Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1552062-ONCE-UPON-A-BARN
Rated: E · Short Story · Animal · #1552062
A totally hilarious barnyard bash story for children only..or for people who love animals.
Once upon a time, oops! I mean once upon a barn, there lived ..umm…well..approximately 50 animals? Yes, once upon a barn there lived 50 hilarious and outgoing animals. They were excellent in obedience but at the same time they were also party animals! There were ten sheep, ten goats, ten cocks, ten hens, and ten cows. They were all as wild as you could have ever imagined in your dreams and thoughts! The head of these animals apart from the owner was a very popular cockerel among all animals, named Morris. Morris was a fit and healthy cockerel. He was a good husband ,too. He always took care of his wife, Henny. All the animals said that Henny was sure lucky enough to have such an obedient and respectful husband. Henny always had to thank everyone for all the comments she got about her husband. She always loved when she or her husband got attention and she knew that if she ever had chicks, they would be the centre of attention too in the future. The animals were getting really bored nowadays because Morris was not doing any fun-stuff anymore. He had already gotten so much harsh on all the animals that they could never have imagined in their lives! They all kept asking what was wrong with Morris but he would never tell. Instead he kept on ignoring them all. He kept giving commands to the cows, sheep and goats to go and give milk and then he gave commands to all the hens and cockerels to go in their houses and give eggs! Everyone said that Morris had totally gone nuts, but Morris didn’t think like others. He gave a very mischievous smile after he gave commands to all the animals. When the owner, that is, Mr. Harry, the farmer came to breed everyone, Morris acted nice and obedient, after that he totally freaked out and acted weird. Nobody knew what was happening. One night, Henny noticed that Morris escaped from the barn. First she quietly saw her going out of the barn and into an old shed house at the far end of a hill. When Henny was confirmed that Morris had gone there, she went out of her house to fetch all the other animals. They all gathered at the middle of the barn and after discussing the situation, they all decided to go to the place where Morris had went and see what he was up to. They all followed Henny to the place and waited beside the door of the shed house for Morris to come out , so that they could scare him. Finally, after a long wait, Morris came out and then all the animals jumped at him and started asking him questions about what he was doing inside. Morris simply said that he was doing nothing , avoided them and ran back to the barn. Everybody chased him, but when they got there, Mr. Harry was standing at his house door and saw all the other animals at the centre of the barn at the midnight. He quickly chased all of them into their homes. After Henny went into her henhouse, she knew something was really wrong. She decided to talk to Morris tomorrow. The next morning, before Mr.Harry woke up, all the animals woke up and noticed that Morris was nowhere to be found. They all shrieked out and then they rushed towards the same shed house as before. They knew Morris must have gone there again to do something mischievous. When they reached the shed, they saw the door closed and heard some sounds coming from inside the shed. They all broke open the door with the help of the cows and Morris surprised him saying—SURPRISE! It was then when everyone noticed that Morris had planned a surprise party for them. He had surely given them all the most perfect surprise in their lives. Morris told them that the shed was also owned by Mr. Harry and there was nothing to worry about him coming and seeing us doing all this partying and stuff, but Morris was proved wrong. The animals had eaten and drunk and danced for only twenty minutes when Mr. Harry arrived at the door of the shed and they were all chased by the barn sheepdog back to their barn. Mr. Harry didn’t even believe his eyes! And from that day onwards, each of them had to wear a name tag which read-“I am a party pooper”. Now what could be more than a punishment for some party animals to be forced to become party poopers!
© Copyright 2009 cutiekitty (sanaimaad at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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