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Rated: E · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1551471
Isabell has never known love, but everything changes when she meets Ben...
Chapter I: the Greatest Gift

Love… it’s covered in almost every movie or book ever made. They have their own perspectives on the subject. I don’t know that much about it, but I can tell you this: they’re all wrong.
Getting up, getting ready, leaving for school. Paying attention, answering questions, making mistakes. Coming home, doing homework, watching TV, going to bed. Isn’t my life the most interesting you have ever seen? No? I don’t think so either. It was the same old same every day over and over again.
I did what I had to do. I was there for the people who needed me, when they needed me. Especially for my best friend. I’d do almost anything for her.
And one day, she gave me the greatest gift someone could ever give me.
She gave me you.
The moment we met was like a thunder stroke at a clear sky. I saw you and it was like the world seemed to fade.
You, standing there, feeling a bit uncomfortable, smiling shyly. Your dark curls dancing with every step you took.
Me, sitting at a table, my mother next to me and a sandwich in front of me. Hoping you’d come to my table. But at the same time I hoped you wouldn’t. I knew I was too shy to talk to you.
Yet I thanked the lord and Merlin’s pants when you came and sat next to me. With our mutual friend between us, a conversation started. And then… I had to leave. Bugger.
Ever since that first meeting, I couldn’t stop thinking about him; his eyes, his smile, all kept wandering in my mind. Like everyone in my surroundings knows, I love a good night’s rest. But after that day, it was gone, missing, completely left the planet. His face appeared in my dreams, and even when I was wide awake, I was reminded at the details I had noticed.
Yes, like his amazing blue eyes that seem to change colour sometimes. One moment they’re blue, the other moment they’re grey or even a bit green!
Thank you for that informative intervention, sweet mind of mine.
I know, it already starts sounding like an obsession. But trust me; I’m not some kind of a psycho-stalker-girl.
Anyway, if I’m going to tell you my entire story, I’ll be writing till I’m in my seventies and the book will cover seventeen copies of the yellow pages. Let me just spare you of that.
But don’t worry; I’ll give you all you need to know.
We met a couple of times, always with our mutual friend, Mia. One time we went to see a movie, the other time we helped Mia in her dorm room, and a third time was at her birthday. I enjoyed every single second of all those gatherings. I got to know the boy of my dreams a bit better, and I still liked what I saw… and didn’t see…

Should I? Shouldn’t I? I don’t know!! I could always wait for him… No, that’ll take forever. Besides, he’ll never feel the same way, what are the odds? I’ll tell you; there aren’t any!
‘Izzy, will you please send him a text? You’re closed up in your mind the entire evening. Send him a message, ask him out and come play with us.’ Danny told me in a whining voice. I was babysitting him and his younger brother. Can you believe it? An eight-year-old tells me what to do.
‘Well, who doesn’t shoot, will always miss.’ My fingers trembled while I typed the message.

Hi Ben,
sorry if I’m bothering you,
but I was wondering
if you wanted to go to
a movie sometime.
Grts Isabelle

That should do it. I sat down with the two boys and I tried not to go crazy while I waited. My phone buzzed! I tried to get to my feet (which wasn’t easy considering both my legs had gone numb) Danny beat me to it and read the message.
‘Yep, he wants to go out with you.’ He said, smiling widely. I couldn’t believe it until I saw it with my own two eyes. My day couldn’t have been any better. My heart was pounding, racing like it had never done before.
‘Well, Danny boy, you have only yourself to thank for me being so crazy tonight. It was you who told me to ask him. You can only blame yourself.’ I laughed out loud.
‘Yes, I know, I’m a genius.’ Said the little mister smarty pants.

I’m not nervous, I’m not nervous, I’m not nervous, I’m not nervous, I’m not nervous… okay, I’m nervous. I can’t help myself! It’s the day of my very first date. Hours before I had to leave I was hopping around the living room like a Duracell-bunny on speed. My mum went practically crazy, and I couldn’t blame her for it.
Finally we left for the movies. In the car, I came close to exploding.
Trust me, that’s a serious understatement!!
‘Isabelle, try to relax. Things will work out just fine.’ My mum tried to calm me. Let me tell you this: it wasn’t working. She sounded like Mika the singer, and that wasn’t a good sign…
Relax, take it easy
Eventually we arrived. There he was, already waiting for me. My knees were trembling, my hands shaky and my heart was beating as if it wanted to jump out of my chest.
‘Hi.’ He said. I smiled shyly. (Yeah, as if I could ever do something else than be shy) We entered, and Ben let me pick the movie. I’m still not sure whether that was a smart move, but apparently we shared a same movie interest. I chose ‘Bangkok Dangerous’. Action from beginning to end. Not really the stereotypical romantic chick flick, but what can I say; I like the shooting and the bloodshed.
We sat next to each other the entire movie. Laughing and making jokes about it. Once it was over and we were both waiting to be picked up, there still wasn’t that awkward silence I was expecting. We kept talking and babbling about almost everything. While I listened, I still couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. He looked just perfect. He was wearing a grey sweater (which suited him perfectly fine), his curls were fluffy as ever and it gave him a boyish and careless look. It made him look stunning. The smile that appeared on his face was dazzling; it could make the stars light up.
A car honked, his mother had arrived. He had to go, and still I hadn’t told him of the way I felt. I hadn’t slept for a week, walking around with this big burden on my chest. Yes, I was in love, for the very first time in my life. I wanted to tell him, but I lost my nerve (meaning the little bit I had).
‘I had a great time,’ he said. ‘We should do it again sometime soon.’ I nodded.
‘I enjoyed it too.’ The simple reply was. After a swift goodbye, he got into the car and drove off.
That was it. The evening was over and I still had that giant rock lying on my chest. How could I ever tell him.
Oh what the heck, not shot is always missed, sprung into my head. I got out my mobile phone, only minutes after I saw prince Charming drive away in his metallic horse.
You have to know that I’m not a huge fan of the direct approach. I love to talk about things with giant detours.
It took me some time to figure out how to tell him I was in love with him, without even having to say the word. In the mean time, my friend Mia and her mother had come to pick me up. In the car iI was still texting and explaining which had to be explained if I ever wanted to sleep again…
© Copyright 2009 Elyndra (elyndra at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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