And tell yourself nothing is impossible. In the scripture it says, “With God all things are possible” new testament. But remember God only gives you what you need, not want you want. You have to help yourself and by doing that you will succeed.

Be as God wants you to be. We are all from the same body, all that believe in Christ, but we all function differently. Some can be cheerful, others like to help, preach, and so forth. Try to find out what category you fit in and do it well. Most of all do what you love, not what you don’t want to do. Be in a position where you will feel genuinely in place. If you have a hard time trying to find yourself, read books, magazines or articles. It will help inspire you to think harder on who you want to become.

Don't argue. Keep at peace even though it is difficult. Arguing does cause a division in any kind of relationship. Just try to tolerate and love unconditionally. I know that sounds very difficult. Keep trying and don’t give up, the more you practice on self control the better you get. If you are angry with someone try to ventilate it through a means of art or talking with someone. Actually try to find the root of what’s really making you mad. And fix it, so little things make you less irritated.  In the end once you’ve accomplished self control you will be proud of yourself. In the process you will become blameless, and won’t have to feel the guilt of doing something wrong. 

Don't make people understand what you've been through. How can a rich person understand the poor? It's the same way with whatever may have happened to you. You only hurt yourself by trying to make someone else understand why you are feeling the way you do. It's best to forget about your past. Start with a clean slate, bring out the good in your past not the bad. It will only hurt you. By starting a firm foundation, you are building a great positive wall around you and your also spreading happiness within your circle of friends and family. 

My final say, this is some of the things I've learned internally how to overcome what negative curve balls have been thrown my way. And by writing this I hope I have helped you with any troubles you may have in the past or present.

Thank You

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