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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1548713
To love and honor
        For as long as she could remember Yola had been waiting to marry
  Benno. They were pledged to each other by their fathers: two great kings.
  Now, with this marraige a great kingdom would unite. If only Benno would
  come home. "I cannot marry you because I have not proven myself to you."
  Benno declaired. He set sail to bring Yola a prize of great value, "I will find
  the key that unlocks the gates of Paradise!"  He kissed her once on the right
  side of her ivory face and set sail.
        That was many winters ago and Yola wept and prayed aloud, 
  "Diana Goddess of the hunt release me from this prison. I grow old and barren.
  My lover is my spindel. My children are the scarfs upon my head."
  As soon as she had made this prayer a boy entered her room. He had found
  the castel door unlocked and heard the Princess cries. "You are so sad
  and old would you like some of my fish?" the boy smiled an offered the biggest
  fish he had caught that day. "Thankyou young man. You must share this feast
  with me." she replied and set out a table.
        The boy prepared the fish and they ate of it in the great hall. "This is the
  place where I will marry Benno. He is looking for treasure to bring to our wedding."
  she patted the boy on his blond head. "My lady how long have you been waiting
  for Benno?" the boy asked softly. "I believe thirty or thirty five years. We are bound
  by our fathers' pledge to marry. It will be a glorious day for our two kindoms." she
  spit out a bone. "My lady there has been a revolution; all the people are united
  in democracy. Could Benno be loss at sea?" the boy looked nervously at the
  very aged woman. She stared at her plate, "Will you marry me?"
        The boy rose from his seat, "My lady I am only a boy. You have waited too long."
  Then, he gave Yola an apple. She smiled and held it before her eyes, "Will my
  teeth be able to eat it?" She cut a small piece and nibbled. Suddenly her hands
  became smooth she felt young. She ran to a mirror. She was a girl again.
  "I am Benno! I have found the Tree of Life!" the boy exclaimed and embraced Yola.
  It would be a few more years before their vows could be consecrated. Until, then
  Yola and Benno played in the garden under the Tree of Life.+

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