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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1546572
An Old Dragon
          A dragon lives a very long time, but even dragons grow old and die.
    Grandmother Dragon worried what her children would do when she died.
    The world was smaller now, because of men. Her children hid deep in the sea.
    "I will make a pack with a king. He will keep my children safe." she growled.
    The king was a President and quite astonished to find himself before a dragon.
    "What is this nightmare? How have I come into a forest?" the king exclaimed.
    The dragon spoke with fire,

                      "I will crack the whip over thee.
                        And you will recieve dominion
                        over the land and sea.

                        All that I ask is your loyalty."

    "I'm the President of a free country, democractically elected. I will not be a tyrant!"
    he answered without fear. The old grandmother dragon shook her head and breathed
    fire into the sky. "Your love of freedom will burn every living thing!" she roared,
    the trees bent back from her voice. The king stood fast before the dragon's
    breath. She spoke softly,

                      "If you will serve me seven years.
                        I will carry you through the midst of any army.
                        No one will challenge you.
                        You will be a great leader of men."

      The king thought about the good he could do, "I love my people and will not
  decieve them. If you can put end to war and strife, I will build a monument to you."
  The old grandmother dragon smiled, "You speak a riddle between your power
  and your love for freedom. Confide your grief to me. My children will rise from
  the sea and devour your enemies. They will strike swiftly and without notice.
  Then you may be the only king and savior of men." The king knelt before the
  dragon and made his vow, "Be it done for peace and prosperity.+"
  Old Grandmother Dragon rose up on her hind quarters extending her wings
  and howled,

                      "He that cuts this bond shall die!
                      He that cannot hold the line shall perish!"

  The night sky filled with dragons spitting fire. It was the end of kingdoms and
  the beginning of a dragon empire.




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