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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Other · #1561195
The Dark Angel... He loved to do evil things.. but when did he do evil for good?
Darkness surrounded his area, the place he was forced into hiding for thousands of years. He enjoyed darkness, not being able to withstand the light the sun brings. Nothing could seperate him from his love for darkness however. DarkMoon, that is his full name, was born of an angel. Not an angel of light, but of darkness, born to kill naturally.

Terrible things happens whenever he was around. The sick dies, the crime rates go up, people disappeared. Well, he was and is a crime himself. Abandoned after his birth, he did not feel a thing of which would make him famous on doing good. All he was known for was bad luck, a devil dwelling in hideous darkness and events unspoken. Rumors go around; a powerful hidden being has been involved in an increasing number of crimes that have taken place over the years on people who disappear and never return. He didn't care himself about what others thought. Sometimes an angel of light comes around the corner. Recognizing them quickly he went into hiding before they had a chance to find him.

Click, clack, click, clack. It sounded like hard round feet hitting the pavement. Each step grew louder. DarkMoon woke up, curious about what was going on just above his hiding place. Then he saw that no stars or moon was in sight from the look out hole he formed. He smiled to himself, a perfect time to catch a mortal off guard. There were no angels to hide from.

He rose to his feet, careful not to make any noise. He moved fearlessly toward the sound, moving away from hiding, then waited. The noise of a horse pulling a wagon coming remained. Then, turning into just a shadow, he seeped through a crack into the outside world. After that he transformed into a young woman, cloaked in black. He knew anyone would be attracted to a woman, especially one cloaked in darkness, appearing to be lost.

"Good evening young miss, what can I do for you?" the driver of the wagon asked, not taking his eyes off the strangely beautiful dark woman.

To the driver the person was a she, wearing a long and flowing black dress. He felt strange just looking at her. Not knowing about DarkMoon, he hopped down from the wagon, enticed by the darkness surrounding her. All he could see was her, the darkness pulling him towards her. She appeared to have deathly pale skin from her dark black flowing dress.


That was all it needed to attract the driver over, including the horse. The angel turned and headed toward the tall looming buildings where most crimes ideally took place. These buildings were abandoned years ago, almost a ghost town. Unaware of what was going on, the driver followed in a hypnotic state. All DarkMoon needed to do was smile his best evil smile and stare at him with his icy cold eyes. Total darkness was around, his perfect moment to get a meal. Sensing something was wrong when turning its head to its owner, however, the horse stopped, turned around, and headed back to where it was kept just outside the city.

Immediately DarkMoon stopped smiling and looked up, sensing flesh leaving his presence. By doing that, he lost complete control on the driver too. The driver blinked his eyes and stared around in bewilderment, nearly panicking. He realized he wasn't on his wagon anymore and going back home. He did not even recognize the buildings he was facing either. DarkMoon decided to turn into his true form, knowing he's lost his catch because of his own fault. He was furious at the horse for turning away.

Now DarkMoon looked his normal self as well as felt like his normal self. Wings that could spread over the distance of two skyscrapers. Claws for hands and feet for easy tearing through flesh, scales, or even bones. Horns on his heads that expressed just how evil he was. Pointed ears especially designed to lay flat back on his head. Giant predatorial teeth used to tear flesh and bones. He grinned as he knew he could overcome everything in his true form. Now he had the driver stopped in his tracks, frozen in fear, and just needed to prevent the horse from escaping. Using his dark magic, he conjured a beautiful black horse to get his full meal back. Then he conjured a chair out of thin air.

"Sit down, sit down please," once more luring the driver by catching attention.

"Who are you? And what do you want from me?" the driver was still bewildered. He recovered from his shock of the dark angel long enough to speak up though.

"I want your soul. My soul longs for other souls."

"Help!" the driver wanted to try and get someone else's attention.

"No one here is going to help you. Nothing can get away from me, the greatest dark angel of all time," DarkMoon said very persuasively.

"Yes there is, I know you can be defeated."

"No, there isn't. I have lived ten thousand years and not once did anyone succeed in stopping me. There's nothing you can do now, you are absolutely helpless in this dark." DarkMoon laughed louder, much more uglier this time. He knew himself this was a lie.

This was his moment to have a bite. He gradually moved closer to the man. Then he heard hoof beating down on the pavement like a gallop. His horse brought the man's horse to him. He smiled as he watched them come closer and closer, his evil greed for meat being satisfied each time. He watched their movements carefully, luring in with his powerful dark magic.

As what he usually did next to his victims, he allowed his dark powers to surround them, blinding and choking them slowly. Rashes in large sizes began to form on their face, body, and arms. Blinded, itchy, and in pain, the driver writhed wildly in pain from the force. His horse did the same thing. He figured that this was the end of his life, his soul would belong forever to the dark angel they were now bound to.

All of a sudden, the horizon began to light up and clouds started to lift. The night was fading away into day by the sun. DarkMoon felt his dark powers weakening. He immediately recognized the fact that he was in trouble. Still wanting meat though, he turned to his victims. He couldn't just drag them out of the light, the horse was too heavy for him. Then a white angel appeared, coming down from the sky knowing previous attempts to find this evil angel had failed.

"What are you doing here with these innocent lives? Aren't you suppose to be dead years ago?" the angel asked.

"I'm doing what I know," DarkMoon snarled, completely losing his grasp on the driver and horse by surprise.

The light did not exist before the light angel came. The sun rose higher into the sky, overcoming the dark surrounding. DarkMoon felt his skin start to burn from the sun and the pain that came with it, shrieking from the blindness it brought. He was used to the darkness surrounding him, not the light. He could not understand it. Just as he was one hundred percent darkness, he knew the white angel was one hundred percent light. As the light surrounding him grew brighter, he shrank, trying to find a place where sunlight would not be able to reach him, smaller until he melted and evaporated completely.

The white angel healed the driver and horse before leaving, even if he had committed a serious crime deserving to die. The angel told him he was forgiven but must not sin again or his life will not be spared. Soon the driver and horse regained their strength and was happy to be home. The driver's mind, however, still had a thought of a disguised angel that appeared to him so mysteriously and beautiful and ended up ugly and deceitful.

*Star*"Evil is EleganceOpen in new Window. [18+]*Star*
© Copyright 2009 Angelica Weatherby- StPattyDay (dragonfish at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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