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Rated: · Novel · Supernatural · #1550767
Story about persons with supernatural powers and cults
Imagine that a person has a supernatural power to project her mind into a spirtual entity which can be projected across distances - all way across the world if need be and you can haunt your enemies - this spirtual energy puppet can be attached to energy tentacles which can mimic your actions and you can haunt and even kill your enemy - example insert this tentacle into your enemies forehead and destroy his nervous system, cut off his blood vessels in his/her brain, make that person extremely sick by altering his yin/yang energy fields - and if that person is a psychopath and who has a hit-list of people (or works for money or part of a religious cult), imagine what such a person can be capable of..

(This sensation is actually make-belief - It is achieved through a series of layers of work (witchcraft equivalent) as follows: First using an aerosols on victims over several weeks, a layer of sticky electrode (organic) can be formed inside the sinus cavity near forehead. Then use an aerosol - which is a nano-particle-which converts low-intensity electro magnetic radiation into magnetism and current. These nano particles will stick into the sticky layer created inside the sinus passage. This nano-particle should form chains and can convert a beam of low-intensity electro magnetic energy directed on the forehead into mild current in the sinus cavity and carry them across the head to neck-muscles and shoulders and can penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Next using special devices which can be fitted in desktop monitors/laptops, plant a low-intensity pointed electro magnetic beam (can also be formed using a program which programs the LCD screen to emit sublimal patterns which create such a electro magnetic beam towards the viewer). The viewer gets intense headaches in forehead as if someone is penetrating their skulls. They will also feel intense magnetism near the area in forehead - right above the nose.)

Every human mind is a sum-of-stories which have 3 basic components - self-doubt, fear, guilt. Depending on strength of the mind, if these 3 components are managed well, a person can attain peace. At the same time, if a person/group/cult manages to control these in others through variety of techniques, they can destroy their victims minds and control them. What is human life anyway - a elaborate behavior-conditioning exercise - countries are conditioned through united nations, societies are conditioned using religion, media and politicians, students conditioned through teachers, husbands conditioned through their wives, dominant friends conditioning their buddies, companies conditioning employees.. A human being is a bionic robot who stores and replicates energies of sight and sound into brain-matter contemplate it and form his/her version of story and creates a personality. Thoughts and personality of any human being can hence be controlled, if we can control the enviromental inputs like his sights and sounds and create make-believe thoughts and beliefs in that person. If sufficient time is given, if we can start this conditioning right from a childhood, we can create a frankenstein or jesus christ depending on this conditioning.

The main villain in this story (Ms.Fantasy Puppet) is a woman/witch (who is probably central euroasian) who has possession of some ancient scrolls from egypt and oriental which talk about such rituals and how to disrupt a persons energy fields from a distance and be able to impose negative thoughts in a person - basically creating imbalance in self-doubt, fear and guilt. The puppet-work (as people were forced to believe it) creates self-doubt in victims (about what is causing their terrible headaches and confusion), it creates fear (as their mind and body is not in their control), it creates guilt as this person can activate all sorts of organs in the body - creating false guilt pleasures. When puts men under her spell, she puts her energy tentacles into their foreheads and hyper-activate the hypothalamus and activates their sexual organs - while she puts her tentacles into their foreheads, she puts their penis into her vagina - which also appears to be like a tentacle (like the dangling fuel pipes of mid-air refueling) giving the men guilt pleasures. But noone should get fooled by her appearence - because deep within her (like a widow spider which kills its mate after the sexual act), she wants them to die a cruel and horrible death. Some people say that this energy form which projects like a big-human-head with slanted eyes hovering in mid-air with various tentacles as some kind of magical illusion, some people say it is a vampire/demoness, some people say she is virgin mary, some people say that it is a very-bad demonic spirit wanting to haunt the world, some people say that this is some kind of a tantric-trick where people can get such energy aura and can project their spirit using mantra incantations (known to indian sages), some people say that she is an extra-terrestial-biological entity and that is a visitation of earth of those aliens in energy form, some UFO enthusiasts say that U.S airforce had captured one of those EBEs and are keeping them underground and sustaining them and using their powers for remote thought projection and are pestering them to tell the future of earth and their possible enemies. They also believe that their alien craft was also used for such travel across the world - in an invisible cloaked mode. But the truth should be none of the above (You should follow this advice while writing your exams - select "none of the above" option always - it works).

In this world, there is an invisible war going on - war between the puppet-cult people - who follow Ms.Fantasy Puppet and are her sexual slaves, fatalistic people who want humanity not to have any alternatives during end-times (as per their belief) and humanity should (like a sacrifical lamb should be well-fed before end-times) suffer. They go at great lengths to unite all like minded folks from all religions across the world to force the focus of world onto middle-east and holy land. She tries at great length to create common enemies of masons. They do their own dogs and pony shows of parnormal visitations (and media channeling) for similar-minded people from other religions to join her cult - some of this illusions/halluinations are so real that gullible minds immediately fall for this fake. (like a big alien head with slanted eyes suspended in mid-air with thin lean tentacle-like limbs and tentacle like dangling vagina - levitating and hovering before their eyes and disappearing and reappearing in another place) . Her clients are rich,famous and royal and money is not a problem. She flies across all countries in the world and she always has people to cover her acts - even acting as couriers on her behalf.

The other side are moderates (remanants of yester year masons) who are tired of such religious folks and do not believe in the end-times nonsense - they however feel that there will be a natural degradation and depletion of resources which lead to conflicts. They have moderate view of God and want humanity to succeed in science and progress to next level (and they feel that God will not object to that). They believe that scientific progress should not be hindered/curtailed/protected-for-a-chosen-few. They feel that a healthy self-doubt will enable humanity overcome fear of unknown and move on to alternative energy means.

There's also a 3rd more vicious group (i call MUON in this story) - the group that works for the goverments/establishment. They worked in 50s/60s/70s under code name M.U.O.N and their charter is to research and study UFOs and paranormal events in western countries. They studied at length on interactions/mind-body-energy fields of such paranormal interactions secretly in their research labs (funded under various false-research-topic-names in various universities and mind-research labs). They also have mastered in torture techniques to bombard suspected contactees with energy fields to prevent a paranormal event/CONTACT from happening which is not authorized as per their view. Such research fraternity have a well knit alliance between Americas, Western Europe and Israel. Their ulterior motive/agenda is to ensure that "CONTACTS" outside of their coutries (if any happen) should be notified to them. If not, they would go to all great lengths that such contacts/collaborations do not happen between human beings and those paranormal entities - so that such a CONTACT do not pose a threat to the "Scientific and Spritual Advantage - the feel-good advantage that a superior force sent by God is on our side kind of mentality" ADVANTAGE they had already built up through CONTACTs in their own countries. They secretly send all sorts of scientists and diplomats, arm-twist 3rd world and less-developed nations to submission and force them to provide FULL-ACCESS to suspected CONTACTEES. This appears to be bizarre UFO crap - but deep within the denial is the self-doubt of the Governments which forces them to spend in this kind of research!!

The fourth group appears to be neutral. They are called Compasionate-Christians-for-Scientific-progress (Can also be called as Christians-for-scientific-superiority-of-anglo-saxons-aided-by-Jews group - but who are anyway compasionate and would want any rebels/atheists/non-beleievers to be "dealt-with" ways which are as compasionate as possible under the "judgment of God moderated to our contemperory times" In other words, if scripture says that those who sinned have to sit on top of a fiery lava spewing hole, this group believes that that should be interpreted as those who sinned should be spanked with electrical whip - they do not take the literal meaning of scriptures - but they moderate it). They believe that Jesus will beam-them up and evacuate them during end-times. I would call them Dr.Beam-me-up-Jesus group.

So the fight is between 4 groups - MUON, Dr.Beam-me-up-Jesus group, Ms.Fantasy Puppet from Puppet-cult and Masons. MUON was actually in conflict with other 3, but slowly and secrelty an alliance/understanding was formed between MUON and Dr.Beam-me-up-Jesus group during early 80s (in which MUON members became born-again and joined them)

Later this MUON, Dr.Beam-me-up-Jesus groups come under the direct spell of the Ms.Fantasy Puppet from puppet-cult - when they try to research on oriental magic and truth behind such paranormal activities achieved using magical chant incantations (when they attend such meetings and seminars conducted - Dr.Beam-me-up-Jesus also samples and tastes the spell-drugs research done by Ms.Fantasy puppet from puppet cult). They loosely form an unoffical collaboration against their common enemy the masons..

It is actually Masons v.s rest of the 3 groups. Sometimes the members of Dr.Beam-me-up-Jesus appear to be part of Puppet-cult studying various magic techniques and Puppet-cult and Dr.Beam-me-up-Jesus groups appear to be more like a single entity of late in early part of this decade (with congregations of Dr.Beam-me-up-Jesus cult handing over liquid spell drugs they had obtained from puppet cults/oriental cults - to keep people "hooked" to religion and believe in the evacuation by Jesus during so-called end-times). Dr.Beam-me-up-jesus cult infiltrates the actual church and promises them their fight against masons - whom church fears may thrust scientific reasoning of societies over their religious beliefs.as end-times near .

The Puppet-cult always resorts to such puppet work and drug work and instil fear and superstition amongst people. They get a free-ride with help of religious fraternities with recommendation from Dr.Beam-me-up-Jesus group - So the fight is between MUONs, Dr.Beam-me-up-Jesus, Ms.Fantasy Puppet v.s the masons (appears like an invisible WWF fixture - with vatican as the announcer guy)

Coming back to the story, this woman Ms.Fantasy Puppet (i will call her "false puppet"), does this kind of illusions and puppet work to recruit like minded folks across the world. She tries all sorts of things to bring down a mason and his family. This mason was a professor working in a well reputed university. He enjoys support from his friends who are moderate jews who reject such crazy ultra-religious cults.

This is the horror story of this professor and how she kills him and tries to make his children retarded and crazy through various poisonings, drug work and sending merchants of deaths to those children right from their early years (as early as 5 years old) - how she uses her powers to use such a puppet work to haunt that man's children..

Story starts with the professor moving into a new house in a quiet sparsely populated suburb - which is right in the woods. He takes a train to his university from his suburb. His children study in a local school. His children were healthy with stronger limbs and body and yet for unknown reason, they will suddenly get seizures and trip over. With children at very young age of 4-6 years, it is difficult to find out if the sudden tripping and falling, sudden falling into sleep is just child behavior or seizures.. They did not take this seriously - so are the teachers.

His area of research is in bio-physics - growth of tissues - a discipline which needs both physics, molecular biology and bio-chemistry knowledge. He is in middle of breakthrough in stem-cell research and ability to grow brain tissues. In fact he has embarked on a project to create an artifical chimpanzee brain and analyse it in a suspended solution. He was working with many of his collegues who are accomplished scientists working for progession of humanity. In the tank of fluid where the stem cells are at work for 4 weeks continuously, the outline of the brain appears. The hypothalamus gets developed on an artifical spinal cord which was supporting the whole brain being created. Then one fine day, as part of an experiment, he starts to "powerup" the hypothalamus by stimulated nerve shocks on the created brain. From that point onwards strange paranormal anomalies happen in campus. More than one people inside campus see a ghost like moving figure with big heads and a embroyo like body floating in thin air and entering into the lab and moving in/out of the brain suspension in the stem-cell lab. He also gets that strange hallucination. The more he activates the hypothalmus, more the paranormal anamolies become. Making him to believe that somehow all living things beyond a threshold of brain size are connected and unravelling this could unravel the secrets of humanity itself and see how we are connected in an another energy domain and perhaps make telepathy feasible.. Unlike the puppet-cult, this is not a faked-illusion, this is the "REAL-DEAL". This research gets attention of some MUON members (see later paragraphs) who brand his as a paranormal CONTACTEE and wish that he be somehow stopped/suspended from proceeding further..

This professor and his family has caught attention of all the 3 groups MUONs and other 2. The paranormal events appear to be realistic and the witnesses of these anamolies are growing. MUON wants help from puppet-cult to keep this under the wraps (secret) and do not want a public commotion. The woman of puppet-cult agrees..

One of his friends in the university is another professor who works in nano-research - who works in improved mechanics for fuel efficiency and new nano-robots which use the salt in saline sea water for energy and extract hydrogen and oxygen out of sea water. He was also working on a project for self-replicating sodium-nano-bots which makes such a project a very prospective one i.e they can convert all of 1000 gallons of sea water a day into hydrogen and oxygen and chlorine and have the nanobots eat away all the sodium chloride - as the nano-bots use the sodium module to replace another sodium-nano-bot.

This type of researches come in direct conflict with the cult - which expects humanity to be dependent on oil (and armageddon to take place in middle-east) and does not want any alternative. That cult wants people of that country to engage in middle-east and will not tolerate such a scientific quests - which consumes government funding and will make goverment think about this alternative and disengage from middle-east.. They want to sabotage that research some-how. They also want that self-replicating nano-bots to make all the drinking water supplies dry - they want to try this and attack the water sources.But that university is well-guarded and access to such sensitive research labs are difficult. They want to use non-scientific means of persuading the professors.

While returning home from college night on a late night lecture, the bio-physics professor boards a late night metro train. She sees him board and boards the same compartment. She, unlike the sterotypic image of witch, appears to be well versed and beautiful like a model. However the words that comes out of her mouth is hardly beautiful. She was cursing him and ask him to quit everything in life - otherwise danger will follow him and his family bla bla - superstitious nonsense. She also asks him not to take her lightly as she has an army of witches and people at very high levels as her client. She also threatens that she will kidnap his children and do human sacrifice as a ritual.. (if that is not possible, she will make them retarded/spell-bound and crazy) He simply asked her to shut up and got down on the station.

Months pass by, One day, when returning from home, he finds that a woman was trying to lure his children walking home from school. He finds them in their spell and she has given some kind of drugs to them to keep them focussed/spell-bound on to her and she was giving instructions to them and they are following it. When she noticed him, she ran away with accomplices waiting in a vehicle. He gives police complaint - but they are nowhere to be seen.. Police gave indication that such gangs are on prowl which kidnap children and sell them to orphanages.

Then one day, when the family went out for a movie outing to the town and returned back, they found a group of people digging and planting something in their backyard. On seeing them they ran off. He dug and found out a devilish sculpture - some of of voodo. He dug it out and threw it out his property into the woods.. Then slowly some strange form of energy/paranormal entity/visitations happen in and around the house. Sudden sounds, knocking on door etc.. Hearing same sounds by all of them in family horrifies him and his wife. His children were confused as to what it is.. Objects fall unnecessarily, taps start leaking, fans will suddenly rotate slowly when the power supply is normal..Their local place of worship dismisses these claims (as Dr.Beam-me-up-Jesus group members were there earlier indicating that MUON and Puppet-cult are on the case and they dont want them to intervene).

Meanwhile, at her mansion, the woman of that cult is doing all sorts of incantations to give herself a spritual paranormal alter-ego which can be used as a energy-vehicle for herself to travel to his house and haunt him. Her main objective is to create fear and create all sorts of sounds in their heads and make them go crazy and make them believe in forces beyond their control and see them as some kind of curse/punishment from God.. She keeps projecting her thoughts "Stop the research", "Stop your work", "Stop your work"...

She has her own property which houses a human-sacrifice temple underground. She has connections from very well-to-do people who are deeply religious - who have connections to police to not reveal the cult following, rituals and sacrifices. In fact police would pull away their patrol on places where this woman abducts children (mostly from ghettos and shanty towns and homeless children).

Using this puppet-work, she tries to penetrate his skull and try to create seizures and confusion. Her followers will venture into the university campus, bribe some of guards and get to his office and try to put drugs, put toxins in his coffee maker and all sorts of drug work. They also steal his work papers from his lab. Her followers will also follow their children to school. They will take some kids who are not in the school, pose as parents and gain access inside the school, they will offer candies and other stuff to these children playing in their playgrounds - candies tainted with spell-drugs.. They use threats and sexual rewards to lure people outside of cult to collaborate and abduct children.

The professor and his friends suddently were diagnosed with lead/arsenic poisoning. He gets anemia (low grade blood cancer) because these followers put a toxin which attacks the stem-cells. This they take from his own lab.. A promising research which could have brought a breakthrough was brought to an abrupt end as the professors (now terminally sick) took a voluntary retirement. He however continues with his stem-cell research. His bills were mounting and he was so tired to focus on this research. Added to this his children were having neurological problems. Their teachers complain that they are less attentive - as these children are spell-bound and were looking outside the window for a man who is staring at them (and threatening them) to abduct them if they were attentive in the class. The children were terrified.

The paranormal activity are disturbing his children and all of them become unattentive, dull and sad. The professor meanwhile is approached by his friend that he has brought some of his mason friends (he was affiliated with Masons). They want to measure the amount of paranormal activity in his home and check. He does not believe in this pscyhic sciences and reluctantly agreed them to visit their house on a weekend. Little did the professor realize that this so-called paranormal study psychic science students (who produced certification of affilation with researches in a well-reputed university) are actually recruits from MUON - whose are conspiring (along with puppet cult) to make professor and his family crazy and make him "give up and run-away" from his life-work - so that MUON can take over control. They install sound/click devices, devices which play subtle messages, they open up his food and put all sorts of hypnotic drugs (to be consumed by his whole family).

Because MUON feels that the human-brain is key to contact and a stem cell research to grow a brain can have implications of powering-it-up and controlling the neural activity to match those studied of the CONTACTEES during those paranormal experiements.. MUONs are aware of this type of puppet magic and the witch..

First task of M.U.O.N is to somehow quarentine the professor (or put him under some sickness or house arrest). They arm-twist the university administration - they play carrot (government/military research funding) and sticks (reduce the funding in the grants commission plan). The university chancellor agrees reluctantly. First MUONs send the 1st batch of people dressed as acadmecians and professors under guise of attending a seminar in the campus. They use the tea-breaks to do surveillance on the professor's department and his lab. They take pictures of him, his office, his lab, his students, the electrical wiring, the air-conditioning system in the lab and so on.. Then when they are placed in hostels within the campus, in the middle of the night, they break into his office, keep spying bugs and gadgets. They break into his lab, rip open the air-conditioning and place a "super-liposome" cask inside the A/C. They also place a remote control liposome-dispenser which can be controlled from a distance of several miles. They also place a scan equipment - a mini MRI scanner (disguised as the electrical junction box). This takes a MRI scan of the brain and body and it can also emnate high dosage of gamma radiation - to disrupt the electron microscopes in the lab and to subject the professor to lethal dose of radiation. It is also remote controlled.

Super-liposome is the nth generation of advanced nano-polymers when injected into a body will find the tissue of a specific protein makeup, attaches and reflect xrays and MRT scans - until another chemical is given - in which case it releases the hold. However MUON has been planning to give the opposite of it - they want this "weaponized-super-liposome" make big holes in professor's blood-brain barrier and want to create abrasions/inflammation in selected areas of brain and create neurological conditions to the point that professor will his mental faculty to continue the research..

Along with installing such equipment, MUONs will leave their spies - who are students of the professor - who pose as students and help MUONs in surveillance and research. The professor (who believes in GOD and the importance of his teaching professor) had been a man of highest integrity who is beyond corruption. MUONs bribe the students of getting place in highly reputed universities in western countries with study aid. To not have suspicion, the student spies were seeded in departments which are not of that professor. Their aim is to given him presents/gifts which are surveillance equipment which the professor would carry home. Sometimes, they give the super-liposome dispenser which professor proudly keeps at his house which emnates the deadly nano-polymerized aerosol when his children played with them. The professor is a mason and can trace his ancestry to middle east. Goverments term such migration of "bright" students as brain-drain - while literally it is - because such students are taken advantage of their desperation to study abroad - to collaborate with touts like the university chancellor who want them to collaborate for giving recommendation for them to study abroad in reputed universities..Also what these students do - like placing such liposome-dispenser in classrooms literally dulls the rest of the students - so they alone appear as bright and smart..

Meanwhile our super-witch (richly donated/funded) sends her people to haunt the professor and his family in all possible ways. Lot of paranormal events happen around the house and Muon agents under guise of paranormal study have literally kept the professor and his family under house arrest. When they leave in the morning, they spike all food stuff, coffee, water,... So next day, the whole family would end up having horrible hallucinations and parnoid fear.. Meanwhile the professor is becoming sick to the point of committing suicide along with his family..

Just when all hopes are lost and when you think, if there is really a God, if so, how would he save the professor..

A well-built man with his wife moves in as his neighbor. He suffers from a condition in which his blood brain barrier is super-thick - in fact he had meningitis so many times in his childhood and fought-it off like ordinary common cold. He even miraculously survived a chemical gas spill in his hometown where an industrial accident took place in his childhood. The chemical killed people instantaneously by entering the blood brain barrier. But through lungs it took time to reach the brain as it would be exhaled back.

He moves into the neighborhood and wants to meet their next door neighbors - who are fighting for their lives in this invisble war. He is very surprised to see a paranoid well-educated man who is very sad with wrinkles in his forehead (as if he is going to die the next day).

A week after his meeting, he meets him again, this time in his own campus. He is physical education teacher in a neighboring high school. Something tells him that he knew the professor since a long time. Several weeks pass by - when that man walks into the office of professor, something catches his eye - he was his classmate in highschool. MUONs did not like it - They do not want the social circle of professor to increase beyond those in their circle of trust..

One fine day, professor took his family for a picinic to nearby lake and his neigbor (the PE teacher) comes out to his backyard to have a smoke. Then around 2:30 PM in afternoon in a highly overcast day, he sees a masked man carrying an electrican toolkit like suit case, coming out of a window-less white van parked 2 blocks down the street, trying to sneak into the professor's house. PE teacher immediately jumped across the wooden fence and gave a boxing jab to the right cheek of the intruder. He got knocked out immediately and fell down like a lady in an opera scene. He takes him to his house ties him up and waits for him to return back to conciousness. The intruder (sent by MUON to pick up old surveillance and add new ones, comes back to conciousness). After several jabs to both cheecks and breaking a couple of teeth and a bloody nose, he starts talking. He tells everything - he says that he is just an electrician and a shady guy comes to him and hands him over a huge sum of money to place some devices in respective places inside the professor's house. He shows the PE teacher the blueprint of professor's house, the devices he had been placing every month for past year or so. He himself does not know what these devices do. When the professor returns back, the PE teacher calls him and tells him everything. Then it dawned on him that all these paranormal things created - like fans slowing down, beds shaking, electric bulbs fading, electric stoves hotting up, windows, doors banging without any wind are all a setup to make the entire family paranoid and orchestrated using micro-controller devices, remote controlled from over a mile - from a window less van parked several blocks away from their neighborhood. The professor asks his family to go out and buy groceries, while he and PE teacher ask the intruder to take out each and every device in their house. The professor uses his some of his collegues help to analyse what is inside those devices using Xray devices and was shocked to find not only micro-contollers, but the weaponsied-super-liposome-aerosol spray dispenser which was making his children sick. They imprison the intruder in the basement of PE teacher's house.. Professor finds that his children were inhaling nano-polymers which can literally deposit inside their brains probably making them stoned/vegetative state - if it had continued for another year..

Professor does not reveal this to his family. He tells that electrican came and did some repairs which will be over course of several days and he is going to take day off to oversee the work. The electrican talked and gave the number and address of the secretive guy who hands him the devices. They ask him to take to this person. Surprise awaited them. The secretive guy is nobody but the university chancellor for adminstrative affairs. He is the guy/liason between university and government and research institutions. He oversees every thing that moves within the campus.. They were horrified. Then it stuck the professor that this criminal group has indeed infiltrated his campus.

With all these "paranmormal simulation toys" removed, most of paranmormal stuff stopped and his family returned to normaly. Ms.Fantasy puppet's vodoo work unfortunately cannot move objects and create fear. She can at max given the bad nightmares and hallucinations and bad thoughts. Her powers are limited and she relied on Muon members to finish her acts of frightening others. Now Professor's family are having a good sleep - they no longer get terrible headaches. Professor intentially gives his family a month break and sends his children to camps for rigorous physical exercises. He himself wants to fight back his sickness and want to feel good. The electrician becomes a permanent prisioner and this illegal detention is against the law - His window-less van is parked in one of the extra garage slots. They want to solve this problem. They call in the police and explain the delay in handing over the victim. They were fined (for not calling police immediately) and take the complaint and arrest him. Days later, they find that this electrician has committed "Sucide" by burning himself along with his van - Professor and his friend do not believe it and they want to be extra cautious.

Now the next action is to find out the spies in the campus and if they have planted similar devices in his office and lab - Unfortunately with electrician gone, the trail has gone cold. Definitiely the university admin will know about it - or perhaps they may not know. They want to secreltly surveillance the chancellor at his house. They they hit lucky jackpot - they see a bunch of students attending his party. They secretly tape their conversations over a distance - which suggests a random collection of students from acoss departments have been secretly spying on the professors of interest and they have been planning to setup these professors as spying for western countries. Now that they have made them sick anyway. The chancellor has got millions of dollars in gifts and cash for this act of silencing the professor(s) whom the MUONs did not like for reasons mentioned earlier. Now is the time to act, the PE teacher and professor dash to their offices on a sunday afternoon, take all the work and materials from professor, they intentionally sabotage the lab. They keep the cleaner inside the microwave in their lab (they seen this thing in the movies) and set the A/C to very hot. They take all their stem cell samples, the CDs having the images and self-replication, they leave the lab. The evening they hear news of fire in the campus. Now they have everything - it is only a matter of time, they are found out..

PE teaches arranges for their escape the next day - where he has bought tickets for their journey next day across the border to a neighboring country - where hopefuly no MUON influence exist - for their entire family. It was late in the evening when PE teacher was having a nice cup of coffee in a cool rainy day, when he hears one gun shot and a loud fiery explosion in professor's house. He runs to save his children - but could not save the professor and his wife. He finds the suitcase having all his life's work which he and prof brought from his office opened and ripped and CDs missing.. He takes their 3 children to his house and carries them to the hospital.. The news was the professor suffered from depression, created fire in the campus, came home mentally disturbed set fire to his house and shot himself..

When collegues of professor in other universities who are part of masons sect come to know of this death, they immediately know who would have been behind this. They feel that age of scientific reasoning over cults, superstition and goverment behavior conditioning oppressive methods have come to an end and a dark age has started..

In the hospital, professors inlaws visit and take custody of the children. PE teachers walks back to his home and gives his eye-witness account of what happened to law enforcement.

The next day, in a restaurent, the PE teacher meets several guests, the University Chancellor (who is the MUON agency representative), the Dr.Beam-me-up-Jesus group head (who is in local church and is a rotary club honorarian - who supplies free books to schools and colleges for charity - same way as some arms dealers did in 80s and 90s) and the Puppetteer Ms.Fantasy puppet herself (who had flown from an unknown point of origin in her private jet to personally see handing over of the professor's work). The university chanceller thanked the PE teacher for all the help and support he has provided to their alliance in stopping the professor and cleaning up everybody. They laughed at foolishness of the professor to have trusted and not listened to them. They also laughed at the future they are going to have - now that they had sold to the govt in billions this new technology of brain growth, brainsimulation and possible telepathy in real-scientific sense. After the dinner, they shook hands with PE teacher who was walking back to his SUV when he suddenly felt pain emanating from his chest towards his hands - he has an instant heart failure and dies before he could open door of his SUV and he drops dead.

University chancellor attends the funeral of PE teacher and offers condolences to school principal (who is also a MUON member himself). Then the school principal offers the university chancellor a contract to do maintainence of air ventillation ducts in high school gym. The university chanceller sends a team of electricians to fix the a/c vents. They remove look-alike junction boxes and casks and replace them with new ones (All these years, the PE teacher had been collaborating in this research, placing liposome-aerosol casks and doing MRI monitoring of neuromuscular movements and blood flows of student atheletes to choose the highly athletic ones for his team - he also shared this data - and school principal had been collaborating as well for this kind of research). The students became sick, allergic with headaches for a couple of days - but that was dismissed as a case of food-poisoning in the canteens..

Story ends with such type of powerful people and cults wielding a deadly grip on minds of young students - which creates a mistrust atmosphere and poses a proposition - either you collaborate, keep your mouth shut or get sick or worse die... The students after graduating join reputed institutions where they bring in their bad habit of liposome dispensers and trying them on their office-mates. These practices spread like a cancer in the societies (even developed ones) throughout the world..

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