Heavy, the thoughts they weigh on mind sometimes, Light, the relief when now and again I rectify Whatever it is that seems to be the thing that's getting me Words, they excite me...they tantalise me...they soothe me Why say in one word when you can use ten or more Keep it short, is what some people say But why? I doesn't always come out that way People's thoughts, put down in black and white Make you think, make you stop, read and excite At what they were thinking, what is the inspiration Is it here and now? Or just some passing thought Or from deep within, where we all like to delve sometimes Wherever they come from, they are a gift for all No matter how long or deep or how big or small A crisp summer morning, a dark winters night A summer afernoon, when everyone feels the sunlight Everything is a feeling, an experience, a moment Good or bad, happy or sad, it's there, it's happening Grab it, use it, keep it and you just never ever know when you are going to need it To everyone who writes, some are so inspiring They make things become clear, even when everything else is clouding over and pushing me down Some write for fun and I love that too, just a witty word, some banter, for me and you Take it all in, store it away, jumble it around or keep it intact But take it and admire it Smile at it, frown at it, respond to it, learn from it, Whatever you do just don't ignore it I say this a lot but music is the true food for my soul but without the words and the lyrics it wouldn't be what it is for me Nibble it, bite it, swallow it whole Devour it... Just please don't ignore it.... |