Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1537620-I-am-home
by VP
Rated: E · Other · Environment · #1537620
First person style character wakes up to a new world after a long hibernation.
There is a light within the darkness. At least, that is what I think as I notice the faintest glow through my sleep smothered eyelids. Now as my mind swims up from the depths of a near eternal slumber, I realise that there is no light within the darkness but rather that the light is creeping in from the outside. Hearing my breath escape me I gradually force myself awake and open my eyes gently, squinting and frowning at this visual invasion to my long unused eyes. Perhaps it was the light that woke me, or the breath of air across my skin... however, most likely, it was the kiss of life in the land once more. Feeling my body come awake I get up and slowly walk to the entrance of my cave and gaze out upon a landscape changed forever. My senses overcome I stare awe-stricken at the scene before me.
The snow covers the ground like the softest down-feather blanket, holding everything underneath close and tight, like a long lost lover keeping you warm on a cold and lonely night. My eyes caress the view as though it were the most gentle flower, scared to damage it beyond repair but unable to leave it alone either. The first scent that hits me is that of the fresh scent of newly budding cherry blossoms mixed with the seductive aroma of freshly fallen snow. It is not a scent that one can describe. Starkly different from the scent of the soil after a good cleansing rain.
Gradually as my senses adjust I notice that life has truly returned. It is clear as the eagle soars far above, the hare peeks out from behind the shrubs and bushes and in the golden eyes of a lone wolf that is alone no more as the cub races out from behind a rock.
'What is this... what has happened...?' I wonder silently to myself as I finally truly notice the light. For it is no longer the burning heat of an orb of fire, distant and cruel, but a pure white light that seems infused in the very ground. I look for the source of light, a sun of some sort but cannot find one. Perhaps it is behind the cave and out of my line of sight. However, more important is its gentleness. It lights every dark crevice and even managed to creep into my cave. it doesn't burn but instead warms and holds gently. I feel the excitement build as the smile breaks across my face.
This is the home I have long dreamt of. The feel of so many beings existing in such a close proximity as heady as any drug I can think of. My first step into the light is slow and gentle, gradually becoming faster until I am racing through the woods, my feet kicking up snow as I run. Running to nowhere, with no goal or destination in mind. Running simply to feel the snow crunching underfoot, to enjoy the crisp clean air of a new day, to laugh and gasp for air and see as much of this new world as I can.
"I am home..." I whisper to myself as I step out onto a ledge beside a waterfall, overlooking a lake, the mist rising gently and kissing the mountain side, buck lapping at the water on the other end of the lake, far below. My head snaps around to glance at the wolves running across the other side of the stream paying no heed to my presence, focused on their hunt. Far above the eagles soars in a seemingly lazy circle before descending fast towards a hare below that joins the buck by the lake. I look up and see the source of all this light at last. A gentle but so very bright orb far on the horizon, covering everything in a clear soft white light. My senses scream in rapture as I take it all in. The air that seems charged with energy making it almost sharp enough to bite, the light that seems to hold me like the lightest feather, the scents of the mist, the trees and flowers all infused into one intoxicating mixture and the feel of the rock beneath my fine, vibrating gently with the thunderous roar of the waterfall. "I am home...!!!" I scream joyously, full of excitement and overwhelming happiness as the first tears fall from my eyes and laugh before jumping off the cliff and into the lake below, knowing that in this world awaits a new life. A new strength, new hope and thankful for it all.
I am home...
© Copyright 2009 VP (vasu19889 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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