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A sad soul craves some Ice Cream... |
"How can things get any worse?" The sorrow thought to himself. "Boy, I could sure use some Cookies and Cream Ice Cream." The sorrow laid in his bed as his body rolled over to find a dry spot in the sheets, not overtaken by his persperating body. He was hot and he was heartbroken. The sorrow rolled over and glanced at the portrait of he and his girlfriend. The picture was distorted due to all the fingerprints and smuges he'd inflicted on the frame, holding and staring at it for an hour. Even through the convoluted disillusionment of her face, he still saw the beauty and glow of his beloved sweetheart. 60 minutes prior, the sorrow received a phone call from his beloved. The Michael Jackson ringtone he'd set for her didn't feel quite right. He knew this was no ordinary call. Her voice was silent and calm, yet loud and fierce. She informed him she wanted it to end. "End!?" The sorrow cried in bewilderment. "Why End?" He said, confused and in a daze. The woman informed him she had to go, as she was busy, but she'd call him back in two hours to "Chat about it" as put in her own words. That was at noon, it was now 1. For the past hour the sorrow laid upon his bed, contemplating how much life sucked to him. All he could think about was the 2 o' clock chat. The sorrow was overcome with anxiety. His mind could only focus on the 2 o'clock chat. The Fear of losing the only girl to like him, made the sorrow feel dreadful. "Cookies and Cream Ice Cream" The sorrow said to himself, twenty minutes later stepping out of the shower. "Boy, does that sound good," The bathroom was filled with steam as he wiped the mirror to stare at himself. He didn't know if the water dripping down his nose was from the heat, or the pain in his heart escaping through his tear ducts. He put his head down, than ressurrected it with a smile. "Think happy thoughts..." he said to himself, basking in his own art of self deception. "She's just having a bad day." The sorrow continued to think. But it didn't work. His next string of thoughts pounded his brain and his soul. "She's right to want to leave me. I'm Worthless. I'm Nothing." His inner demons had won. The sorrow now felt like total crap. "Cookies and Cream Ice Cream." He thought to himself once more. "Boy, that sure sounds good." Ten minutes later after searching for his car keys, he found a note from his roommate stating "Sorry Wilbert, I need your car, got a hot date." The sorrow couldn't stand his roommate, he always drunk the sorrow's beer and ate his food. Plus his stupid Pit Bull was always barking at night keeping him up. He swore that dog was gonna get him one day. The sorrow sighed as he locked his door and prepared for the long walk ahead of him. His face was clear of all emotions. Yet his soul was troubled beyond belief. "Life sucks." the sorrow said to himself. The world around him seemed bland and tasteless. The October sky filled with the changing of leaves from green to orange and red and the coolness of the air didn't register to him. In his world it was still hot and icky like his bedroom. Than suddenly, The sorrow heard a loud cry from a female. He turned to see who it was and what she was saying. He got a quick glance at the girl and noticed how beautiful she was. A millisecond later he figured out what she was yelling. "Run!"The girl shouted once more. He turned his head and there it was. His roommates Albino Pit Bull charged straight towards him. Before the boy could take another breath his mind had moved his legs to run at an alarming speed. His mind went blank yet his body reacted to suit the intense situation and when he came to, all he could hear was the dog barking from the other side of a steel fence. The sorrow slumped to the ground and began taking breaths deeper than the Atlantic Ocean. Than his phone rang. Michael Jackson was playing louder than ever before. It was 2:01 pm. Time for the Chat. "There's someone else." The woman whispered from the other end. From the entire conversation that's the line that stood out the most to the sorrow. 45 minutes had passed since he answered the phone. "There's someone else? Is that what she said?" He thought to himself. Staring inside the window of the ice cream palor. Normally the many colors of this place excited him. He always felt young again when near the place. But this time, although he saw the many colors, The Rainbow sprinkles, The red cherry toppings, the green, yellow, chocolate assorted flavors, all he could feel was black and white. His brain was still organizing what just happened. "That damn roommate of mine." "He's taking my girlfriend out on a date in my car?" He thought to himself. The sorrow felt horrible. He wanted to cry, but couldn't find himself to do it. His thoughts were beginning to flood away from the loud traffic behind him. He wanted to just jump in front of one of those damn cars. "But first...." He said to himself, "I could really use some cookies and cream ice cream." "That'll be $2.14" said the man with the sorrow's ice cream in hand. The boy reached for his wallet in his back pocket. Gone. He searched all his pockets frantically, hoping he'd find all of his identity. Gone. The boy looked at the man with the ice cream. Not one good thought floated through the sorrows mind. He couldn't even enjoy his last ice cream cone. He stood there just staring at the man. "$2.14 sir." The man repeated as if he didn't see the sorrow search for his wallet. "Life is no good", The sorrow thought to himself as his head hung low. Than she touched him. The sorrow turned and saw her. The most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. Her eyes deleted every bad feeling his mind could conceive. She was the woman who yelled run. She was the woman who picked up his wallet when he ran. She was the woman who spent close to hour looking for the sorrow to return his wallet. She was the most beautiful woman in the world. Her smile turned the Sorrow into the Joy "So I would like to propose a toast to the most beautiful woman in the world. Thank you all for attending our wedding and reception. And as you eat your cookies and cream ice cream, just remember things will always get better. Sorrow always turns to Joy." |