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Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #1558197
Do you have other suggestions for these phenomena?
Desire drifted silently into the room and saw him sleeping on the large bed. The man didn’t resemble any of the pseudo-men in her classroom. Those were simple objects that were anatomically correct and useful only for basic practice. The classroom exercises involved no emotions by either the subject or student.

This real man was stretched out on his back, naked and snoring softly. He unknowingly had left himself open to anything Desire would do to him. In the classroom, Desire had the reputation of being greedy and wanting to be the first to try everything.

Her hunger increased as she watched him sleep. Desire hoped he wouldn’t disappoint her, and that his large body could satisfy her every craving. This man, though, looked strong enough to last for as long as she needed him.

She came closer to the bed and softly touched his face. “You are so beautiful,” she whispered, slowly running a finger down his cheek until it reached his mouth. “Open, please.” She smiled when the man’s lips parted slightly. She slid one finger between his teeth and entered. When she rubbed the tip of her finger against the roof of his mouth, she felt his tongue searching for the invader.

Careful, Desire, just go slow, one step at a time. Heeding this warning from her teacher, she removed her finger and leaned down closer to the sleeping man’s face. She next gave the man what she hoped he wanted. Her lips met his, and she swept her tongue inside his mouth.

She touched his tongue, delighted to start the initial step in the mating ritual test. Yes, my child, you’re doing fine. The teacher’s words of praise made Desire happy, since this was her first time out of the classroom. The man was her first, and she hoped not her last.

Reluctantly, she removed her tongue and could hardly contain her excitement when she experienced the man’s disappointment. A problem with the pseudo-men was they were unable to show how they felt. They simply lay there while the teacher explained the various techniques to the students. “Teacher?” Desire said very quietly, but with excitement in her voice.

Yes, you have a question?

Desire nodded, although the teacher could only hear and not see her. “Teacher, will I get to share all his emotions?” Desire began stroking the man’s face while waiting for the teacher’s answer.

All of them will become clear to you. Some you can use to improve your techniques, and some might even teach you what the pseudo-men were incapable of providing.

Desire nodded, pleased with this answer, and moved her hands down to the man’s chest. There was a light dusting of black hair going from his nipples down to his navel. She immediately scraped her fingernails through the hair until they raked the skin underneath. Her eyes widened as the man’s pleasure at this slight pain trickled into her brain. She remembered the next step in the ritual and licked first one nipple and then the other. “Oh, you taste so good. Men taste so much better than the training subjects.” She continued licking and gently biting his nipples, savoring the man’s feelings at her teasing. When she moved down to his navel, she began laughing.


Yes, you have a question?

“Should that happen?” Desire pointed down between the man’s long legs. Even asleep, his shaft was responding. The pseudo-man’s flaccid member, of course, never inflated like this.

Yes, my child, this is normal, even when a man is asleep. It expands even more, though, when he is awake.

Desire watched the man and could hardly wait until she could experiment with a fully awake subject. She knew, though, that would happen only if she passed this current test. She gave one last look between the man’s legs and returned to his navel. Her tongue dove into what the teacher called an inny belly button and received the reward of a sharp tickle of pleasure from the sleeping man into her brain.

You must hurry, Desire. Your time is running out, and the man will awake soon.

Suddenly panicking, realizing she had initially spent too much of her limited time enjoying the man’s tongue, Desire moved away from the man’s navel. She next tentatively wrapped her hand around the man’s rather large shaft. While she had gone from his lips to his crotch, the man had remained asleep, but Desire found his penis increased to a quite respectable size.

“Oh, I didn’t know how good this would feel.” Desire moved her hand up and down the man’s heavy arousal and soon found it difficult to control the man’s emotions. She managed to get out, “Teacher?”

Yes, you have a question?

“My body feels like it’s on fire. His feelings no longer will stay in my brain. Am I doing something wrong? Oh, the heat’s getting stronger.” Each of these sentences came out in gasps as Desire fought to catch her breath.

You must hold on and keep his body under your control, or you’ll fail this test.

Desire nodded once again and struggled against the man’s overwhelming lust. She was unable to keep this from crashing throughout her body. Not realizing she was causing this sexual heat, her hand remained around his shaft. The hotter her body became, the tighter her fingers got.

Thinking this might help, she removed her hand and pushed the heavy penis inside her mouth. She felt the heat dissipate somewhat when she did this. Remembering the taste of the man’s mouth, Desire ran her tongue up and down his shaft. The heat began again, and she hurried to take more of him into her mouth.

That’s the right way, child. Keep going. The teacher’s voice barely made its way through the haze filling Desire’s mind. Your time is almost up, so just be careful.

Desire licked faster and faster, excited by the feeling of the sleeping man’s growing penis filling her mouth. Her tongue swept around the fat meaty shaft, and she decided to pay special attention to the tip. Desire ignored the man’s groans as she flicked her rapidly moving tongue over the foreskin.

In the classroom, the teachers often told Desire that she had the fastest tongue of all the students. The pseudo-men, unfortunately, were not able to appreciate this fact. The sleeping man, on the other hand, began moving restlessly the faster she went. His fretful movements increased and forced Desire to remove her mouth or fail the test. She knelt between his legs and held onto his legs, fighting to contain the waves of his lust flooding into her brain.

When the sleeping man calmed down, Desire tried again. In the classroom, the teacher had once explained how a man would fit into a woman. Desire looked down at the man’s penis, slowly beginning to deflate. Hurrying before the man went flat, she felt between her own legs and quickly found the place the teacher said a man would normally enter.

Desire climbed on top of the man and grabbed his flaccid penis. She tried to stuff it inside her, but it kept flopping out. After five frustrating tries, she finally managed to push at least a couple inches inside. She sat down quickly to keep the penis from coming out again. “Okay, why aren’t you moving?” She whispered this to the sleeping man, frustrated since she had not paid attention to the teacher during this part of the lesson. Adding to her frustration was the lack of heat coming from the man. There also were no longer any of his lusty emotions lingering in her brain.

Desire, you don’t have much time left. You either excite him in the next few minutes, or I’ll have to fail you.

Desire thought for a second and then smiled when a solution came to her. She began twisting her body around the man’s penis, being extremely careful to keep the short shaft shoved inside her. Slowly, ever so slowly, she could feel it expanding once again. Since his emotions weren’t as strong as before, Desire began bouncing up and down on his arousal in an attempt to make it thicker. She already knew the harder his penis, the lustier his emotions.

“This isn’t so difficult,” she bragged, grinning as she felt her plan working. Too late, she realized her plan was working too well.

“No, no... Don’t wake up. I’m not finished yet.” With this desperate cry, Desire watched the eyes of the man slowly opening. Wailing in disappointment, she faded back to the classroom. As had so many before her, Desire had failed the test with a sleeping man. The purpose of this first exercise was for the student to sexually enjoy a man’s body while not letting him release his bodily fluid.

The man woke up to an empty bedroom. Within seconds, the wispy memory of a beautiful creature making love to him faded away. He felt the dampness on his legs and knew, as had happened so many times, that he had experienced yet another wet dream.

* * *

Desire looked down at the sleeping female and hungered to begin his first test as a male. The boring, but mandatory, classroom lessons only fueled his craving, and his teacher finally gave in to his demand to try his first woman.

You know what you must do, don’t you? What will happen if you fail this one last time? To Desire, the teacher’s words sounded like a threat, although it never told him about the exact consequence of final failure. He didn’t care what would happen because he knew this time he wouldn’t fail. All he wanted was for the teacher to stop its annoying warnings so he could begin enjoying the sleeping woman’s naked body. Only recently had the teacher allowed him to become a male, and the anticipation to experience a sleeping woman’s sexually inspired emotions had him agreeing to anything the teacher said.

As a female, Desire repeatedly failed the simple basic exercise of holding off a sleeping man’s ejaculation. After the third dismal try, the teachers gathered in a rare meeting to ponder Desire’s future. A long discussion followed, and the reluctant decision was to give Desire one last chance. If he failed, his worthless existence would come to an end.

Still getting used to his new male genitalia, much more interesting than those of a female, Desire looked down to see if he was expanding yet. In his past tests, he found a sleeping man’s arousal fascinating and wanted to experience that himself. He touched his penis, pushed it back and forth with his fingers, but nothing happened. He kept at this until he heard the teacher’s next warning.

Desire, your time is slipping away. The teacher’s voice startled Desire, and he quickly began the test. The sleeping woman lay stretched out on her back. Looking at her various body parts, Desire decided to go directly to her breasts. In the past, while testing with a sleeping man, he knew he spent too much time exploring the mouth. This time, he would save that tasty area for last.

“Oh, my. Women are so much softer than men.” He had cupped his hand around a breast and squeezed gently. A stirring between his legs had him looking down in surprise, and he realized that this test would be different. With men, the female Desire had felt their emotions second hand inside her brain. As a male, Desire was now the one experiencing the lust and found it quite exhilarating. “So that’s why the man expanded. I wonder how big I can get.”

Desire slowly brushed his hand down from the woman’s breast. He laughed when he came to her navel and found her belly button was not an inny, but what the teacher called an outtie. Moving down her body, Desire stopped to linger when he came to the mat of curly, red hair. All of the sleeping men in his failed tests had brown hair, and Desire wondered if red hair was only for women. If so, he found this an interesting fact and made a mental note to ask the teacher about hair color after he completed this test.

Liking the wiry feel of her pubic hair, Desire tangled his long fingers in the red nest. A big grin came over his face when he felt himself growing even larger. Something that resembled an electric shock raced through his body making Desire gasp. It felt somewhat like the lust his sleeping men had shared with him, but was more intense, much more thrilling to experience.

After exploring that delightful hairy area, he leaned down and started rubbing the soft skin between her outstretched legs. He knew he was handling this test perfectly when he felt his body temperature rising. That was something he had only shared in the abstract with the sleeping men. Curious, Desire checked to see how his expansion was coming along. “Oh, yes. I most definitely will pass this test.”

The teacher’s voice interrupted his gloating. You are nearing the end of your test. Do remember what you must accomplish.

“Yes, I remember. I was about to go there.” Desire smiled as he took his heavy shaft in both hands and pushed it into the sleeping woman. He started moving in and out slowly, determined to control his body. The powerful feeling this gave him took over, however, made him push in deeper. He fought mightily to stop the inevitable release of his bodily fluids, anxiously watching to make sure the woman remained sleeping.

His fierce sexual attack finally entered the woman’s dream, and she moaned in her sleep. This sound had Desire moving faster and harder, and he suddenly realized he would fail this test as well. With one last massive heave, Desire let out a shout and poured into the woman. Nothing remained of him except for a thick creamy material filling her vagina.

The next morning, the woman woke to find the sheet under her body damp with her vaginal secretion. Shrugging it off as the result of the wonderful dream she just had, the woman went about her normal life for the next few months. After feeling sick for a week, and hoping it wasn’t the flu, she made an appointment to see her doctor. When the doctor told the woman what he thought would be happy news, she screamed hysterically that she hadn’t been with a man for over two years.

Inside her womb, a tiny Desire grew.


An entry for:
Erotic Tales of Pleasure & Pain~closed!   (18+)
Valentine's Day is coming, but what if you like your erotica a little naughty?
#1445042 by Mara ♣ McBain

WC = 2432

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