Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1552226-Day-of-Judgement-Part-1
by Sn@ke.
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1552226
One infection, that could kill them all.
Dead like streets and polluted air,Oxygen in our blood was decreasing by the second.A vaccination shot every hour to make sure the antigens in our blood and the structure of our D.N.A. did not mutate.The remaining few of us, struggle to survive, in a state of poor health, on the verge of crossing over, and I don't mean just death, i'm also talking about crossing over to the "Infected" or "The Reavers" as I like to call them. Contaminated beyond repair.
Some people say that if people cross over they have a "Peace of mind", a state of mutual sanity. But to be honest the way I see it is when people cross over they have mentally died and are physically reborn as a reaver. Weeks turned into months, months turned into years, nobody knew when this infection would ever end. The only known team that would even have a chance to stop this are "The Elites" 5 heroes, Veterans of war, Fought in the "Cogadh na saoirse" the war of independance in 2018 and well, I guess it's our duty to find them.
I entered the service tent we had set up normally used in war, but it was the only shelter available. I seen Tyler Danielles our computer technician and engineer messing with the radio, he glanced at me and said "We have information on the elites Miller" I stood with a blank expression on my face like I had been frozen, "Last known location?" I replied.
"Africa, south east of Kenya, information acquired EST 13:37" he said promptly with a keen eye focused on the tents entrance. "What?! What is it?!" I said murmering in fear. We heard distant noises outside of someone moaning. "Think it's reavers David?" Danielles said while loading his type-66 berreta pistol. A shadow rose up on the entrance while danielles and me were ready to strike, the curtain was pulled back to reveal none other than our sniper Robin Smith."Woah guys!, Hold your fire!" She said in a suprising tone, we lowered our weapons but kept them by our sides incase anything was to happen. "We have a location on the elites Robin, we ready to move out?" I said while looking outside of the tent. "Almost, we just have to finish loading the trucks and we're outta here" She replied. Tyler startied to pack his equipment. I went outside to check the trucks, oil was low, this was very bad as the oil factory had been taken over by reavers and the closest non infected oil factory was at least 30 miles away but getting there could be next to impossible.
The truck were fully rigged and we were ready to go. It was beginning to get dark. Carl Johnson had to help Caroline Smith, Robins sister onto the truck since she had previously broken her ankle. Carl is our medic, he is a fully qualified "Emergency medical technician" EMT For short. Caroline on the other hand used to be Robins spotter, but Robin learned how to spot for herself and now Caroline is no longer he spotter. Caroline is now our intel provider and keeps us up to date on our location and our need to know standards.
We got in the trucks and took off heading south east towards the docks. I fell asleep for about an hour or two and when I woke up we had stopped. I was very cautious incase something happened to my team so I proceeded outside with caution. I heard murmuring from the front of the truck. I moved up to check what it was and it was danielles check the oil. When I first glanced at him I thought he was a reaver because the torch was dim and it was now pitch black everywhere.
Tyler looked at me as if I had done something wrong. "We have no oil, we have to go into this town" He said. "Ok, get the strecher, Robin set up a snipers point and keep a clear shot on the bridge, it's our only way over and our only way back" I said briefly in a low tone. "When we get across i'll signal you over the radio" Said Tyler. We slowly scrambled down the hill about ten feet to the left of the truck, it was steep and covered with rubble so it was difficult enough to climb down. We had to use mounted lights on our guns as the sun had set and the area was engulfed in darkness. We had asked Robin to maintain radio silence as the slightest noise could set off a reaver. It was so dark you could clearly see the laser of Robins rifle it was aiming ahead checking our path.
we came across a building. "Salvation army" This building hadn't been damaged but the rest have, so we checked it out in hope of any survivors, An easy way to fend off reavers or perhaps even a cure or a backround story of this infection that could save us all. We entered with confidence, but it was empty, nothing had been damaged, shrouded shadows covered the area, dust passed our torches like remaining spirits trying to sned us a message. The strickened constant silence freaked us so Carl had to tap on something to make some sort of sound. We scattered amoung the area in search of any evidence of survivors around, but there was nothing but a warm oil lamp. " Well there was obviously someone here" I stated. "Anyway lets move outta here, this place gives me the creeps" Said Carl anxiously. We moved into the main street, Nothing but debri and rubbish floating about. We contacted Robin and told her we had crossed the bridge, Her radio went off and we heard rustling at a distance at this stage we were startled by the silence. "There's a petrol station up ahead, lets move, quickly!" Said Danielles. We instantly grabbed the strecher and dashed for the oil canisters. "David come back" Said Robin over the radio". "Go ahead Robin" I panthed into my headset. "Multiple reavers closing inbound on your postion. Get out now!!" She screamed. -To Be Continued-
© Copyright 2009 Sn@ke. (anicefry at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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