Time Tied Rock ground down To earthen rugs of grass and root beaten broken eye for eye tooth for tooth blood and soot given lost and mourned come and gone Tripping on smiles and laughter ripping strands of trailing thoughts like puppy dogs, beef de-boned on smoke warmed hearths bones to bones ashes to ashes dust to coat your dreams and hopes unseen unheard unmentioned buried as skeletons in your closet deep reaping the ripe the old the bloodied veteran lives of weeping willowed grandparents wheat stalks cut the scythe of time in measure and rhyme passing one claiming one other taking or leaving all feel its mark all know its march all hear it's tick tocking shrilly screaming whispered tip toed breath Dispassion’d sightless all seeing judge history weighed and tracked Constant Measuring Companion a lovers caress along your neck its intimate touch upon your mind a holly maze and you trapped amidst it’s vast corridors its twisting winding swerving flows its chaotic jumbled raging seas of unseen order its endless calm of placid patient deliberate treading steps. Wrapped inside jealously kept known precisely in all degrees to none but it’s tides and lines. Bound chained and naked fated from birth to end to live by rules set and taut as fisher’s twine to dance to tunes and rhymes worn yoked and taught to each new welp and wailing brat as times touch and endless haunting rasp file away all life all laughter all memr’ies carded and coded as books first page to last to dusty reserv’d abandonment shelved away forgotten to all but time. |