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Rated: 13+ · Preface · Sci-fi · #1574123
Society gets twisted up when a female is voted in as President of the United States.

The election of 2008 in America was a landmark in politics. A person of color was elected to serve as President of the United States. Many saw this as a Godsend, and others saw this event as a near apocalypse. Several noted that it was also the year that a woman attempted to run for this same position of power, but failed. As America would soon learn, it would not be the only attempt at President made by a female.

In the elections following 2008, women consistently campaigned to be elected. In 2012, a female Democrat ran for a spot on the ticket, but was out-voted by the man running for the same ticket. In 2016 the same thing happened. After so many failed attempts, Americans began to doubt the ability of a woman becoming President. The election of 2020 renewed hope for women. After much hard work, a woman was voted into the Republican ticket in the election. She ran against the Democratic male and lost. The election of 2024 held similar results. Once again, the hope of a female becoming President was beginning to diminish.

In 2028, a woman once again ran against a man in the election. She was a swift and persuasive speaker with realistic ideas and hopes for her nation. She possessed the power to sway opinions and appeal to both sides. Her meticulous attention to detail and down-to-earth morals and values made her a shoe-in for President. America voted and waited anxiously to find that their first female President had just been elected.

Little did America realize, women had become increasingly deceptive and stealthy over the course of time. This loving, trusting woman that had just been voted into office had ulterior motives. During her term, she began to meddle with the United States Constitution, Senate, and House. She twisted things to discriminate against men. She strove to empower women and as a result, another woman was elected into office in the election of 2032.

The atrocities continued for decades. Female citizens felt empowered and important to society. They were taking on leading roles in the nation’s largest fields: medical, law, and politics among other things. Never before had women felt so alive and essential to the world around them. People found it difficult to argue with the statistics: crime rates, divorce rates, and suicide rates were all dropping. Happiness was a more prominent feeling than any other. Not even the men complained, even though they were little by little losing their dominant status in the household and in society.

Little by little, laws were changed and loopholes were created. Women not only began to feel like the superior gender, but they began to diminish the males around them. Many felt that they did not need a man to complete their life. Women began to beg their leaders and doctors to find a way for them to have families without involving a man in the matter. Marriage was rejected and women wanted nothing but to have their own perfect child and raise it on their own.

In the year 2044, the nation’s leading genetics researcher was elected into office as President. She won her campaign by boasting that she had found the solution to the problem. With the election of 2044 came the first step towards the increased segregation between men and women. She created a series of laws that made it required of men to donate sperm. A detailed list of genetic traits and health history was recorded along with each donation so that women could “custom-make” their child to fit their needs. The women were then fertilized in the clinic by way of injection and bore their perfect child without any interaction with a man.

With this advance in technology, men took a hit. This advance also boosted the anti-male movement of the 2040’s and 2050’s. During those decades, America experienced a decline in the male population due to the customization of children. Most women preferred daughters over sons, although both genders of children were born. A first wave of anti-male protests resulted in the government no longer allowing men to attend college or any higher education after high school. A second, more disastrous wave took men out of any powerful positions they might hold; from judge, to lawyer, to doctor. They had to work in the factories and do the “dirty work” for the women. The worst outcome of the second wave of protests was the removal of a man’s right to vote. It signified the transfer of power from one gender to the other. It was the last move that was needed to ensure total female domination in the country of the United States.

Unfortunately, due to wars and international relations mishaps throughout the time leading up to the turn of the century into the 2060’s, very few foreign countries felt the need to interfere in the affairs of the United States. They all either lacked the money and ability to assist the men, or were indifferent to the goings-on of their neighboring country. Many diplomats saw the change as “refreshing” and “much-needed.” The international relations were no longer rocky and questionable. Leaders of the other countries enjoyed the fresh ideas and new solutions that the women provided. Several countries considered giving women more positions of power hoping to give their countries the same positive outlook that America had. Women were revolutionizing the way the world worked and as the years progressed, men became more powerless to stop it.

Men’s lives were soon completely, one-hundred percent controlled by women. In a short period of time, every city in America was segregated. Men and women were separated by a wall and right in the middle of each city was the clinic. The clinic was the only common ground for both genders.

In the clinic, four important things took place. First, it was where children were conceived. After the wave of “baby-customizing” had died down, women found it unfashionable and troublesome to give birth. At first, this scared those in power and made them wonder about the continuation of life. It was decided that it would be required of all women to donate eggs, just as it was required of men to donate sperm. Doctors would then “conceive” a child in a tube and it would incubate there for nine months until it was fit to be “born,” or removed from the tube. Second, the clinic was where children were raised. Along with women finding it unfashionable to give birth, they also found it unfashionable to raise children. It got in the way of their careers and was not a strong point for some women. Instead, nurses would raise the children. Boys would be raised by the “manly” nurses and teachers so as to not arouse any sort of emotional attachment to women. Girls were raised by the pristine nurses and teachers to give them the sense of superiority that was expected of them. Children were segregated from birth and never crossed paths. They remained in the clinic until they were eighteen before being put out into society.

Third, the clinic was where a person’s Donation Day, or D-Day, would take place. Every three years from age eighteen until age thirty, men were required to donate sperm. Every five years from age twenty until age fifty, women were required to donate eggs. Donating took half an hour at the most and also remained segregated. Fourth and finally, the clinic was where a person’s Sacrifice Day would take place. At age thirty, a man completed his final D-Day as well as his S-Day. On his S-Day, a man would enter a separate part of the clinic and he was allowed to take a nap. During this nap, a toxic gas was streamed into the cell he was sleeping in and he was “sacrificed” in his sleep. At the inception of the event, a man wasn’t allowed time to fall asleep, but some females argued that it was too inhumane and the process was changed slightly. Women also participated in a Sacrifice Day, but it was much later in her life. At age fifty, she was given the option to Sacrifice or step down into the lower ranks of her job. It was expected of a woman to reach the top of her career by the time she reached her fourth D-Day, or forty-fifth birthday. Most women opted for their third choice on their final D-Day: a woman would retire and become a Behavior Tutor. She would take in young school-age girls and teach them the proper way to behave in society. This allowed women to remain useful while enjoying her retirement. It also made it possible for women to age and die naturally.

By 2070, the women had changed society and turned the United States around completely. They used deception and skill to ensure that things in their country couldn’t easily be changed back to how they used to be. Women were now the superior gender and did not allow the men to forget it.
© Copyright 2009 TiffyAnn12 (tiffyann12 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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